[Marxism-Thaxis] Thailand: challenging the heroic revolution archetype

2010-05-28 Thread c b
Thailand: challenging the heroic revolution archetype

by Somtow Sucharitkul

ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation
The Drum Unleashed

May 20, 2010


I have been composing a long, day by day account of the
troubles of the last three days, which I have not yet
posted. The reason is that I've been getting a lot of mail
asking me to explain the truth to people overseas.

A lot of people here are astonished and appalled at the
level of irresponsibility and inaccuracy shown by such major
news sources as CNN, and are attributing the most
astonishing motives to this, such as suggesting that they're
in the pay of Thaksin and so on.

I don't think this is really what is going on. Rather, I
think that there are two basic problems: preconception and

CNN first became a force to be reckoned with during the
People Power movement in the Philippines. The kind of
coverage we had for this was amazing. There was a camera in
every camp, and we could follow this exciting revolution
every step of the way. We knew exactly who to root for: the
oppressed masses led by the widow of the iconic Aquino, and
we knew that whenever President Marcos appeared he was Darth
Vader, the symbol of an evil empire. The arc of the story
was simple and inexorable. A whole new way of looking at the
news was born, with all the excitement of a TV miniseries
and, prophetically, a reality show as well.

Of course, many of the little details of the story were
conveniently glossed over. Reality was not - never is - so
black and white. But there are three important things about
this story: first, in its essentials, there was a lot of
truth. And all the protagonists spoke English.

The Philippines, as Filipinos never tire of telling me, is
the third most populous English speaking country in the
world. We will leave the definition of English-speaking to
another blog, but it's very important that the various sides
in this conflict were able to articulate their viewpoints in
a language which CNN well understood.

The third important thing about the story is that it
fulfilled a vision of history that is an inseparable part of
the inheritance of western culture, that is so ingrained in
western thinking that it is virtually impossible for an
educated member of western society to divorce himself from

It is a vision of history as a series of liberations. From
Harmodius and Aristogeiton throwing off the tyrant's yoke to
the removal of the Tarquins and the establishment of the
Roman Republic to the failed rebellion of Spartacus, from
Magna Carta to the Bastille to the American Civil War to the
Russian Revolution, there is this Platonic Model against
which these big historical movements are always compared.
There is a bad guy - often a dictator - who can be
demonised. There is a struggling proletariat. The end comes
with liberty and justice for all. This is Star Wars. The
dark times. The Empire.

The People Power coverage was riveting, compelling, and
contained all the emotional components of this mythical
story arc. Finding another such story, therefore, is a kind
of Holy Grail for the international media. When a story
comes that appears to contain some of the elements, and it's
too much hard work to verify those elements or get all the
background detail, you go with the Great Archetype of
Western Civilisation.

Now, let us consider the redshirt conflict.

Let's not consider what has actually been happening in
Thailand, but how it looks to someone whose worldview has
been coloured with this particular view of history.

Let's consider the fact that there is pretty much nothing
being explained in English, and that there are perhaps a
dozen foreigners who really understand Thai thoroughly. I
don't mean Thai for shopping, bargirls, casual conversation
and the like. Thai is a highly ambiguous language and is
particularly well suited for seeming to say opposite things
simultaneously. To get what is really being said takes total

When you watch a red shirt rally, notice how many English
signs and placards there are, and note that they are
designed to show that these are events conforming to the
archetype. The placards say Democracy, No Violence,
Stop killing innocent women and children and so on.
Speakers are passionately orating, crowds are moved. But
there are no subtitles. What does it look like?

The answer is obvious. It looks like oppressed masses
demanding freedom from an evil dictator.

Don't blame Dan Rivers, et al, who are only doing what they
are paid to do: find the compelling story within the mass of
incomprehensible data, match that story to what the audience
already knows and believes, and make sure the advertising
money keeps flowing in.

A vigorous counter-propaganda campaign in clear and simple
English words of one syllable has always been lacking and is
the reason the government is losing the PR war while
actually following the most logical steps toward a real and

[Marxism-Thaxis] The Part played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man

2010-05-28 Thread c b
c b cb31450 at gmail.com
Thu May 27 15:00:48 MDT 2010

Engels: First labour, after it and then with it speech – these were the two
most essential stimuli under the influence of which the brain of the
ape gradually changed into that of man, which, for all its similarity
is far larger and more perfect.

CB: This seems to be a LaMarckian hypothesis.  Of course,
LaMarckianism is not anti-natural selection. It is anti-Mendelianism.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Opposable thumb

2010-05-28 Thread c b
Engels: But the decisive step had
been taken, the hand had become free and could henceforth attain ever
greater dexterity; the greater flexibility thus acquired was inherited
and increased from generation to generation.

CB: There is a qualitative leap in the development of dexterity in the
hand in the opposable thumb. This differentiates apes and humans.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Why , oh, why are humans so thoroughly socially determined ?

2010-05-28 Thread c b
 Launching Language: The Gestural Origin of Discrete Infinity
CeJ jannuzi at gmail.com

CB: A demonstration is worth 10,000 words. But ten thousand words can get
across the death barrier and a bodily demonstraton cannot .Most of
what I'm saying, my premises are anthropology a,b,c. I'm just posing a
little  esoteric hypothesis for some basic anthropology.

Alas, apparently 10,000 words didn't work for the Etruscans or the
Egyptians or Ozymandias.

CB: Well, it worked to get across the death barrier for scores if not
hundreds of generations. I'm not sure what you are talking about. Some
of the Egyptian stuff and the others _did_ get across to us. We are
not utterly ignorant of those cultures and lives.

I think the only thing necessary for language and culture to get
across the 'death barrier' is simply that there is another living
generation in existence who can accept them before the previous
generation dies off. That is all you have hinted at here as well.


CB: My esoteric hypothesis is that language and culture can get across
the death barrier but a live demonstrating experienced body cannot.
My hypothesis is based on two very trivial truths.  It is only
interesting if you are part of the school of thought that says
symboling-language-culture is the differentia specifica of the human
species.  The question arises why did symboling come to be so
ubiquitous and omnipotent in human society ?   Why all the social
determinism ?  Why not follow our instincts and genes as all other
species do ?  Why did humans come to be the culture bearing species
(Leslie White's definition of humans) ?

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Evolutionary timeline for language: Chose a pensee

2010-05-28 Thread c b
CB: Levi-Strauss' concepts for the below are both logic of the
concretre and chose a pensee , things to think with


CB: The first language was probably not just in bodily parts. The
first people arranged their landscape syntactically. Or named specific
trees and rocks, bolders.  In the begining was the Word in the form of
Landmarks. The whole of their land was a language of the concrete. The
prevalence of sacred spots as a way of 
 For that matter they were astronomers. And mountain namers, hill namers, etc.

The emphasis on Land as fundamental to preliterate culture comes
through in the emphasis of Native Americans and Australian Aborigines
on land recovery today. I wrote several papers on land recovery for
the Yurok of Northwest California. The more general paper is
Indigenous Knowledge in Aboriginal Land Recovery  d

So, the preliterate peoples were literate in terms of having a
concrete writing system.  Both movable stones, which remain, and no
doubt moveable thousands of other objects which have dissolved, not
been preserved like stones. And relatively immovable landmarks , and
skymarks, like the sun, the moon, the stars.

In sense, the Pyramids of Egypt and America are the final monuments to
the stone age, obviously very complex cosmological monoliths,
artificial mountains, artificial sacred geographical spots,  b

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Human origin and rules

2010-05-28 Thread c b
Early use of sound for language would likely included whistling and
clicking , as well as the vocal chords.  Head shakes , yes, no is
simple but fundamental and powerful. It gives us negation . Here is a
significant binary opposition.

Also, sounds produced with instruments , tools, drums

I'm not sure the concept of rule has been mentioned as a definitional
feature of grammar, syntax.  Humans can follow large amounts of rules.
Culture, tradition, taboo are systems of rules of conduct  Kinsystems
are lots of rules. Rules are symbolic , built on symbols.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Thailand

2010-05-28 Thread c b

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Why , oh, why are humans so thoroughly socially determined ?

2010-05-28 Thread CeJ
Why , oh, why are humans so thoroughly socially determined ?

CB: Well, it worked to get across the death barrier for scores if not
hundreds of generations. I'm not sure what you are talking about. Some
of the Egyptian stuff and the others _did_ get across to us. We are
not utterly ignorant of those cultures and lives.

Yes, of course, so Cecil B. Demille could completely recreate Egyptian
culture on screen for us.
Etruscan is a dead language of unknown origin and affiliation. Egypt
is now Arabic language.
The 'ancient' cultures' to which you refer were not stone age, nor
were they altogether as ancient
as many people think. However, those cultures did not survive; they
are extinct.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Apple Overtakes Microsoft

2010-05-28 Thread CeJ
Apple Overtakes Microsoft

Prove more than anything that the .com bubble didn't go away, it just
farted its way into a handful of stocks.
Both Apple and MS are bubble-valued stocks, because hope never dies apparently.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] How the GOP Became the White Man's Party

2010-05-28 Thread CeJ
Although Goldwater was not the man to lead them into their promised
land, this supports my idea that we need to account for Goldwaterism
too. Now we see Buchanan can't lead some of them out into populist
nationalism because he is a Catholic.



Such obdurate pronouncements proved too ideological for the 1964
electorate. When a journalist asked Goldwater what it might feel like
to become president one day, he had replied, Frankly, it scares the
hell out of me. Voters agreed, and he picked up just 52 of 538
electoral votes. Even as the Arizona senator fell far short in his
drive for national power, however, he proved an able revolutionary
within his own party. Unlike any politician since Prohibition, he made
crime a galvanizing national campaign issue. By winning five
ex-Confederate states plus his own, he proved that Republicans could
compete in the solid South, and he shifted the party's center of
gravity to the Sunbelt. Proclaiming famously that extremism in
defense of liberty is no vice, he drove liberals like his primary
opponent Nelson Rockefeller into Republican exile. Within a single
election cycle he repositioned the Grand Old Party as the standard
bearer of opposition to civil rights. Only two years earlier, poll
respondents had perceived almost no difference between the two major
parties when it came to race. By late 1964, however, Americans
overwhelmingly identified Democrats with civil rights and Republicans
with a go-slow, states' rights approach. The sea change was apparent
at party gatherings, where the conservative journalist Robert Novak
was dismayed to hear a new cadre of GOP activists conversing freely
about niggers and nigger lovers. Under Goldwater's leadership, he
concluded, the Republican Party was now a White Man's Party.

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