Re: [matplotlib-devel] Better defaults all around?

2014-11-22 Thread Nicolas P. Rougier

I would be also quite interested in having better defaults.  My list of 
complains are:

* Easy way to get only two lines for axis (left and down, instead of four)
* Better default font (Source Sans Pro / Source Code Pro for example (open 
* Better default colormap
* Better axis limit (when you draw with thick lines, they get cut)
* Better icons for the toolbar (there are a lot of free icons around)
* Better colors (more pastel)
* Less cluttered figures
* Lighter grids

+ All Nathaniel's suggestions

Ideally, we could have a set of standard figures for each main type (plot, 
scatter, quiver) and tweak parameters to search for the best output.


 On 22 Nov 2014, at 04:18, Benjamin Root wrote:
 With regards to defaults for 2.0, I am actually all for breaking them for the 
 better. What I find important is giving users an easy mechanism to use an 
 older style, if it is important to them. The current behavior isn't buggy 
 (for the most part) and failing to give users a way to get behavior that they 
 found desirable would be alienating. I think this is why projects like 
 prettyplotlib and seaborn have been so important to matplotlib. It enables 
 those who are in the right position to judge styles to explore the 
 possibilities easily without commiting matplotlib to any early decision and 
 allowing it to have a level of stability that many users find attractive.
 At the moment, the plans for the OO interface changes should not result in 
 any (major) API breaks, so I am not concerned about that at the moment. Let's 
 keep focused on style related issues in this thread.
 Tabbed figures? Intriguing... And I really do need to review that MEP of 
 Ben Root
 On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 9:36 PM, Federico Ariza 
 I like the idea of aligning a set of changes for 2.0 even if still far away.
 Regarding to backwards compatibility I think that indeed it is important but 
 when changing mayor version (1.x to 2.0) becomes less important and we must 
 take care of prioritizing evolution. 
 Take for example the  OO interface (not defined yet) this is very probable to 
 break the current pyplot interface but still this is a change that needs to 
 be done.
 In terms of defaults. I would like to see the new Navigation as default (if 
 it gets merged) and tabbed figures (to come after navigation), having 
 separate figures feel kind of ...old
 On 21 Nov 2014 21:23, Benjamin Root wrote:
 Some of your wishes are in progress already:
 There is also an issue open about scaling the dashes with the line width, and 
 you are right, the spacing for the dashes are terrible.
 I can definitely see the argument to making a bunch of these visual changes 
 together. Preferably, I would like to do these changes via style sheets so 
 that we can provide a classic stylesheet for backwards compatibility.
 I do actually like the autoscaling system as it exists now. The problem is 
 that the data margins feature is applied haphazardly. The power spectra 
 example is a good example of where we could smarten the system. As for the 
 ticks... I think that is a very obscure edge-case. I personally prefer inward.
 It is good to get these grievances enumerated. I am interested in seeing 
 where this discussion goes.
 Ben Root
 On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 6:22 PM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
 Hi all,
 Since we're considering the possibility of making a matplotlib 2.0
 release with a better default colormap, it occurred to me that it
 might make sense to take this opportunity to improve other visual
 Defaults are important. Obviously for publication graphs you'll want
 to end up tweaking every detail, but (a) not everyone does but we
 still have to read their graphs, and (b) probably only 1% of the plots
 I make are for publication; the rest are quick one-offs that I make
 on-the-fly to help me understand my own data. For such plots it's
 usually not worth spending much/any time tweaking layout details, I
 just want something usable, quickly. And I think there's a fair amount
 of low-hanging improvements possible.
 Batching multiple visual changes like this together seems much better
 than spreading them out over multiple releases. It keeps the messaging
 super easy to understand: matplotlib 2.0 is just like 1.x, your code
 will still work, the only difference is that your plots will look
 better by default. And grouping these changes together makes it
 easier to provide for users who need to revert back to the old
 defaults -- it's easy to provide simple binary choice between before
 2.0 versus after 2.0, harder to keep track of a bunch of different
 changes spread over multiple releases.
 Some particular annoyances I often run into and that might be
 candidates for changing:
 - The default method of choosing axis limits is IME really, 

Re: [matplotlib-devel] How to move beyond JET as the default matplotlib colormap

2014-11-22 Thread Phil Elson
Given the workload that making a release causes, is it necessary to put out
a v1.4.3 at all? On a similar sounding argument, given that the removal of
CXX doesn't break user APIs, and has been on master for several weeks with
fewer than anticipated side-effects, do we even need a v1.5? Essentially,
what is the barrier from moving straight to a v2.0 in Feb?

What I'd like to avoid is this idea of we're talking about a making a
major release so let's fix everything that was ever broken - my definition
of a v2.0 release is really just v1.5+new default cmap. If there are other
things that need fixing in a backwards incompatible way then we should
discuss and plan how we are going to do that, and if there is developer
appetite, there is no reason not to talk about releasing a v3.0 in 18-24
months (which is currently ~2 mpl minor release cycles).

On 21 November 2014 18:56, Thomas Caswell wrote:

 I am a bit wary of doing a 2.0 _just_ to change the color map, but when
 every I try to write out why, they don't sound convincing.  We may end up
 with a 3.0 within a year or so due to the possible plotting API/pyplot work
 that is (hopefully) coming.

 If we are going to do this, I think we should do the 1.4.3 release
 (scheduled for Feb 1, RCs in mid January), then put one commit to change
 the color map on top of that, tag 2.0 and then master turns into 2.1.x
 (targeted for right after scipy?).

 There is also the thought to get the major c++ refactor work tagged and
 released sooner rather than later so maybe we want to do 1.4.3, 1.5.0 and
 2.0 in Feb with 2.0 based off of 1.5 not 1.4.

 On Fri Nov 21 2014 at 12:52:03 PM Benjamin Root wrote:

 As a point of clarification, is this proposed 2.0 release different from
 the 1.5 release?

 On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Phil Elson

 Many of you will be aware of there has been an ongoing issue (#875, which recommends the removal of Jet as the
 default colormap in matplotlib.

 The argument against Jet is compelling and I think that as a group who
 care about high quality visualisation we should be seriously discussing how
 matplotlib can move beyond Jet.

 There was recently an open letter to the climate science community asking for
 scientists to pledge against using rainbow like colormaps (such as Jet),
 and there are similar initiatives in other scientific fields, as well as
 there being a plethora of well researched literature on the subject.

 As such, it's time to agree on a solution on how matplotlib can reach
 the end of the rainbow.

 The two major hurdles, AFAICS, to replacing the three little characters
 which control the default colormap of matplotlib are:

  * We haven't had a clear (decisive) discussion about what we should
 replace Jet with.
  * There are concerns about changing the default as it would change the
 existing widespread behaviour.

 To address the first point I'll start a new mailinglist thread (entitled
 Matplotlib's new default colormap) where new default colormap suggestions
 can be made. The thread should strictly avoid +1 type comments, and
 generally try to stick to reference-able/demonstrable fact, rather than
 opinion. There *will* be a difference of opinion, however the final
 decision has to come down to the project lead (sorry Mike) who I know will
 do whatever is necessary to make the best choice for matplotlib.

 The second point is a reasonable response when we consider that
 matplotlib as a project has no *clear* statement on backwards
 compatibility. As a result, matplotlib is highly change averse between
 minor releases (to use semantic versioning terms) and therefore changing
 the default colormap is unpalatable in the v1.x release series. As a result
 I'd like to propose that the next release of matplotlib be called 2.0, with
 the *only* major backwards-incompatible change be the removal of Jet as
 the default colormap.

 As a project matplotlib mustn't get caught up in the trap of shying away
 from a major version release when the need arises, and in my opinion
 helping our users to avoid using a misleading colormap is a worthy cause
 for a v2.0.

 Please try to keep this thread on the how, and not on the what of
 the replacement default colormap, for which there is a dedicated thread.




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 Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] Matplotlib's new default colormap

2014-11-22 Thread gary ruben
There was a talk by Kristen Thyng at scipy2014 that might be a good
backgrounder for this:

At the end she references this site of Matteo
Niccoli which is full of good content. I wonder if it's worth contacting
Kristen or Matteo to let them know there's a discussion going on here that
they might be interested in?

On 22 November 2014 at 09:53, Eric Firing wrote:

 On 2014/11/21, 4:42 PM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
  On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Darren Dale wrote:
  On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Phil Elson
  Please use this thread to discuss the best choice for a new default
  matplotlib colormap.
  This follows on from a discussion on the matplotlib-devel mailing list
  entitled How to move beyond JET as the default matplotlib colormap.
  I remember reading a (peer-reviewed, I think) article about how jet
 was a
  very unfortunate choice of default. I can't find the exact article now,
  I did find some other useful ones:
  Those are good articles. There's a lot of literature on the problems
  with jet, and lots of links in the matplotlib issue [1]. For those
  trying to get up to speed quickly, MathWorks recently put together a
  nice review of the literature [2]. One particularly striking paper
  they cite studied a group of medical students and found that (a) they
  were used to/practiced at using jet, (b) when given a choice of
  colormaps they said that they preferred jet, (c) they nonetheless made
  more *medical diagnostic errors* when using jet than with better
  designed colormaps (Borkin et al, 2011).
  I won't suggest a specific colormap, but I do propose that whatever we
  chose satisfy the following criteria:
  - it should be a sequential colormap, because diverging colormaps are
  really misleading unless you know where the center of the data is,
  and for a default colormap we generally won't.
  - it should be perceptually uniform, i.e., human subjective judgements
  of how far apart nearby colors are should correspond as linearly as
  possible to the difference between the numerical values they
  represent, at least locally. There's lots of research on how to
  measure perceptual distance -- a colleague and I happen to have
  recently implemented a state-of-the-art model of this for another
  project, in case anyone wants to play with it [3], or just using
  good-old-L*a*b* is a reasonable quick-and-dirty approximation.
  - it should have a perceptually uniform luminance ramp, i.e. if you
  convert to greyscale it should still be uniform. This is useful both
  in practical terms (greyscale printers are still a thing!) and because
  luminance is a very strong and natural cue to magnitude.
  - it should also have some kind of variation in hue, because hue
  variation is a really helpful additional cue to perception, having two
  cues is better than one, and there's no reason not to do it.
  - the hue variation should be chosen to produce reasonable results
  even for viewers with the more common types of colorblindness. (Which
  rules out things like red-to-green.)
  And, for bonus points, it would be nice to choose a hue ramp that
  still works if you throw away the luminance variation, because then we
  could use the version with varying luminance for 2d plots, and the
  version with just hue variation for 3d plots. (In 3d plots you really
  want to reserve the luminance channel for lighting/shading, because
  your brain is *really* good at extracting 3d shape from luminance
  variation. If the 3d surface itself has massively varying luminance
  then this screws up the ability to see shape.)
  Do these seem like good requirements?

 Goals, yes, though I wouldn't put much weight on the bonus criterion.
   I would add that it should be aesthetically pleasing, or at least
 comfortable, to most people.  Perfection might not be attainable, and
 some tradeoffs may be required. Is anyone set up to produce test images
 and/or metrics for judging existing colormaps, or newly designed ones,
 on all of these criteria?


  [3] ; install (or just run out
  of the source tree) and then use pycam02ucs.deltaEp_sRGB to compute
  the perceptual distance between two RGB colors. It's also possible to
  use the underlying color model stuff to do things like generate colors
  with evenly spaced luminance and hues, or draw 3d plots of the shape
  of the human color space. 

Re: [matplotlib-devel] Matplotlib's new default colormap

2014-11-22 Thread Thomas Caswell
The contents of that talk are also in our documentation


On Sat Nov 22 2014 at 9:33:11 AM gary ruben wrote:

 There was a talk by Kristen Thyng at scipy2014 that might be a good
 backgrounder for this:

 At the end she references this site of
 Matteo Niccoli which is full of good content. I wonder if it's worth
 contacting Kristen or Matteo to let them know there's a discussion going on
 here that they might be interested in?

 On 22 November 2014 at 09:53, Eric Firing wrote:

 On 2014/11/21, 4:42 PM, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
  On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 5:46 PM, Darren Dale
  On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Phil Elson
  Please use this thread to discuss the best choice for a new default
  matplotlib colormap.
  This follows on from a discussion on the matplotlib-devel mailing list
  entitled How to move beyond JET as the default matplotlib colormap.
  I remember reading a (peer-reviewed, I think) article about how jet
 was a
  very unfortunate choice of default. I can't find the exact article
 now, but
  I did find some other useful ones:
  Those are good articles. There's a lot of literature on the problems
  with jet, and lots of links in the matplotlib issue [1]. For those
  trying to get up to speed quickly, MathWorks recently put together a
  nice review of the literature [2]. One particularly striking paper
  they cite studied a group of medical students and found that (a) they
  were used to/practiced at using jet, (b) when given a choice of
  colormaps they said that they preferred jet, (c) they nonetheless made
  more *medical diagnostic errors* when using jet than with better
  designed colormaps (Borkin et al, 2011).
  I won't suggest a specific colormap, but I do propose that whatever we
  chose satisfy the following criteria:
  - it should be a sequential colormap, because diverging colormaps are
  really misleading unless you know where the center of the data is,
  and for a default colormap we generally won't.
  - it should be perceptually uniform, i.e., human subjective judgements
  of how far apart nearby colors are should correspond as linearly as
  possible to the difference between the numerical values they
  represent, at least locally. There's lots of research on how to
  measure perceptual distance -- a colleague and I happen to have
  recently implemented a state-of-the-art model of this for another
  project, in case anyone wants to play with it [3], or just using
  good-old-L*a*b* is a reasonable quick-and-dirty approximation.
  - it should have a perceptually uniform luminance ramp, i.e. if you
  convert to greyscale it should still be uniform. This is useful both
  in practical terms (greyscale printers are still a thing!) and because
  luminance is a very strong and natural cue to magnitude.
  - it should also have some kind of variation in hue, because hue
  variation is a really helpful additional cue to perception, having two
  cues is better than one, and there's no reason not to do it.
  - the hue variation should be chosen to produce reasonable results
  even for viewers with the more common types of colorblindness. (Which
  rules out things like red-to-green.)
  And, for bonus points, it would be nice to choose a hue ramp that
  still works if you throw away the luminance variation, because then we
  could use the version with varying luminance for 2d plots, and the
  version with just hue variation for 3d plots. (In 3d plots you really
  want to reserve the luminance channel for lighting/shading, because
  your brain is *really* good at extracting 3d shape from luminance
  variation. If the 3d surface itself has massively varying luminance
  then this screws up the ability to see shape.)
  Do these seem like good requirements?

 Goals, yes, though I wouldn't put much weight on the bonus criterion.
   I would add that it should be aesthetically pleasing, or at least
 comfortable, to most people.  Perfection might not be attainable, and
 some tradeoffs may be required. Is anyone set up to produce test images
 and/or metrics for judging existing colormaps, or newly designed ones,
 on all of these criteria?


  [3] ; install (or just run out
  of the source tree) and then use pycam02ucs.deltaEp_sRGB to compute
  the perceptual distance between two RGB colors. It's 

[matplotlib-devel] chicken/egg (or figure/canvas) question

2014-11-22 Thread Benjamin Root
I thought I had this understood, but now I am confused while working on my
last chapter. I know that the Figure object never directly creates its own
canvas object. It starts off with a None object as a placeholder and waits
for one to be given to it. However, I can only find one place where the
figure object's set_canvas() method is called, and that is in the canvas's
print_figure() method to restore itself as the figure's canvas after
temporaraily switching to another backend for saving.

I thought that the FigureManager initializes the primary canvas object, but
that doesn't seem to be the case. Where is it done?

Ben Root
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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] chicken/egg (or figure/canvas) question

2014-11-22 Thread Benjamin Root
Actually, I think I found it. It looks like each backend defines a
new_figure_manager() function. Then, in backends/, not only do
the aliased FigureManager and FigureCanvas objects get imported from the
appropriate module, but so does that function. It is pylab_setup() in the
backends/ that creates the canvas object, it seems?

I guess this is one of those remaining issues that is keeping us from fully
separating pyplot from the rest of matplotlib?

Ben Root

On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Benjamin Root wrote:

 I thought I had this understood, but now I am confused while working on my
 last chapter. I know that the Figure object never directly creates its own
 canvas object. It starts off with a None object as a placeholder and waits
 for one to be given to it. However, I can only find one place where the
 figure object's set_canvas() method is called, and that is in the canvas's
 print_figure() method to restore itself as the figure's canvas after
 temporaraily switching to another backend for saving.

 I thought that the FigureManager initializes the primary canvas object,
 but that doesn't seem to be the case. Where is it done?

 Ben Root

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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

[matplotlib-devel] cocoaagg figure not have a navigation toolbar?

2014-11-22 Thread Benjamin Root
I don't have a mac to double-check, but reading through the, I don't see any creation of a navigation toolbar? Is
this assumption right?

Ben Root
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Matplotlib-devel mailing list