karen read case - more info

2024-03-22 Thread Peteri Szerlagi

read and okeefe were a happy couple - per a neighbor

many positive comments to this video

karen read sometimes took the young boy to college when she was
teaching classes - he would play on his computer as she taught -
(probably when okeefe was on duty and they couldnt line up any other
caregiver) - karen reads father is a top guy at Brandeis - karen read
has MS

shes got a kid ... together -

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Re: [sme2] karen read case - more info

2023-09-25 Thread Peteri Szerlagi
you get hit by a car and go flying 12 feet or more - and you end up on
your back with your arms by your sides


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karen read case - more info

2023-09-25 Thread Peteri Szerlagi
"Ms. Roberts stated that she observed the victim to be lying on his
back with his arms by his side. She noticed that his right eye was
swollen shut and that there was blood coming from his nose and mouth.
When the paramedics arrived and lifted the victim’s body onto the
stretcher, Ms. Roberts observed the grass underneath the victim’s
back, not covered in snow as the remainder of the area was."

from https://www.scribd.com/document/642121594/Commonwealth-vs-Read-Opposition


we remember a case in burlington mass - maybe 30 years ago - there was
an incident during cold weather where the paramedics got an update
from onscene units - apparently it was relayed by the dispatcher -
iirc they were on 154.34 simplex back then - we would only have heard
the update if the dispatcher repeated it - we could never hear mobile
units from Burlington iirc - too many hills in the way - anyhow - the
radio report was - 'victim is still trapped - bleeding has stopped
because the blood has frozen'

words to that effect

anyone remember that call?

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