Re: [matplotlib-devel] SaveFig bug in TkAgg backend

2007-05-18 Thread Mark Bakker
This is a well known problem, reported about a year or so ago.
John Hunter tried to get some help on the (TK?) mailinglist, but I
don't think anybody responded. I looked into it too, but couldn't find
a solution (that doesn't mean much, except for that it is not
blatently obvious).
It would be great if somebody would know how to fix this.
Strangely enough I have written a GUI myself where I use the toolbar,
and the save button works fine there.

 Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 13:31:18 -0600
 From: Urvashi R.V. [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 When the save button is used on the matplotlib tkagg toolbar, it
 uses the Tk  asksavefilename object from the tkFileDialog class,
 to pop up a little window that allows you to select the name and type
 of file to save.This function internally calls figure.destroy().
 and the currently active figure gets destroyed (but it is still visible
 and memory is not freed). The next plot then creates a new figure
 window with the same figure._num as the previous.

 see... : line 621
 - class NavigationToolbar2TkAgg ::   def save_figure(...)
 (callback for the toolbar.bsave button)

 The asksavefilename function call, triggers Gcf.destroy().  This can
 be seen by placing a print statement in : line 16
 - class Gcf :: def destroy(num)

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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] unicode support for latex

2007-05-18 Thread Andrew Straw
Hi Darren,

I've made the changes you requested and committed it. (I didn't realize
that mpl-data/matplotlibrc was generated from the template -- I actually
already placed a descriptive line of text in the overwritten file.)

I'm attaching a file for the examples/ directory which I'm having
trouble checking in. I'm rushing out the door for a weekend away at the
moment, so if you can check this in, that'd be great, otherwise I'll try
again when I'm back online. I think it might be an issue with the
non-ASCII characters in the file.

I'll also update the wiki page when I get back.


Darren Dale wrote:
 Hi Andrew,
 On Thursday 17 May 2007 10:12:09 pm Andrew Straw wrote:
 OK, here's the patch! :)

 Andrew Straw wrote:
 Hi All (esp. Darren),

 The attached patch adds unicode support for LaTeX. Given the recent
 discussion about adding preambles, I thought I'd run it past here first.
 Anyone opposed if I check this in?
 No opposition, but a couple requests. Would you add a commented out line to 
 matplotlibrc.template, with some brief discussion if you think it is 
 appropriate? Also, lets make it a policy that the custom preamble always 
 appears after all other preambles in texmanager amd backend_ps.
 Note that I specifically added the rcParam text.latex.unicode to enable
 this and a default False value to turn this off by default. I hope this
 prevents breakage for folks who don't have the ucs and inputenc latex
 packages installed while allowing unicode for those of us that do.
 I have never used unicode with latex, will you add a nugget to

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-

This demo is modified to have unicode. See that file for
more information.

from matplotlib import rcParams
from matplotlib.numerix import arange, cos, pi
from pylab import figure, axes, plot, xlabel, ylabel, title, \
 grid, savefig, show

ax = axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.7])
t = arange(0.0, 1.0+0.01, 0.01)
s = cos(2*2*pi*t)+2
plot(t, s)

xlabel(r'\textbf{time (s)}')
s = unicode(r'\textit{Velocity (°/sec)}','latin-1')
ylabel(unicode(r'\textit{Velocity (°/sec)}','latin-1'),fontsize=16)
title(r\TeX\ is Number $\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{-e^{i\pi}}{2^n}$!, 
  fontsize=16, color='r')

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Matplotlib-devel mailing list

Re: [matplotlib-devel] [Matplotlib-users] rc parameters and config file

2007-05-18 Thread Darren Dale
I'm moving this discussion over to mpl-dev. Its gettin too hairy for the more 
general audience.

On Friday 18 May 2007 12:02:30 pm Alexander Schmolck wrote:
 If I may make another suggestion (I don't have time to volunteer for
 implementing them in the forseeable future, but I might eventually if
 there's interest): Maybe the way configuration is handled could be

 1. It seems to me that letting users manipulate some raw dictionary
(`rcParams`) in order to customize behavior is bad.

Just now, on my first dig into matplotlib I've found a number of bugs
 that result from bad state in rcParams. As a user this has also caused me
 some wasted time, because typos and other illegal param choices are not
 caught early (but are relativley likely, because matplotlib has many and
 complex options).

Using some dedicated class-instance instead of a dict would allow for:
- automatic conistency checks on setting
- possibly even change propagation (likely faster and certainly less
 error prone if done right: I'm not sure how many places rcParams dependent
 results apart from the tex-stuff are cached and should be recomputed when
 certain params change, but obviously an push/'event'-based solutin could be
 faster than pull/polling)
- possibly better performance, because e.g. using immutable values would
  allow identity based checks to see if a rcParam changed and obviate
 the need to copy;
- convenient doc lookup and searching an display of available
 alternatives (e.g. font-families etc)
- better factoring of the matplotlibrc parsing and validation see below:

This sounds like a good proposal to me. Some other devs had considered using 
the traits package to address some of these points. Maybe they will comment. 

 2. It also seems to me that having some custom config file format rather
 than just (a literal-only subset of) python is suboptimal. Why make people
 learn another and more limited syntax when python literals are already
 familiar and both more powerful and easier to use

If someone donated a nickel for every time I have seen this argument on the 
mailing list, we might have enough money to buy John a doughnut.

 (e.g. the latex-preamble 
 setting can't express multiple package options, because param values can't
 contain ',')? 

Thats a pretty big bug. See the disclaimer concerning preamble 
customizations :)

 It would also get rid of the IMO undesirable coupling of 
string-parsing and type-checking that the validate_* functions do at the
moment; really setting an rcParam should also do the latter but not the
former (and guaranteed validation on setting would also avoid the need
 to sprinkle random checks on reading through the code).

IMO it would be much nicer if there was some more declarative way to
specify options, check their validity on setting and assoicate docs with
them (sort of like e.g. emcs-custom vars).

Valid files in the old-syntax could be translated automatically quite
easily, so I don't think it's a compatiblity issue.

These are all good points, most of which have been brought up before. What we 
need is someone with sufficient time and motivation...


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