Hello MCN,

Perhaps this two day symposium will be of interest to some of you...

Thinking with Your Eyes: Visualizing the Arts, Humanities, & Sciences
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
February 27-28, 2014

"Thinking with Your Eyes explores the uses of visualization across disciplines 
and research methods. During this two-day symposium, experts will share tools, 
techniques, and perspectives about what it means to interpret, learn, and teach 
visually. The program includes lightning-round sessions, keynote presentations, 
roundtable discussions, and hands-on workshops.

Events will kick off with keynote speakers Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda 
Vi?gas, of Google's "Big Picture" Research Group. Additional presenters come 
from such diverse fields as music, economics, astronomy, archaeology, and 

Whether you are a seasoned veteran or just starting to explore, this will be an 
opportunity to share, learn, and connect with others."

More info and the registration form can be found at 

Jeff Steward
Director of Digital Infrastructure and Emerging Technology
jeff_steward at harvard.edu<mailto:jeff_steward at harvard.edu>

Harvard Art Museums
32 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

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