[Matplotlib-users] Reliefplot (imshow with shading)

2009-03-13 Thread Timothée Lecomte
Dear all,

I am using matplotlib with a great pleasure, and I enjoy its capabilities.
I have recently attended a conference where the invited speaker showed 
great visualizations of arrays from both experiments and simulations. 
His plots were basically looking like those produced by imshow, that is 
a luminance array rendered as a colormap image, but with the additionnal 
use of a shading, which gives a really great feeling to the image. You 
can feel the height of each part of the image.

I have tried to find what software could have produced such a plot, and 
found the ReliefPlot function of Mathematica, which has precisely this 
purpose : rendering a colormap image from an array with a shading to 
give the perception of relief.

The documentation and its examples are self-explanatory :
(look in particular at the first neat example at the bottom of that page)

The two live demonstrations illustrate this plot style quite well too :

So here are my questions :
Is there a trick to generate an image with such a shading in matplotlib ?
If not, do you know of a python tool that could help ?
Where could I start if I want to code it myself in matplotlib ?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

Timothée Lecomte

Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain,
École Normale Supérieure
24, rue Lhomond
75005 Paris

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Multithreading problem with print_png and font object?

2009-03-13 Thread Karen Tracey
I am using matplotlib's object-oriented API to dynamically generate some
graphs served by a web site.  The web site is built with Django and I have
generally followed the cookbook example I found here:
http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/Django for serving matplotlib
figures under Django.  Specifically my code looks like this:

from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

def generate_png(request, f, year, cid, pid, ic):

# ...snipped code that generates the data to graph...

fig = Figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
n, bins2, patches = ax.hist(vals, bins, facecolor='blue',
if x is not None:
fig.legend((patches[x],), ('%s (%d)' % (cname, cval),), 'lower
canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)

# ... snip remainder ...

This works fine, except when I run it under a multi-threaded web server
(Apache with mod_wsgi in daemon mode with multi-threaded processes) it
sometimes (not always) fails with this traceback:

 File /home/kmt/django/Django-1.1-alpha-1/django/core/handlers/base.py,
line 86, in get_response
   response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
 File /home/kmt/software/web/xword/acpt/views.py, line 321, in get_png
   response = generate_png(request, f, year, cid, pid, ic)
 File /home/kmt/software/web/xword/acpt/views.py, line 308, in
 File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py,
line 305, in print_png
 File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py,
line 261, in draw
 File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/figure.py, line 765, in
 File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/legend.py, line 215, in
 File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/text.py, line 329, in
 File /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.py,
line 113, in draw_text
   self._renderer.draw_text_image(font.get_image(), int(x), int(y) + 1,
angle, gc)
RuntimeError: You must call .set_text() before .get_image()

I'm not at all familiar with the internals (truly I'm barely familiar with
the public APIs) of matplotlib but it appears from this exception that
internally there's a 'font' object being shared between threads here, such
that one thread can come in and change the font state resulting in a
subsequent error in a different thread that was also in the middle of using
that font object?  If I protect that block of code above with a thread lock
so that only one thread is allowed in at a time, the problem goes away.

For reference I'm using the latest matplotlib available in the Ubuntu
Intrepid (8.10) repositories, which looks to be 0.98.3.  In a brief scan I
didn't see anything relevant listed in the what's new page for 0.98.4 (and
can't find a what's new in 0.98.5 on the matplotlib web site though that
is what is listed as most recent?).  Nor can I find anything that looks
similar logged as a bug in the tracker.

Is there something (besides bracketing all access to the matplotlib code
with a thread mutex) that I should be doing to make my use of matplotlib
thread safe or does it seem like there's a multi-threading bug in matplotlib

Thanks for any pointers,
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Problem in robin - basemap?

2009-03-13 Thread Jeff Whitaker
James Boyle wrote:

 This is something I have noticed recently. If I set lon_0 = 180. using 
 the robin projection , the parallels from 0 to 180 are drawn thicker 
 than those from 180 to 360.
 Perhaps the 0 to 180 are drawn twice - with some small offset - due 
 some wraparound problem.
 Enclosed is some code illustrating the problem and the pngs.
 It is not a glaring difference, but I think real. It also shows up if 
 you look carefully at the output from simpletest.py in your examples.

 basemap .99.1  matplotlib 0.98.3 OS X 10.4

 m = basemap.Basemap(resolution='c',projection='robin',lon_0=180.)
 parallels = numpy.arange(-90.,90.,30.)

 m = basemap.Basemap(resolution='c',projection='robin',lon_0=0.)
 parallels = numpy.arange(-90.,90.,30.)

Jim: I can't reproduce this, so I suspect it's been fixed since basemap 
0.99.1.  Can you upgrade and let me know whether that fixes it for you?


(P.S. CC'ing matplotlib-users)



Jeffrey S. Whitaker Phone  : (303)497-6313
Meteorologist   FAX: (303)497-6449
NOAA/OAR/PSD  R/PSD1Email  : jeffrey.s.whita...@noaa.gov
325 BroadwayOffice : Skaggs Research Cntr 1D-113
Boulder, CO, USA 80303-3328 Web: http://tinyurl.com/5telg

Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
easily build your RIAs with Flex Builder, the Eclipse(TM)based development
software that enables intelligent coding and step-through debugging.
Download the free 60 day trial. http://p.sf.net/sfu/www-adobe-com
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Reliefplot (imshow with shading)

2009-03-13 Thread Jeff Whitaker

Timothée Lecomte wrote:

Dear all,

I am using matplotlib with a great pleasure, and I enjoy its capabilities.
I have recently attended a conference where the invited speaker showed 
great visualizations of arrays from both experiments and simulations. 
His plots were basically looking like those produced by imshow, that is 
a luminance array rendered as a colormap image, but with the additionnal 
use of a shading, which gives a really great feeling to the image. You 
can feel the height of each part of the image.

I have tried to find what software could have produced such a plot, and 
found the ReliefPlot function of Mathematica, which has precisely this 
purpose : rendering a colormap image from an array with a shading to 
give the perception of relief.

The documentation and its examples are self-explanatory :
(look in particular at the first neat example at the bottom of that page)

The two live demonstrations illustrate this plot style quite well too :

So here are my questions :
Is there a trick to generate an image with such a shading in matplotlib ?
If not, do you know of a python tool that could help ?
Where could I start if I want to code it myself in matplotlib ?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

Timothée Lecomte


Timothée:  There is nothing built-in, but it would be a nice thing to have.  
Here's a proof-of-concept hack that follows the approach used in the Generic 
Mapping Tools (explained here 
http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/gmt/doc/html/tutorial/node70.html), with some code 
borrowed from http://www.langarson.com.au/blog/?p=14.  It's very rough, but if 
it looks promising to you I can try to polish it.


Jeffrey S. Whitaker Phone  : (303)497-6313
Meteorologist   FAX: (303)497-6449
NOAA/OAR/PSD  R/PSD1Email  : jeffrey.s.whita...@noaa.gov
325 BroadwayOffice : Skaggs Research Cntr 1D-113
Boulder, CO, USA 80303-3328 Web: http://tinyurl.com/5telg

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def rgb_to_hsv_arr(arr):
 fast rgb_to_hsv using numpy array 
# adapted from Arnar Flatberg http://www.mail-archive.com/numpy-discuss...@scipy.org/msg06147.html it now handles 
# NaN properly and mimics colorsys.rgb_to_hsv output
arr = arr/255.
out = np.empty_like(arr)
arr_max = arr.max(-1)
delta = arr.ptp(-1)
s = delta / arr_max
s[delta==0] = 0
# red is max
idx = (arr[:,:,0] == arr_max)
out[idx, 0] = (arr[idx, 1] - arr[idx, 2]) / delta[idx]
# green is max
idx = (arr[:,:,1] == arr_max)
out[idx, 0] = 2. + (arr[idx, 2] - arr[idx, 0] ) / delta[idx]
# blue is max
idx = (arr[:,:,2] == arr_max)
out[idx, 0] = 4. + (arr[idx, 0] - arr[idx, 1] ) / delta[idx]
out[:,:,0] = (out[:,:,0]/6.0) % 1.0
out[:,:,1] = s
out[:,:,2] = arr_max
return out

# code from colorsys module, should numpy'ify
def hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v):
if s == 0.0: return v, v, v
i = int(h*6.0) # XXX assume int() truncates!
f = (h*6.0) - i
p = v*(1.0 - s)
q = v*(1.0 - s*f)
t = v*(1.0 - s*(1.0-f))
if i%6 == 0: return v, t, p
if i == 1: return q, v, p
if i == 2: return p, v, t
if i == 3: return p, q, v
if i == 4: return t, p, v
if i == 5: return v, p, q
# Cannot get here

def hsv_to_rgb_arr(arr):
# vectorize this!
out = np.empty(arr.shape, arr.dtype)
for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
for j in range(arr.shape[1]):
h,s,v = arr[i,j,0].item(),arr[i,j,1].item(),arr[i,j,2].item()
r,g,b = hsv_to_rgb(h,s,v)
out[i,j,0]=r; out[i,j,1]=g; out[i,j,2]=b
return out

def illumination(idata,azdeg=315.0,altdeg=45.):
# convert alt, az to radians
az = azdeg*np.pi/180.0
alt = altdeg*np.pi/180.0
# gradient in x and y directions
dx, dy = np.gradient(idata)
slope = 0.5*np.pi - np.arctan(np.hypot(dx, dy))
aspect = np.arctan2(dx, dy)
odata = np.sin(alt)*np.sin(slope) + np.cos(alt)*np.cos(slope)*np.cos(-az -\
 aspect - 0.5*np.pi)
# rescale to interval -1,1
# +1 means maximum sun exposure and -1 means complete shade.
odata = (odata - odata.min())/(odata.max() - odata.min())
odata = 2.*odata - 1.
return odata

# test data
Z=np.sin(X**2+Y**2+1e-4)/(X**2+Y**2+1e-4) # Create the data to be plotted
# imagine an artificial sun placed at infinity in
# some azimuth and elevation position illuminating our surface. The parts of
# the surface that slope toward the sun should brighten while those sides
# facing away should become darker; no shadows are cast as a result of
# topographic undulations.
intensity = illumination(Z,altdeg=10)
# plot original image
im = plt.imshow(Z,cmap=plt.cm.hsv)
# convert to rgb, then rgb to hsv
rgb = im.to_rgba(Z)
hsv = 

[Matplotlib-users] Rotating in imshow

2009-03-13 Thread Thomas Robitaille

I was wondering whether there is a way to rotate a grayscale/ 
colorscale when using imshow.

I have been using PGPLOT (a fortran/c plotting library) for many years  
now, and the equivalent to imshow is called PGGRAY (or PGIMAG). One of  
the arguments this function takes is a 6-element array TR which is a  
transformation matrix. From the PGPLOT documentation:

The transformation matrix TR is used to calculate the world  
coordinates of the center of the cell that represents each array  
element. The world coordinates of the center of the cell corresponding  
to array element A(I,J) are given by:
X = TR(1) + TR(2)*I + TR(3)*J
Y = TR(4) + TR(5)*I + TR(6)*J

This is actually the same as the ImageMatrix element in the Postscript  

ImageMatrix array (Required) An array of six numbers defining a  
transformation from user
space to image space. (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/postscript/pdfs/PLRM.pdf 
, page 298)

This allows arbitrary rotation/translation of the image to plotting  
without any loss in quality for vector graphics formats (EPS, PDF, SVG).

So far, I have found that imshow has an 'extend' keyword, which is the  
equivalent of four of the matrix elements, but there is no way to  
specify the rotation. Is there such a feature in matplotlib already?  
If not, would it be possible to implement it?

Just to be clear, I am not talking about rotating with some kind of  
interpolation, which would degrade the image (this can be done with  
PIL). What I want is to be able to specify a transformation matrix  
which includes rotation, which means that there is no resampling done  
if I save my plot in a vector graphics format.

Thanks in advance for any help!


Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Rotating in imshow

2009-03-13 Thread Eric Firing
Thomas Robitaille wrote:
 I was wondering whether there is a way to rotate a grayscale/ 
 colorscale when using imshow.
 I have been using PGPLOT (a fortran/c plotting library) for many years  
 now, and the equivalent to imshow is called PGGRAY (or PGIMAG). One of  
 the arguments this function takes is a 6-element array TR which is a  
 transformation matrix. From the PGPLOT documentation:
 The transformation matrix TR is used to calculate the world  
 coordinates of the center of the cell that represents each array  
 element. The world coordinates of the center of the cell corresponding  
 to array element A(I,J) are given by:
 X = TR(1) + TR(2)*I + TR(3)*J
 Y = TR(4) + TR(5)*I + TR(6)*J

You could do this with the Axes.pcolormesh method.  You could start with 
an unrotated grid (generated by meshgrid, for example), apply your 
rotation, and use that transformed grid in pcolormesh.  Note that 
pcolormesh requires the grid for the cell boundaries, not centers.


 This is actually the same as the ImageMatrix element in the Postscript  
 ImageMatrix array (Required) An array of six numbers defining a  
 transformation from user
 space to image space. (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/postscript/pdfs/PLRM.pdf 
 , page 298)
 This allows arbitrary rotation/translation of the image to plotting  
 without any loss in quality for vector graphics formats (EPS, PDF, SVG).
 So far, I have found that imshow has an 'extend' keyword, which is the  
 equivalent of four of the matrix elements, but there is no way to  
 specify the rotation. Is there such a feature in matplotlib already?  
 If not, would it be possible to implement it?
 Just to be clear, I am not talking about rotating with some kind of  
 interpolation, which would degrade the image (this can be done with  
 PIL). What I want is to be able to specify a transformation matrix  
 which includes rotation, which means that there is no resampling done  
 if I save my plot in a vector graphics format.
 Thanks in advance for any help!
 Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
 powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
 easily build your RIAs with Flex Builder, the Eclipse(TM)based development
 software that enables intelligent coding and step-through debugging.
 Download the free 60 day trial. http://p.sf.net/sfu/www-adobe-com
 Matplotlib-users mailing list

Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
easily build your RIAs with Flex Builder, the Eclipse(TM)based development
software that enables intelligent coding and step-through debugging.
Download the free 60 day trial. http://p.sf.net/sfu/www-adobe-com
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Reliefplot (imshow with shading)

2009-03-13 Thread Jeff Whitaker

Jeff Whitaker wrote:

Timothée Lecomte wrote:

Dear all,

I am using matplotlib with a great pleasure, and I enjoy its 
I have recently attended a conference where the invited speaker 
showed great visualizations of arrays from both experiments and 
simulations. His plots were basically looking like those produced by 
imshow, that is a luminance array rendered as a colormap image, but 
with the additionnal use of a shading, which gives a really great 
feeling to the image. You can feel the height of each part of the image.

I have tried to find what software could have produced such a plot, 
and found the ReliefPlot function of Mathematica, which has precisely 
this purpose : rendering a colormap image from an array with a 
shading to give the perception of relief.

The documentation and its examples are self-explanatory :
(look in particular at the first neat example at the bottom of that 

The two live demonstrations illustrate this plot style quite well 
too :


So here are my questions :
Is there a trick to generate an image with such a shading in 
matplotlib ?

If not, do you know of a python tool that could help ?
Where could I start if I want to code it myself in matplotlib ?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

Timothée Lecomte


Timothée:  There is nothing built-in, but it would be a nice thing to 
have.  Here's a proof-of-concept hack that follows the approach used 
in the Generic Mapping Tools (explained here 
http://www.seismo.ethz.ch/gmt/doc/html/tutorial/node70.html), with 
some code borrowed from http://www.langarson.com.au/blog/?p=14.  It's 
very rough, but if it looks promising to you I can try to polish it.


Found a bug, here's a fixed version.


Jeffrey S. Whitaker Phone  : (303)497-6313
Meteorologist   FAX: (303)497-6449
NOAA/OAR/PSD  R/PSD1Email  : jeffrey.s.whita...@noaa.gov
325 BroadwayOffice : Skaggs Research Cntr 1D-113
Boulder, CO, USA 80303-3328 Web: http://tinyurl.com/5telg

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def rgb_to_hsv_arr(arr):
 fast rgb_to_hsv using numpy array 
# adapted from Arnar Flatberg http://www.mail-archive.com/numpy-discuss...@scipy.org/msg06147.html it now handles 
# NaN properly and mimics colorsys.rgb_to_hsv output
arr = arr/255.
out = np.empty_like(arr)
arr_max = arr.max(-1)
delta = arr.ptp(-1)
s = delta / arr_max
s[delta==0] = 0
# red is max
idx = (arr[:,:,0] == arr_max)
out[idx, 0] = (arr[idx, 1] - arr[idx, 2]) / delta[idx]
# green is max
idx = (arr[:,:,1] == arr_max)
out[idx, 0] = 2. + (arr[idx, 2] - arr[idx, 0] ) / delta[idx]
# blue is max
idx = (arr[:,:,2] == arr_max)
out[idx, 0] = 4. + (arr[idx, 0] - arr[idx, 1] ) / delta[idx]
out[:,:,0] = (out[:,:,0]/6.0) % 1.0
out[:,:,1] = s
out[:,:,2] = arr_max
return out

# code from colorsys module, should numpy'ify
def hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v):
if s == 0.0: return v, v, v
i = int(h*6.0) # XXX assume int() truncates!
f = (h*6.0) - i
p = v*(1.0 - s)
q = v*(1.0 - s*f)
t = v*(1.0 - s*(1.0-f))
if i%6 == 0: return v, t, p
if i == 1: return q, v, p
if i == 2: return p, v, t
if i == 3: return p, q, v
if i == 4: return t, p, v
if i == 5: return v, p, q
# Cannot get here

def hsv_to_rgb_arr(arr):
# vectorize this!
out = np.empty(arr.shape, arr.dtype)
for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
for j in range(arr.shape[1]):
h,s,v = arr[i,j,0].item(),arr[i,j,1].item(),arr[i,j,2].item()
r,g,b = hsv_to_rgb(h,s,v)
out[i,j,0]=r; out[i,j,1]=g; out[i,j,2]=b
return out

def illumination(idata,azdeg=315.0,altdeg=45.):
# convert alt, az to radians
az = azdeg*np.pi/180.0
alt = altdeg*np.pi/180.0
# gradient in x and y directions
dx, dy = np.gradient(idata)
slope = 0.5*np.pi - np.arctan(np.hypot(dx, dy))
aspect = np.arctan2(dx, dy)
odata = np.sin(alt)*np.sin(slope) + np.cos(alt)*np.cos(slope)*np.cos(-az -\
 aspect - 0.5*np.pi)
# rescale to interval -1,1
# +1 means maximum sun exposure and -1 means complete shade.
odata = (odata - odata.min())/(odata.max() - odata.min())
odata = 2.*odata - 1.
return odata

# test data
# imagine an artificial sun placed at infinity in
# some azimuth and elevation position illuminating our surface. The parts of
# the surface that slope toward the sun should brighten while those sides
# facing away should become darker; no shadows are cast as a result of
# topographic undulations.
intensity = illumination(Z)
# plot original image
im = plt.imshow(Z,cmap=plt.cm.copper)
# convert to rgb, then rgb to hsv
rgb = 

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Rotating in imshow

2009-03-13 Thread Andrew Straw
Eric Firing wrote:
 Thomas Robitaille wrote:

 I was wondering whether there is a way to rotate a grayscale/ 
 colorscale when using imshow.

 I have been using PGPLOT (a fortran/c plotting library) for many years  
 now, and the equivalent to imshow is called PGGRAY (or PGIMAG). One of  
 the arguments this function takes is a 6-element array TR which is a  
 transformation matrix. From the PGPLOT documentation:

 The transformation matrix TR is used to calculate the world  
 coordinates of the center of the cell that represents each array  
 element. The world coordinates of the center of the cell corresponding  
 to array element A(I,J) are given by:
 X = TR(1) + TR(2)*I + TR(3)*J
 Y = TR(4) + TR(5)*I + TR(6)*J
 You could do this with the Axes.pcolormesh method.  You could start with 
 an unrotated grid (generated by meshgrid, for example), apply your 
 rotation, and use that transformed grid in pcolormesh.  Note that 
 pcolormesh requires the grid for the cell boundaries, not centers.

It should work with imshow() as well if you can set the affine component
of the transform to the desired values. Which it looks like you can in
Affine2D(). (The affine matrix is the elements of TR listed above, it

I have not tried to do this, however -- just saying that I think it's


Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
easily build your RIAs with Flex Builder, the Eclipse(TM)based development
software that enables intelligent coding and step-through debugging.
Download the free 60 day trial. http://p.sf.net/sfu/www-adobe-com
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Rotating in imshow

2009-03-13 Thread Thomas Robitaille
It looks like rotation/translation should be easy to do with Affine2D,  
so I tried using it, but I can't seem to get it to work as expected -  
here is an example of how I am using it:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D

im = np.random.random((10,10))
tr = Affine2D().rotate_deg(45.)

fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

Am I doing something wrong?



On Mar 13, 2009, at 5:20 PM, Andrew Straw wrote:

 Eric Firing wrote:
 Thomas Robitaille wrote:

 I was wondering whether there is a way to rotate a grayscale/
 colorscale when using imshow.

 I have been using PGPLOT (a fortran/c plotting library) for many  
 now, and the equivalent to imshow is called PGGRAY (or PGIMAG).  
 One of
 the arguments this function takes is a 6-element array TR which is a
 transformation matrix. From the PGPLOT documentation:

 The transformation matrix TR is used to calculate the world
 coordinates of the center of the cell that represents each array
 element. The world coordinates of the center of the cell  
 to array element A(I,J) are given by:
 X = TR(1) + TR(2)*I + TR(3)*J
 Y = TR(4) + TR(5)*I + TR(6)*J

 You could do this with the Axes.pcolormesh method.  You could start  
 an unrotated grid (generated by meshgrid, for example), apply your
 rotation, and use that transformed grid in pcolormesh.  Note that
 pcolormesh requires the grid for the cell boundaries, not centers.

 It should work with imshow() as well if you can set the affine  
 of the transform to the desired values. Which it looks like you can in
 Affine2D(). (The affine matrix is the elements of TR listed above, it

 I have not tried to do this, however -- just saying that I think it's


Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Rotating in imshow

2009-03-13 Thread Thomas Robitaille
Thanks to both of you for your help! I had spotted the transform  
argument in imshow, but didn't manage to find any information about  
how to use it. The Affine2D method looks like it will help, so I  
should be all set now.



On Mar 13, 2009, at 5:20 PM, Andrew Straw wrote:

 Eric Firing wrote:
 Thomas Robitaille wrote:

 I was wondering whether there is a way to rotate a grayscale/
 colorscale when using imshow.

 I have been using PGPLOT (a fortran/c plotting library) for many  
 now, and the equivalent to imshow is called PGGRAY (or PGIMAG).  
 One of
 the arguments this function takes is a 6-element array TR which is a
 transformation matrix. From the PGPLOT documentation:

 The transformation matrix TR is used to calculate the world
 coordinates of the center of the cell that represents each array
 element. The world coordinates of the center of the cell  
 to array element A(I,J) are given by:
 X = TR(1) + TR(2)*I + TR(3)*J
 Y = TR(4) + TR(5)*I + TR(6)*J

 You could do this with the Axes.pcolormesh method.  You could start  
 an unrotated grid (generated by meshgrid, for example), apply your
 rotation, and use that transformed grid in pcolormesh.  Note that
 pcolormesh requires the grid for the cell boundaries, not centers.

 It should work with imshow() as well if you can set the affine  
 of the transform to the desired values. Which it looks like you can in
 Affine2D(). (The affine matrix is the elements of TR listed above, it

 I have not tried to do this, however -- just saying that I think it's


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powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] plotting without certain axes in matplotlib

2009-03-13 Thread per freem
hi all,

i'm trying to generate a very simple plot, where only the left y axis and
the bottom x axis are present. i.e. there is no top x axis or right y
axis... this is the default for many plotting packages. in matlab, one can
do this as follows:

 x = rand(1,100);
 set(gca, 'Box', 'off', 'LineWidth', 1);

so the set(gca, 'Box', 'off'...) command does the job. what's the analogous
matplotlib command? i would like to do this preferably without any external

I attach the figure so you can see what i mean...

thank you.
attachment: matlab.png--
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] parsing tab separated data into arrays

2009-03-13 Thread per freem
hi all,

what's the most efficient / preferred python way of parsing tab separated
data into arrays? for example if i have a file containing two columns one
corresponding to names the other numbers:

col1\t col 2
joe\t  12.3
jane   \t 155.0

i'd like to parse into an array() such that i can do: mydata[:, 0] and
mydata[:, 1] to easily access all the columns.

right now i can iterate through the file, parse it manually using the
split('\t') command and construct a list out of it, then convert it to
arrays. but there must be a better way?

also, my first column is just a name, and so it is variable in length -- is
there still a way to store it as an array so i can access: mydata[:, 0] to
get all the names (as a list)?

thank you.
Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] parsing tab separated data into arrays

2009-03-13 Thread João Luís Silva
per freem wrote:
 hi all,
 what's the most efficient / preferred python way of parsing tab 
 separated data into arrays? for example if i have a file containing two 

Check out the python csv module. Documentation at


Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
easily build your RIAs with Flex Builder, the Eclipse(TM)based development
software that enables intelligent coding and step-through debugging.
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Rotating in imshow

2009-03-13 Thread Eric Firing
Thomas Robitaille wrote:
 It looks like rotation/translation should be easy to do with Affine2D, 
 so I tried using it, but I can't seem to get it to work as expected - 
 here is an example of how I am using it:

Based on a quick look at image.py and _image.cpp, it appears that there 
is a low-level capability to rotate an image in the latter, but no 
support at higher levels.  It also looks to me like adding that support 
would not be trivial--doing it right would take more than just calling 
the low-level apply_rotation method.  Mike D. would be the expert on 
this, though.


 import numpy as np
 from matplotlib.pyplot import *
 from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D
 im = np.random.random((10,10))
 tr = Affine2D().rotate_deg(45.)
 fig = figure()
 ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
 Am I doing something wrong?
 On Mar 13, 2009, at 5:20 PM, Andrew Straw wrote:
 Eric Firing wrote:
 Thomas Robitaille wrote:

 I was wondering whether there is a way to rotate a grayscale/
 colorscale when using imshow.

 I have been using PGPLOT (a fortran/c plotting library) for many years
 now, and the equivalent to imshow is called PGGRAY (or PGIMAG). One of
 the arguments this function takes is a 6-element array TR which is a
 transformation matrix. From the PGPLOT documentation:

 The transformation matrix TR is used to calculate the world
 coordinates of the center of the cell that represents each array
 element. The world coordinates of the center of the cell corresponding
 to array element A(I,J) are given by:
 X = TR(1) + TR(2)*I + TR(3)*J
 Y = TR(4) + TR(5)*I + TR(6)*J

 You could do this with the Axes.pcolormesh method.  You could start with
 an unrotated grid (generated by meshgrid, for example), apply your
 rotation, and use that transformed grid in pcolormesh.  Note that
 pcolormesh requires the grid for the cell boundaries, not centers.

 It should work with imshow() as well if you can set the affine component
 of the transform to the desired values. Which it looks like you can in
 Affine2D(). (The affine matrix is the elements of TR listed above, it

 I have not tried to do this, however -- just saying that I think it's


Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
easily build your RIAs with Flex Builder, the Eclipse(TM)based development
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Download the free 60 day trial. http://p.sf.net/sfu/www-adobe-com
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Rotating in imshow

2009-03-13 Thread Thomas Robitaille
 It looks like rotation/translation should be easy to do with  
 Affine2D, so I tried using it, but I can't seem to get it to work  
 as expected - here is an example of how I am using it:

 Based on a quick look at image.py and _image.cpp, it appears that  
 there is a low-level capability to rotate an image in the latter,  
 but no support at higher levels.  It also looks to me like adding  
 that support would not be trivial--doing it right would take more  
 than just calling the low-level apply_rotation method.  Mike D.  
 would be the expert on this, though.

Does this mean that the transform= keyword has no effect on imshow in  

I tried doing a simple image translation, and this didn't work either:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D
im = np.random.random((10,10))
tr = Affine2D().translate(10.,10.)
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

I attempted to use the pcolormesh() method, which worked, but is  
impractical, as a 1000x1000 image produces a 300Mb EPS file when  
plotted in this way.




 import numpy as np
 from matplotlib.pyplot import *
 from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D
 im = np.random.random((10,10))
 tr = Affine2D().rotate_deg(45.)
 fig = figure()
 ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
 Am I doing something wrong?
 On Mar 13, 2009, at 5:20 PM, Andrew Straw wrote:
 Eric Firing wrote:
 Thomas Robitaille wrote:

 I was wondering whether there is a way to rotate a grayscale/
 colorscale when using imshow.

 I have been using PGPLOT (a fortran/c plotting library) for  
 many years
 now, and the equivalent to imshow is called PGGRAY (or PGIMAG).  
 One of
 the arguments this function takes is a 6-element array TR which  
 is a
 transformation matrix. From the PGPLOT documentation:

 The transformation matrix TR is used to calculate the world
 coordinates of the center of the cell that represents each array
 element. The world coordinates of the center of the cell  
 to array element A(I,J) are given by:
 X = TR(1) + TR(2)*I + TR(3)*J
 Y = TR(4) + TR(5)*I + TR(6)*J

 You could do this with the Axes.pcolormesh method.  You could  
 start with
 an unrotated grid (generated by meshgrid, for example), apply your
 rotation, and use that transformed grid in pcolormesh.  Note that
 pcolormesh requires the grid for the cell boundaries, not centers.

 It should work with imshow() as well if you can set the affine  
 of the transform to the desired values. Which it looks like you  
 can in
 Affine2D(). (The affine matrix is the elements of TR listed  
 above, it

 I have not tried to do this, however -- just saying that I think  


Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] parsing tab separated data into arrays

2009-03-13 Thread Ryan May
On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 5:18 PM, per freem perfr...@gmail.com wrote:

 hi all,

 what's the most efficient / preferred python way of parsing tab separated
 data into arrays? for example if i have a file containing two columns one
 corresponding to names the other numbers:

 col1\t col 2
 joe\t  12.3
 jane   \t 155.0

 i'd like to parse into an array() such that i can do: mydata[:, 0] and
 mydata[:, 1] to easily access all the columns.

 right now i can iterate through the file, parse it manually using the
 split('\t') command and construct a list out of it, then convert it to
 arrays. but there must be a better way?

 also, my first column is just a name, and so it is variable in length -- is
 there still a way to store it as an array so i can access: mydata[:, 0] to
 get all the names (as a list)?

Try matplotlib.mlab.csv2rec or numpy.loadtxt


Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma
Sent from: Norman Oklahoma United States.
Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
easily build your RIAs with Flex Builder, the Eclipse(TM)based development
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Download the free 60 day trial. http://p.sf.net/sfu/www-adobe-com___
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Rotating in imshow

2009-03-13 Thread Eric Firing
Thomas Robitaille wrote:
 It looks like rotation/translation should be easy to do with 
 Affine2D, so I tried using it, but I can't seem to get it to work as 
 expected - here is an example of how I am using it:

 Based on a quick look at image.py and _image.cpp, it appears that 
 there is a low-level capability to rotate an image in the latter, but 
 no support at higher levels.  It also looks to me like adding that 
 support would not be trivial--doing it right would take more than just 
 calling the low-level apply_rotation method.  Mike D. would be the 
 expert on this, though.
 Does this mean that the transform= keyword has no effect on imshow in 

It does look like it is ignored.  It is a kwarg for Artists that is not 
supported by all.  The fact that one can specify it and get no feedback 
is a bug.

 I attempted to use the pcolormesh() method, which worked, but is 
 impractical, as a 1000x1000 image produces a 300Mb EPS file when plotted 
 in this way.

There is some infrastructure for handling this via selective 
rasterization of artists, but I can never remember exactly what its 
status is; I don't see anything in the examples.  The topic comes up on 
the list at perhaps 6-month intervals.  Personally, I would very much 
like to see the selective rasterization capability fully developed and 
exposed, complete with documentation and examples; it is important for 
exactly the reason you note above.  It is not something I will be able 
to work on myself, unfortunately.


Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
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Matplotlib-users mailing list