Greetings MCNers,

I've been trying to be a conduit of information between ARLIS and MCN 
for the last few years. As the ARLIS liaison to MCN, I forward 
information between the two listservs to share relevant postings 
related to annual meetings, activities, etc. looking for areas of 
overlap or commonality. Since I'm a member of both organizations and 
belong to both listserves, I'm happy to continue this work. However, 
since I have been doing this for a few years, if anyone else is 
interested in being the ARLIS liaison to MCN, I thought I would put 
this query out there. Please let me know if anyone might be 
interested and I will be happy to hook you up with the appropriate 
ARLIS Board members. Meanwhile, if you have any interesting ideas 
about how to better connect and communicate between ARLIS and MCN, 
they are welcome and I will continue to do this. Thank you.

Best wishes,

Maureen A. Burns, Ed.D.
Humanities Curator
Visual Resources Collection
61 Humanities Instructional Building
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-3375
949-824-8027 phone
949-824-4298 fax

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