Re: [masq] Limitation problem....

1999-02-09 Thread Marc Cassuto

Hi all and David in particular,

 If I try to build a strong firewall,
 I can't use all the port limitation that should
 be used with ipfwadm.
 This isn't a very strong ruleset. 
I knew, but it was only the begining...

 Check out the
 ruleset in the TrinityOS doc and see if it will do
 what you need:
In fact, I already knew this link,
but first I'd like to do something I understand.
And effectively the Trinity ruleset work!!!
But I can't understand half of the rules
And this is really boring for me...

 #/sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 80 -D
 No... you are specifing FORWARDING here.  That should be:
 /sbin/ipfwadm -I -a accept -b -P tcp -S 80 -D
That did not work much more

 But.. This is kinda messed up if you want this rule to allow
 WWW browsing on the Internet.  This rule is saying you are going
 to originate port 80 traffic to the Internet.  This isn't
 how WWW works unless you are running a WWW server.  Your
 DESTINATION should be port 80 for normal surfing.
Hu... Where I can find a doc about
the difference between the different list,
and in particular -F -I and -O.
Or can you explain us (for all masq reader) clearly what is their 
The Ip-masquerading mini howto is a bit heavy about this...

 Learning firewall rulesets takes a while.  I recommend that
 you using the TrinityOS doc as a template and open it up
 as you need.  As it stands, its VERY restrictive.  :)
But it does not expicit lot of things...

A big thank you David,
Marc CAssuto.

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Re: [masq] Limitation problem....

1999-02-09 Thread Marc Cassuto

Secon hello today...

David A. Ranch wrote:
 Check out the
 ruleset in the TrinityOS doc and see if it will do
 what you need:
I'm working hard on this ruleset.
But I can't understand why we have to enable
all HIGH ports for reply tcp/udp traffic.

Moreover David A. Ranch the autor of the TrinityOS document
(Oh it's you ) tell :
"Rejecting traffic is better than DENYING it since 

it makes the IPFWADM'ED machine look like its not CAPABLE of 

doing that particular protocol!"
So why all policies used are DENY ??

Thank you.
Marc Cassuto.

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[masq] clients can't see whole net

1999-02-09 Thread Christoph Monig

Hello all,

I've using masquerading since acouple of days, and now a curious problem

For some clients, parts of the Internet disappear. you can't ping, ftp,
or http to some
adresses, while to others you can.
When I reboot my masq-gate, everything seems to turn back to normal.

What can that be ?

Has anyone any experience with this problem or knows how to fix it ?

My setuip is an Ethernet device for my LAN and a ppp-dialout to the

Thank you in advance,


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Re: [masq] setsockopt Error Message

1999-02-09 Thread Geoff Wild
Title: RE: [masq] setsockopt Error Message

The info you need is right here:


-Original Message-
From: DKM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 08, 1999 6:56 PM
To: Fuzzy Fox
Subject: Re: [masq] setsockopt Error Message

Which kernel options would I need in particular?

Fuzzy Fox wrote:

  Why do I get that setsockopt error message when trying to use

 It means that your kernel does not have the necessary kernel options
 compiled into it.

  I upgraded from 1.0.36 to 2.2.1 and then got similar error messages
  with IPFWADM. Any hints?

 2.2 uses ipchains, which you will need to upgrade to, and learn. :)

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fuzzy Fox) || Nothing takes the taste out of peanut
 sometimes known as David DeSimone || butter quite like unrequited love. || -- Charlie Brown
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[masq] net-tools and icmp masquerading

1999-02-09 Thread Michele Nicosia

Hi all,
in this moment i'm moving form 2.0.35 to 2.2.1 and i'm reistalling some 
utility with new release like net-tools.In order to see the masqurade 
packet i need to add HAVE_FW_MASQUERADE to config.h , but in order to see 
th eicmp packet whati is the tricks?? i reistalled ther kernel with all the 
support for the masquerading/ipchains support but the netstat show me this 
error: masq_info.c: Internal Error `ip_masquerade unknown type'


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[masq] Works fine except sending email...

1999-02-09 Thread Pim Messelink

Hoi Masq,

I have set up a linux box to connect our local win95(sorry) network to
internet via a slip connection using a cable modem. And everything
works, except email. (for the detectives among you: I'am sending this
from my own computer temporarily connected with the cable modem)
Here's the setup:

local machines(win95):   linux box:   ISP\eth  slip
  |--- 195.96.12x.x195.96.120.254

And I use IPFWADM to set default forwarding accept and masquerading (i
know, i know) and use DIALD to set up the connection(currently
*ALWAYS* up)
My kernel is version 2.0.35 and I use IPFWADM 2.3.0 . I have made all
the modules and turned on the option ICMP masquerading in kernel

Like I said, everything works, even receiving email! BUT, whenever I
want to send email, whatever emailclient I use, it fails. I use the
SMTP server of the ISP but I have tried several other SMTP servers
with the same result. The emailclient I regulary use gives this output
when I send mail: logging on to server, sending message header,
sending message text and when the status bar reaches 100% it just
So I logged on to the server (=linux box) en did a NETSTAT, and this
is what it said:

Proto Recv.-Q Send-Q Local AddressForeign Address  State
tcp   1   0 Time Wait

When I use the cable modem on my personal computer it works fine! (You
reading this email proofs it)
Does anybody recognizes this problem? Please help me out here, because
I ran out of ideas...



If scientific reasoning were limited to the logical processes of arithmetic, we should 
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Re: [masq] Limitation problem....

1999-02-09 Thread David A. Ranch

But I can't understand half of the rules
And this is really boring for me...

Yeah.. it is pretty dry stuff.  I know where you are coming 

 /sbin/ipfwadm -I -a accept -b -P tcp -S 80 -D
That did not work much more

Try pulling the "-b" option out and try again.

Hu... Where I can find a doc about
the difference between the different list,
and in particular -F -I and -O.
Or can you explain us (for all masq reader) clearly what is their 

Well, you could read the ipfwadm man page but its pretty ugly.

How is this?  I just added it to my TrinityOS doc so if you 
have anything to add to make it clearer, etc.. lemmie know.


Think of a IPFWADM or IPCHAINS ruleset like the following:

- All interfaces (any network cards, the localhost
  interface, etc) on a Linux box have INPUT, OUTPUT,
  and FORWARD rules.

For example:

- Say you have a packet from the Internet that 
  wants to reach your Linux box.

1) The packet is sent from the remote computer
on the Internet

2) The packet is received on the INPUT rule on 
the -External NIC card- of the Linux box

3) If the packet is matched to allow the packet

   Some matching criteria can include:
- source IP address
- traffic on TCP and specific port 
- traffic on TCP and specific port 
- destination IP address
- etc

then let the packet though.  If not matched, 
its either REJECTED or DENIED.  You can 
also log the fact that this packet was

4) If passed, the packet then goes to the Linux
box to be processed.  Once the reply 
traffic is calculated by TELNET, etc, this 
output traffic is then sent to the OUTPUT 

5) If the packet is matched to allow the packet
through, its let though.  (see #3 above).
If not matched, its either REJECTED or 
DENIED.  You can also log the fact that 
this packet was killed.

6) If passed, the packet leaves the Linux box to go
   over the Internet connection destined to that
   remote computer.

NOTE:  As you've seen, I've left out the FORWARD 
rule.  Basically, all that the FORWARD rule
does is if the packet is matched to be
allowed, the packet is FORWARDed directly
to some other interface.  Once forwarded,
the receiving interface will still try to
match this packet against it's INPUT rule. 

 |  Linux TCP/IP stack  |
 |  |
+---| Input:  Output:  |
| |
| |
   +--- +   |   ++|  
   | Input  |   |   | Output ||
   |  Rule  |   |   |  Rule  ||
   ||   |   |||
   +-IN---|  P a s s ? |---+   +---|  P a s s ? |---+
   |   | or |   |   | or |
   ^   |Deny/Reject?|   |   |Deny/Reject?|
   ++   |   ++
  Send   |  |  |
 +-- Dump packet   |  +-- Dump packet   
Remote(possibly log it) |   (possibly log it)
 Receive --+

|  David A. Ranch - Linux/Networking/PC hardware [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
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