(Forwarded from the Media and Technology listserv)

Hello everyone!

It was great to meet and talk with so many of you in Los Angeles. It
was, I think, the most entertaining of all of the Annual Meetings I've
attended. Each one has its special flavor, but it's hard to beat daily
celebrity sightings and bike races!

Regardless, next year's Annual Meeting in Houston will be just as
exciting - or it will be, with your help. Your knowledge and expertise
instrumental in shaping and supporting our professional practice and
shared body of information.

The theme for AAM 2011 is "The Museum of Tomorrow", and the deadline for
SPC-endorsement for your proposal is *July 16*!!

Why should you submit your proposal through the Media and Technology

1) You will get personal assistance (by yours truly) crafting and
shaping your proposal for submission to the annual Program Meeting in
August. At
this meeting, the Program Chairs from each of the 13 SPCs present each
proposal and lobby for its acceptance in the final program.

2) Other SPCs may choose to endorse the session proposal. At the Program
Meeting, other Program Chairs may decide if the proposal is valuable to
their area of focus and agree to co-endorse the session. More
endorsements mean a greater likelihood of acceptance by the Final
Program panel.

We encourage you explore those topics you've expertise and interest in;
were there sessions at AAM10 that you would like to explore further?
Something you've not seen addressed at the annual meetings that should
be? What were the issues that you would like to see addressed again, in
greater detail, or differently? Even if you didn't attend, take a moment
to review the same questions: what information or topics need to be
explored in a forum where so many diverse associates gather?  What
should we, as a committee, be looking at as our important, central

Here're some possible topics that you might consider:

*       Methods for engaging audiences via social media
*       Web development: sustainability vs. sustainability
*       Collections online on the cheap
*       Micro-donations for museums
*       Don't just gather metrics. Use your metrics
*       Homegrown history - personal archiving by the public
*       Crowdsourcing and audience curation
*       The handheld museum and smartphone apps

Additionally, feel free to play with the formats. "Non-traditional",
interactive sessions have received some of the highest evaluations and
the Programs Chairs have been especially encouraged to support these.

If you are interested in participating in a session as a panelist or as
a chair, (or want to know more about what that might mean in terms of
commitment, logistics, etc.) let me know ASAP. If you simply wish to be
a facilitator, and not speak, then pass along some names (nominate your
colleagues to do it!) and pass along ideas. This is not an empty
solicitation, you will be responded to, and this is a direct path to
having your voice heard... join in!

DEADLINE FOR M&T SPC ENDORSEMENT (complete proposal) is July 16, 2010.
Please submit your completed proposal via the online database here:

You can find "AAM Session Proposal Guidelines" at

Please note that any incomplete submissions (including biography,
addresses, etc) won't be considered, so please contact me ahead of time
you have any questions about filling in the form!

Again, thanks to you all for being a part of this committee. I look
forward to our further conversations and getting to know you better.

Perian Sully
Media and Technology SPC Program Chair
programs at mediaandtechnology.org

P.S. A special shout-out to Herminia Din, who has been the M&T Program
Chair for the past five years - a record! Many thanks for all of your
work and service over the past few years.

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