Re: [Matplotlib-users] Nonblocking Plots with Matplotlib

2007-03-15 Thread Andrew Straw
Bill, very cool. Also, thanks for showing me how Twisted can be used 
like Pyro, more-or-less, I think. (If I understand your code from my 1 
minute perusal.)

On Mac OS X, there's one issue I don't have time to follow any further: 
sys.executable points to  
whereas /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin/python 
is the file actually on my path. For some reason, when I run the latter 
ezplot is found, when the former, it is not. Thus, your auto-spawning of 
a plotserver instance fails on my installation.

Other than that, the example you gave works as advertised and looks 
great. (Ohh, those anti-aliased lines look better and better the more I 
suffer through my colleagues' aliased plots...)

Bill Baxter wrote:
 Howdy Folks,

 I was missing the good ole days of using Matlab back at the Uni when I
 could debug my code, stop at breakpoints and plot various data without
 fear of blocking the interpreter process.

 Using ipython -pylab is what has been suggested to me in the past,
 but the problem is I don't do my debugging from ipython.  I have a
 very nice IDE that works very well, and it has a lovely interactive
 debugging prompt that I can use to probe my code when stopped at a
 breakpoint.  It's great except I can't really use matplotlib for
 debugging there because it causes things to freeze up.

 So I've come up with a decent (though not perfect) solution for
 quickie interactive plots which is to run matplotlib in a separate
 process.  I call the result it 'ezplot'.  The first alpha version of
 this is now available at the Cheeseshop.  (I made an egg too, so if
 you have setuptools you can do easy_install ezplot.)

 The basic usage is like so:

  In [1]: import ezplot
  In [2]: p = ezplot.Plotter()
  In [3]: p.plot([1,2,3],[1,4,9],marker='o')
  Connecting to server... waiting...
  connected to plotserver 0.1.0a1 on http://localhost:8397
  Out[3]: True
  In [4]: from numpy import *
  In [5]: x = linspace(-5,5,20)
  In [13]: p.clf()
  Out[13]: True
  In [14]: p.plot(x, x*x*log(x*x+0.01))

 (Imagine lovely plots popping up on your screen as these commands are typed.)

 The only return values you get back are True (success...probably) or
 False (failure...for sure).  So no fancy plot object manipulation is
 possible.  But you can do basic plots no problem.

 The nice part is that this (unlike ipython's built-in -pylab threading
 mojo) should work just as well from wherever you're using python.
 Whether it's ipython (no -pylab) or Idle, or a plain MS-DOS console,
 or WingIDE's debug probe, or SPE, or a PyCrust shell or whatever.  It
 doesn't matter because all the client is doing is packing up data and
 shipping over a socket.  All the GUI plotting mojo happens in a
 completely separate process.

 There are plenty of ways this could be made better, but for me, for
 now, this probably does pretty much all I need, so it's back to Real
 Work.  But if anyone is interested in making improvements to this, let
 me know.

 Here's a short list of things that could be improved:
 * Right now I assume use of the wxAGG backend for matplotlib.  Don't
 know how much work it would be to support other back ends (or how to
 go about it, really).   wxAGG is what I always use.
 * Returning more error/exception info from the server would be nice
 * Returning full fledged proxy plot objects would be nice too, but I
 suspect that's a huge effort
 * SOAP may be better for this than xmlrpclib but I just couldn't get
 it to work (SOAPpy + Twisted).
 * A little more safety would be nice.  Anyone know how to make a
 Twisted xmlrpc server not accept connections from anywhere except
 * There's a little glitch in that the spawned plot server dies with
 the parent that created it.  Maybe there's a flag to subprocess.Popen
 to fix that?
 * Sometimes when you click on Exit Server, if there are plot windows
 open it hangs while shutting down.

 Only tested on Win32 but there's nothing much platform specific in there.

 Give it a try and let me know what you think!


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[Matplotlib-users] No undershoot in hist

2007-03-15 Thread Peter Melchior

thanks for the quick reply to my last problem.
Here I've got a new one:

While the last bin carries the overshoot, the first bin does not carry the


from numpy import *
from pylab import *

bins  = 2 + arange(21)
data = arange(24)
print bins
print data

The last bin has two counts since it contains the entries 22 and 23 from data,
but the first bin has only one count, although it should carry the entries 

Is this intended?

Best regards,

Peter Melchior

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[Matplotlib-users] Question about imshow and matshow

2007-03-15 Thread Pellegrini Eric
Hello everybody,

when using matplotlib, any plot I create is displayed separately from my 
Tkinter application. Is there a direct way to embed the plot created by 
matplotlib in a widget such as a canvas using something like create_image or 
something else ?

Currently, the only thing I managed to do is:
-create my plot with matshow
-save the figure using savefig (png)
-embed the png in a canvas using create_image

not very smart, isn't it ?

Thank you very much

best regards

Eric Pellegrini

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[Matplotlib-users] memory problem

2007-03-15 Thread Marco Fumana
Hi, I have a memory problem.

I'm using: matplotlib-0.85, python 2.3.5, gtk 2.8.6 and  pygtk 2.8.2.

I create a FigureCanvasGTKAgg with a subplot and I add one Line2D to this 

Then I add this FigureCanvas in a gtk.Window

When I destroy the gtk.Window (by the gtk method destroy),
the memory seem to be not released.

Even if I clear the subplot before destroy the gtk.window only a part of 
memory is released.

Am I missing something obvious?

Can somebody help me?


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Question about imshow and matshow

2007-03-15 Thread Antonino Ingargiola
On 3/15/07, Pellegrini Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello everybody,

 when using matplotlib, any plot I create is displayed separately from my
 Tkinter application. Is there a direct way to embed the plot created by
 matplotlib in a widget such as a canvas using something like create_image
 or something else ?

 Currently, the only thing I managed to do is:
 -create my plot with matshow
 -save the figure using savefig (png)
 -embed the png in a canvas using create_image

 not very smart, isn't it ?

Definitely not ;). It's simple to embed matplotlib in the common
toolkits. Download the examples tarball from the matplotlib site and
look at the files There are examples for tk, gtk,
qt and wx toolkits.

 Thank you very much

 best regards

 Eric Pellegrini

  ~ Antonio

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[Matplotlib-users] pylab vs. embedding in wx

2007-03-15 Thread Ryan Krauss
I have a problem that probably highlights a problem with how I
normally use mpl vs. how I should use it.  I have some utility scripts
that do various data processing tasks and also have convenience
functions for plotting data using pylab.  Almost all of my scripts
have a line like this near the top:
from pylab import figure, cla, clf, plot, subplot, show, ylabel,
xlabel, xlim, ylim, semilogx, legend, title, savefig

I am now trying to import some of my data processing functions into a
script that is embedding matplotib in a wxPython application following
the examples.  I am getting this error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/siue/Research/PythonSimulationEnvironment$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 18, in ?
import rwkbode
  File /home/ryan/pythonutil/rwkbode/, line 3, in ?
import pylab
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/, line 1, in ?
from matplotlib.pylab import *
  File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/, line 216, in ?
from backends import new_figure_manager, draw_if_interactive, show
ImportError: cannot import name new_figure_manager

which seems to say that pylab cannot be imported after my wx mpl panel
has done this:
import matplotlib
import wx
from scipy import sin, cos, pi, atleast_1d, shape, log10
#from wxPython.wx import *
import as cm
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import Toolbar, FigureCanvasWxAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import matplotlib.numerix as numerix
import matplotlib.numerix.mlab as mlab
from matplotlib.mlab import meshgrid

How should I be using matplotlib/pylab in my utility scripts so that
they are compatible with embedding in wx?



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