** Apologies for any repeated postings **

Conference: Connecting Culture and Commerce: Getting the Right Balance
26 January 2007 at the National Gallery
Register and find out more at: 

The Museums Copyright Group in association with Kings College London 
are delighted to announce the following confirmed speakers:

Alan Yentob, BBC's Creative Director, Director of Drama, 
Entertainment and CBBC.

Sandy Nairne, Director of the National Portrait Gallery.

Jon Snow, Channel Four News presenter and a Trustee of the National 
Gallery and Tate Liaison Trustee.

Professor Charles Oppenheim, Head of Information Science, 
Loughborough University.

We are also really pleased to announce our expert panel members:

Gretchen Wagner, General Counsel, ARTstor

Sara Milne, CEO, Science and Media LLP

Catherine Draycott, Chair of BAPLA and Head of Medical Library, Wellcome Trust

Nick Poole, Director, MDA

Ben White, Copyright and Compliance Manager, British Library

The conference will provide a forum for our high profile expert 
speakers and international representatives from the cultural, media, 
education, commerce, Government as well as other interested sectors 
to debate how to balance cultural and commercial interests. More 
about the conference can be found at:

This is a critical time for owners and users of cultural content. 
Issues surrounding creative industries, technology and new media 
together with discussions about Intellectual Property Rights are 
being played out at the highest political levels and the landscape 
has the potential to be reshaped dramatically. Cultural heritage 
organisations need to embrace these developments and position 
themselves to ensure that they are represented as a sector that 
provides cultural content, free at the point of access, whilst 
looking to the rights that they own themselves to develop models to 
sustain their core activities and achieve high levels of service to 
their commercial users. This conference will provide an exciting 
forum to simulate debate and discussion about these key areas with 
suppliers and users of cultural content set within one of the 
foremost collections of art in the world.


Registration for the conference has now opened at:

Simon Tanner
Director,  King's Digital Consultancy Services
King's College London
Kay House, 7 Arundel Street, London WC2R 3DX
tel: +44 (0)20 7848 1678 or +44 (0)7887 691716
email: simon.tanner at kcl.ac.uk        

Connecting Culture and Commerce Conference: January 2007, National Gallery

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