Re: [Matplotlib-users] DateFormatter + Latex issue

2010-02-16 Thread Ernest Adrogué
15/02/10 @ 19:22 (-0500), thus spake Filipe Pires Alvarenga Fernandes:
 Hello list,
 If I use DateFormatter with latex and lines breaks like this
  DateFormatter(\n \n %b) I get an latex error:
 Although, if I do not use the line breaks,
 The problem disappears.
 Below is a script that reproduces what I'm talking about:
 from pylabimport *
 from matplotlib   import rcParams
 rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
 fig = figure()
 ax  = fig.add_subplot(111)
 t = arange(100,110,.1)
 u = sin(t)
 v = cos(t)
 major  = DayLocator([10,04])
 minor  = DayLocator()
 majorF = DateFormatter(\n \n %b) # problem
 ^^  ^^
A common mistake.
You forgot to escape the \ characters.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] DateFormatter + Latex issue

2010-02-16 Thread Ernest Adrogué
16/02/10 @ 09:03 (-0500), thus spake Filipe Pires Alvarenga Fernandes:
  Thanks Ernest, I had no idea that the DateFormatter was going to be treated
 as latex as well.

Yes, all strings are processed by LaTeX.

 However, escaping the \ with another \ did not worked.
 I tried:
 majorF = DateFormatter(\\n \\n %b)
 How should I escape the \n ?

In theory, \\n \\n %b or r\n \n %b, however only the former
seems to work in my computer.

There's another problem: \n is not a valid LaTeX command.
I tried with \\ and with \newline but neither appear to work. 
\vspace{10pts} does insert whitespace, however I am not sure if
it's the proper way of doing it...


  majorF = DateFormatter(\n \n %b) # problem
   ^^  ^^
  A common mistake.
  You forgot to escape the \ characters.

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] DateFormatter + Latex issue

2010-02-16 Thread Ernest Adrogué
16/02/10 @ 16:20 (-0500), thus spake Filipe Pires Alvarenga Fernandes:
 \\  works for titles and label, but not for DateFormatter, but \vspace did
 the trick!
 Thanks again for the help.
 ps: I'm new to python, but maybe there is a way to mix Latex and unicode?

Yes, the inputenc package from latex lets you use unicode.
Try adding this to your script:
plt.rc('text.latex', preamble='\usepackage[utf]{inputenc}')

Note that this setting is not officially supported, whatever
that means :)

I also like the txfonts package:

which changes the default font to Times, including the text in
mathematical expressions. It looks great.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] DateFormatter + Latex issue

2010-02-16 Thread Ernest Adrogué

16/02/10 @ 17:01 (-0500), thus spake Jae-Joon Lee:
 On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Ernest Adrogué wrote:
  \vspace{10pts} does insert whitespace, however I am not sure if
  it's the proper way of doing it...
 Can you (or someone else) confirm this? I don't think pts is a
 proper tex unit and it should be \vspace{10pt}. Maybe this is a typo
 in the email. I'm asking this because it does not work for me, and I
 don't think it is supposed to work (but I may be wrong).

You're right!
\vspace{10pts} adds space (seems about 10 points) but it also
prints a s before the space, which I didn't see before.
Now, \vspace{10pt} doesn't work for me... it simply does nothing.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] x,y ticklabel too close

2010-02-11 Thread Ernest Adrogué

11/02/10 @ 12:40 (-0500), thus spake Filipe Pires Alvarenga Fernandes:
 Hello list,
 For the following plotI using a large font for the tick-label that causes
 the first x,y tick-labels to overlap
 for now I'm padding spaces to fix the plot, like this:
 newtick = [-10  , -5, 0   , 5   , 10 ]
 pos =[-10, -5, 0, 5, 10]
 yticks(pos, newtick)
 However I was wondering if there is any automatic way to avoid or fix this

Not that I'm aware of, other than changing the font size, or
the axis limits.

 Thanks, Filipe

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[Matplotlib-users] how to make an axis labels visible in axes_grid?

2010-02-08 Thread Ernest Adrogué

I have an AxesGrid instance of 2x2 subplots. I actually only
want 3 subplots, so I instantiate AxesGrid with the add_all=False
option, and manually add only the first 3 axes to the figure:

import matplotlib as plt
from mpl_toolkits import axes_grid

f = plt.figure()
grid = axes_grid.AxesGrid(f, 111, nrows_ncols=(2,2), add_all=False)

Now, the problem seems to be that the top right subplot doesn't
have visible labels on the x axis, and I can't figure out how to
add them. Any idea of how it can be done??



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[Matplotlib-users] how to add text below the legend

2010-01-31 Thread Ernest Adrogué

I would like to add some text relative to the legend,
let's say below it, and I don't know how to get the legend
coordinates so I can pass them to the text() method.

Does anyone know how to do it?

Alternatively, if there was a way to add text inside the
legend itself, it would also do the trick.

Thank you in advance.


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] font rendering quality

2009-12-01 Thread Ernest Adrogué
 1/12/09 @ 09:16 (-0500), thus spake Michael Droettboom:
 Subpixel rendering is almost never what you want when producing a
 PNG file, since it is likely to be shared on a different machine
 requiring different subpixel settings.  But it looks like your
 mozilla example is not using subpixel rendering either, though it
 appears to have very strong hinting.

Yes, it's not a subpixel rendering problem. I can tell that
subpixel rendering is not enabled because I'm not seeing rainbows,
which I always see when it's enabled. It's definitely a hinting issue.

 matplotlib's Agg backends borrows a technique used by Adobe Acrobat
 which is to use strong hinting in the vertical direction, but more
 subtle hinting in the horizontal.  When we did a comprehensive
 comparison of various hinting options about two years ago it was the
 strong winner.  See this:
 (Unfortunately, the linked images are no longer available).
 If these settings are not to your liking, I would recommend the
 Cairo backend (which should pull in the same settings as the rest of
 your Gnome desktop, I believe), or one of the vector backends and
 then tweaking the rendering.

Confirmed. The GTK backend -haven't tried Cairo yet- honours the
system settings for font rendering. It looks much better now, in my

 Alternatively, we could provide this stretched hinting as a
 configuration option.  If you think that's superior to these other
 options, please file a feature request so it doesn't get lost (and
 it should be a fairly straightforward patch for someone new to the
 code base.)

Ok. I will open a feature request, if you think it's okay.
I think I'll be sticking with the GTK backend for now, anyway.


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[Matplotlib-users] font rendering quality

2009-11-30 Thread Ernest Adrogué
I notice a big difference in quality between the text rendered
by matplotlib and that rendered by the rest of applications.
As an example, see the image attached showing the same font as
shown by firefox and matplotlib respectively.
Is there any config setting I can change to improve the font
rendering or anything?


attachment: dejavu-sans.png--
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Re: [Matplotlib-users] axis on top for barh plot

2009-11-28 Thread Ernest Adrogué
28/11/09 @ 00:17 (+0100), thus spake Mike Anderson:
 How can I put the bottom axis on top (or on top AND on bottom) for a barh 
 I'm trying to mimic this, made with gnuplot:
 within matplotlib, and I've come close,
 Also, is it possible to just have grid lines in one direction (say, 
 vertical), I don't think the horizontal grid is necessary.

It's somewhat counter-intuitive, but it can be done.
You have to create some twin axes with the twiny option,
then make the plot on the twin axes so it will use the
top axis. The bottom axis still have to be adjusted manually
to make it match the top one and remove the labels.

See this example:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker

data = [21, 17, 18, 15, 14, 11, 9, 8, 4, 6, 7, 4, 5, 1, 3, 2, 0, 0]
names = ['%s%s' % (a, b)
 for a in 'abcdefg' for b in 'abcdefg'][:len(data)]

xlim = (0, max(data)+2)

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax2 = ax1.twiny()

# actual plot
ax2.barh(range(len(data)), data[::-1], 1, align='center', color='red')

# x-axis

# y-axis
ax2.set_ylim(-0.5, len(data)-1+0.5)

# grid

If you want only a vertical grid, use
ax1.xaxis.grid(True) instead of ax1.grid(True).


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[Matplotlib-users] sharing the x-axis with another plot's y-axis

2009-10-26 Thread Ernest Adrogué
I know about sharing an axis with another subplot, but
is it possible to share the x-axis with another subplot's
y-axis (or the other way around)?


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[Matplotlib-users] unclutter the axis

2009-10-12 Thread Ernest Adrogué

is there a way to put a label every two o three ticks,
instead of putting it on every tick?

the following works but it's a little cumbersome:

ax.set_yticklabels([pos % 2 != 0 and '%.2f' % num or ''
for pos, num in enumerate(ax.get_yticks())])



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[Matplotlib-users]'horizontal') doesn't work?

2009-10-06 Thread Ernest Adrogué

I'm trying to plot some horizontal bars using the .bar() method:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

raises an AssertionError:

AssertionErrorTraceback (most recent call last)

/home/ernest/ipython console in module()

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/matplotlib/ in bar(self, left, height, 
width, bottom, color, edgecolor, linewidth, yerr, xerr, ecolor, capsize, align, 
orientation, log, **kwargs)
   4230 # FIXME: convert the following to proper input validation
   4231 # raising ValueError; don't use assert for this.
- 4232 assert len(left)==nbars, incompatible sizes: argument 'left' 
must be length %d or scalar % nbars
   4233 assert len(height)==nbars, (incompatible sizes: argument 
'height' must be length %d or scalar %
   4234 nbars)

AssertionError: incompatible sizes: argument 'left' must be length 1 or scalar

using scalars doesn't help:,5,orientation='horizontal')

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'int'

Am I doing something wrong??


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Best way to plot a 2d histogram?

2009-10-02 Thread Ernest Adrogué

 1/10/09 @ 19:23 (-0500), thus spake Gökhan Sever:
 Although it is not an exact histogram, if you are you looking for a
 Pythonic alternative you might consider using Mayavi. It has ready
 barchart plotting functionality. Probably with some effort a 2D
 histogram as you linked might be created.

Yes, it looks like it! I actually had already had a look at mayavi
but found it overly complicated for a simple histogram. If it has
simple bar chart functionality may be an option though.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Best way to plot a 2d histogram?

2009-10-02 Thread Ernest Adrogué

 1/10/09 @ 18:17 (-0700), thus spake Matthew Neeley:
 Here is a snippet that might get you started:
 import numpy as np
 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
 from matplotlib import cm
 import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d as plt3
 data = np.random.random((8,8))**4
 cmap = cm.RdBu
 fig = plt.figure()
 ax = plt3.Axes3D(fig)
 d = 0.1
 w, h = data.shape
 for x in range(w):
 for y in range(h):
 ax.bar3d([x+d], [y+d], [0], 1-d, 1-d, data[x,y], cmap(data[x,y]))
 ax.set_zlim3d((0, 1))
 Obviously, you should replace data with the actual data you want to
 plot (maybe numpy can help with the histogramming), and use an
 appropriate cmap for your data.  Note that in this case the entire box
 is a single color, not shaded up the side as in the example you
 referenced; I actually like it this way but I also don't know how one
 would do the shading in matplotlib.  I'll admit it's rather silly to
 have to create all these boxes individually, but that's the only way I
 could see to color each box according to its height.  The variable d
 just puts gaps between boxes; you could set this to zero to make the
 boxes adjacent.
 I haven't figured out how to properly set the tick labels on the x and
 y axis in a 3d plot like this.  Also, there are often some z-order
 errors with boxes occluding each other when they shouldn't.  I don't
 know the details of how these things work internally; maybe some
 experts could weigh in here.

Great!! I like the shading this way, so no problem here.
Too bad about the rendering glitches though. Although, maybe that
can be sorted out by increasing the distance between boxes...? I will
experiment a little with this method of yours as it does basically what
I wanted. If everything fails I think I will finally use a 2-d plot
using a colour map to represent the height of bars,
as in here:

Thanks a lot!



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[Matplotlib-users] Best way to plot a 2d histogram?

2009-10-01 Thread Ernest Adrogué
Hello all,

What is the best way to plot a 2d histogram?
(Note that a 2d histogram is a histogram of a bivariate variable,
so it's got to be a 3d plot.)

Ideally, it should look somewhat like this:

For now, I have tried to do surface plots, one for each bin,
but this way you only get the tops of a series of imaginary columns
and it looks a bit namby-pamby if you know what I mean.

Any idea will be appreciated.


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