The Infernal Machine

In keeping with the duties of any good Kassandra, let me say that we
are far, far, far worse off than in 1930; so Keynesian pump-priming
isn’t going to work. Moreover, there is no World War II Redux in
the wings to act as the US deux ex machina to build us up on the corpses
of 60 million people… yet.

In 1930, there were just over 2 billion souls aboard the planet; now we
approach 7 billion.

In 1930, the majority of those inhabitants were rural, with some access
to direct subsistence; at some point last year — by many estimates —
the world became more urban than rural, even as arable land is being
destroyed by commercial large-scale agriculture used to feed this
burgeoning city population.

In 1930, there was no atomic bomb; now nine nations have nuclear
weapons, one of which is the expansionist rogue state of Israel engaged
now in the racialized slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, and two states
(Pakistan and India) who are rivals sharing a border. The latter two are
being destabilized internally and externally, Pakistanin particular by
US military machinations in Southwest Asia. Let’s not discount Muslim
resentment for the US supporting Israel’s serial savageries, that
plays out in Pakistan, therfore in the South Asian nuclear rivalry.

In 1930, the US wasn’t spending more on weapons production and
military logistics than the rest of the world combined. ( and didn't
then  have more nukes than anybody; and hadn't used them, but now it

In 1930, the US was not propped up economically by a combinatoin of
“securities” scams and dollar hegemony.

In 1930, the world was not faced with the accelerating approach of
climate destabilization and rapid rises in sea levels.

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