Kyrgyzstan starts moves to close U.S. airbase
Wed Feb 4, 2009 3:04pm EST
By Olga Dzyubenko

BISHKEK (Reuters) - Kyrgyzstan's government asked parliament on Wednesday to 
approve the closure of a U.S. military air base which supplies U.S.-led troops 
fighting in Afghanistan.

The decision by the Central Asian state, a former Soviet republic and a 
traditional Russian ally, sends a tough signal and challenge to new U.S. 
President Barack Obama as he plans to send additional troops to Afghanistan.

But Moscow said it would be flexible to U.S. requests to transit supplies 
across Russia. It gave no details.

The Manas base is an important staging post for the U.S.-led military campaign 
against the Taliban and becomes more so as Washington seeks to reinforce supply 
routes that bypass Pakistan, where supply convoys face security risks.

Analysts said the move could be a signal to Obama that Moscow wants to ensure 
it is consulted in any diplomatic decisions in a region where it has 
traditional influence but the United States has sought to increase its presence.

"I have a feeling Russia wants to offer a new format for cooperation, in which 
Russia will speak on behalf of the region in contacts with the United States," 
said Arkady Dubnov, an independent analyst.

"Bargaining could be conducted on this footing."

Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev said the base would be shut after he secured 
Russian financial aid at talks in Moscow on Tuesday.

Adakhan Madumarov, secretary of the Kyrgyz Security Council, said in Moscow the 
U.S. military would be given 180 days to close its operations and leave once 
the two sides had exchanged formal diplomatic notes outlining the intention.

Moscow denied any connection between the $2 billion package to combat an 
economic crisis -- the equivalent of about half of Kyrgyzstan's gross domestic 
product -- and Bishkek's decision.

"That was a sovereign and very well thought over decision of the Kyrgyz 
leader," said Russia's deputy foreign minister, Grigory Karasin.


Closing Washington's only military outpost in Central Asia would pose a 
challenge for U.S. supply lines in the region, particularly after militants 
severed the main route into Afghanistan by blowing up a bridge in Pakistan this 

The U.S. State Department said by early Wednesday it had still not been 
informed officially of the decision.

"We have seen many statements in the media but we have not received any 
notification through the appropriate diplomatic channels on this," said 
spokesman Gordon Duguid.

Many in Kyrgyzstan have criticized the presence of U.S. troops, prompting 
Washington to explore possibilities in other parts of Central Asia including 
Uzbekistan which evicted U.S. troops in 2005. Ties have eased since then.

Moscow, which operates its own airbase in Kyrgyzstan a few dozen kilometers 
away from Manas, has been irritated by Manas's existence and has put pressure 
on Kyrgyzstan to close it, though on Wednesday said it would offer the U.S. 

"We positively reacted to the request of the United States for the transit 
through Russia of goods and materials to Afghanistan," Russian Deputy Foreign 
Minister Grigory Karasin told reporters.

"We will be flexible in many other ways which will support our joint success in 
Afghanistan -- that would be the basic school of thinking from which we will 


Outside Bishkek, business appeared to go on as usual at the airbase, viewed 
from behind a ring of barbed wire encircling the facility, home to more than 
1,000 U.S. military personnel.

At its main gate, three servicemen, all clad in uniforms and looking stern, 
refused to talk to reporters as they verified registration plates on vehicles 
entering the base.

Outside Manas, surrounded by swathes of empty, snow-blanketed land, a Kyrgyz 
sheep herder said he supported closing the base -- partly because he wanted 
more grazing land.

"I support this move. We think this airbase only harms our nature," said Ulan, 
a bearded man of about 50.

Although many Kyrgyz have mixed feelings about the presence of U.S. troops, 
particularly after a U.S. airman shot dead a Kyrgyz man in a 2006 incident, 
Bakiyev critics said the nation could ill-afford to lose such an important ally 
as Washington.

U.S. officials said while the Manas base was important, any decision to close 
it would not halt operations in Afghanistan.

The United States has 32,000 troops in Afghanistan and U.S. officials have said 
the planned build-up could grow to include as many as 30,000 troops over the 
next 12 to 18 months.

© Thomson Reuters 2008

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