Re: [Matplotlib-users] speeding-up griddata()

2009-07-14 Thread Robert Cimrman
Robert Kern wrote:
 On 2009-07-13 13:20, Robert Cimrman wrote:
 Hi all,

 I would like to use griddata() to interpolate a function given at
 specified points of a bunch of other points. While the method works
 well, it slows down considerably as the number of points to interpolate
 to increases.

 The dependence of time/(number of points) is nonlinear (see the
 attachment) - it seems that while the Delaunay trinagulation itself is
 fast, I wonder how to speed-up the interpolation. The docstring says,
 that it is based on natural neighbor interpolation - how are the
 neighbors searched?
 Using the Delaunay triangulation. The natural neighbors of an interpolation 
 point are those points participating in triangles in the Delaunay 
 whose circumcircles include the interpolation point. The triangle that 
 the interpolation point is found by a standard walking procedure, then the 
 neighboring triangles (natural or otherwise) are explored in a breadth-first 
 search around the starting triangle to find the natural neighbors.

I see, thanks for the explanation. The walking procedure is what is 
described e.g. in [1], right? (summary; starting from a random triangle, 
a line is made connecting that triangle with the interpolation point, 
and triangles along that line are probed.)


 Unfortunately, griddata() uses the unstructured-interpolation-points API 
 than the more efficient grid-interpolation-points API. In the former, each 
 interpolation point uses the last-found enclosing triangle as the start of 
 walking search. This works well where adjacent interpolation points are close 
 each other. This is not the case at the ends of the grid rows. The latter API 
 smarter and starts a new row of the grid with the triangle from the triangle 
 from the *start* of the previous row rather than the end. I suspect this is 
 largely the cause of the poor performance.

Good to know, I will try to pass the points in groups of close points.

 Does it use the kd-trees like scipy.spatial? I have
 a very good experience with scipy.spatial performance.

 Also, is there a way of reusing the triangulation when interpolating
 several times using the same grid?
 One would construct a Triangulation() object with the (x,y) data points, get 
 new NNInterpolator() object using the .nn_interpolator(z) method for each new 
 data set, and then interpolate your grid on the NNInterpolator.

So if the above fails, I can bypass griddata() by using the delaunay 
module directly, good.

thank you,

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] plot a triangular mesh

2009-05-25 Thread Robert Cimrman
Ondrej Certik wrote:
 On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Ondrej Certik wrote:
 Thanks a lot John. I tried that and it does what I want. I just need
 to convert and probably average my 3 different values at the 3
 vertices of the triangle and color the triangle with that color. When
 I get it working, I'll send you a picture. :)
 Ok, I made a progress, it seems it's working. Script and picture
 attached. You can compare to the mayavi plot above, it's almost
 identical now. It took my some time playing with different parameters
 of mpl to get here and I think it looks quite good. Still one can see
 the artefacts though as John predicted, due to mpl not interpolating
 the triangles.


Just to prod you a bit: If you want to get rid of the hard mayavi 
dependence of femhub for 3D plots too, you could hack a 
(perspective/whatever) projection of 3D surface to 2D, remove invisible 
faces (normal points backwards) and plot the rest by the painter's 
algorithm (far faces first).


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] 2 simple ??: program exit w/graph, update graph real-time

2009-05-07 Thread Robert Cimrman

Ryan May wrote:

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 8:53 AM, Robert Cimrman wrote:

Ryan May wrote:

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 7:57 AM, Robert Cimrman

Just for the record: Ryan May's example in this thread, that uses pipes,
inspired me to try pipes as well, instead of queues
(multiprocessing.Pipe instead of Queue) and the hanging problem, i.e.
the problem that Ctrl-C interrupted the program, but it had to be killed
to stop, disappeared. I can fix the script that I sent in message [1]
and provide it, if there is interest. (Currently I have fixed only the
version that is within sfepy).

I know I'd be interested.  With your permission, it might make a nice
example as well.

Permission granted :) I have sent the script in response to William.

Done.  I like the fact that with your example, everything is self-contained
in a single script.

Exactly, the details of starting another python process are hidden, the 
multiprocessing module is really nice.

You might want to add

import matplotlib

to the script, and remove from Queue import Empty.

FYI: I am sending also a more complex example - a Log class used in 
sfepy, which supports multiple subplots, labels, logarithmic plots etc. 
The file contains some other support classes too, so that it works 
standalone. It is not very polished, but it serves its purpose.


import matplotlib

import numpy as nm
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
from matplotlib.ticker import LogLocator, AutoLocator
import pylab
import gobject

def get_default( arg, default, msg_if_none = None ):

if arg is None:
out = default
out = arg

if (out is None) and (msg_if_none is not None):
raise ValueError( msg_if_none )

return out

class Struct( object ):
def __init__( self, **kwargs ):
if kwargs:
self.__dict__.update( kwargs )

def __str__( self ):
Print instance class, name and items in alphabetical order.
ss = %s % self.__class__.__name__
if hasattr( self, 'name' ):
ss += :%s %
ss += '\n'

keys, vals = self.__dict__.keys(), self.__dict__.values()
order = nm.argsort(keys)
for ii in order:
key, val = keys[ii], vals[ii]

if issubclass( val.__class__, Struct ):
ss +=   %s:\n%s % (key, val.__class__.__name__)
if hasattr( val, 'name' ):
ss += :%s %
ss += '\n'
aux = \n + str( val )
aux = aux.replace( \n, \n );
ss +=   %s:\n%s\n % (key, aux[1:])
return( ss.rstrip() )

def __repr__( self ):
ss = %s % self.__class__.__name__
if hasattr( self, 'name' ):
ss += :%s %
return ss

class Output( Struct ):
Factory class providing output (print) functions.


 output = Output( 'sfepy:' )
 output( 1, 2, 3, 'hello' )
 output.prefix = 'my_cool_app:'
 output( 1, 2, 3, 'hello' )

def __init__(self, prefix, filename=None, combined=False, **kwargs):
Struct.__init__(self, **kwargs)

self.prefix = prefix

self.set_output(filename, combined)

def __call__(self, *argc, **argv):
self.output_function(*argc, **argv)

def set_output(self, filename=None, combined=False, append=False):
Set the output function - all SfePy printing is accomplished by
it. If filename is None, output is to screen only, otherwise it is to
the specified file, moreover, if combined is True, both the ways are

filename - print into this file
combined - print both on screen and into a file
append - append to an existing file instead of overwriting it

self.level = 0
def output_screen( *argc, **argv ):
format = '%s' + ' %s' * (len( argc ) - 1)
msg =  format % argc

if msg.startswith( '...' ):
self.level -= 1

print self._prefix + ('  ' * self.level) + msg

if msg.endswith( '...' ):
self.level += 1

def output_file( *argc, **argv ):
format = '%s' + ' %s' * (len( argc ) - 1)
msg =  format % argc

if msg.startswith( '...' ):
self.level -= 1

fd = open( filename, 'a' )
print fd, self._prefix + ('  ' * self.level) + msg

if msg.endswith( '...' ):
self.level += 1

def output_combined( *argc, **argv ):
output_screen( *argc, **argv )
output_file( *argc, **argv )

if filename is None:
self.output_function = output_screen

if not append:

Re: [Matplotlib-users] 2 simple ??: program exit w/graph, update graph real-time

2009-05-06 Thread Robert Cimrman
Robert Cimrman wrote:
 Hi Ryan,
 Ryan May wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Esmail wrote:

 Ryan May wrote:
 Try this:
 (If not gtk, there are other examples there.)
 Thanks Ryan, that'll give me some idea with regard to the animation,
 and real-time drawings.

 Any idea if it's possible to finish a Python program but still have the
 graph showing?

 FWIW, I'm doing this under Linux.

 You'd have to run the plotting in a separate process from the computation.
 subprocess would let you do that, assuming you can spin off a child task
 that stays alive when the parent exits.  You'd also need to get the
 computing process to give new results to the child plot, maybe using a pipe
 (which I think subprocess can handle as well.)
 This is exactly what I have tried/described in [1], using the 
 multiprocessing module. It sort of works, but I have that hanging 
 problem at the end - maybe somebody jumps in and helps this time :)

Just for the record: Ryan May's example in this thread, that uses pipes, 
inspired me to try pipes as well, instead of queues 
(multiprocessing.Pipe instead of Queue) and the hanging problem, i.e. 
the problem that Ctrl-C interrupted the program, but it had to be killed 
to stop, disappeared. I can fix the script that I sent in message [1] 
and provide it, if there is interest. (Currently I have fixed only the 
version that is within sfepy).


[1] [Matplotlib-users] plotting in a separate process, 31.03.2009

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] 2 simple ??: program exit w/graph, update graph real-time

2009-05-06 Thread Robert Cimrman
Ryan May wrote:
 On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 7:57 AM, Robert Cimrman wrote:

 Just for the record: Ryan May's example in this thread, that uses pipes,
 inspired me to try pipes as well, instead of queues
 (multiprocessing.Pipe instead of Queue) and the hanging problem, i.e.
 the problem that Ctrl-C interrupted the program, but it had to be killed
 to stop, disappeared. I can fix the script that I sent in message [1]
 and provide it, if there is interest. (Currently I have fixed only the
 version that is within sfepy).
 I know I'd be interested.  With your permission, it might make a nice
 example as well.

Permission granted :) I have sent the script in response to William.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] 2 simple ??: program exit w/graph, update graph real-time

2009-05-06 Thread Robert Cimrman

william ratcliff wrote:

I'd like to see it ;

Here you are...

import time
from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
from Queue import Empty
import numpy as np
import pylab
import gobject

class ProcessPlotter(object):

def __init__(self):
self.x = []
self.y = []

def terminate(self):

def poll_draw(self):

def call_back():
while 1:
if not self.pipe.poll():

command = self.pipe.recv()

if command is None:
return False

self.y.append(command[1]), self.y, 'ro')

return True

return call_back

def __call__(self, pipe):
print 'starting plotter...'

self.pipe = pipe
self.fig = pylab.figure() = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
self.gid = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.poll_draw())

print '...done'

class NBPlot(object):
def __init__(self):
self.plot_pipe, plotter_pipe = Pipe()
self.plotter = ProcessPlotter()
self.plot_process = Process(target = self.plotter,
args = (plotter_pipe,))
self.plot_process.daemon = True

def plot(self, finished=False):
send = self.plot_pipe.send
if finished:
data = np.random.random(2)

def main():
pl = NBPlot()
for ii in xrange(10):
raw_input('press Enter...')

if __name__ == '__main__':
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] 2 simple ??: program exit w/graph, update graph real-time

2009-04-24 Thread Robert Cimrman
Hi Ryan,

Ryan May wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Esmail wrote:
 Ryan May wrote:
 Try this:
 (If not gtk, there are other examples there.)
 Thanks Ryan, that'll give me some idea with regard to the animation,
 and real-time drawings.

 Any idea if it's possible to finish a Python program but still have the
 graph showing?

 FWIW, I'm doing this under Linux.

 You'd have to run the plotting in a separate process from the computation.
 subprocess would let you do that, assuming you can spin off a child task
 that stays alive when the parent exits.  You'd also need to get the
 computing process to give new results to the child plot, maybe using a pipe
 (which I think subprocess can handle as well.)

This is exactly what I have tried/described in [1], using the 
multiprocessing module. It sort of works, but I have that hanging 
problem at the end - maybe somebody jumps in and helps this time :)



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] 2 simple ??: program exit w/graph, update graph real-time

2009-04-24 Thread Robert Cimrman
Esmail wrote:
 Robert Cimrman wrote:
 This is exactly what I have tried/described in [1], using the 
 multiprocessing module. It sort of works, but I have that hanging 
 problem at the end - maybe somebody jumps in and helps this time :)


 Sounds interesting, but I get a page not found 404 type error when
 I follow this link.

Strange, it does work for me. Alternatively, just search
[Matplotlib-users] plotting in a separate process in google...


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] 2 simple ??: program exit w/graph, update graph real-time

2009-04-24 Thread Robert Cimrman
Ryan May wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 5:52 AM, Esmail wrote:
 Ryan May wrote:
 Any idea if it's possible to finish a Python program but still have
 graph showing?

 FWIW, I'm doing this under Linux.

 You'd have to run the plotting in a separate process from the
 computation.  subprocess would let you do that, assuming you can spin
 off a child task that stays alive when the parent exits.  You'd also
 need to get the computing process to give new results to the child plot,
 maybe using a pipe (which I think subprocess can handle as well.)
 Thanks Ryan, I have been meaning to explore Python's
 threading/multi-processing facilities, so this will provide a
 good excuse to do so :-)  [when I find the time... so much to learn,
 so little time]
 I was curious, so I cooked up a quick demo using two scripts.  Put them in
 the same directory and run  It's not perfect, and I think the
 use of raw_input() is a little odd, but it works.

Nice! I will try using the subprocess module instead of multiprocessing, 
as your example works for me.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] plotting in a separate process

2009-03-31 Thread Robert Cimrman

Hi all!

I have a long running (non-GUI) python application, that needs to plot
some curves and update them in time, as new data are computed. I'm
well aware of ezplot, but would like to use a 
matplotlib-multiprocessing-only solution, as I have already enough


The best thing I have come so far with is essentially in the attached 
script (I stripped all unneeded dependencies and fancy stuff). It works 
quite well in terms that it plots as the data arrive, but I cannot find 
a way how to stop it cleanly. At the end, it just hangs (Ctrl-C does not 
help). I would appreciate any hints on what is wrong.

There are two classes: NBPlot spawns the new process and feeds it the 
data, ProcessPlotter is the remote plotter class plotting the data as 
they arrive. The plot update is done using gobject.timeout_add() 
according to the matplotlib examples. It can be run as:

$ python

Best regards and thanks for your suggestions,
import time
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from Queue import Empty
import numpy as np
import pylab
import gobject

class ProcessPlotter(object):

def __init__(self):
self.x = []
self.y = []

def terminate(self):

def poll_draw(self):

def call_back():
while 1:
command = self.queue.get_nowait()
except Empty:

print command

if command is None:
return False

self.y.append(command[1]), self.y, 'ro')

return True

return call_back

def __call__(self, queue):
print 'starting plotter...'

self.queue = queue
self.fig = pylab.figure() = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
self.gid = gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.poll_draw())

print '...done'

class NBPlot(object):
def __init__(self):
self.plot_queue = Queue()
self.plotter = ProcessPlotter()
self.plot_process = Process( target = self.plotter,
 args = (self.plot_queue,) )
self.plot_process.daemon = True

def plot(self, finished=False):
put =  self.plot_queue.put
if finished:
data = np.random.random(2)

def main():
pl = NBPlot()
for ii in xrange(10):

if __name__ == '__main__':
Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] findobj in pylab

2008-07-07 Thread Robert Cimrman
Eric Firing wrote:
 Robert Cimrman wrote:
 Eric Firing wrote:
 I'm not sure if this is addressing your situation, but the simplest 
 way to adjust all font sizes is to use the rcParams dictionary, 
 either directly or via the matplotlibrc file.  If the default font 
 sizes for various items are specified using medium, large, etc, 
 instead of with numerical values in points, then everything can be 
 scaled by changing the single value, font.size, which is the point 
 size corresponding to medium.

 Yes, this certainly works, but only for future plots, no? Or it works 
 also if a figure already exists and I want to play with the sizes to 
 get something that looks nice?
 You are correct, it is for future plots, not for interactive 
 experimentation with font sizes.  An alternative, though, is to make a 
 very simple script with a test plot using rcParams, run that repeatedly 
 as needed to tune the values, and then use those values when making the 
 plots you want to keep.

Yep. That, or accessing the object properties specific for a given 
figure, as posted in my first message. I am by no means saying that the 
rcParams way is not sufficient, I just wanted to elaborate a bit on the 
findobj idea, as an alternative...

Thanks for your feedback,

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] findobj in pylab

2008-07-04 Thread Robert Cimrman
John Hunter wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 8:42 AM, John Kitchin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks Matthias. That is a helpful example.

 I have been trying to figure out how to recursively examine all the objects
 in fig to see if there is a particular settable property. It seems like the
 algorithm has to be recursive so that it goes deep into all the lists, etc.
 I have not figured out how to know when you have reached the bottom/end of a

 Such a function would let me set any text property in the whole figure
 without needing to know if it was a text object, label, legend, etc... maybe
 that is not as valuable as I think it would be though.
 This is a good idea, and I just added an artist method findobj in
 svn that recursively calls get_children and implements a match
 criteria (class instance or callable filter).  There is also a
 pyplot/pylab wrapper that operates on current figure by default.  Here
 is an example:
 import numpy as np
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import matplotlib.text as text
 a = np.arange(0,3,.02)
 b = np.arange(0,3,.02)
 c = np.exp(a)
 d = c[::-1]
 fig = plt.figure()
 ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
 plt.legend(('Model length', 'Data length', 'Total message length'),
'upper center', shadow=True)
 plt.xlabel('Model complexity ---')
 plt.ylabel('Message length ---')
 plt.title('Minimum Message Length')
 # match on arbitrary function
 def myfunc(x):
 return hasattr(x, 'set_color')
 for o in fig.findobj(myfunc):
 # match on class instances
 for o in fig.findobj(text.Text):

Great! I used to write many such functions for setting font sizes of all
elements in a figure. But speaking about the font sizes, one usually 
wants the title to be in larger font then the axis labels etc. How could 
something like this be implemented within your general findobj()?

Just for the reference, this is how I did it:
def setAxesFontSize( ax, size, titleMul = 1.2, labelMul = 1.0 ):
 size: tick label size,
titleMul: title label size multiplicator,
labelMul: x, y axis label size multiplicator
 labels = ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()
 for label in labels:
 label.set_size( size )

 labels = [ax.get_xaxis().get_label(), ax.get_yaxis().get_label()]
 for label in labels:
 label.set_size( labelMul * size )

 for child in ax.get_children():
 if isinstance( child, pylab.Text ):
 child.set_size( titleMul * size )

Maybe it could be implemented in the sense of:

def myfontsizes( x ):
 Depending on class of x, return also suggested value of the font 


for o, size in fig.findobj( myfontsizes, suggest_value = True ):
 o.set_size( size )

# Default for suggest_value is False...
for o in fig.findobj(text.Text):

What do you think?

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] findobj in pylab

2008-07-04 Thread Robert Cimrman
Eric Firing wrote:
 I'm not sure if this is addressing your situation, but the simplest way 
 to adjust all font sizes is to use the rcParams dictionary, either 
 directly or via the matplotlibrc file.  If the default font sizes for 
 various items are specified using medium, large, etc, instead of 
 with numerical values in points, then everything can be scaled by 
 changing the single value, font.size, which is the point size 
 corresponding to medium.

Yes, this certainly works, but only for future plots, no? Or it works
also if a figure already exists and I want to play with the sizes to get
something that looks nice?


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] atomic line.set_xdata and set_ydata

2008-01-29 Thread Robert Cimrman

Is there a way of simultaneously setting both xdata and ydata of a line? 
I need to animate a line with varying number of points in each frame.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] atomic line.set_xdata and set_ydata

2008-01-29 Thread Robert Cimrman
John Hunter wrote:
 On Jan 29, 2008 8:33 AM, Robert Cimrman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a way of simultaneously setting both xdata and ydata of a line?
 I need to animate a line with varying number of points in each frame.
 line.set_data(xdata, ydata)
 is what you are looking for

Great! I did not see that one.


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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2008.
Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] setting font size for figure elements

2007-08-27 Thread Robert Cimrman
Hi mpl'ers,

I have noticed that I keep setting the font size of the figure elements
(axes labels, tick labels, title) so often that it would deserve a
function, or better an Axes method to do the same. I am aware of the
matplotlibrc settings, but I need something to play with after a figure
is drawn. Below is my first attempt - is it the right way of doing
things? I misuse the fact that the figure title is the only Text child
in my figure.


def setAxesFontSize( ax, size, titleMul = 1.2, labelMul = 1.0 ):
size: tick label size,
   titleMul: title label size multiplicator,
   labelMul: x, y axis label size multiplicator
labels = ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels()
for label in labels:
label.set_size( size )

labels = [ax.get_xaxis().get_label(), ax.get_yaxis().get_label()]
for label in labels:
label.set_size( labelMul * size )

for child in ax.get_children():
if isinstance( child, Text ):
child.set_size( titleMul * size )

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] tight axis in OO interface

2007-03-22 Thread Robert Cimrman

I am using the OO interface to plot some data in logarithmic y-scale.
The data displayed are almost constant but not entirely, see the
attached image. In order to see the details, I would like to do
something like 'axis( 'image' )' for the yaxis. I have tried to play
with axes.set_ylim(), axes.yaxis.set_ticks() but failed utterly.
Can anyone help me?

For linear scaling, there is no problem - the axes limits are well
adjusted without any intervention.


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] spy ignores negative values?

2006-12-12 Thread Robert Cimrman
Eric Firing wrote:
 Robert Cimrman wrote:
 What could be done, though, is to raise an exception explaining that 
 sparse matrices and the image mode don't like each other; as it is, 
 the function spy3 just dies on asarray (should be st. like asarray( 
 Z.todense() ))
 (I think it would be Z.toarray().)


 Good point.  Alternatives would be to automatically switch it to plot 
 mode, with a warning, or to automatically convert it.  Probably the 
 former is the better of these two, and maybe your originally suggested 
 exception is best of all.  What do you think?

I am slightly more for raising the exception: IMHO, people really 
needing and using sparse matrices convert never to dense ones (they 
would not fit into memory in most cases); people happy with automatic 
conversion should use dense matrices from the very beginning - there is 
no gain in exploiting sparsity for them; people knowing what they are 
doing can convert explicitly prior to calling spy().

+1 raise an exception
+0 switch to plot mode (ok, but inconsistent - why I got a plot when I 
wanted an image?)
-10 automatic conversion


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] spy ignores negative values?

2006-12-11 Thread Robert Cimrman
Eric Firing wrote:
 Robert Cimrman wrote:
 Eric Firing wrote:
 Robert and any other spy users:

 I have committed to svn a new axes method, spy3, that combines a 
 modification of the functionality of both spy and spy2.  I hope you 
 can check it out.  If it looks OK, then I would like to simply 
 replace spy and spy2 with this combined version.  In that case the 
 pylab interface, which now gives access to spy and spy2, would have a 
 single spy function which would access the new version.  My suspicion 
 is that spy is used almost entirely in interactive mode, and probably 
 not by very many people, so that this changeover can be made quickly 
 with little disruption to present users.

 Attached is a script illustrating the difference in the way spy3 
 displays a matrix (it matches the way it is printed: first index is 
 row number, second is column number, row number increases down) 
 versus what spy and spy2 do (first index is X, second index is Y).

 Also attached is the diff for spy3.

 Users may want to comment in particular on the default for the 
 aspect kwarg.  Presently it is set to equal so that the shape of 
 the plot is the shape of the array with square cells.  This differs 
 from spy and spy2.  The rationale is that it gives the best picture 
 of what the array looks like, including its shape.

 Thumbs up :), just add the sparse-full matrix switch to the imshow 
 branch too, if possible. But I am happy with it as it is.
 The sparse-full difference only works with the plot mode; for an image 
 there is no alternative to providing a value for every pixel, so I don't 
 know of any way to optimize it for the case of sparse storage.  A 
 polygon collection could be used to achieve the same result in this 
 case.  I'm not sure it is a good idea, though, because there would be an 
 advantage of not converting to a regular array only in the case where 
 the array is so large that such a conversion would use a big chunk of 
 memory, and in that case the polygons probably would be less than 
 single-pixel size anyway, so one would be better off using the present 
 symbol-plotting mode.

Yeah, I have tried to write it myself before I posted this message but 
found that it probably would not work well - nevertheless I asked :).
What could be done, though, is to raise an exception explaining that 
sparse matrices and the image mode don't like each other; as it is, the 
function spy3 just dies on asarray (should be st. like asarray( 
Z.todense() ))

In [1]:import numpy as nm
In [2]:import scipy.sparse as sp
In [3]:a = nm.array( [[0, 1], [0,1], [2,3]] )
In [4]:b = sp.csr_matrix( a )
In [5]:gca().spy3( b )
exceptions.TypeError Traceback (most 
recent call last)


/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/matplotlib/ in spy3(self, Z, 
precision, marker, markersize, aspect, **kwargs)
4378 if marker is None and markersize is None:
- 4379 Z = asarray(Z)
4380 if precision is None: mask = Z!=0.
4381 else: mask = absolute(Z)precision

/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numarray/ in 
asarray(seq, type, typecode, dtype)
 432 if isinstance(seq, _gen.NDArray) and type is None and 
typecode is None:
 433 return seq
-- 434 return array(seq, type=type, typecode=typecode, copy=0, 
 436 inputarray = asarray   # Obsolete synonym

/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numarray/ in 
array(sequence, typecode, copy, savespace, type, shape, dtype)
 415 if (hasattr(sequence,'__getitem__')
 416 and hasattr(sequence,'__len__')):
-- 417 return fromlist(sequence,type,shape)
 419 ##SEQUENCE is a scalar or unhandleable

/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numarray/ in 
fromlist(seq, type, shape, check_overflow, typecode, dtype)
 246 return arr
-- 248 if not len(seq) and type is None:
 249 type = _nt.Long

in __len__(self)
 163 def __len__(self):
 164 # return self.getnnz()
-- 165 raise TypeError, sparse matrix length is ambiguous; use 
getnnz() \
 166   or shape[0]

 Anyway, I'm glad it works for you.  Thanks for checking.

Thanks for your fast help!

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] spy ignores negative values?

2006-12-07 Thread Robert Cimrman
Eric Firing wrote:
 Robert and any other spy users:
 I have committed to svn a new axes method, spy3, that combines a 
 modification of the functionality of both spy and spy2.  I hope you can 
 check it out.  If it looks OK, then I would like to simply replace spy 
 and spy2 with this combined version.  In that case the pylab interface, 
 which now gives access to spy and spy2, would have a single spy function 
 which would access the new version.  My suspicion is that spy is used 
 almost entirely in interactive mode, and probably not by very many 
 people, so that this changeover can be made quickly with little 
 disruption to present users.
 Attached is a script illustrating the difference in the way spy3 
 displays a matrix (it matches the way it is printed: first index is row 
 number, second is column number, row number increases down) versus what 
 spy and spy2 do (first index is X, second index is Y).
 Also attached is the diff for spy3.
 Users may want to comment in particular on the default for the aspect 
 kwarg.  Presently it is set to equal so that the shape of the plot is 
 the shape of the array with square cells.  This differs from spy and 
 spy2.  The rationale is that it gives the best picture of what the array 
 looks like, including its shape.

Thumbs up :), just add the sparse-full matrix switch to the imshow 
branch too, if possible. But I am happy with it as it is.


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] spy ignores negative values?

2006-11-21 Thread Robert Cimrman
John Hunter wrote:
 Eric == Eric Firing [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Eric Yes, it should be !=0.  The purpose is to show how sparse a
 Eric matrix is--how much is filled with zeros--by displaying the
 Eric non-zero entries.
 OK I fixed it.  Thanks.


BTW would you consider changing the definition of spy(2) as shown below,
so that one could specify what 'to be a zero' means?


def spy(self, Z,  precision = None, marker='s', markersize=10, **kwargs):

if hasattr(Z, 'tocoo'):
c = Z.tocoo()
if precision is None:
x = c.row
y = c.col
z =
ii = where( abs( )  precision )[0]
x = c.row[ii]
y = c.col[ii]
z =[ii]
if precision is None:
x,y,z = matplotlib.mlab.get_xyz_where(Z, Z != 0)
x,y,z = matplotlib.mlab.get_xyz_where(Z, abs( Z )  precision)

return self.plot(x+0.5,y+0.5, linestyle='None',
 marker=marker,markersize=markersize, **kwargs)

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