Re: [Matplotlib-users] exclude something from legend

2010-08-26 Thread Tinne De Laet
Hi Carlos,

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 04:49, Carlos Grohmann wrote:
 Hello all,

 Is there a way to tell MPL that something I plotted (like a series of
 Line2D, to create a grid) should not be considered for the legend?

 I'm plotting a lot of things, and because of these objects (without
 label), I always got these msgs:

 /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/matplotlib/ UserWarning: No
 labeled objects found. Use label='...' kwarg on individual plots.
  warnings.warn(No labeled objects found.  

I always use the following set of commands to get costumize my legend:

legendEntries=[] # list of plots that are going to be in
the legend
legendText=[]   # list of text messages for the legend

thisPlot = plot(x,y,'b*') # a plot command

legendEntries.append(thisPlot) # only do this for the plots you want
to add to the legend
legendText.append(legend text)# only this for the plots you want
to add to the legend

 lgd = legend(legendEntries,legendText,numpoints=1,prop=props,loc='upper
right') # example of how to draw the legend


Hope this helps,


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] My Legend keeps growing! Help

2010-08-26 Thread Tinne De Laet
Hi ,

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 05:47, dcarroll wrote:

 I am trying make a plot that is in a loop and replots when new data is


    fig = plt.figure(1,[10,10])

    prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size=8)

    xMin = dates[1]
    xMax = dates[-1]

    #temperature plot
    yMin = min(temperatureSQLData)
    yMax = max(temperatureSQLData)

    minTemperature = Min = %.3f  % min(temperatureSQLData) + 'deg ' + 'C'
    minTemperatureIndex = temperatureSQLData.index(yMin)

    maxTemperature = Max = %.3f  % max(temperatureSQLData) + 'deg ' + 'C'
    maxTemperatureIndex = temperatureSQLData.index(yMax)

    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(511)


    plt.title(Water Conditions for the last 7 Days.)


    dateFormat = mpl.dates.DateFormatter('%m/%d/%Y')
    daysLocation = mpl.dates.DayLocator()
    hoursLocation = mpl.dates.HourLocator(interval=4)

 The problem is that the number of items in my legend grows with each
 iteration of the loop. Any help would be appreciated!

You can select yourself what you want to include in the legend by
creating the legend as follows:

legendEntries=[] # list of plots that are going to be in
the legend
legendText=[]   # list of text messages for the legend

thisPlot = plot(x,y,'b*') # a plot command

legendEntries.append(thisPlot) # only do this for the plots you want
to add to the legend
legendText.append(legend text)# only this for the plots you want
to add to the legend

 lgd = legend(legendEntries,legendText,numpoints=1,prop=props,loc='upper
right') # example of how to draw the legend


so you could clean the legendEntries and legendText at the beginning
of every loop by calling

Or if the legend is every time the same you can only create it in the
first iteration of the loop and then do not change the legendEntries
or legendtext any more.


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] plotting open symbols

2010-08-20 Thread Tinne De Laet
Hi Jonathan,

On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 16:29, Jonathan Slavin wrote:
 To all:

 I'm wondering if there is any way to make plots with open symbols, e.g.
 a circle.  I know how to use markers that look open, e.g. by doing
 something like,
 They are white in the center, but they're not really open since they
 block out whatever is behind them.  I tried using a color with
 transparency, say alpha=0.1 or something (mfc=(1.,1.,1.,0.1)) but that
 didn't work.  What I have in mind is illustrated in the attached plot,
 which I made some time ago in IDL. Is there an easy way to define your
 own markers for plotting?

just use mfc='None'


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Drawing Error Ellipses

2009-10-28 Thread Tinne De Laet
On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 9:06 AM, Eero Nevalainen wrote:

 I need to draw error ellipses on a scatterplot. I'm guessing someone has
 done this before.

 I've found some examples, such as this one

 That led to the artist tutorial, and... ARGH! INFORMATION OVERFLOW!

 Can someone explain to me, why I suddenly have to know so much about
 matplotlib's internals to get an ellipse drawn?


I just made a function to draw uncertainty ellipses defined by a
covariance matrix P:

def plotEllipse(pos,P,edge,face):
U, s , Vh = svd(P)
orient = math.atan2(U[1,0],U[0,0])
ellipsePlot = Ellipse(xy=pos, width=math.sqrt(s[0]),
height=math.sqrt(s[1]), angle=orient,facecolor=face, edgecolor=edge)
ax = gca()
return ellipsePlot

To use it: ellipsePlot=plotEllipse([x,y],P,'black','0.3')

Hope this helps,


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Axes3D - Equal Aspect Ratio

2009-10-14 Thread Tinne De Laet
Hi Thomas,.

 I'm playing around with mpl_toolkits.mplot3d to represent a 3D scatter, but
 I need the axis' aspect to be 'equal'. I tried to :

 ax = Axes3D(fig)

worked for me.


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