[MLL] Experts: what Gaddafi’s death means to Russia

2011-10-26 Thread editor_revdem

Experts: what Gaddafi’s death means to Russia
by Evgeniya Chaykovskaya at 21/10/2011 15:32


On Thursday it was announced that Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was killed in the 
town of Sirte after he was captured by rebels on the outskirts of the city.

The Libya’s regime change will deeply affect Russian businesses in the region. 
Contracts will have to be renegotiated, and not always with sympathetic local 
companies and authorities.


Russia is set to lose contracts

Vice-president of International Crisis Group, Alain Deletroz, told Kommersant 
that “in the new Libya, Russian companies will not feel as free as during 
Gaddafi’s reign,” adding that the best contracts would be given to countries 
who supported the rebels the most.

Other experts say that Russia will have to hold talks with those countries, 
rather than the rebels.

“At best Western companies will invite Russian companies as partners,” editor 
in chief of Russia in Global Affairs magazine Fyodor Lukyanov told Kommersant. 
“The British, the French, the Italians did not risk their money, reputation, 
etc to then share the Libyan market with companies of the countries who did not 
take part in the operation.”


Russia a key player

Georgy Mirsky, leading fellow of the World Economy and International Relations 
Institute, however, thinks that Russia played a big part in overthrowing 

“In reality, Gaddafi’s regime fell a long time ago, and the colonel’s death was 
just its death-throes,” he told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

“His death was a full stop for an absolutely artificial regime that did not fit 
the spirit of the times, or the 21 century in general. Gaddafi lost everything. 
Now an acute fight for power will start. Those, who are in the national 
transitional council, are unlikely to keep their positions for long.”

“Speaking of Russia, Libyans should remember that namely thanks to it, Gaddafi 
was removed from his Olympus. If in March, Moscow did not abstain in the UN 
Security Council vote, then the colonel would still be in power now. 
Practically we gave the Western allies an opportunity to hold this operation 
that started with a set up of a no-fly zone over the country, and ended with a 
bombing of all of Libya and the rebels' win with the help of France and Great 
Britain. But without the fateful decision by Russia to abstain from the vote, 
history could have been completely different.”


NATO finished Gaddafi

Andrei Fedyashin, RIA Novosti’s political analyst, thinks that NATO played too 
big a role in the whole affair.

“It is indicative that the former leader of Jamahiriya and dictator died not in 
a fight with the rebels, but as a result of NATO’s aviation’s latest ‘surgical 
strike’,” he wrote.

“Thus NATO put a full stop where the bloc has no right to sign: no one gave 
NATO sanction to hunt Gaddafi and bomb the suburbs of Sirte under siege.”


People will mourn

President of FIDE and former head of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, told RIA 
Novosti the world would be upset by the former Libyan leader’s death.

“If it is true, then his death will be seen as a misery in many countries. 
People understand the real undercurrents of this war, where he fought not only 
against the rebels, but against NATO forces too,” Ilyumzhinov said.

Ilyumzhinov visited Libya as part of his tour of Africa as FIDE president and 
played chess with Gaddafi and his son.


War in Libya will go on

Yevgeny Satanovsky, president of Middle East Institute, told Komsolskaya Pravda 
that there is and will be a civil war, just like it goes on in Iraq even after 
Saddam Hussein was executed.

“By the way, with Gaddafi three-quarters of the oil went to Europe, and the 
contracts were allocated to Western companies (plus China and a little bit to 
Russia), arms were bought from the West and a little bit from Russia and China. 
It will not go on.”

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[MLL] The latest issue of the Indian ML journal Revolutionary Democracy is now available

2011-10-26 Thread marxist front
Dear comrades
and friends,

The latest issue
(Vol. XVII, No. 1, April, 2011) of the Indian ML journal Revolutionary
Democracy is now available. 

Democracy is a half-yearly theoretical and political journal published in April
and September from India. It contains materials on the problems facing the
communist movement, particularly relating to Russia, China and India, the
origins of modern revisionism, the restoration of capitalism in the USSR and
developments in the international communist movement.

The Table of Contents, prices and ordering info are below.
Corporate Sector Loot and the Resistance of Farmers, Tribals and
Dalits, N.K. Bhattacharyya
India-EU Free Trade Agreement, Pratyush
Russia and China Dump the US Dollar, Paul Craig Roberts
Pakistan: Suspension of Trains, Shaukat Ali Chaudhry
Arab Revolt: The Arab masses have had enough, Jan R. Steinholt
‘The Dictator has been defeated, But not yet the Dictatorship’,
Hamma Hammami
Communiqué of the Communist Party of the Workers of Tunisia
Tunisia: Left Debates After the Fall of Ben Ali, Maite Mola and
Claudia Haydt
Egyptian Masses Topple the Dictator, Revolutionary Organization of
Recollections of My Life, Mu’ummar Qaddafi
No to the Imperialist Aggression Against Libya!, PC (AP)
For us, it is three times ‘no’ to Imperialist War, Communist Party
of the Workers of France
Let us prepare for a sharpening of the class struggle, ICMLPO Europe
Declarations of the ICMLPO
World Conference of Women Held in Caracas from March 4 to 8
Why is the Second International Defending Trotsky?, N. Krupskaya
Let us Pay Tribute to Salvador Allende, Revolutionary Cell Joseph
The Closed Speech of Khrushchev on Stalin, Enver Hoxha
Two Anonymous Letters to the Editorial Board of ‘Kommunist’ Against
the Criticism of J.V. Stalin, 1956
Some Errors of the Chinese Communist Party, Sam Marcy
New Material on S.A. Dange from the CPGB Archives
History as an Ideological and Political Battlefield in Modern
Russia, Yuri Yemelianov
On the Murder of Niyamat Ansari in Jharkhand, Santosh Rana
A Lonely Wanderer: Majaz, Arjumand Ara
Poems and Ghazals of Asrar-ul Haq ‘Majâz’
The Light of Tears: The Life and Poetry of Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Ali
Madeeh Hashmi
Four Poems of Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Tr. from the Urdu by Kuldip Salil
Khrushchev Lied, Grover Furr (book advertisement)

Copies are US
$6.00 or £4.00 for single issue, or US $12.00 or £8.00 for a full year's
subscription (2 issues).
For US, Canada
or Mexico, please send check, money order (payment to George Gruenthal) or cash
if necessary to:
George Gruenthal
192 Claremont Ave 5D
New York, NY 10027
For elsewhere,
E-mail:  editor_revdem at rediffmail.com or
editor_revdem at indiatimes.com
Website: http://revolutionarydemocracy.org/ 
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[MLL] Fw: Fwd: [NYCLAW] NYC Labor Against the War: 10.25 OWS Report: Show Down

2011-10-26 Thread frankenstein580

Begin forwarded message:


Date: October 25, 2011 11:34:09 PM EDT

To: LaborAgainstWar laboragainst...@yahoogroups.com

Subject: [NYCLAW] NYC Labor Against the War: 10.25 OWS Report: Show Down


NYC Labor Against the War
10.25 Occupy Wall Street Report: 
Show Down


While the Occupy actions have become national symbols of resistance, the 
movement has also served to underline the problem of America’s massive 
police state, which is used to suppress freedom of expression and 
assembly rather than as an instrument to safeguard those liberties.
Police State Targets Occupy Movements | The Nation 


CWA and Occupy Wall Street storm Lower Manhattan protesting Verizon's 
Corporate Greed 
October 21, 2011. Thousands of CWA and OWS protesters rally at Verizon 
Wireless store. 20 Verizon workers sleep at Liberty Plaza/Zucotti Park in 
solidarity with the 99%.

Protest derails DOE meeting on curriculum after just minutes | GothamSchools 
“We want our teachers to be paid more,” yelled a 7-year-old, Anais Richard, 
who attends P.S. 11 in Brooklyn. “If these things are not done, then we won’t 
be able to be succeeded.” The people’s mic repeated her statement, complete 
with the misspoken final word.

Education Panel Meeting Disrupted By Occupy Protesters
The chancellor moved the official meeting to the third floor, split between 
three different classrooms. The
 protestors continued to hold their own meeting in the auditorium for 
almost two hours, and discussed their opposition to mayoral control of 
schools and education budget cuts. Many of the several hundred 
protesters were public school teachers. Some of them have been involved 
and are even organizers of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Other participants 
said they were just been inspired by the ongoing protest. Some
 of the demonstrators are planning another event in early November at 
DOE headquarters in Downtown Manhattan, called Occupy The DOE. 

New York D.A. declines to drop charges against protesters 
Prosecutors instead offered those arrested an adjournment for six months; if 
the individual is not arrested during that time, the case will be dismissed 
and sealed.

Many Occupy Protesters Won't Take Plea Deal, Lawyer Says 
Protestors have threatened to take their cases to trial in an effort to clog 
up the court system.

The fight for OWS continues 
We’re calling on Mayor Bloomberg to pledge his support for the First Amendment 
rights of the protesters, and allow them to stay as long as they have a voice 
to be heard.


Police State Targets Occupy Movements | The Nation 
While the Occupy actions have become national symbols of resistance, the 
movement has also served to underline the problem of America’s massive police 
state, which is used to suppress freedom of expression and assembly rather 
than as an instrument to safeguard those liberties.

ALBANY: Unmoved Albany protesters add Cuomo to their list of concerns 
A day after it was revealed that Cuomo tried -- unsuccessfully -- to get 
Albany officials to use police to remove protesters from the park after an 11 
p. m. curfew, demonstrators wasted little time in adding the governor to their 
lineup of concerns.

BOSTON: Occupy the Hood comes to Boston 
‎I didn't know anything about Occupy Boston before tonight. I heard a lot of 
chanting in the neighborhood and decided to come out to see what was going on. 
I think this is a wake-up call for everybody to stand up for equality with 
peace and justice for all people from all walks of life. Our common enemy is 

CHICAGO: Director of National Nurses United Union Responds to Occupy Chicago 
Rahm Emanuel apparently believes that First Amendment rights end at 11pm in 
the city of Chicago. We think that Constitutional rights extend 24/7 and that 
people should have the right to protest and to raise their voices and to 
reflect the anger and suffering that are out there across the country.

DETROIT: Main Street Report: Occupy 

[MLL] Gadar Party Centenary-2012

2011-10-26 Thread editor_revdem




Chaman Lal   Dated: -- 25th October, 2011

Former Chairperson

Centre of Indian Languages (SLLCS)

Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067 

Visiting Professor on Hindi Chair

The University of the
West Indies, St. Augustine campus

Trinidad Tobago


Prime Minister of India

PM Office, New Delhi


Subject: Regarding Ensuing Gadar Party centenary
and Gadar memorial sites in USA-Canada


Dear Prime Minister
Dr. Manmohan Singh,

   I have recently visited Gadar memorial
site in San Francisco in California State of United States of America (USA),
where I was invited to deliver a lecture on Gadar party hero Kartar Singh
Sarabha on 22nd May,2011, Sunday, to commemorate Sarabha birth
anniversary due on 24th May. Apart from visiting this historic site,
I got an opportunity to visit Sacramento Cemetery, where not only Gadar party
senior activist Maulvi Barkatullah was buried, many more freedom fighters from
Punjab were also buried there. I was also taken to historic Stockton Gurdwara,
which was meeting place for Gadarites in 1913-1947 and which is now under the
control of Khalistani elements, who have dumped the Gadar party heroes
photographs in one corner neglected room of the Gurdwara and have filled common
eating place-langar  with the photographs
of Khalistani armed fundamentalists. I could even visit Holt farm of Gadar
party Vice President Jawala Singh, who used to offer scholarships top Indian
students. In University of California’s Berkeley campus, I was able to look at
Gadar archives documents in The Bancroft library and also contacted Centre for
South Asian Studies, being looked after by Prof. Raka Ray. Prior to reaching at
San Francisco, I visited Vancouver in Canada to visit Kamagatamaru sites, which
again was related to Gadar movement and has its tragic happenings in year 1914.

This whole journey was not only
emotionally touching for me, being so deeply interested in the history of
revolutionary aspects of India’s freedom struggle, it was enriching in terms of
collecting some documents and having first hand feel of the locations of that
historic movement fought by our ancestors for the cause of freedom of India. As
you are well aware that Gadar party was launched by migrant Indians, mostly
Punjabis, but was inclusive of Indians from all parts of India as Darisi
Chenchiah from South, Pandurang Khankhoje from West India, Jatinder Lahiri,
Taraknath Das from East India, Maulvi Barkatullah and Pandit Permanand Jhansi
from Central India. It was formed in USA in early twentieth century and was
announced in March 1913 meeting in St. Jones as ‘Hindi Association of Pacific
Coast’ as described by its founder President Baba Sohan Singh Bhakna in his
autobiography-‘Jivan Sangram’( Struggles of Life), written in Punjabi. However
the name of the party became  more
popular as ‘Gadar Party’  as from 1st
November the party launched  the journal
called ‘Gadar’  in Punjabi, Hindi, and
Urdu and in many more Indian languages from’ Yugantar Ashram’ at 5 Wood Street
San Francisco, the very building, which is now named as ‘Gadar Memorial’. The
party took its name ‘Gadar’, consciously to identify it with 1857-first war of
Independence, which Britishers used to call ‘Gadar’ and the party wished to
turn that contemptuous nomenclature to a respectable one by calling itself
‘Gadar party’! It was most advanced secular democratic movement
of its time, whose tradition was upheld and appropriated by Bhagat Singh later
with further addition of socialist ideology. After looking at all the
places and meeting various people in relation to these, I have made some 
which I want to share with you. These observations demand serious attention of
the Government of India, as the centenary celebrations of the formation of
Gadar party are beginning next year and you are also receiving lot many
representations in this connection. My observations are as followed by:

 condition of the building which is now called ‘Gadar Memorial’, located at
 5, Wood Street, San Francisco, has lost its heritage character; even the
 original name of the building-‘Yugantar Ashram’ finds no reference 
 The name ‘Yugantar Ashram’ was again to identify the movement with early
 revolutionary movement in Bengal with the name ‘Yugantar’. The original
 name of the building was written in Urdu, Punjabi and English, now only
 English and Hindi language changed name is painted on the front wall with
 no Punjabi or Urdu version. The building was handed over to Govt.
 of India after the independence of the country and when Gadar party was
 formally dissolved. Presently it is under the administrative control of
 the Counselor of India. A peon or driver of some Indian official has been
 put up there, which has no respect or awareness about the