I just joined this group, but I wanted to discuss the subject cataloging
project currently underway at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. We are still
in the development stage, but I expect that we will end up with controlled
vocabulary derived from LC's TGM, and to a lesser extent, Getty's AAT as
well as standard LCSH. I am conceptually breaking these down into separate
categories for generic object, scene, and activity; specific object, scene,
and activity; and theme/abstract concept.
I will also be creating hierarchies based on object type and subject matter.
These facets will be comprised of the controlled vocabulary used in the
above-mentioned subject cataloging scheme.
Peter Konin, MLS
Subject Cataloger
Information Services
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Phone: (215) 684-7288
-Original Message-
From: brian cors [mailto:bc...@umich.edu]
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 10:53 AM
To: mcn_mc...@listserver.americaneagle.com; lists...@mcn.edu
Subject: Re: subject & keyword searching in CMS and DAMS
Wow, thanks for passing along info on STEVE.
And yes, "social tagging" for enhancement of our collections database
keywords for "off the street" users is something that we have been
thinking of.
We were just currently in grant-writing mode to fund a project that
would update a lot of things with our digital collection - and keywords
are one of those things.
For personal photos, I myself Flickr for image hosting and sharing - and
their method, I find, is really enjoyable - and useful.
I actually contacted Flickr to see if they would be interested in
working on a project with us, and folksonomy-based "tagging" - to get
more "everyday user" keywords into our search fields, but Flickr does
not offer a standalone server and were not interested in working
together on something...
Sad, because the folks who make EmbARK are highly interested in this as
well - and that's what we use for our collections database...
In any case, I'll peep at STEVE and see what that's all about. Thanks!
And, if anyone else is utilizing folksonomy-based tools for generation
of generalized/every-day keywords, I'd be interested to hear what you're
Matt Morgan wrote:
> This looks like a great place to plug "social tagging," (an approach to
> "folksonomy," i.e., using popular terminology for subject
> categorization) like what STEVE (http://steve.museum) promises.
> Folksonomies are a way to address the reality that Museum and Library
> professionals often use subject categorizations that don't reflect the
> terms most people use when searching online. STEVE is an open-source
> tool for enabling social tagging of museum object images to create
> folksonomies.
> Alongside the folksonomies, I still think it's worthwhile for museums to
> make their internal subject terms more public. Exposing the insides of
> the Museum in a demystifying, educational way is a great
> community-minded thing to do.
brian cors
system administrator
university of michigan museum of art
525 south state street
ann arbor, mi 48109-1354usa
1.734.647.0529 [work]1.734.764.3731 [ fax]
bricors [aim]
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