[Matplotlib-users] specgram: Warning: divide by zero encountered in log10

2007-03-28 Thread Niklas Saers

Hi guys,
I'm trying to make a specgram() for some wave samples that I have  
read into 'data' using pyaudiolab's read_frames() (put into wavread())

When I do

from wavread import *
from pylab import *
from statistics import *

data, datasize, samplerate, channels = wavread("myfile.wav")

I get:
Warning: divide by zero encountered in log10
(array([[  2.26730611e-02,   1.51890672e-02,   7.78123371e-03, ...,
  0.e+00,   0.e+00,   0.e+00],
   [  9.11969843e-03,   2.81931459e-03,   3.13995580e-03, ...,
  0.e+00,   0.e+00,   0.e+00],
   [  7.25346631e-04,   4.83291216e-05,   2.59076878e-04, ...,
  0.e+00,   0.e+00,   0.e+00],
   [  5.19279887e-08,   1.53242938e-07,   1.46461798e-07, ...,
  0.e+00,   0.e+00,   0.e+00],
   [  1.00769359e-07,   2.00314891e-07,   3.04618029e-07, ...,
  0.e+00,   0.e+00,   0.e+00],
   [  2.86252093e-08,   5.42052713e-07,   1.50494595e-07, ...,
  0.e+00,   0.e+00,   0.e+00]]),  
array([ 0.   ,  0.0078125,  0.015625 ,  0.0234375,  0.03125  ,

0.0390625,  0.046875 ,  0.0546875,  0.0625   ,  0.0703125,
0.078125 ,  0.0859375,  0.09375  ,  0.1015625,  0.109375 ,
0.1171875,  0.125,  0.1328125,  0.140625 ,  0.1484375,
0.15625  ,  0.1640625,  0.171875 ,  0.1796875,  0.1875   ,
0.1953125,  0.203125 ,  0.2109375,  0.21875  ,  0.2265625,
0.234375 ,  0.2421875,  0.25 ,  0.2578125,  0.265625 ,
0.2734375,  0.28125  ,  0.2890625,  0.296875 ,  0.3046875,
0.3125   ,  0.3203125,  0.328125 ,  0.3359375,  0.34375  ,
0.3515625,  0.359375 ,  0.3671875,  0.375,  0.3828125,
0.390625 ,  0.3984375,  0.40625  ,  0.4140625,  0.421875 ,
0.4296875,  0.4375   ,  0.4453125,  0.453125 ,  0.4609375,
0.46875  ,  0.4765625,  0.484375 ,  0.4921875,  0.5  ,
0.5078125,  0.515625 ,  0.5234375,  0.53125  ,  0.5390625,
0.546875 ,  0.5546875,  0.5625   ,  0.5703125,  0.578125 ,
0.5859375,  0.59375  ,  0.6015625,  0.609375 ,  0.6171875,
0.625,  0.6328125,  0.640625 ,  0.6484375,  0.65625  ,
0.6640625,  0.671875 ,  0.6796875,  0.6875   ,  0.6953125,
0.703125 ,  0.7109375,  0.71875  ,  0.7265625,  0.734375 ,
0.7421875,  0.75 ,  0.7578125,  0.765625 ,  0.7734375,
0.78125  ,  0.7890625,  0.796875 ,  0.8046875,  0.8125   ,
0.8203125,  0.828125 ,  0.8359375,  0.84375  ,  0.8515625,
0.859375 ,  0.8671875,  0.875,  0.8828125,  0.890625 ,
0.8984375,  0.90625  ,  0.9140625,  0.921875 ,  0.9296875,
0.9375   ,  0.9453125,  0.953125 ,  0.9609375,  0.96875  ,
0.9765625,  0.984375 ,  0.9921875,  1.   ]), array 
([  6.4000e+01,   1.2800e+02,   1.9200e+02, ...,
 9.7344e+04,   9.7408e+04,   9.7472e+04]),  

For another sample, I get a nice spectrogram. What can it be about my  
sample that would give me such an error? What is the error caused by?  
A Google on the error message provided me with nothing.

Sincerely yours

Niklas Saers-
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[Matplotlib-users] Multiple plots

2007-03-16 Thread Niklas Saers
I'm quite new to Matplot. When issuing show() from Python 2.5 under  
OS X I get a nice menu bar at the bottom with home, left, right etc.  
How can I use these? I tried the different examples, and there are  
plenty of examples that open multiple windows (such as  
legend_auto.py) and that put multiple subplots in a plot, but none  
that actually use the arrows. How can I put multiple plots into a  
window that can be navigated using these arrows?



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