*'Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill 2010'*

*Trading Indian People's Life for Multinationals' Profit*

*--**Statement by Janpaksh
**janpa...@yahoo.com <mailto:janpa...@yahoo.com>** ***

Click here to read the full statement http://www.otheraspect.tk

Once again showing its loyalty to the multinationals and imperialist 
masters the Congress led UPA government is all set to bring the */'Civil 
Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill 2010'/* in the coming monsoon session 
of the parliament. The Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill, 2010 was 
introduced in the Lok Sabha on May 7, 2010 which also happened to be the 
last working day of the Budget session. But due to vociferous opposition 
it was referred to the parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and 
Technology for recommendation.

Though the avowed purpose of this bill is to /"//... define the 
"liability", arising out of any nuclear accident, of an individual 
"operator" -- independent of (and unaffiliated with) the Government of 
India."/ But even a cursory reading reveals it's brazenly pro-capitalist 
anti people bias.

The main features of the Bill are:

· It defines nuclear incidents and nuclear damage, nuclear fuel, 
material and nuclear installations, and also operators of nuclear 

· It lays down who will be liable for nuclear damage, and the financial 
limit of the liability for a nuclear incident.

· It creates authorities who will assess claims and distribute 
compensation in cases of nuclear damage. It also specifies who can claim 
compensation for nuclear damage, and how compensation can be claimed and 

· It specifies penalties for not complying with the provisions of the 
Bill, or any directions issued under it.

*[*Source*: **PRS Legislative Research (PRS) website]***

This government has been propagating that the Nuclear Liability bill 
would kick-start the process of construction of nuclear reactors thus 
solving the much needed energy requirement of the "growing India". The 
protagonist of Nuclear energy needs to be asked one question, /if 
nuclear energy is so efficient then why the USA for more than three 
decades// has not installed new nuclear power reactors!

Full statement at:  http://www.otheraspect.tk






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