[Matplotlib-users] Matplotlib tutorial at PyCon US

2012-01-25 Thread Mike Müller

I will be giving a matplotlib and a optimization tutorial
at PyCon in March.

So please point people to it who would like to have a compact
introduction to matplotlib.

The optimization tutorial gives an overview over this topic.

BTW, the early bird deadline is today.


Plotting with matplotlib

Instructor: Mike Müller
Audience level:Novice
Category:Useful libraries
March 8th 9 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.

When it comes to plotting with Python many people think about matplotlib. It is
widely used and provides a simple interface for creating a wide variety of
plots from very simple diagrams to sophisticated animations. This tutorial is a
hands-on introduction that teaches the basics of matplotlib. Students will
learn how to create publication-ready plots with just a few lines of Python.

Faster Python Programs through Optimization

Instructor: Mike Müller
Audience level:Experienced
Category:Best Practices/Patterns
March 7th 9 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.

This tutorial provides an overview of techniques to improve the performance of
Python programs. The focus is on concepts such as profiling, difference of data
structures and algorithms as well as a selection of tools and libraries that
help to speed up Python.

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Course "Python for Scientists and Engineers" in Chicago

2012-01-24 Thread Mike Müller
Course "Python for Scientists and Engineers" in Chicago

There will be a comprehensive Python course for scientists and engineers
in Chicago end of February / beginning of March 2012. It consists of a 3-day
intro and a 2-day advanced section. Both sections can be taken separately
or combined.

More details below and here: http://www.dabeaz.com/chicago/science.html

Please let friends or colleagues who might be interested in such a
course know about it.

3-Day Intro Section

- Overview of Scientific and Technical Libraries for Python.
- Numerical Calculations with NumPy
- Storage and Processing of Large Amounts of Data
- Graphical Presentation of Scientific Data with matplotlib
- Object Oriented Programming for Scientific and Technical Projects
- Open Time for Problem Solving

2-Day Advanced Section

- Extending Python with Other Languages
- Unit Testing
- Version Control with Mercurial

The Details

The course is hosted by David Beazley (http://www.dabeaz.com).

Date: Feb 27 - Mar 2, 2012
Location: Chicago, IL, USA
Trainer: Mike Müller
Course Language: English
Link: http://www.dabeaz.com/chicago/science.html

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The most comprehensive online learning library for Microsoft developers
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Python for Scientists - courses in Germany and US

2012-01-13 Thread Mike Müller
Learn matplotlib and Much More

Scientists like Python. If you would like to learn more about
important libraries for scientific applications, you might be
interested in these courses.

The course in Germany covers:

- Overview of libraries
- NumPy
- Data storage with text files, Excel, netCDF and HDF5
- matplotlib
- Object oriented programming for scientists
- Problem solving session

The course in the USA covers all this plus:

- Extending Python in other languages
- Version control
- Unit testing

More details below.

If you have any questions about the courses, please contact me.


Python for Scientists and Engineers (Germany)

A three-day course covering all the basic tools scientists and engineers need.
This course requires basic Python knowledge.

Date: 19.01.-21.01.2012
Location: Leipzig, Germany
Trainer: Mike Müller
Course Language: English
Link: http://www.python-academy.com/courses/python_course_scientists.html

Python for Scientists and Engineers (USA)

This is an extend version of our well-received course for
scientists and engineers. Five days of intensive training
will give you a solid basis for using Python for scientific
an technical problems.

The course is hosted by David Beazley (http://www.dabeaz.com).

Date: 27.02.-02.03.2012
Location: Chicago, IL, USA
Trainer: Mike Müller
Course Language: English
Link: http://www.dabeaz.com/chicago/science.html

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Mar 27 - Feb 2
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] PyCon DE 2011 - Call for Proposals extended to July 15, 2011

2011-07-02 Thread Mike Müller
PyCon DE 2011 - Deadline for Proposals extended to July 15, 2011

The deadline for talk proposals is extended to July 15, 2011.

You would like to talk about your Python project to the German-speaking
Python community? Just submit your proposal within the next two weeks:

About PyCon DE 2011

The first PyCon DE will be held October 4-9, 2011 in Leipzig, Germany.

The conference language will be German. Talks in English are possible. Please
contact us for details.

The call for proposals is now open. Please submit your talk by June 30, 2011
There are two types of talks: standard talks (20 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A) and
long talks (45 minutes + 10 minutes Q&A).

More details about the call can be found on the PyCon DE website:

Since the conference language will be German, the call is in German

PyCon DE 2011 - Neuer Einsendeschluss für Vortragsvorschläge 15.07.2011

Noch bis zum 15.7.2011 kann jeder, der sich für Python interessiert, einen
Vortragsvorschlag für die PyCon DE 2011 einreichen. Es gibt nur zwei
Bedingungen: das Thema sollte interessant sein und etwas mit Python
zu tun haben. Für die erste deutsche Python-Konferenz sind wir an
einer breiten Themenpalette interessiert, die das ganze Spektrum der
Entwicklung, Nutzung und Wirkung von Python zeigt.

Mögliche Themen sind zum Beispiel:

* Webanwendungen mit Python
* Contentmanagement mit Python
* Datenbankanwendungen mit Python
* Testen mit Python
* Systemintegration mit Python
* Python für große Systeme
* Python im Unternehmensumfeld
* Pythonimplementierungen (Jython, IronPython, PyPy, Unladen
   Swallow und andere)
* Python als erste Programmiersprache
* Grafische Nutzerschnittstellen (GUIs)
* Parallele Programmierung mit Python
* Python im wissenschaftlichen Bereich (Bioinformatik, Numerik,
   Visualisierung und anderes)
* Embedded Python
* Marketing für Python
* Python, Open Source und Entwickler-Gemeinschaft
* Zukünftige Entwicklungen
* mehr ...

Ihr Themenbereich ist nicht aufgelistet, wäre aber aus Ihrer Sicht
für die PyCon DE interessant? Kein Problem. Reichen Sie Ihren
Vortragsvorschlag einfach ein. Auch wir können nicht alle
Anwendungsbereiche von Python überschauen.

Vortragstage sind vom 5. bis 7. Oktober 2011. Es gibt zwei

* Standard-Vortrag -- 20 Minuten Vortrag + 5 Minuten Diskussion
* Lang-Vortrag -- 45 Minuten Vortrag + 10 Minuten Diskussion

Die Vortragszeit wird strikt eingehalten. Bitte testen Sie die Länge
Ihres Vortrags. Lassen Sie gegebenenfalls ein paar Folien weg.

Die Vortragsprache ist Deutsch. In begründeten Ausnahmefällen können
Vorträge auch auf Englisch gehalten werden. Bitte fragen Sie uns dazu.

Bitte reichen Sie Ihren Vortrag auf der Konferenz-Webseite
http://de.pycon.org bis zum 15.07.2011 ein.

Wir entscheiden bis zum 31. Juli 2011 über die Annahme des Vortrags.

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] [ANN] Courses in Colorado: "Introduction to Python and Python for Scientists and Engineers" - one day left for early bird rate

2011-05-18 Thread Mike Müller
Python Course in Golden, CO, USA

**There is only one day left to take advantage of the early bird rate.**

Introduction to Python and Python for Scientists and Engineers

June 3 - 4, 2011  Introduction to Python
June 5, 2011  Python for Scientists and Engineers

Both courses can be booked individually or together.

Venue: Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO (20 minutes west of Denver)
Trainer: Mike Müller

Target Audience

The introductory course is designed for people with basic programming
background. Since it is a general introduction to Python it is suitable
for everybody interested in Python.

The scientist's course assumes a working knowledge of Python. You will be fine
if you take the two-day introduction before hand. The topics are of general
interest for scientists and engineers. Even though some examples come from the
groundwater modeling domain, they are easy to understand for people without
prior knowledge in this field.

About the Trainer

Mike Müller, has been teaching Python since 2004. He is the
founder of Python Academy and regularly gives open and in-house
Python courses as well as tutorials at PyCon US, OSCON, EuroSciPy
and PyCon Asia-Pacific.

More Information and Course Registration



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] [ANN] Courses in Colorado: "Introduction to Python and Python for Scientists and Engineers"

2011-04-18 Thread Mike Müller
Python Course in Golden, CO, USA

Introduction to Python and Python for Scientists and Engineers

June 3 - 4, 2011  Introduction to Python
June 5, 2011  Python for Scientists and Engineers

Both courses can be booked individually or together.

Venue: Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO (20 minutes west of Denver)
Trainer: Mike Müller

Target Audience

The introductory course is designed for people with basic programming
background. Since it is a general introduction to Python it is suitable
for everybody interested in Python.

The scientist's course assumes a working knowledge of Python. You will be fine
if you take the two-day introduction before hand. The topics are of general
interest for scientists and engineers. Even though some examples come from the
groundwater modeling domain, they are easy to understand for people without
prior knowledge in this field.

About the Trainer

Mike Müller, has been teaching Python since 2004. He is the
founder of Python Academy and regularly gives open and in-house
Python courses as well as tutorials at PyCon US, OSCON, EuroSciPy
and PyCon Asia-Pacific.

More Information and Course Registration



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Scientific tools tutorial at PyCon US, March 9, 2011

2011-01-18 Thread Mike Müller
Scientific Python Tools not only for Scientists and Engineers

This is the title of my three-hour tutorial at PyCon US:

It is a compressed version of my much longer course about:

* NumPy
* SciPy
* matplotlib/IPython
* extensions with C and Fortran

So if your are new to these tools and go to PyCon, you might consider
taking the tutorial. Also, if you know somebody who would likely
be interested in this tutorial, please spread the word.


Mike Müller

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