[Matplotlib-users] Maidir le: Memory leak when using pyplot.ion() ?

2013-10-14 Thread OCuanachain, Oisin (Oisin)
Hi Mike,

ion(), ioff() are useful to get immediate feedback when developing a script, 
when it is fully debugged I then increase the number of iterations and leave it 
running over the weekend. At that point I could obviously also have removed 
ion(), ioff() but given that I had no idea that this was necessary my sim 
crashed and I lost a weekend's worth of sim time. Anyway, whether or not 
ion(),ioff() are needed in this particular script is really besides the point. 
If the script, however unusual, is revealing a bug in matplotlib it should be 
logged so that it can hopefully be fixed.


From: Michael Droettboom [mailto:md...@stsci.edu]
Sent: 14 October 2013 18:13
To: matplotlib-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Matplotlib-users] Memory leak when using pyplot.ion() ?

I haven't had a chance to look into where the memory is actually leaking, 
ion/ioff are intended for interactive use, and here you are saving a large 
number of plots to files.  Why do you need ion at all?


On 10/14/2013 08:51 AM, OCuanachain, Oisin (Oisin) wrote:

I am having problems with a script. It runs a number of iterations and plots 
and saves a number of plots on each iteration. After the plots have been saved 
I issue the pyplot.close('all') command so despite many plots being created 
only 4 should be open at any given time which should not cause any memory 
problems. When I run the script however I see the RAM usage gradually growing 
without bound and eventually causing the script to crash. Interestingly I have 
found if I comment out the pyplot.ion()  and pyplot.ioff() the problem 
vanishes. So I do have a workaround but it would still be good to have this 
fixed in case I forget about it in future and loose another weekend's work.

My OS is Windows XP Service Pack 3
Python 2.6
Matplotlib 1.0.1

The code below is a stripped down version of my script which still exhibits the 


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
import time
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
import os

  # Main script body

  for gain in range(1,20,2):

  for PortToTest in range(8):

dirname = '.\crash'
f = open(dirname + '\\results.m','w')

runname = '\P' + str(PortToTest) + str(gain) + \
  '_' + time.strftime('d%dh%Hm%Ms%S')

dirname = dirname + runname
os.system('copy ' + sys.argv[0] + ' ' + dirname )

nIts = 50
# Decimate  data for plotting if many iterations are run
  echoPlotDec = 10
  echoPlotDec = 1
ResidN   = np.zeros((4,2*nIts))
MaxSl= np.zeros((4,2*nIts))
MaxOld   = np.zeros((4,2*nIts))
MaxNew   = np.zeros((4,2*nIts))
EchoA= np.zeros((2*nIts,160))

for kk in range(2*nIts):

ResidN[0,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)
ResidN[1,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)
ResidN[2,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)
ResidN[3,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)

MaxSl[0,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)
MaxSl[1,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)
MaxSl[2,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)
MaxSl[3,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)

MaxOld[0,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)
MaxOld[1,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)
MaxOld[2,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)
MaxOld[3,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)

MaxNew[0,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)
MaxNew[1,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)
MaxNew[2,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)
MaxNew[3,kk] = np.random.rand(1,1)

EchoA[kk,:] = np.random.rand(1,160)




LegendTexts = (A,B,C,D)

pyplot.title(R ( + runname +))
pyplot.ylabel(Noise (dB))
pyplot.axis([0, 2*nIts, -33, -25])
pyplot.savefig(dirname + '\\results.emf',format='emf')


pyplot.xlabel(Coef Index)
pyplot.ylabel(Coef Value)
pyplot.axis([0, 160, -0.5, 2])
pyplot.savefig(dirname + '\\CoefsA.emf',format='emf')


pyplot.title(MaxAbs, Old = '.', New = '*' )
pyplot.ylabel(o/p (LSBs))
pyplot.axis([0, 2*nIts, 32, 128])
pyplot.savefig(dirname + '\\MaxAbsA.emf',format='emf')


Re: [Matplotlib-users] Maidir le: Memory leak when using pyplot.ion() ?

2013-10-14 Thread Benjamin Root
I see you are using matplotlib 1.0.1. There have been several memory leak
bugs fixed since then, so I would suggest upgrading. I also notice you are
using the emf backend for saving figures. If I remember correctly, that
backend has been deprecated (or maybe even removed) in the latest release
(v1.3.x).  So, i would suggest trying v1.2.1. It does contain many bugfixes
and should still be compatible with your existing code.

I should also warn that the behavior with pyplot.ion() was odd back in
the 1.0.1 days and prior. If you are just simply running the script as-is
with a more recent matplotlib, or with a different backend in v1.0.1, the
script might behave a little differently than you'd expect. We would
welcome feedback on your usage of pyplot.ion().

Ben Root
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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Maidir le: Memory leak when using pyplot.ion() ?

2013-10-14 Thread Eric Firing
On 2013/10/14 7:48 AM, OCuanachain, Oisin (Oisin) wrote:
 Hi Mike,

 ion(), ioff() are useful to get immediate feedback when developing a
 script, when it is fully debugged I then increase the number of
 iterations and leave it running over the weekend. At that point I could
 obviously also have removed ion(), ioff() but given that I had no idea
 that this was necessary my sim crashed and I lost a weekend’s worth of
 sim time. Anyway, whether or not ion(),ioff() are needed in this
 particular script is really besides the point. If the script, however
 unusual, is revealing a bug in matplotlib it should be logged so that it
 can hopefully be fixed.



Certainly we want to find and fix bugs, with memory leaks being high 
priority. (I don't think we have seen a genuine mpl memory leak for 
quite a while; I am not aware of any at present.) We are not trying to 
maintain old mpl versions such as 1.0.1, however.  You are using the emf 
backend, which has been removed.  Therefore, unless you can reproduce 
the problem with mpl 1.3.x or 1.4.x in a SSCCE (http://sscce.org/), it 
is unlikely that your report will lead to a bug fix.  Perhaps it will 
lead to some useful insight, however.

I see someone has suggested that the problem might be in Windows. 
Another possibility is that it is in TkAgg, which I suspect is your 
default interactive backend.  I dimly recall that there was a time when 
TkAgg could leak memory, but I don't remember whether that was fixed by 
1.0.1 or not.


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