Re: [Matplotlib-users] Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial in python

2009-09-21 Thread rbessa

regarding the print statements in the function you may want to use something
total_matches = (xx == x).sum()
if total_matches != n:
raise ValueError(x values weren't in sorted order)

I also have one question:
in function pchip_eval instead of  t = (xvec - x[k]) / h[k] should not
be t = (xvec - x[k]) / h ?

Best regards,
Ricardo Bessa

Chris Michalski-3 wrote:
 Recently, I had a need for a monotonic piece-wise cubic Hermite  
 interpolator.   Matlab provides the function pchip (Piecewise Cubic  
 Hermite Interpolator), but when I Googled I didn't find any Python  
 equivalent.   I tried interp1d() from scipy.interpolate but this was  
 a standard cubic spline using all of the data - not a piece-wise cubic  
 I had access to Matlab documentation, so I spent a some time tracing  
 through the code to figure out how I might write a Python duplicate.   
 This was an massive exercise in frustration and a potent reminder on  
 why I love Python and use Matlab only under duress.  I find typical  
 Matlab code is poorly documented (if at all) and that apparently  
 includes the code included in their official releases.  I also find  
 Matlab syntax “dated” and the code very difficult to “read”.
 Wikipedia to the rescue.
 Not to be deterred, I found a couple of very well written Wikipedia  
 entries, which explained in simple language how to compute the  
 interpolant.  Hats off to whoever wrote these entries – they are  
 excellent.  The result was a surprising small amount of code  
 considering the Matlab code was approaching 10 pages of  
 incomprehensible code. Again - strong evidence that things are just  
 better in Python...
 Offered for those who might have the same need – a Python pchip()  
 equivalent == pypchip().  Since I'm not sure how attachments work (or  
 if they work at all...), I copied the code I used below, followed by a  
 PNG showing success:
 #Piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation (monotonic...) in Python
 #Wikipedia:  Monotone cubic interpolation
 #Cubic Hermite spline
 #A cubic Hermte spline is a third degree spline with each  
 polynomial of the spline
 #in Hermite form.  The Hermite form consists of two control points  
 and two control
 #tangents for each polynomial.  Each interpolation is performed on  
 one sub-interval
 #at a time (piece-wise).  A monotone cubic interpolation is a  
 variant of cubic
 #interpolation that preserves monotonicity of the data to be  
 interpolated (in other
 #words, it controls overshoot).  Monotonicity is preserved by  
 linear interpolation
 #but not by cubic interpolation.
 #There are two separate calls, the first call, pchip_init(),  
 computes the slopes that
 #the interpolator needs.  If there are a large number of points to  
 #it is more efficient to compute the slopes once, rather than for  
 every point
 #being evaluated.  The second call, pchip_eval(), takes the slopes  
 computed by
 #pchip_init() along with X, Y, and a vector of desired xnews and  
 computes a vector
 #of ynews.  If only a handful of points is needed, pchip() is a  
 third function
 #which combines a call to pchip_init() followed by pchip_eval().
 import pylab as P
 def pchip(x, y, xnew):
  # Compute the slopes used by the piecewise cubic Hermite  
  m= pchip_init(x, y)
  # Use these slopes (along with the Hermite basis function) to  
  ynew = pchip_eval(x, y, xnew)
  return ynew
 def x_is_okay(x,xvec):
  # Make sure x and xvec satisfy the conditions for
  # running the pchip interpolator
  n = len(x)
  m = len(xvec)
  # Make sure x is in sorted order (brute force, but works...)
  xx = x.copy()
  total_matches = (xx == x).sum()
  if total_matches != n:
  print * * 50
  print x_is_okay()
  print x values weren't in sorted order --- aborting
  return False
  # Make sure 'x' doesn't have any repeated values
  delta = x[1:] - x[:-1]
  if (delta == 0.0).any():
  print * * 50
  print x_is_okay()
  print x values weren't monotonic--- aborting
  return False
  # Check for in-range xvec values (beyond upper edge)
  check = xvec  x[-1]
  if check.any():
  print * * 50
  print x_is_okay()
  print Certain 'xvec' values are beyond the upper end of 'x'
  print x_max = , x[-1]
  indices = P.compress(check, range(m))
  print out-of-range xvec's = , xvec[indices]
  print out-of-range xvec indices = , indices
  return False
  # Second - 

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial in python

2009-09-02 Thread Christopher Barker
Chris Michalski wrote:
 Thanks for the inputs...  perhaps it will provide the impetus for  
 future postings as well...

I think this would be a great addition to scipy.interpolate. I encourage 
you to massage your code to fit the API and scipy standards and 
contribute it.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/ORR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial in python

2009-08-29 Thread Chris Michalski
Thanks for the inputs...  perhaps it will provide the impetus for  
future postings as well...


On Aug 29, 2009, at 11:49 AM, John Hunter wrote:

 On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Eric  

 This looks interesting.  I successfully ran your program by using  
 and paste to get it into a file, but for the future I certainly
 recommend that you attach such a file directly--file attachments
 generally work very well these days, but bad things can happen to  
 included as inline text.

I haven't contributed to matplotlib or numpy even though I've used  
them for some years now, so I wasn't sure about the etiquette of  
file attachments.

The other thing I recommend is do not use the pylab namespace for any

 of the numerics.  pylab is getting all the numerical functions from
 numpy, so if you

  import numpy as np

 and then refer to any numerical functions you need as np.somefunc.

Point well taken.  Since pylab exposes most of the numpy calls I use,  
I typically include pylab instead for nump.

 Finally, for the functions to be suitable for inclusion in a
 production package like numpy or matplotlib.mlab, you should not use
 any print statements in the function, but rather a combination of
 warnings.warn or exceptions or if it for matplotlib, use the infrastructure.  That way users can configure how much
 verbosity they want, where the output should be directed, etc.

Point also well taken.  I figured out when there were problems, but  
even after 7 years of writing large Python package, I haven't found  
the best way to handle exceptions.  Usually I purposely cause a  
crash so I don't miss the fact that the code had ill formed data.

 After a cleanup, you may want to check with numpy or scipy to see of
 it could find a home there.  There was a discussion at scipy on the
 need to improve scipy.interpolate and this seems to go part of the way
 toward that objective.  So I would start there.

I'll send it along to the scipy people.  I figured since I figured out  
a relatively simple solution to a problem that is often encountered,  
it might find use even in its primitive form.  I'll add the URLs to  
the WIkipedia references as well.


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