Good Morning,

In response to the image protection issue. I am in the process of trying to put together a virtual artifact database which, of course, involves images. This question of image protection has plaqued us from the onset. What we have decided to go with is a lower resolution thumbnail, plus the infamous copyright statement (does this really make people feel guilty!?). I was just wondering, of you who have already placed images on the web, what resolution have you been using? What is a good enough to show the image, but bad enough that the user may not want to use it?

It's good to know that I'm not the only one struggling with this problem.

Heidi Wilson
Cultural Resource Services
Parks Canada

From: Trudy Levy <>
Subject: Re: Image Protection
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 22:24:31 -0800

Even stranger I just joined this list after Amalyah Keshet of MCN read my
article on Image Security at  and contacted me.

Most people are using the rule of small thumbnails, low res, not good for
anyone. Throw in the copyright to remind people they are stealing. I would be
interested to know how many are watermarking. I have found one stock Photo
House which does. There is an alternative to watermarking and that is
encrypting. Some interesting software solutions which protect your images by
encoding them are Alchemedia' s Clever Content  and Xerox's ContentGuard .
ContentGuard actually does watermarking, licensing and dusting *,-).

> Dear MCNers,
> (Weird - two messages to the list from Alberta in one day!)
> The University of Alberta's Art Collection is currently developing a web
> interface to its database. The majority of database records have digital
> images attached to them, which has raised the issue of image security.
> We would be very interested in hearing what other institutions have done in > the way of protecting their digital images on the web. Are any collections
> watermarking their images? And if not, why not? Has there been any
> repercussion in not doing so? Or is marking images with copyright
> information the preferred methodology?
> Thanks in advance for any insights the members of this list might be able to
> shed on this matter.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> jim whittome
> museums and collections services
> university of alberta
> edmonton, alberta, canada
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-- Trudy Levy
                               Image Integration
                           The Digital Imaging Guide
                    7 Third Ave. SF, CA 94118 415/750 1274
                     Images are information - manage them

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