[MLL] The Holy Trinity

2002-12-23 Thread Hantayo000
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 09:00:04 EST 
Subject: Bush, Jesus and the CIA 

Bush, Jesus and the CIA 
by RB Ham Here comes the new improved American 

Gun and bible firmly in hand 
Grateful to be raped by the CEO 
Head firmly planted in the sand 
There will come a reckoning 
To those who stand in the way 
You'd better get on board 
Or there'll be hell to pay 

Bush, Jesus and the CIA 
Saddam and Osama working hard for their pay 
Gonna terrify you into giving up your rights 
So they can protect you when you turn out the lights 

Bush, Jesus and the CIA 
Orwell had it right and it's happening today 
Ashcroft has a plan for those who dissent 
Soon you'll be wondering where the Constitution went 

Here comes the New World Order 
They've worked it out to a T 
They own the message and the messenger 
The people only know what they see 

Homeland insecurity, constant hype of fear 
Freedom and Liberty -unrequired luxury 
Operation Northwoods updated 
Nazi Reichstag Fire - when will you see? 

Bush, Jesus and the CIA 
Saddam and Osama working hard for their pay 
Gonna terrify you into giving up your rights 
So they can protect you when you turn out the lights 

Bush, Jesus and the CIA 
Orwell had it right and it's happening today 
Ashcroft has a plan for those who dissent 
Soon you'll be wondering where the Constitution went 

Here comes a force fed Armageddon 
Extremists steal your faith that way 
Abandon hope, all ye who enter 
The end times seem to be here to stay 

Fascist reality has intruded 
Eclipsing any dreams of peace 
Better get used to endless war 
Your chilren's future is on lease 

Bush, Jesus and the CIA 
Saddam and Osama working hard for their pay 
Gonna terrify you into giving up your rights 
So they can protect you when you turn out the lights 

Bush, Jesus and the CIA 
Orwell had it right and it's happening today 
Ashcroft has a plan for those who dissent 
Soon you'll be wondering where the Constitution went 

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear"
- George Orwell

[MLL] The Che-Leila Youth Brigades USA Chapter Interview Ramzi Kanafani

2002-12-23 Thread NorteAmericanos_for_Bolivar

The Che-Leila Youth Brigades 
USA Chapter
Interview Ramzi Kanafani, Co-Founder
North American Committee Against Zionism and Racism (NACAZAR), and
The Arab Progressive Coalition of North America.
Comrade Kanafani will be speaking  at The Back to Back Cafe on 
Saturday Dec 28th 6:30pm and Laughing Horse Books on Sunday December 29th at 1 
A demonstration in Solidarity with the Palestinian Intifadah (struggle) is 
set for Sept 27th @ 5 pm  Pioneer Square.
The comments of Ramzi Kanafani are those of himself or the respected 
organizations he represents, and not necassarily those of the Che-Leila Youth 
Brigades Internationale. The Che-Leila Youth Brigades are not a Marxist-Leninist 
Party or Front Organization, per say, and do not claim to be an attempt at, or 
alternative to the forming of such entities. We do however share Comrade 
Kanafani's condemnation of "Human Rights Watch" and organizations, like them in 
general. Such National Chauvenism, and Opertunism  coming from 
Imperialist countries is entirely reactionary.
Q. Perhaps you could explain to people what the Arab 
Progressive Coalition of North America is? Why it was created and what it hopes 
to accomplish?
A. The Arab Progressive Coalition in North 
America is an idea for creating an 
organized Arab Socialist presencein 
North America. The effects of the destruction and 
devastation of capitalism-imperialism on the Arab, African, 
and Asian lands has forced millions of 
Arabs and non-Arabs on the 
periphery of capitalism to immigrate to North America 
seeking better living conditions. This makes the necessity of organizing the working-class of Arabs in North America in a Socialist organization 
more and more pressing. That is what the 
idea for the Arab Progressive Coalition in North America is. 
It exists today primarily as an 
email list awaiting the gathering of the revolutionary 
socialist elements to make it a 
reality. In addition to the coalition a number of  
anti-Oslo Arabs have been working on 
creating (NACAZAR) the North America Committee Against 
Zionism and Racism. This committee is in 
the forming stage and is soliciting cadres committed to 
opposing Zionism in North America 
regardless of national origin.
Q. From a number of articles that I have 
read it appears that the Arab Progressive 
Coalition is ideologically opposed to the Oslo Peace 
Accords. Why is that, and what 
alternative does the Arab Progressive Coalition suggest? Is 
it similar to theideas and demands of Rejectionist Front" 
A. The Arab Progressive Coalition is 
centered around three principles which form its triangle of 
struggle. First a commitment to complete 
liberation of  Palestine; including 
affirming its Arab identity. Second, a commitment to 
unification of the Arab homeland, Third, and most 
importantly the building of Socialism in the Arab homeland 
and internationally. On the first principle the Arab 
identity of  Palestine , is a binding principle and the 
coalition affirms its commitment to the original 
Palestinian National Charter, Which stipulates the complete 
liberation of Palestine with all means necessary, and 
affirms the Arab identity of Palestine. Incidently, the 
original Palestinian National Charter was requested torn 
by Bill Clinton and the Zionists, and Yassir Arafat 
and Bill Clinton tore it obligingly 
during the height of the joke called the 
Oslo process. So the Coalition is completely opposed to the 
Oslo process which it considers a betrayal of the 
Palestinian cause and a betrayal of the Palestinian National Charter. We characterize Oslo as 
a Bourgeois-Comprador, Imperialist-Zionist project 
which is against the interests of the 
Arab people, the Palestinian people, and the revolutionary 
internationalist movement. The 
alternative we represent is a commitment to the 
original Palestinian National Charter, a commitment to the 
Arab revolutionary unification project (under the rule of 
the dictatorship of the proletariat) not the petit-bourgeois 
or bourgeois, and a commitment to world socialist 
Q. Recently Human Rights Watch issued a very 
damning statement on not only Hamas, but several other 
Palestinian Organizations such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. What do you make of this? Are the various Islamic Factions to be regarded more as terrorists or as revolutionary factions?
A. This is typical hypocrisy and a case of double standards. But also it falls into the scheme of  the imperialist US and European bourgeois' plans who  are taking advantage of public opinion shaped by the events of September 11 to liquidate revolutionary organizations. Many are familiar with the opportunist 
attempts being made in Europe and around the world (like 
Colombia and the Philippines, etc..) to create the 

[MLL] The Che-Leila Youth Brigades USA Chapter Interview Ramzi Kanafani

2002-12-23 Thread NorteAmericanos_for_Bolivar

The Che-Leila Youth Brigades 
USA Chapter
Interview Ramzi Kanafani, Co-Founder
North American Committee Against Zionism and Racism (NACAZAR), and
The Arab Progressive Coalition of North America.
Comrade Kanafani will be speaking  at The Back to Back Cafe on 
Saturday Dec 28th 6:30pm and Laughing Horse Books on Sunday December 29th at 1 
A demonstration in Solidarity with the Palestinian Intifadah (struggle) is 
set for Sept 27th @ 5 pm  Pioneer Square.
The comments of Ramzi Kanafani are those of himself or the respected 
organizations he represents, and not necassarily those of the Che-Leila Youth 
Brigades Internationale. The Che-Leila Youth Brigades are not a Marxist-Leninist 
Party or Front Organization, per say, and do not claim to be an attempt at, or 
alternative to the forming of such entities. We do however share Comrade 
Kanafani's condemnation of "Human Rights Watch" and organizations, like them in 
general. Such National Chauvenism, and Opertunism  coming from 
Imperialist countries is entirely reactionary.
Q. Perhaps you could explain to people what the Arab 
Progressive Coalition of North America is? Why it was created and what it hopes 
to accomplish?
A. The Arab Progressive Coalition in North 
America is an idea for creating an 
organized Arab Socialist presencein 
North America. The effects of the destruction and 
devastation of capitalism-imperialism on the Arab, African, 
and Asian lands has forced millions of 
Arabs and non-Arabs on the 
periphery of capitalism to immigrate to North America 
seeking better living conditions. This makes the necessity of organizing the working-class of Arabs in North America in a Socialist organization 
more and more pressing. That is what the 
idea for the Arab Progressive Coalition in North America is. 
It exists today primarily as an 
email list awaiting the gathering of the revolutionary 
socialist elements to make it a 
reality. In addition to the coalition a number of  
anti-Oslo Arabs have been working on 
creating (NACAZAR) the North America Committee Against 
Zionism and Racism. This committee is in 
the forming stage and is soliciting cadres committed to 
opposing Zionism in North America 
regardless of national origin.
Q. From a number of articles that I have 
read it appears that the Arab Progressive 
Coalition is ideologically opposed to the Oslo Peace 
Accords. Why is that, and what 
alternative does the Arab Progressive Coalition suggest? Is 
it similar to theideas and demands of Rejectionist Front" 
A. The Arab Progressive Coalition is 
centered around three principles which form its triangle of 
struggle. First a commitment to complete 
liberation of  Palestine; including 
affirming its Arab identity. Second, a commitment to 
unification of the Arab homeland, Third, and most 
importantly the building of Socialism in the Arab homeland 
and internationally. On the first principle the Arab 
identity of  Palestine , is a binding principle and the 
coalition affirms its commitment to the original 
Palestinian National Charter, Which stipulates the complete 
liberation of Palestine with all means necessary, and 
affirms the Arab identity of Palestine. Incidently, the 
original Palestinian National Charter was requested torn 
by Bill Clinton and the Zionists, and Yassir Arafat 
and Bill Clinton tore it obligingly 
during the height of the joke called the 
Oslo process. So the Coalition is completely opposed to the 
Oslo process which it considers a betrayal of the 
Palestinian cause and a betrayal of the Palestinian National Charter. We characterize Oslo as 
a Bourgeois-Comprador, Imperialist-Zionist project 
which is against the interests of the 
Arab people, the Palestinian people, and the revolutionary 
internationalist movement. The 
alternative we represent is a commitment to the 
original Palestinian National Charter, a commitment to the 
Arab revolutionary unification project (under the rule of 
the dictatorship of the proletariat) not the petit-bourgeois 
or bourgeois, and a commitment to world socialist 
Q. Recently Human Rights Watch issued a very 
damning statement on not only Hamas, but several other 
Palestinian Organizations such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. What do you make of this? Are the various Islamic Factions to be regarded more as terrorists or as revolutionary factions?
A. This is typical hypocrisy and a case of double standards. But also it falls into the scheme of  the imperialist US and European bourgeois' plans who  are taking advantage of public opinion shaped by the events of September 11 to liquidate revolutionary organizations. Many are familiar with the opportunist 
attempts being made in Europe and around the world (like 
Colombia and the Philippines, etc..) to create the Blac

[MLL] Palestine: PFLP Press Release December 11th

2002-12-23 Thread NorteAmericanos_for_Bolivar

Palestine. PFLP Press Releases Dec 11 
11 December  2002 On the Occasion of the Thirty-Fifth 
Anniversary of the Launch of the Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine. On the eleventh of December 1967, from the heart of the 
sufferings of the heroic Palestinian Arab people, the Popular Front for the 
Liberation of Palestine emerged as one of the most dramatic and 
necessary responses to the defeat of the fifth of June.  Today we 
light the thirty-fifth candle on the path of its triumphant and ongoing 
struggle for the liberation of Palestine.  Over these thirty-five years 
it has been an honor for the Popular Front to shed waterfalls of blood and 
to offer caravans of martyrs and prisoners in defense of the most just and 
most sacred cause of this age. The Popular Front has affirmed through 
its glorious militant march that it is a party of martyrs and of leaders 
willing to sacrifice their dearest possessions for their homeland and 
people.  The blood of the heroic leaders - the Guevara of Gaza, Ghassan 
Kanafani, Basil al-Kubaysi, and Abu Amal ­ has drenched the soil of 
Palestine, affirming the determination of the people of Palestine to 
continue the struggle and resistance until all Palestinian national rights 
have been reclaimed. At every point in the continuing intifada, the 
Popular Front has adorned the firmament of Palestine with constellations of 
martyred leaders.  Chief among them is the knight of the martyrs, the 
great Palestinian and Arab leader Abu Ali Mustafa, the former General 
Secretary of the Front.  The Front also has bid farewell to the mass 
leader Comrade Ribhi Haddad who defended his heroic city: proud, 
steadfast, defiant Nablus. The Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine affirms to the masses of our Palestinian people and our Arab 
Nation that it will remain faithful to its Palestinian and Arab national 
principles, values, and aims as they were embodied by the first leaders of 
our party, in the first place by our leader and founder Dr. George Habash 
and the outstanding martyr Abu Ali Mustafa. On this occasion that is 
dear to our hearts and to the hearts of all those struggling for freedom, 
democracy, and social progress in our Arab Nation and around the world, the 
PFLP affirms that it will continue its just struggle using every militant 
technique at its disposal.  It affirms its intent to continue the march 
of the intifada and the resistance and to defeat the continuing 
American-Israeli efforts against our people.  It will use every means 
to defend and strengthen our militant national body.  We appeal to all 
honorable people in our Arab Nation and throughout the world to continue to 
support our just and legitimate struggle against the occupation and its 
exterminationist plans to uproot our people. The Palestinian cause and 
Arab national security now face immense dangers and enormous challenges as 
the American Administration prepares for total aggression against fraternal 
Iraq, using the least credible pretexts and justifications, aiming to take 
possession of Iraq's resources and oil and to gain complete control of the 
region in an attempt to eliminate the Palestinian cause and the national 
rights of the Palestinian people. The Popular Front for the 
Liberation of Palestine appeals to the Arab Nation and the Islamic 
Community, their peoples and governments, to reject the plans of aggression 
against Iraq.  It affirms its stance entirely on the side of Iraq in 
its confrontation with the current U.S. policy of aggression and arrogance, 
for this policy cannot be separated from Washington¹s unflagging support for 
the Zionist Entity, as evidently and purposefully contrary to the interests 
of the Arab Nation. The Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine flatly and unequivocally rejects what is called the American "Road 
Map" that aims to eliminate Palestinian national rights. It reiterates its 
firm condemnation and total rejection of the so-called Sari Nuseibeh 
Document that openly and shamelessly calls for abandoning the right of 
Palestinian refugees to return, and which abandons the City of 
Jerusalem.  The PFLP calls on our people to resist the policy of 
concessions and suspicious calls to halt the intifada and armed 
operations against the Zionist occupation. We call on the masses of 
our people and on all of their patriotic and Islamic forces, on our Arab 
Nation, and all free people of the world to raise their voices loudly for 
the release of the militant Ahmad Saadat, the General Secretary of the 
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, whose incarceration is no 
longer acceptable by any legal or moral standard whatsoever, particularly 
after the decision of the Palestinian Supreme Court calling for his release. 
We call on all the forces supporting welfare, freedom, and progress in the 
world to raise their voices to join together in demanding the release of 
more than nine thousand captives in Zionist prisons, in 

[MLL] Palestine: PFLP Press Release December 11th

2002-12-23 Thread NorteAmericanos_for_Bolivar

Palestine. PFLP Press Releases Dec 11 
11 December  2002 On the Occasion of the Thirty-Fifth 
Anniversary of the Launch of the Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine. On the eleventh of December 1967, from the heart of the 
sufferings of the heroic Palestinian Arab people, the Popular Front for the 
Liberation of Palestine emerged as one of the most dramatic and 
necessary responses to the defeat of the fifth of June.  Today we 
light the thirty-fifth candle on the path of its triumphant and ongoing 
struggle for the liberation of Palestine.  Over these thirty-five years 
it has been an honor for the Popular Front to shed waterfalls of blood and 
to offer caravans of martyrs and prisoners in defense of the most just and 
most sacred cause of this age. The Popular Front has affirmed through 
its glorious militant march that it is a party of martyrs and of leaders 
willing to sacrifice their dearest possessions for their homeland and 
people.  The blood of the heroic leaders - the Guevara of Gaza, Ghassan 
Kanafani, Basil al-Kubaysi, and Abu Amal ­ has drenched the soil of 
Palestine, affirming the determination of the people of Palestine to 
continue the struggle and resistance until all Palestinian national rights 
have been reclaimed. At every point in the continuing intifada, the 
Popular Front has adorned the firmament of Palestine with constellations of 
martyred leaders.  Chief among them is the knight of the martyrs, the 
great Palestinian and Arab leader Abu Ali Mustafa, the former General 
Secretary of the Front.  The Front also has bid farewell to the mass 
leader Comrade Ribhi Haddad who defended his heroic city: proud, 
steadfast, defiant Nablus. The Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine affirms to the masses of our Palestinian people and our Arab 
Nation that it will remain faithful to its Palestinian and Arab national 
principles, values, and aims as they were embodied by the first leaders of 
our party, in the first place by our leader and founder Dr. George Habash 
and the outstanding martyr Abu Ali Mustafa. On this occasion that is 
dear to our hearts and to the hearts of all those struggling for freedom, 
democracy, and social progress in our Arab Nation and around the world, the 
PFLP affirms that it will continue its just struggle using every militant 
technique at its disposal.  It affirms its intent to continue the march 
of the intifada and the resistance and to defeat the continuing 
American-Israeli efforts against our people.  It will use every means 
to defend and strengthen our militant national body.  We appeal to all 
honorable people in our Arab Nation and throughout the world to continue to 
support our just and legitimate struggle against the occupation and its 
exterminationist plans to uproot our people. The Palestinian cause and 
Arab national security now face immense dangers and enormous challenges as 
the American Administration prepares for total aggression against fraternal 
Iraq, using the least credible pretexts and justifications, aiming to take 
possession of Iraq's resources and oil and to gain complete control of the 
region in an attempt to eliminate the Palestinian cause and the national 
rights of the Palestinian people. The Popular Front for the 
Liberation of Palestine appeals to the Arab Nation and the Islamic 
Community, their peoples and governments, to reject the plans of aggression 
against Iraq.  It affirms its stance entirely on the side of Iraq in 
its confrontation with the current U.S. policy of aggression and arrogance, 
for this policy cannot be separated from Washington¹s unflagging support for 
the Zionist Entity, as evidently and purposefully contrary to the interests 
of the Arab Nation. The Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine flatly and unequivocally rejects what is called the American "Road 
Map" that aims to eliminate Palestinian national rights. It reiterates its 
firm condemnation and total rejection of the so-called Sari Nuseibeh 
Document that openly and shamelessly calls for abandoning the right of 
Palestinian refugees to return, and which abandons the City of 
Jerusalem.  The PFLP calls on our people to resist the policy of 
concessions and suspicious calls to halt the intifada and armed 
operations against the Zionist occupation. We call on the masses of 
our people and on all of their patriotic and Islamic forces, on our Arab 
Nation, and all free people of the world to raise their voices loudly for 
the release of the militant Ahmad Saadat, the General Secretary of the 
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, whose incarceration is no 
longer acceptable by any legal or moral standard whatsoever, particularly 
after the decision of the Palestinian Supreme Court calling for his release. 
We call on all the forces supporting welfare, freedom, and progress in the 
world to raise their voices to join together in demanding the release of 
more than nine thousand captives in Zionist prisons, in pa

[MLL] Zionist torturers and Colombian oligarchs

2002-12-23 Thread NorteAmericanos_for_Bolivar


A connection between the Israeli Military man Yair 
Klien and the Colombian Death Squads.
A deadly union of Zionist torturers and Colombian 
NorteAmericanos for Bolivar
- Original Message - 
Subject: Colombia's Paramilitaries and Israel

New World Phalange, Colombia's Paramilitaries 
and Israel 
by Jeremy Bigwood December 04, 2002 
    "I copied the concept of paramilitary forces from the 
Carlos Castaño, Mi Confesión 2002[1]   
In 1983, an intense 18-year-old Colombian arrived in Israel to take a yearlong 
course called "562."[2] He was no normal foreign exchange student.  His 
name was Carlos Castaño and the course was about making war, something that he 
would exceed at:  he was destined to become the most adept and ruthless 
paramilitary leader in Latin America's history.   
Carlos Castaño had been impelled along this vengeful path after his 
cattle-ranching father had been killed during a botched rescue attempt by the 
army while being held for a "tax" ransom by the FARC - Colombia's strongest 
left-wing guerrilla army.[3]  Bitter over their father's death, Carlos and 
his older brother, Fidel, vowed revenge, a vengeance that would dovetail with 
both the interests of the Colombian right-wing landholding classes and US 
foreign policy. It is a vengeance that continues into the present..   
The brothers first offered their services as scouts for the Colombian Army's 
Bombona Battalion - fingering FARC sympathizers, providing intelligence and even 
participating in military operations.  But Fidel - some 14 years older than 
Carlos - concluded that by merely working for the army, they were going to get 
nowhere.[4]  One of the battalion's majors introduced them to a local 
paramilitary death squad called "Caruso," with whom they started a killing 
spree.  When local police started to investigate them, they found it 
necessary to operate even more clandestinely.  Unlike in many other 
third-world countries under the U.S.'s shadow, Colombia's police and judiciary 
have sometimes played an independent role from the Army.     
Later, according to press reports,[5] Fidel started his own paramilitary death 
squad called "Los Tangueros," named after his ranch, "Las Tangas."[6]  The 
Los Tangueros was responsible for more than 150 murders during the late 1980s 
and early 1990s.  When discussing this period in his book, Castaño openly 
talks about murders he has committed or ordered, making his habit of executing 
what he calls "'guerrillas' in towns" sound routine.[7]  In one massacre 
alone, the Los Tangueros captured dozens of campesinos from a neighboring 
town.  Back at the ranch,  "they tortured them all night with crude 
instruments before shooting some and burying others alive."[8] Los Tangueros 
along with other death squads dispersed throughout the country would evolve into 
the present 9,000-strong paramilitary force in Colombia, [9] now killing up to 
twenty civilians per day.[10]   
During the early 1980s when Castaño's father was captured by the FARC, rural 
Colombia was rife with small diverse paramilitary units working for the army and 
the landholding upper classes.[11]  Many of these groups were merely the 
enforcers and protectors of the local wealthy, while others worked protecting 
the  "new rich" of the cocaine trade from the "taxation" of the left-wing 
insurgencies.  Some of these groups bore the names of petty criminal gangs 
or the names of their leaders.  They liked to call themselves  
"self-defense" or "auto defense" groups, but here we will use the term 
'paramilitaries" to avoid confusion.  In the 1980s, these paramilitary 
groups were disparate and not well trained, and sometimes got involved in turf 
battles between themselves.  If they were to take the offensive against the 
steady advances of the leftist guerrillas, the paramilitaries would need both 
political/military training and unification.  And while these 
paramilitaries essentially worked for the same counterinsurgent goals as those 
of US foreign policy, the US could not directly support them.  But another 
country could.   
Exactly how Carlos Castaño got to Israel is still a mystery, as is precisely 
which entity trained him there. But whoever set it up, the Israeli course "562" 
definitely had a strong effect on Castaño.  "Something clicked in me, and I 
began to behave differently[12]...My perception of this war changed radically 
after my trip to Israel,"[13] he said in his "as told to" Colombian run-away 
bestseller of interviews edited by Spanish journalist Mauricio Aranguren Molina. 
Carlos Castaño was clearly a good and highly motivated student. Of his studies 
in Israel, which is the subject of chapter 6 of in his book, he reminisces: 
   "Unlike what one might think, we studied in the classroom 
more enthusiastically than in the military trainin

[MLL] Zionist torturers and Colombian oligarchs

2002-12-23 Thread NorteAmericanos_for_Bolivar


A connection between the Israeli Military man Yair 
Klien and the Colombian Death Squads.
A deadly union of Zionist torturers and Colombian 
NorteAmericanos for Bolivar
- Original Message - 
Subject: Colombia's Paramilitaries and Israel

New World Phalange, Colombia's Paramilitaries 
and Israel 
by Jeremy Bigwood December 04, 2002 
    "I copied the concept of paramilitary forces from the 
Carlos Castaño, Mi Confesión 2002[1]   
In 1983, an intense 18-year-old Colombian arrived in Israel to take a yearlong 
course called "562."[2] He was no normal foreign exchange student.  His 
name was Carlos Castaño and the course was about making war, something that he 
would exceed at:  he was destined to become the most adept and ruthless 
paramilitary leader in Latin America's history.   
Carlos Castaño had been impelled along this vengeful path after his 
cattle-ranching father had been killed during a botched rescue attempt by the 
army while being held for a "tax" ransom by the FARC - Colombia's strongest 
left-wing guerrilla army.[3]  Bitter over their father's death, Carlos and 
his older brother, Fidel, vowed revenge, a vengeance that would dovetail with 
both the interests of the Colombian right-wing landholding classes and US 
foreign policy. It is a vengeance that continues into the present..   
The brothers first offered their services as scouts for the Colombian Army's 
Bombona Battalion - fingering FARC sympathizers, providing intelligence and even 
participating in military operations.  But Fidel - some 14 years older than 
Carlos - concluded that by merely working for the army, they were going to get 
nowhere.[4]  One of the battalion's majors introduced them to a local 
paramilitary death squad called "Caruso," with whom they started a killing 
spree.  When local police started to investigate them, they found it 
necessary to operate even more clandestinely.  Unlike in many other 
third-world countries under the U.S.'s shadow, Colombia's police and judiciary 
have sometimes played an independent role from the Army.     
Later, according to press reports,[5] Fidel started his own paramilitary death 
squad called "Los Tangueros," named after his ranch, "Las Tangas."[6]  The 
Los Tangueros was responsible for more than 150 murders during the late 1980s 
and early 1990s.  When discussing this period in his book, Castaño openly 
talks about murders he has committed or ordered, making his habit of executing 
what he calls "'guerrillas' in towns" sound routine.[7]  In one massacre 
alone, the Los Tangueros captured dozens of campesinos from a neighboring 
town.  Back at the ranch,  "they tortured them all night with crude 
instruments before shooting some and burying others alive."[8] Los Tangueros 
along with other death squads dispersed throughout the country would evolve into 
the present 9,000-strong paramilitary force in Colombia, [9] now killing up to 
twenty civilians per day.[10]   
During the early 1980s when Castaño's father was captured by the FARC, rural 
Colombia was rife with small diverse paramilitary units working for the army and 
the landholding upper classes.[11]  Many of these groups were merely the 
enforcers and protectors of the local wealthy, while others worked protecting 
the  "new rich" of the cocaine trade from the "taxation" of the left-wing 
insurgencies.  Some of these groups bore the names of petty criminal gangs 
or the names of their leaders.  They liked to call themselves  
"self-defense" or "auto defense" groups, but here we will use the term 
'paramilitaries" to avoid confusion.  In the 1980s, these paramilitary 
groups were disparate and not well trained, and sometimes got involved in turf 
battles between themselves.  If they were to take the offensive against the 
steady advances of the leftist guerrillas, the paramilitaries would need both 
political/military training and unification.  And while these 
paramilitaries essentially worked for the same counterinsurgent goals as those 
of US foreign policy, the US could not directly support them.  But another 
country could.   
Exactly how Carlos Castaño got to Israel is still a mystery, as is precisely 
which entity trained him there. But whoever set it up, the Israeli course "562" 
definitely had a strong effect on Castaño.  "Something clicked in me, and I 
began to behave differently[12]...My perception of this war changed radically 
after my trip to Israel,"[13] he said in his "as told to" Colombian run-away 
bestseller of interviews edited by Spanish journalist Mauricio Aranguren Molina. 
Carlos Castaño was clearly a good and highly motivated student. Of his studies 
in Israel, which is the subject of chapter 6 of in his book, he reminisces: 
   "Unlike what one might think, we studied in the classroom 
more enthusiastically than in the military trainin

[MLL] The Furious One Speaks

2002-12-23 Thread NorteAmericanos_for_Bolivar

Furious One 
cover-dated October 24, 2002FAR EASTERN ECONOMIC 
chairman of the outlawed Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), Pushpa 
KamalDahal--better known as Prachanda ("the furious one")--is wanted by 
theNepalese government and Interpol. Few outsiders have met him. Nepal's 
pressuses a drawing of him as no known photograph exists. But the REVIEW 
managedto penetrate layers of secrecy to reach the guerrilla leader 
throughhand-delivered letters and a web of Internet addresses, obtaining via 
e-mailthe first interview he has ever given to a major international 
publication.In his late 40s, Prachanda comes from Chitwan district in 
southern Nepal,where he graduated from an agricultural college. He was a 
schoolteacherbefore he became involved in extreme-leftist politics and went 
undergroundin the mid-1980s. As head of a Maoist group, he took part in the 
popularrevolt in 1990 that put an end to the absolute monarchy and 
restoredmultiparty democracy. In 1995 he founded the CPN(M); a year later 
the partylaunched its "people's war" in Nepal's poverty-stricken northwest. 
Thegovernment says that it's willing to negotiate with the Maoists if they 
laydown their arms. But Prachanda tells the REVIEW'S Bertil Lintner 
thatdisarming is out of the question:ARE YOU WILLING TO HOLD PEACE 
TALKS WITH THE GOVERNMENT?I want to make it clear that right from the 
initiation of the people's warin Nepal, our party has been upholding the 
strategy of political andmilitary offensive against the old feudal state. To 
enter or not to enterinto peace talks with the government is a part of our 
political strategy . .. It's not a question of willingness rather than a 
form of struggle that wedon't want to be disarmed.WHAT WOULD YOUR 
DEMANDS BE AT SUCH TALKS?Our minimum demands are widely known: the formation 
of an interimgovernment, election of a constituent assembly and organizing 
the country asa democratic republic . . . It's quite clear that how far 
these demands willbe fulfilled through peace talks will ultimately depend on 
the level ofvictory achieved in the actual battlefield.WHAT IS YOUR 
FINAL GOAL?As a revolutionary communist party our final goal is socialism 
andcommunism. Right now our peoples are fighting against feudalism 
andimperialism. Therefore the immediate goal of our revolution is to fulfil 
thetask of complete democratic revolution. We want to organize and develop 
thecountry with the full initiative of the masses through the abolition of 
thefeudal and autocratic monarchy.HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO ACHIEVE THAT 
GOAL?No doubt we will achieve this goal through the politics of people's 
latest step taken by this regicidal and fratricidal "King" Gyanendra 
isnothing less than a feudal, autocratic, military coup. This 
desperateattempt of the feudal "lord" will ultimately be smashed by our 
PRESENT SITUATION?Our party has already decided that without any political 
resolution of thecivil war, no election will be 
Box 6600841 HelsinkiPhone +358-40-7177941Fax +358-9-7591081http://www.kominf.pp.fiGeneral class 
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[MLL] The Furious One Speaks

2002-12-23 Thread NorteAmericanos_for_Bolivar

Furious One 
cover-dated October 24, 2002FAR EASTERN ECONOMIC 
chairman of the outlawed Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), Pushpa 
KamalDahal--better known as Prachanda ("the furious one")--is wanted by 
theNepalese government and Interpol. Few outsiders have met him. Nepal's 
pressuses a drawing of him as no known photograph exists. But the REVIEW 
managedto penetrate layers of secrecy to reach the guerrilla leader 
throughhand-delivered letters and a web of Internet addresses, obtaining via 
e-mailthe first interview he has ever given to a major international 
publication.In his late 40s, Prachanda comes from Chitwan district in 
southern Nepal,where he graduated from an agricultural college. He was a 
schoolteacherbefore he became involved in extreme-leftist politics and went 
undergroundin the mid-1980s. As head of a Maoist group, he took part in the 
popularrevolt in 1990 that put an end to the absolute monarchy and 
restoredmultiparty democracy. In 1995 he founded the CPN(M); a year later 
the partylaunched its "people's war" in Nepal's poverty-stricken northwest. 
Thegovernment says that it's willing to negotiate with the Maoists if they 
laydown their arms. But Prachanda tells the REVIEW'S Bertil Lintner 
thatdisarming is out of the question:ARE YOU WILLING TO HOLD PEACE 
TALKS WITH THE GOVERNMENT?I want to make it clear that right from the 
initiation of the people's warin Nepal, our party has been upholding the 
strategy of political andmilitary offensive against the old feudal state. To 
enter or not to enterinto peace talks with the government is a part of our 
political strategy . .. It's not a question of willingness rather than a 
form of struggle that wedon't want to be disarmed.WHAT WOULD YOUR 
DEMANDS BE AT SUCH TALKS?Our minimum demands are widely known: the formation 
of an interimgovernment, election of a constituent assembly and organizing 
the country asa democratic republic . . . It's quite clear that how far 
these demands willbe fulfilled through peace talks will ultimately depend on 
the level ofvictory achieved in the actual battlefield.WHAT IS YOUR 
FINAL GOAL?As a revolutionary communist party our final goal is socialism 
andcommunism. Right now our peoples are fighting against feudalism 
andimperialism. Therefore the immediate goal of our revolution is to fulfil 
thetask of complete democratic revolution. We want to organize and develop 
thecountry with the full initiative of the masses through the abolition of 
thefeudal and autocratic monarchy.HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO ACHIEVE THAT 
GOAL?No doubt we will achieve this goal through the politics of people's 
latest step taken by this regicidal and fratricidal "King" Gyanendra 
isnothing less than a feudal, autocratic, military coup. This 
desperateattempt of the feudal "lord" will ultimately be smashed by our 
PRESENT SITUATION?Our party has already decided that without any political 
resolution of thecivil war, no election will be 
Box 6600841 HelsinkiPhone +358-40-7177941Fax +358-9-7591081http://www.kominf.pp.fiGeneral class 
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