Audiovisual Preservation for Culture, Heritage and Academic Collections
A One-Day course of what you need to know - and who!  Preliminary announcement

Seventy percent of all audiovisual material is 
under immediate threat of deterioration, damage 
or obsolescence - and seventy percent of 
collection managers don't know it.  Surveys have 
found serious shortages of trained staff and 
equipment, and an even more serious shortage of 
concerted preservation actions. The immediate 
needs are:  awareness - and help.

This one day course will provide basic 
information on the problems of audiovisual 
material, what to do about them - and where to 
get help and more information.  The targets are 
culture, heritage and academic collections, to 
focus on a group of people and collections with 
broadly similar issues and solutions.

Sponsored by:
King's Digital Consultancy Service, King's College London:
British Universities Film and Video Council:
Training for Audiovisual Preservation in Europe:

10 November 2006, at King's College London, 
Centre for Computing in the Humanities.

Fee: ?60 includes lunch for non-profit making 
organisations (VAT will not be charged) or ?180 
(plus VAT) for the corporate sector (who will be 
allocated any remaining places not taken).

Early registration is advised, as numbers will be 
limited to approximately 25 persons.
For registration and further information

Programme for the day

Basics: (1.5 hrs)
"       Welcome and Introduction - KDCS
"       Basic facts about audiovisual materials - BBC
"       Lessons to be learnt from major film and video digitisation projects - 
"       Digital Audiovisual Preservation: AHDS - Arts and Humanities Data 

Case Studies: (1.5 hrs)
"       The ITN News Archive - a JISC project
"       The British Library Sound Archive - a JISC project
"       Preservation and access at the BFI - British Film Institute
"       Preservation and Commercialisation - Imperial War Museum
"       Preservation in a Research Institute - Welcome Institute

Advanced topics: (2 hrs)
"       Preservation Cost models - Southampton University (PrestoSpace)
"       Audiovisual Websites and Portals - System Simulation Ltd (PrestoSpace)
"       Metadata - BBC
"       Sources of Help: PrestoSpace, TAPE, JISC, KDCS, AHDS, EC - BBC
"       The JISC strategy for the future of audiovisual collections - JISC
"       Open Question and Answer session.

Attendees may book 15 minute individual 
consultancy sessions with the speakers from BBC, 
AHDS, KDCS and Prestospace after the end of the course until 6.00pm.

Simon Tanner
Director,  King's Digital Consultancy Services
King's College London
Kay House, 7 Arundel Street, London WC2R 3DX
tel: +44 (0)20 7848 1678 or +44 (0)7887 691716
email: simon.tanner at

Connecting Culture and Commerce Conference: January 2007, National Gallery

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