[Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke gmail

2024-03-01 Terurut Topik Moes
On Fri, Mar 1, 2024 at 9:26 AM Syafril Hermansyah via Mdaemon-L
> On 3/1/24 09:02, Syafril Hermansyah via Mdaemon-L wrote:
> > On 2/29/24 09:22, Moes wrote:
> > ---
> > Mohon tidak posting dengan top posting style di milis ini, selalu
> > gunakan bottom (interleaved) posting untuk memudahkan pembacaan.
> >
> > https://blog.joelesler.net/2009/12/bottom-posting.html
> >
> > The particular part to pay attention to is in RFC1855 --
> >
> > "- If you are sending a reply to a message or a posting be sure you
> > summarize the original at the top of the message, or include just
> > enough text of the original to give a context. This will make
> > sure readers understand when they start to read your response.
> > Since NetNews, especially, is proliferated by distributing the
> > postings from one host to another, it is possible to see a
> > response to a message before seeing the original. Giving context
> > helps everyone. But do not include the entire original!"
> >
> > Inline reply butuh pemangkasan kutipan teks yang tidak sesuai konteks.
> >
> > https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette#Trimming
> > https://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote2.html#ss2.1
> >
> > Does it take more time to edit the portions of quoted text included in
> > your reply? Yes. So does spell-checking and proofreading. It also takes
> > time to shower and brush your teeth each day.
> >
> > Untuk gmail apps, cara inline reply seperti contoh dibawah ini
> >
> > https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/49884/how-to-insert-a-reply-inline-in-gmail/49886
> > ---
> >
> >
> >> iya pak, ternyata setelah di periksa menggunakanhttp://ip4.me  di
> >> server, IP Public bukan menggunakan
> >>,  sedang di tanyakan ke provider penyedia IP Public.
> >> kenapa bisa beda untuk outbound nya, padahal ip  itu
> >> tidak ada di server.
> >
> >
> > Tetapi IP yang lain itu ada/terdaftar di Internet Router atau Firewall?
> > Kalau MDaemon diletakkan di belakang firewall, ada di LAN, maka
> > masalahnya ada di Traffic Rule firewall/router; harusnya ada traffic
> > rule untuk menset outbound traffic dari IP private MDaemon selalu pakai
> >
> Koreksi, traffic rule unutk memastikan outbound dari IP private MDaemon
> selalu pakai IP
> Tetapi kalau melihat IP nya berubah menjadi maka
> problemnya ada router yang ada disisi ISP (Provider Internet).
> --
> syafril
> Syafril Hermansyah
> MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 23.5.3 Beta A
> Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.
> The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try
> and the belief that it is actually possible.
> ---  Joel Brown
> --
> --[mdaemon-l]--
> Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia
> Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
> Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
> Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.com
> Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
> Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
> Versi terakhir: MDaemon 23.5.2, SecurityGateway 9.5.3

Ok pak, trimakasih atas petunjuknya. sedang diproses oleh provider internet

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.com
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 23.5.2, SecurityGateway 9.5.3

[Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke gmail

2024-02-29 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah via Mdaemon-L

On 3/1/24 09:02, Syafril Hermansyah via Mdaemon-L wrote:

On 2/29/24 09:22, Moes wrote:
Mohon tidak posting dengan top posting style di milis ini, selalu
gunakan bottom (interleaved) posting untuk memudahkan pembacaan.


The particular part to pay attention to is in RFC1855 --

"- If you are sending a reply to a message or a posting be sure you
summarize the original at the top of the message, or include just
enough text of the original to give a context. This will make
sure readers understand when they start to read your response.
Since NetNews, especially, is proliferated by distributing the
postings from one host to another, it is possible to see a
response to a message before seeing the original. Giving context
helps everyone. But do not include the entire original!"

Inline reply butuh pemangkasan kutipan teks yang tidak sesuai konteks.


Does it take more time to edit the portions of quoted text included in
your reply? Yes. So does spell-checking and proofreading. It also takes
time to shower and brush your teeth each day.

Untuk gmail apps, cara inline reply seperti contoh dibawah ini


iya pak, ternyata setelah di periksa menggunakanhttp://ip4.me  di
server, IP Public bukan menggunakan,  sedang di tanyakan ke provider penyedia IP Public.
kenapa bisa beda untuk outbound nya, padahal ip  itu
tidak ada di server.

Tetapi IP yang lain itu ada/terdaftar di Internet Router atau Firewall?
Kalau MDaemon diletakkan di belakang firewall, ada di LAN, maka 
masalahnya ada di Traffic Rule firewall/router; harusnya ada traffic 
rule untuk menset outbound traffic dari IP private MDaemon selalu pakai

Koreksi, traffic rule unutk memastikan outbound dari IP private MDaemon 
selalu pakai IP

Tetapi kalau melihat IP nya berubah menjadi maka 
problemnya ada router yang ada disisi ISP (Provider Internet).


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 23.5.3 Beta A
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try 
and the belief that it is actually possible.

---  Joel Brown

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.com
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 23.5.2, SecurityGateway 9.5.3

[Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke gmail

2024-02-29 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah via Mdaemon-L

On 2/29/24 09:22, Moes wrote:
Mohon tidak posting dengan top posting style di milis ini, selalu
gunakan bottom (interleaved) posting untuk memudahkan pembacaan.


The particular part to pay attention to is in RFC1855 --

"- If you are sending a reply to a message or a posting be sure you
summarize the original at the top of the message, or include just
enough text of the original to give a context. This will make
sure readers understand when they start to read your response.
Since NetNews, especially, is proliferated by distributing the
postings from one host to another, it is possible to see a
response to a message before seeing the original. Giving context
helps everyone. But do not include the entire original!"

Inline reply butuh pemangkasan kutipan teks yang tidak sesuai konteks.


Does it take more time to edit the portions of quoted text included in
your reply? Yes. So does spell-checking and proofreading. It also takes
time to shower and brush your teeth each day.

Untuk gmail apps, cara inline reply seperti contoh dibawah ini


iya pak, ternyata setelah di periksa menggunakanhttp://ip4.me  di
server, IP Public bukan menggunakan,  sedang di tanyakan ke provider penyedia IP Public.
kenapa bisa beda untuk outbound nya, padahal ip  itu
tidak ada di server.

Tetapi IP yang lain itu ada/terdaftar di Internet Router atau Firewall?
Kalau MDaemon diletakkan di belakang firewall, ada di LAN, maka 
masalahnya ada di Traffic Rule firewall/router; harusnya ada traffic 
rule untuk menset outbound traffic dari IP private MDaemon selalu pakai


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 23.5.3 Beta A
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play 
better than anyone else.

--- Albert Einstein

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.com
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 23.5.2, SecurityGateway 9.5.3

[Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke gmail

2024-02-28 Terurut Topik Moes
iya pak, ternyata setelah di periksa menggunakan http://ip4.me di
server, IP Public bukan menggunakan,  sedang di tanyakan ke provider penyedia IP Public.
kenapa bisa beda untuk outbound nya, padahal ip  itu
tidak ada di server.

trima kasih pak.

On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 2:02 PM Syafril Hermansyah via Mdaemon-L
> On 2/28/24 13:14, Mr Moes wrote:
> > mau minta pencerahannya. email ke gmail selalu tidak bisa/ditolak
> > tapi kalo terima dari gmail bisa.
> > keterangannya not have ptr record. padahal ip server
> > sudah sudah ada ptr recordnya. kira2 salah setting dimn ya?
> > untuk ke yahoo dan email lain tidak ada masalah.
> Gmail.com tidak mempermasalahkan ada/tidaknya PTR record asalkan volume
> mail dari sender domain kecil, mail tetap diterima hanya saja akan
> memasukkan mail dari sender itu kedalam spam folder recipi...@gmail.com.
> Yang akan ditolak oleh gmail.com jika sender domain tidak punya DNS SPF
> record.
> Dalam hal sendernya NULL (< >) maka SPF record dari sender server (HELO
> FQDN) yang dijadikan patokkan.
> Hal yang sama berlaku juga untuk yahoo.com.
> Coba periksa apa benar outbound IP yang digunakan MDaemon adalah
> dengan akses ke http://ip4.me dari MDaemon server.
> Jika sudah benar begitu, kirimkan DSN/Bounce/Tolakkan lengkapnya kesini.
> --
> syafril
> Syafril Hermansyah
> MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 23.5.2
> Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.
> A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a
> person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as
> possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering.
> --- Freeman Dyson
> --
> --[mdaemon-l]--
> Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia
> Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
> Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
> Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.com
> Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
> Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
> Versi terakhir: MDaemon 23.5.2, SecurityGateway 9.5.3
Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.com
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 23.5.2, SecurityGateway 9.5.3

[Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke gmail

2024-02-27 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah via Mdaemon-L

On 2/28/24 13:14, Mr Moes wrote:

mau minta pencerahannya. email ke gmail selalu tidak bisa/ditolak
tapi kalo terima dari gmail bisa.
keterangannya not have ptr record. padahal ip server
sudah sudah ada ptr recordnya. kira2 salah setting dimn ya?
untuk ke yahoo dan email lain tidak ada masalah.

Gmail.com tidak mempermasalahkan ada/tidaknya PTR record asalkan volume 
mail dari sender domain kecil, mail tetap diterima hanya saja akan 
memasukkan mail dari sender itu kedalam spam folder recipi...@gmail.com.
Yang akan ditolak oleh gmail.com jika sender domain tidak punya DNS SPF 

Dalam hal sendernya NULL (< >) maka SPF record dari sender server (HELO 
FQDN) yang dijadikan patokkan.

Hal yang sama berlaku juga untuk yahoo.com.

Coba periksa apa benar outbound IP yang digunakan MDaemon adalah dengan akses ke http://ip4.me dari MDaemon server.

Jika sudah benar begitu, kirimkan DSN/Bounce/Tolakkan lengkapnya kesini.


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 23.5.2
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a 
person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as 
possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering.

--- Freeman Dyson

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.com
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 23.5.2, SecurityGateway 9.5.3

[Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke gmail

2024-02-27 Terurut Topik Mr Moes
Dear Pak Syafril,
mau minta pencerahannya. email ke gmail selalu tidak bisa/ditolak
tapi kalo terima dari gmail bisa.
keterangannya not have ptr record. padahal ip server
sudah sudah ada ptr recordnya. kira2 salah setting dimn ya?
untuk ke yahoo dan email lain tidak ada masalah.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.com
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 23.5.2, SecurityGateway 9.5.3

[Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke smii.co.id

2022-05-24 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah via Mdaemon-L

On 24/05/22 08.16, zul wrote:

Mohon tidak posting dengan top posting style di milis ini, selalu
gunakan bottom (interleaved) posting untuk memudahkan pembacaan.


The particular part to pay attention to is in RFC1855 --

"- If you are sending a reply to a message or a posting be sure you
summarize the original at the top of the message, or include just
enough text of the original to give a context. This will make
sure readers understand when they start to read your response.
Since NetNews, especially, is proliferated by distributing the
postings from one host to another, it is possible to see a
response to a message before seeing the original. Giving context
helps everyone. But do not include the entire original!"


The fundamental source of poor email style is the practice of quoting
the entire message you’re replying to. If that’s what you do, then it
doesn’t matter whether you put your response at the top or bottom. In
fact, if you’re going to quote the entire message, top-posting probably
is better. But both are poor form.

Writing an email is like writing an article. Only quote the relevant
parts, interspersing your new remarks between the quoted passages. Don’t
quote anything at all from the original message if you don’t have to.

Does it take more time to edit the portions of quoted text included in
your reply? Yes. So does spell-checking and proofreading. It also takes
time to shower and brush your teeth each day.

Di MDaemon webmail sudah ada fasilitas untuk otomatis melakukan inline reply, 
tinggal diaktifkan.

Dari menu options | Compose


[x] HTML Compose

Replying and Forwarding

Attribution of original message:

[x] Custom format : "On %SENTDATEANDTIME%, %SENDER% wrote:".

When replying to a message

Prefix each line of the original message: > or |

kenapa cuma ke smii.co.id saja
sedang kita kirim email ke lain nya bisa
tidak ada kendala

Kebetulan saja yang Anda tahu saat ini hanya problem kirim mail ke smii.co.id 
yang pakai ISP gastra.net.id, karena sebenarnya problem tidak bisa menghubungi 
server penerima adalah problem yang umum di Internet.
Sejak tahun 1999 yl, saat awal server kami diletakkan di Internet Data Center 
(IDC) problem macam ini sering terjadi, walau kian hari kian menurun setelah 
pengelola IDC menerapkan MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) router.

Ini adalah problem routing (table) di Internet router.
Yang bisa memperbaiki problem routing hanya ISP yang memang merupakan pengelola 
dari internet router.
Kalau mereka dikasih tahu hasil traceroute dari server Anda ke server tujuan 
tentu akan membantu mereka mempercepat lokasi router yang bermasalah, karena 
pada prinsipnya setiap node/hops itu adalah router.

Administrator/postmaster domain tujuan tidak bisa membantu Anda, kalau dia bukan 
Bantuan yang bisa dia lakukan hanyalah melaporkan ke ISP nya sendiri; yang 
nantinya ISP itu akan melakukan komunikasi antar ISP (antar NOC, Network 
Operation Center) untuk menyelesaikan masalah routing ini.


Syafril Hermansyah

MDaemon-L Moderator, run MDaemon 22.0.0 64bit
Mohon tidak kirim private mail (atau cc:) untuk masalah MDaemon.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it 
yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.

--- Steve Jobs

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 22.0, SecurityGateway 8.5.2

[Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke smii.co.id

2022-05-23 Terurut Topik zul
kenapa cuma ke smii.co.id saja
sedang kita kirim email ke lain nya bisa
tidak ada kendala


From: "Syafril Hermansyah via Mdaemon-L (Mdaemon-L@dutaint.com)" 

To: Mdaemon-L@dutaint.com
Date: Tue, 24 May 2022 06:19:27 +0700
Subject: [Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke smii.co.id

CAUTION: This email
originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open 
attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Pada 23/05/22 22.59, zul menulis:
> Mohon bantuan kendala tidak bisa kirim email

>   [01427536] Resolving A record for mail.smii.co.id (DNS Server:
>   [01427536] *  D=mail.smii.co.id TTL=(10) A=[]
>   [01427536] Attempting SMTP connection to
>   [01427536] Waiting for socket connection...
>   [01427536] *  Socket error 10060 - The connection timed out.

Ini problem  koneksi ke server recipient domain, karena koneksi putus
(time out) disaat awal koneksi.

Coba lakukan telnet dan traceroute dari mdaemon server

c:\ telnet mail.smii.co.id 25

c:\ tracert mail.smii.co.id

hasil yang diharapkan harusnya mirip dibawah ini.

Kalau hasil telnet/traceroute tidak berhasil, maka konsultasikan dengan
ISP (jetcoms.net.id), lampirkan hasil telnet dan traceroutenya saat
melaporkan ke mereka.

$ telnet mail.smii.co.id 25
Connected to mail.smii.co.id.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mail.smii.co.id ESMTP MDaemon 22.0.0; Tue, 24 May 2022 06:05:43 +0700

$ traceroute mail.smii.co.id
traceroute to mail.smii.co.id (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
  1  icon.dutaservisindo.co.id (  1.548 ms  1.605 ms
2.067 ms
  2  78.175.iconpln.net.id (  3.323 ms  3.267 ms  1.934 ms
  3  77.175.iconpln.net.id (  4.211 ms  4.162 ms  4.115 ms
  4 (  4.854 ms  4.824 ms  4.798 ms
  5  * * *
  6  gastranet.openixp.net (  5.151 ms  4.742 ms  2.733 ms
  7  kgix-18-10.gastra.net (  2.495 ms  2.476 ms  2.446 ms
  8  kgix-20-2.gastra.net (  3.433 ms  3.408 ms  3.381 ms
  9 (  3.844 ms  3.820 ms  4.222 ms
10  mail.smii.co.id (  3.772 ms  3.916 ms  4.358 ms


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 22.0.0 64 bit
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by readin’. The few
who learn by observation.
The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
   --- Will Rogers

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 22.0, SecurityGateway 8.5.2

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 22.0, SecurityGateway 8.5.2

[Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke smii.co.id

2022-05-23 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah via Mdaemon-L

Pada 23/05/22 22.59, zul menulis:

Mohon bantuan kendala tidak bisa kirim email

  [01427536] Resolving A record for mail.smii.co.id (DNS Server:
  [01427536] *  D=mail.smii.co.id TTL=(10) A=[]
  [01427536] Attempting SMTP connection to
  [01427536] Waiting for socket connection...
  [01427536] *  Socket error 10060 - The connection timed out.

Ini problem  koneksi ke server recipient domain, karena koneksi putus 
(time out) disaat awal koneksi.

Coba lakukan telnet dan traceroute dari mdaemon server

c:\ telnet mail.smii.co.id 25

c:\ tracert mail.smii.co.id

hasil yang diharapkan harusnya mirip dibawah ini.

Kalau hasil telnet/traceroute tidak berhasil, maka konsultasikan dengan 
ISP (jetcoms.net.id), lampirkan hasil telnet dan traceroutenya saat 
melaporkan ke mereka.

$ telnet mail.smii.co.id 25
Connected to mail.smii.co.id.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mail.smii.co.id ESMTP MDaemon 22.0.0; Tue, 24 May 2022 06:05:43 +0700

$ traceroute mail.smii.co.id
traceroute to mail.smii.co.id (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  icon.dutaservisindo.co.id (  1.548 ms  1.605 ms 
2.067 ms

 2  78.175.iconpln.net.id (  3.323 ms  3.267 ms  1.934 ms
 3  77.175.iconpln.net.id (  4.211 ms  4.162 ms  4.115 ms
 4 (  4.854 ms  4.824 ms  4.798 ms
 5  * * *
 6  gastranet.openixp.net (  5.151 ms  4.742 ms  2.733 ms
 7  kgix-18-10.gastra.net (  2.495 ms  2.476 ms  2.446 ms
 8  kgix-20-2.gastra.net (  3.433 ms  3.408 ms  3.381 ms
 9 (  3.844 ms  3.820 ms  4.222 ms
10  mail.smii.co.id (  3.772 ms  3.916 ms  4.358 ms


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 22.0.0 64 bit
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by readin’. The few 
who learn by observation.

The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
--- Will Rogers

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 22.0, SecurityGateway 8.5.2

[Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke smii.co.id

2022-05-23 Terurut Topik zul

Selamat Malam

Mohon bantuan kendala tidak bisa kirim email

=  Greetings from the MDaemon mail system at mail.indonakano.co.id  =

The following message:

 Session-ID: 01427536 (specific to this delivery attempt)
   Queue-ID: pd900100520.msg
 Message-ID: wc20220523131418.251...@indonakano.co.id

has not (as yet) been delivered to the following recipient(s):

 andika.suhen...@smii.co.id (delivery delayed)

despite one or more unsuccessful attempts to do so.

Delivery attempts will continue for up to 48 hours (2 days).  If delivery 
fails after that time you will be separately informed.

You do not need to resend the message!

The original message headers may follow at the end of this report.  For 
information on DSN messages see http://www.altn.com/dsn/.

Please quote the Queue-ID, Session-ID, and Message-ID found above in any 
inquiries regarding this message.

=  Session Transcript  =

  [01427536] REMOTE message: pd3501000124233.msg
  [01427536] *  Session 01427536; child 0001
  [01427536] *  From: z...@indonakano.co.id
  [01427536] *  To: andika.suhen...@smii.co.id
  [01427536] *  Subject: Re: Test SMII
  [01427536] *  Message-ID: 
  [01427536] *  Size: 6301; 
  [01427536] Resolving MX record for smii.co.id (DNS Server:
  [01427536] *  P=010 S=000 D=smii.co.id TTL=(10) MX=[mail.smii.co.id]
  [01427536] Attempting SMTP connection to mail.smii.co.id
  [01427536] Resolving A record for mail.smii.co.id (DNS Server:
  [01427536] *  D=mail.smii.co.id TTL=(10) A=[]
  [01427536] Attempting SMTP connection to
  [01427536] Waiting for socket connection...
  [01427536] *  Socket error 10060 - The connection timed out.
  [01427536] * added to connection failure cache for 5 
  [01427536] *  This message is 62 minutes old; it has 0 minutes left in 
this queue
  [01427536] Remote queue lifetime exceeded; message placed in retry queue

=End Transcript=

Reporting-MTA: dns; mail.indonakano.co.id
Arrival-Date: Mon, 23 May 2022 20:14:20 +0700
X-MDaemon-Version: 21.5.2

Final-Recipient: rfc822; andika.suhen...@smii.co.id
Last-Attempt-Date: Mon, 23 May 2022 21:17:11 +0700
Remote-MTA: dns; mail.smii.co.id
Status: 4.0.0
Action: delayed

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 22.0, SecurityGateway 8.5.2

[Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa Kirim Email

2021-11-04 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah via Mdaemon-L

On 11/4/21 3:57 PM, Sadtrianto Nugroho wrote:

Ada user kami yang selalu gagal kirim ke email, itu kenapa ya pak?
Apakah ada masalah dengan port 587


Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] SSL negotiation failed, error code 0x80090302
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] This message is 2 days old; it has 0 days 
left to get delivered

Ini masalah SMTP/TLS yang gagal handshake karena server 
mail.advanceproduct.com masih pakai SSL v1.0/2.0/3.0 atau TLS 1.0/1/1 
akibat masih pakai OS lama (Windows client versi sebelum Win7 atau 
windows server dibawah versi Windows2008 R2).

Apakah fallback relay ke smarthost smtp.centrin.net.id tidak jadi 



Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 21.5.0 64 bit Pre Release
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you 
don’t even try.

--- Jack Canfield

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 21.0.3, SecurityGateway 8.0.4

[Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa Kirim Email

2021-11-04 Terurut Topik Sadtrianto Nugroho

Dear Pak Syafril,

Ada user kami yang selalu gagal kirim ke email, itu kenapa ya pak?
(file error messagenya terlampir)

Apakah ada masalah dengan port 587

Mohon bantuan dan pencerahannya.



This e-mail message (including any attachments) is confidential and for use by 
the addressee only. If the message is received by anyone other than the 
addressee, please return the message to the sender by replying to it and then 
delete the message from your computer. Any unauthorised use or dissemination of 
this message (including any attachments) in whole or in part is strictly 
prohibited.  Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure and are susceptible to 
change. PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama does not accept responsibility for 
changes made to this message after it was sent. Whilst all reasonable care has 
been taken to avoid the transmission of viruses, it is the responsibility of 
the recipient to ensure that the onward transmission, opening or use of this 
message and any attachments will not adversely affect its systems or data. No 
responsibility is accepted by PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama in this regard and 
the recipient should carry out such virus and other checks as it considers 
appropriate. PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama does not also accept responsibility 
for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in 
this communication nor for any delay in its receipt or damage to your system 
and does not guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been 
maintained. Visit our website at www.advanceproduct.com
MDaemon Delivery Status Notification - http://www.altn.com/dsn/

The attached message had PERMANENT fatal delivery errors.

After one or more unsuccessful delivery attempts the attached message has
been removed from the MDaemon mail queue on this server.  The number and
frequency of delivery attempts are determined by local configuration.


Failed address: gpi...@indo.net.id

--- Session Transcript ---
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:01: [081726] Session 081726; child 0002
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:01: [081726] Parsing message 

 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:01: [081726] *  From: muti...@advanceproduct.com
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:01: [081726] *  To: gpi...@indo.net.id
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:01: [081726] *  Subject: RE: Pemeriksaan merek "EVO 
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:01: [081726] *  Size (bytes): 5196
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:01: [081726] *  Message-ID: 
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:01: [081726] Attempting SMTP connection to [indo.net.id]
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:02: [081726] Resolving MX records for [indo.net.id] (DNS 
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:02: [081726] *  P=010 S=000 D=indo.net.id TTL=(58) 
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:02: [081726] Attempting SMTP connection to 
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:02: [081726] Resolving A record for [fmail.indo.net.id] 
(DNS Server:
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] *  D=fmail.indo.net.id TTL=(120) 
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] Attempting SMTP connection to 
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] Waiting for socket connection...
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] *  Connection established ( 
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] Waiting for protocol to start...
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] <-- 220 fmail.indo.net.id ESMTP Smtpd; Thu, 
4 Nov 2021 11:27:02 +0700
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] --> EHLO mail.advanceproduct.com
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] <-- 250-fmail.indo.net.id Hello 
mail.advanceproduct.com [], pleased to meet you
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] <-- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] <-- 250-PIPELINING
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] <-- 250-8BITMIME
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] <-- 250-SIZE 5120
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] <-- 250-DSN
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] <-- 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] <-- 250-STARTTLS
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] <-- 250-DELIVERBY
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] <-- 250 HELP
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] --> STARTTLS
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] <-- 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] SSL negotiation failed, error code 0x80090302
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] This message is 2 days old; it has 0 days 
left to get delivered
 Thu 2021-11-04 11:27:03: [081726] muti...@advanceproduct.com will be informed 
that this delivery attempt failed
--- End Transcript ---

[Mdaemon-L] tidak bisa kirim email

2021-09-23 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah via Mdaemon-L

On 9/23/21 8:15 AM, Yudi Firdaus wrote:
mohon solusinya pak ada satu account email dari 
sec.mana...@sultanjakarta.com yang tidak bisa kirim ke accout domain 
@singgasanahotels.com mana pun (tidak ada block), sedangkan account 
@sultanjakarta.com yang lain lancar, dan sudah sampai saya ganti account 
emailnya dengan nama yang berbeda sec@sultanjakarta.com masih sama 
masalahnya bounce backnya pun sama.

Bounce back itu maksudnya mail ditolak oleh server penerima?
Apa isi mail bounce yang diterima sender selengkapnya?
Yang menolak adalah server webmail.singgasanahotels.com atau smtprelay 
mail.singgasanahotels.com (alias guardians.singgasana.co.id)?

Maaf saya capture karena jika di copy text akan di anggap spam dan tidak bisa 

Jangan kirim dalam bentuk gambar, tidak akan lengkap sehingga tidak bisa 
dianalisis dengan benar.
Kirimkan dalam bentuk text (langsung di content/editor) atau dalam 
bentuk lampiran PDF isi DSN (bounce) message yang diterima oleh sender.


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 21.5.0 64 bit Beta B
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.
--- Socrates

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 21.0.3, SecurityGateway 8.0.3

[Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa Kirim Email

2021-08-05 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah via Mdaemon-L

On 05/08/21 16.31, Sadtrianto Nugroho wrote:
Mau tanya pak, ada user kami tidak bisa kirim email via MS Outlook namun jika 
via webmail bisa

Bisa minta tolong bantu analisa pak, error messagenya sbb :
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
       Sent:05/08/2021 16:17
The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:
'je...@advanceproduct.com' on 05/08/2021 16:17
   Server error: '550 , Recipient unknown'

Kelihatannya ada salah setting di email clientnya.
Coba periksa transaksi tolakkannya di smtp-in log, jika memang ada maka kirimkan 
transkrip lognya kesini.

Setting email client yang benar mestinya

incoming mail server : mail.advanceproduct.com port 143 (atau 110).
outgoing mail server : mail.advanceproduct.com port port 587
smtpauthentication: aktif


Syafril Hermansyah

MDaemon-L Moderator, run MDaemon 21.0.3 64bit
Mohon tidak kirim private mail (atau cc:) untuk masalah MDaemon.

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
--- Benjamin Franklin

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 21.0.2, SecurityGateway 8.0.1

[Mdaemon-L] Tidak bisa Kirim Email

2021-08-05 Terurut Topik Sadtrianto Nugroho
Dear Pak Syafril,

Mau tanya pak, ada user kami tidak bisa kirim email via MS Outlook namun 
jika via webmail bisa
Bisa minta tolong bantu analisa pak, error messagenya sbb :

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

  Subject: TEST2
  Sent: 05/08/2021 16:17

The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:

  'je...@advanceproduct.com' on 05/08/2021 16:17
Server error: '550 , Recipient 

Email penerima masih aktif dan benar penulisannya.



This e-mail message (including any attachments) is confidential and for use by 
the addressee only. If the message is received by anyone other than the 
addressee, please return the message to the sender by replying to it and then 
delete the message from your computer. Any unauthorised use or dissemination of 
this message (including any attachments) in whole or in part is strictly 
prohibited.  Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure and are susceptible to 
change. PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama does not accept responsibility for 
changes made to this message after it was sent. Whilst all reasonable care has 
been taken to avoid the transmission of viruses, it is the responsibility of 
the recipient to ensure that the onward transmission, opening or use of this 
message and any attachments will not adversely affect its systems or data. No 
responsibility is accepted by PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama in this regard and 
the recipient should carry out such virus and other checks as it considers 
appropriate. PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama does not also accept responsibility 
for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in 
this communication nor for any delay in its receipt or damage to your system 
and does not guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been 
maintained. Visit our website at www.advanceproduct.com

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 21.0.2, SecurityGateway 8.0.1

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa kirim email

2020-11-02 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah via mdaemon-l

On 02/11/20 17.39, Dedet Saputra wrote:
> Mohon bantuan kami tidak bisa kirim email ke syngenta.com error
> berikut ;

> Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.115: --> MAIL From:
> Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.367: <-- 250 Sender OK [4DZEwuLxO3G5vYa-FW1EuA.uk9]
> Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.367: --> RCPT To:
> Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.641: <-- 550 Administrative prohibition - envelope 
> blocked - https://community.mimecast.com/docs/DOC-1369#550 
> [4DZEwuLxO3G5vYa-FW1EuA.uk9] 

Mail ditolak karena sender domain masuk dalam blacklistnya recipient.
Hubungi recipient dengan email lain (non domain @kobexindo.com) minta
agar domain @kobexindo.com dihapus dari daftar blacklist contact.


Syafril Hermansyah

MDaemon-L Moderator.
Please do not send mail direct to me regarding MDaemon problems.

Study the past if you would define the future.
---  Confucius

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 20.0.3, SecurityGateway 7.0.1

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa kirim email

2020-11-02 Terurut Topik Dedet Saputra

Yth Pak Syafril,

Mohon bantuan kami tidak bisa kirim email ke syngenta.com error berikut ;

Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.577: REMOTE message: pd3501000873673.msg
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.577: * Session 07235111; child 0001
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.577: * From: dedetsapu...@kobexindo.com
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.577: * To: febrianto.febria...@syngenta.com
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.578: * Subject: test email
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.578: * Message-ID: 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.578: * Size: 1629; 

Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.621: Resolving MX record for syngenta.com (DNS 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.624: * P=010 S=000 D=syngenta.com TTL=(1) 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.624: * P=010 S=001 D=syngenta.com TTL=(1) 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.624: Attempting SMTP connection to 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.625: Resolving A record for 
eu-smtp-inbound-1.mimecast.com (DNS Server:
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.628: * DNS server reports that it is having 
technical problems
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.628: Attempting SMTP connection to 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.628: Resolving A record for 
eu-smtp-inbound-1.mimecast.com (DNS Server:
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.634: * D=eu-smtp-inbound-1.mimecast.com TTL=(1) 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.634: * D=eu-smtp-inbound-1.mimecast.com TTL=(1) 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.634: * D=eu-smtp-inbound-1.mimecast.com TTL=(1) 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.634: * D=eu-smtp-inbound-1.mimecast.com TTL=(1) 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.634: * D=eu-smtp-inbound-1.mimecast.com TTL=(1) 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.634: * D=eu-smtp-inbound-1.mimecast.com TTL=(1) 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.634: Randomly picked from list of 
possible hosts

Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.634: Attempting SMTP connection to
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.634: Waiting for socket connection...
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.884: * Connection established -->

Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:38.884: Waiting for protocol to start...
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:39.132: <-- 220 eu-smtp-1.mimecast.com ESMTP; Mon, 
02 Nov 2020 10:21:37 +

Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:39.133: --> EHLO mailhub.kobexindo.com
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:39.381: <-- 250-eu-smtp-1.mimecast.com Hello 

Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:39.381: <-- 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:39.381: <-- 250-STARTTLS
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:39.381: <-- 250 HELP
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:39.381: --> STARTTLS
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:39.629: <-- 220 Starting TLS 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:40.864: SSL negotiation successful (TLS 1.2, 256 
bit key exchange, 256 bit AES encryption)
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:40.867: SSL certificate is valid (matches 
eu-smtp-inbound-1.mimecast.com and is signed by recognized CA)

Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:40.867: --> EHLO mailhub.kobexindo.com
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.115: <-- 250-eu-smtp-1.mimecast.com Hello 

Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.115: <-- 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.115: <-- 250 HELP
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.115: --> MAIL From:
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.367: <-- 250 Sender OK [4DZEwuLxO3G5vYa-FW1EuA.uk9]
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.367: --> RCPT To:
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.641: <-- 550 Administrative prohibition - 
envelope blocked - https://community.mimecast.com/docs/DOC-1369#550 

Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.644: --> QUIT
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.644: Attempting SMTP connection to 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.644: Resolving A record for 
eu-smtp-inbound-2.mimecast.com (DNS Server:
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.651: * D=eu-smtp-inbound-2.mimecast.com TTL=(1) 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.651: * D=eu-smtp-inbound-2.mimecast.com TTL=(1) 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.651: * D=eu-smtp-inbound-2.mimecast.com TTL=(1) 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.651: * D=eu-smtp-inbound-2.mimecast.com TTL=(1) 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.651: * D=eu-smtp-inbound-2.mimecast.com TTL=(1) 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.651: * D=eu-smtp-inbound-2.mimecast.com TTL=(1) 
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.651: Randomly picked from list of 
possible hosts

Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.651: Attempting SMTP connection to
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.652: Waiting for socket connection...
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.906: * Connection established -->

Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:41.906: Waiting for protocol to start...
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:42.161: <-- 220 eu-smtp-1.mimecast.com ESMTP; Mon, 
02 Nov 2020 10:21:40 +

Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:42.163: --> EHLO mailhub.kobexindo.com
Mon 2020-11-02 17:21:42.417: <-- 250-eu-smtp

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa kirim email sesama domain (lokal user) dan ke internet (gmail, dll)

2020-05-09 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 09/05/20 16.43, Pusdata Pu wrote:
> mohon bantuan untuk analisa Message Header Local Queue dan Log SMTP  di
> bawah ini,

> Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.430: 05: [107738] Attempting SMTP connection to 
> alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com
> Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.431: 05: [107738] Resolving A record for 
> alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:
> Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.444: 05: [107738] *  
> D=alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com TTL=(1) A=[]
> Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.444: 05: [107738] Attempting SMTP connection to 
> Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.444: 05: [107738] * in connection 
> failure cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)
> Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.444: 05: [107738] Attempting SMTP connection to 
> alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com
> Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.444: 05: [107738] Resolving A record for 
> alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:
> Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.458: 05: [107738] *  
> D=alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com TTL=(0) A=[]
> Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.458: 05: [107738] Attempting SMTP connection to 
> Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.458: 05: [107738] * in connection 
> failure cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)
> Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.460: 01: [107738] *  This message is 0 minutes old; 
> it has 60 minutes left in this queue
> Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.461: 04: [107738] SMTP session terminated (Bytes 
> in/out: 0/0)
> Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.461: 01: --

Yang ini terjadi karena server mail.pu.go.id diblock oleh server
penerima atau outbound tcp port 25 terblock oleh firewall.

Coba di test dari MDaemon server sbb:

c:\ telnet alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com 25

c:\ telnet mail.mdaemon.com 25

c:\ telnet list.dutaint.com 25

hasil yang diharapkan akan mirip berikut ini

$ telnet alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com 25
Connected to alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mx.google.com ESMTP w13si4521499ilc.146 - gsmtp

$ telnet mail.mdaemon.com 25
Connected to mail.mdaemon.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
220-mail.mdaemon.com ESMTP MDaemon 20.0.0; Sat, 09 May 2020 07:34:32 -0500
220-* MDaemon Technologies does not authorize the use of its   *
220-* proprietary computers and computer network to accept, transmit   *
220-* or distribute unsolicited bulk email from the Internet.  *
220-*  *
220-* All IPs are logged, messages filtered, and viruses checked.  *

$ telnet list.dutaint.com 25
Connected to list.dutaint.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 dip31.dutaint.com ESMTP MDaemon 20.0.0; Sat, 09 May 2020 19:34:51 +0700

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 20.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Anda jangan memuji org krn nampaknya besar, atau memandang rendah org
krn kelihatannya kecil. Krn lebah tms kecil dikalangan binatang
bersayap, namun dialah yg menghasilkan madu termanis
-- Jezus Sirach, 11.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 20.0.0, SecurityGateway 6.5.2

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa kirim email sesama domain (lokal user) dan ke internet (gmail, dll)

2020-05-09 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 09/05/20 16.43, Pusdata Pu wrote:
> mohon bantuan untuk analisa Message Header Local Queue dan Log SMTP  di
> bawah ini, dan apa penyebabya serta bagaimana solusinya agar tidak
> terjadi lagi.

Apa errornya saat kirim email ke sesama local user?
Kirimkan source message (message header +content) dari tolakkan mail ke
recipient alifda...@pu.go.id, bukan message header dari pengiriman mail.

Source message bisa juga didapatkan dari forward as attachment tolakkan
mail (DSN) dimana kalau webmail caranya sbb:

- pilih message nya.
- dari Right Mouse Click menu pilih forward as attachment.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 20.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Kesederhanaan adalah bentuk terpenting kecanggihan
-- Leonardo da Vinci

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir: MDaemon 20.0.0, SecurityGateway 6.5.2

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa kirim email sesama domain (lokal user) dan ke internet (gmail, dll)

2020-05-09 Terurut Topik Pusdata Pu
Selamat Sore Pak Syafril,

mohon bantuan untuk analisa Message Header Local Queue dan Log SMTP  di
bawah ini, dan apa penyebabya serta bagaimana solusinya agar tidak terjadi

Header local queue:
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=simple; d=pu.go.id;
s=MDaemon; t=1589011687; x=1589616487; i=admin.m...@pu.go.id;
q=dns/txt; h=Date:From:To:Subject:MIME-Version:Content-Type:
Message-ID; bh=IGV9Z4RCpkilbJL/fI7xQmW4jojR3l86N/UKzX/fkqo=; b=B
X-MDAV-Processed: mail.pu.go.id, Sat, 09 May 2020 15:08:07 +0700
Authentication-Results: mail.pu.go.id;
auth=pass (cram-md5) smtp.auth=admin.m...@pu.go.id
Received: from WorldClient.pu.go.id [(] by mail.pu.go.id
( (MDaemon PRO v18.5.3)
with ESMTPA id 05-md5114204.msg; Sat, 09 May 2020 15:08:06 +0700
X-Spam-Processed: mail.pu.go.id, Sat, 09 May 2020 15:08:06 +0700
(not processed: message from trusted or authenticated source)
X-MDArrival-Date: Sat, 09 May 2020 15:08:06 +0700
X-Authenticated-Sender: admin.m...@pu.go.id
X-Rcpt-To: alifda...@pu.go.id
X-MDRcpt-To: alifda...@pu.go.id
X-Return-Path: prvs=139831a208=admin.m...@pu.go.id
X-Envelope-From: admin.m...@pu.go.id
X-MDaemon-Deliver-To: alifda...@pu.go.id
Received: from [] by pu.go.id via MDaemon Webmail with HTTP;
Sat, 09 May 2020 15:07:52 +0700
Date: Sat, 09 May 2020 15:07:52 +0700
From: "Admin Mail pu.go.id (admin.m...@pu.go.id)" 
To: "Alif Danan Arbar, SKom" , danan2...@gmail.com
Subject: Test
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0509-0807-52-03-PART_BREAK"
X-Mailer: MDaemon Webmail 18.5.3

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable





Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.430: 05: [107738] Attempting SMTP connection to
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.431: 05: [107738] Resolving A record for
alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.444: 05: [107738] *  D=
alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com TTL=(1) A=[]
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.444: 05: [107738] Attempting SMTP connection to
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.444: 05: [107738] * in connection
failure cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.444: 05: [107738] Attempting SMTP connection to
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.444: 05: [107738] Resolving A record for
alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.458: 05: [107738] *  D=
alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com TTL=(0) A=[]
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.458: 05: [107738] Attempting SMTP connection to
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.458: 05: [107738] * in connection
failure cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.460: 01: [107738] *  This message is 0 minutes old;
it has 60 minutes left in this queue
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.461: 04: [107738] SMTP session terminated (Bytes
in/out: 0/0)
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.461: 01: --
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.347: 05: [107737] Session 107737; child 0017
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.347: 01: [107737] Parsing message

Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.348: 01: [107737] *  From: ariguna...@pu.go.id
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.348: 01: [107737] *  To: arigunawan9b...@gmail.com
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.348: 01: [107737] *  Subject: test
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.348: 01: [107737] *  Size (bytes): 2463
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.348: 01: [107737] *  Message-ID: <
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.356: 05: [107737] Resolving MX record for gmail.com
(DNS Server:
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.381: 05: [107737] *  P=005 S=003 D=gmail.com
TTL=(33) MX=[gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com]
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.381: 05: [107737] *  P=010 S=002 D=gmail.com
TTL=(33) MX=[alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com]
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.381: 05: [107737] *  P=020 S=000 D=gmail.com
TTL=(33) MX=[alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com]
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.381: 05: [107737] *  P=030 S=004 D=gmail.com
TTL=(33) MX=[alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com]
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.381: 05: [107737] *  P=040 S=001 D=gmail.com
TTL=(33) MX=[alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com]
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.381: 05: [107737] Attempting SMTP connection to
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.381: 05: [107737] Resolving A record for
gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.395: 05: [107737] *  D=gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com
TTL=(2) A=[]
Fri 2020-05-08 13:55:19.395: 05: [107737] Attempting SMTP connectio

[mdaemon-l] tidak bisa kirim email ke account gmail

2018-12-20 Terurut Topik Andreas Donny

> Idle time out terlalu singkat sehingga tidak bisa resolve A record.
> Naikkan 6 kalinya.

> http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id/mdaemon/18.5/index.html?default-domain-and-servers_timouts.htm

> Wait 60 seconds for MX responses
> Wait 60 seconds for A/ responses

Solved pak.. terimakasih

Best Regards,

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com Henti Langgan: 
Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com Versi terakhir MD 18.5.1, SG 

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.5.1, SG 5.5.0

[mdaemon-l] tidak bisa kirim email ke account gmail

2018-12-20 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 20/12/18 16.49, Andreas Donny (an...@sonoranetwork.co.id) wrote:
> Beberapa hari ini email kami tidak bisa kirim ke account gmail, berikut
> log nya

> Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:44.116: 05: Resolving A record for 
> alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:
> Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:54.070: 04: *  DNS: 10 second wait for DNS response 
> exceeded (DNS Server:

Idle time out terlalu singkat sehingga tidak bisa resolve A record.
Naikkan 6 kalinya.


Wait 60 seconds for MX responses
Wait 60 seconds for A/ responses

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 18.5.1-64 bit
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.
---  Phil Collins

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.5.1, SG 5.5.0

[mdaemon-l] tidak bisa kirim email ke account gmail

2018-12-20 Terurut Topik Andreas Donny
Dear Pak Syafril..


Beberapa hari ini email kami tidak bisa kirim ke account gmail, berikut log


hu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.540: 05: Session 569051; child 0007

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.540: 01: Parsing message

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.541: 01: *  Forwarded from:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.541: 01: *  From: nmance...@gmail.com

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.541: 01: *  To: mancellyno...@gmail.com

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.541: 01: *  Subject: Re: RAB Kokas 24 Des 2018

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.541: 01: *  Size (bytes): 45309

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.541: 01: *  Message-ID:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.551: 05: Resolving MX record for gmail.com (DNS

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.593: 05: *  P=005 S=002 D=gmail.com TTL=(9)

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.593: 05: *  P=010 S=003 D=gmail.com TTL=(9)

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.593: 05: *  P=020 S=004 D=gmail.com TTL=(9)

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.593: 05: *  P=030 S=000 D=gmail.com TTL=(9)

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.593: 05: *  P=040 S=001 D=gmail.com TTL=(9)

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.593: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.593: 05: Resolving A record for
gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.652: 04: *  DNS server reports that it is having
technical problems

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.652: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:34.652: 05: Resolving A record for
gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:44.077: 04: *  DNS: 10 second wait for DNS response
exceeded (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:44.080: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:44.080: 05: Resolving A record for
alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:44.114: 04: *  DNS server reports that it is having
technical problems

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:44.116: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:44.116: 05: Resolving A record for
alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:54.070: 04: *  DNS: 10 second wait for DNS response
exceeded (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:54.073: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2018-12-20 16:32:54.073: 05: Resolving A record for
alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:04.084: 04: *  DNS: 10 second wait for DNS response
exceeded (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:04.084: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:04.084: 05: Resolving A record for
alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:14.097: 04: *  DNS: 10 second wait for DNS response
exceeded (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:14.102: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:14.102: 05: Resolving A record for
alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:14.193: 04: *  DNS server reports that it is having
technical problems

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:14.193: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:14.193: 05: Resolving A record for
alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:24.132: 04: *  DNS: 10 second wait for DNS response
exceeded (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:24.156: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:24.156: 05: Resolving A record for
alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:24.186: 04: *  DNS server reports that it is having
technical problems

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:24.186: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:24.186: 05: Resolving A record for
alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:34.127: 04: *  DNS: 10 second wait for DNS response
exceeded (DNS Server:

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:34.128: 01: *  This message is 27 minutes old; it has
33 minutes left in this queue

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:34.128: 04: SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 0/0)

Thu 2018-12-20 16:33:34.128: 01: --


User mendapat notifikasi kalau email mengalami delayed dan masuk ke retry

Mohon bantuannya.. terimakasih sebelum nya.



Best Regards,



Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa Kirim Email dari server backup

2018-10-06 Terurut Topik yusuf randy
On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 9:20 PM Syafril Hermansyah 

> On 2018-10-05 17:39, yusuf randy (yusell...@gmail.com) wrote:
> > sekarang kirim sudah berhasil dengan saran bapak. menggunakan smarthost
> > isp dan kirim sudah lancar jaya. tapi sekarang kami tidak bisa terima
> > email. error sbb di SMTP(in):
> >
> > Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.412: Accepting SMTP connection from
> >  to
> > 
> > Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:28.256: --> 530 5.7.0 Authentication required
> Koneksi ke smtp port 587 butuh authenticate.
> Dengan perkataan lain, aktifkan smtpauthentication disisi sender/client;
> atau gunakan smtp port 25 (yang tidak butuh authenticate).
iya pak betul. sebelumnya port SMTP 587 setalah saya rubah 25 sudah bisa.



Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0.2, SG 5.5.0

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa Kirim Email dari server backup

2018-10-05 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 2018-10-05 17:39, yusuf randy (yusell...@gmail.com) wrote:
> sekarang kirim sudah berhasil dengan saran bapak. menggunakan smarthost
> isp dan kirim sudah lancar jaya. tapi sekarang kami tidak bisa terima
> email. error sbb di SMTP(in):

> Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.412: Accepting SMTP connection from
>  to

> Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:28.256: --> 530 5.7.0 Authentication required

Koneksi ke smtp port 587 butuh authenticate.
Dengan perkataan lain, aktifkan smtpauthentication disisi sender/client;
atau gunakan smtp port 25 (yang tidak butuh authenticate).

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 18.5.0-64 Beta RC1
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what
makes life meaningful.
--- Joshua J. Marine

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0.2, SG 5.5.0

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa Kirim Email dari server backup

2018-10-05 Terurut Topik yusuf randy
On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 2:01 PM Syafril Hermansyah 

> On 05/10/18 10:54, yusuf randy (yusell...@gmail.com) wrote:
> > kami membuat server backup email incoming berhasil tp outgoing tidak
> > bisa. error sbb:
> > Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.443: Attempting SMTP connection to
> > Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.443: Waiting for socket connection...
> > Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:50.365: *  Socket error 10060 - The connection
> timed out.
> Outbound tcp port 25 terblock.
> Kalau pakai koneksi Wireed/Wireless broadband memang oubound tcp port 25
> diblock oleh provider yang mengikuti kaidah internet mail.
> Koneksi itu mewajibkan client relay melalui smarthost.
pak Syafril,

sekarang kirim sudah berhasil dengan saran bapak. menggunakan smarthost isp
dan kirim sudah lancar jaya. tapi sekarang kami tidak bisa terima email.
error sbb di SMTP(in):

Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.412: Session 205939; child 0001
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.412: Accepting SMTP connection from
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.412: --> 220 mail2.mersifarma.com ESMTP MSA Fri, 05
Oct 2018 17:29:27 +0700
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.771: <-- EHLO mail2.mersifarma.com
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.896: --> 250-mail2.mersifarma.com Hello
mail2.mersifarma.com [], pleased to meet you
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.896: --> 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.896: --> 250-8BITMIME
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.896: --> 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.896: --> 250-STARTTLS
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.896: --> 250 SIZE
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.896: <-- STARTTLS
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.896: --> 220 2.7.0 Ready to start TLS
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:27.912: SSL negotiation successful (TLS 1.0, 2048 bit
key exchange, 128 bit RC4 encryption)
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:28.146: <-- EHLO mail2.mersifarma.com
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:28.146: --> 250-mail2.mersifarma.com Hello
mail2.mersifarma.com [], pleased to meet you
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:28.146: --> 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:28.146: --> 250-8BITMIME
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:28.146: --> 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:28.146: --> 250 SIZE
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:28.256: <-- MAIL From: SIZE=2206
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:28.256: --> 530 5.7.0 Authentication required
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:28.396: <-- QUIT
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:28.396: --> 221 2.0.0 See ya in cyberspace
Fri 2018-10-05 17:29:28.396: SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out:

Terima kasih,



Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0.2, SG 5.5.0

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa Kirim Email dari server backup

2018-10-05 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 05/10/18 10:54, yusuf randy (yusell...@gmail.com) wrote:
> kami membuat server backup email incoming berhasil tp outgoing tidak
> bisa. error sbb:

> Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.443: Attempting SMTP connection to
> Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.443: Waiting for socket connection...
> Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:50.365: *  Socket error 10060 - The connection timed out.

Outbound tcp port 25 terblock.
Kalau pakai koneksi Wireed/Wireless broadband memang oubound tcp port 25
diblock oleh provider yang mengikuti kaidah internet mail.
Koneksi itu mewajibkan client relay melalui smarthost.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 18.5.0-64 bit
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by readin’. The few
who learn by observation.
The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
--- Will Rogers

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0.2, SG 5.5.0

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa Kirim Email dari server backup

2018-10-04 Terurut Topik yusuf randy
Dear Pak Syafril,

kami membuat server backup email incoming berhasil tp outgoing tidak bisa.
error sbb:

Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.412: Parsing message

Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.412: *  From: angg...@mail2.mersifarma.com
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.412: *  To: aank...@gmail.com
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.412: *  Subject: Test mbengi 1
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.412: *  Size (bytes): 1412
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.412: *  Message-ID: <
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.428: Resolving MX record for gmail.com (DNS Server:
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.428: *  P=005 S=002 D=gmail.com TTL=(6) MX=[
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.428: *  P=010 S=004 D=gmail.com TTL=(6) MX=[
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.428: *  P=020 S=000 D=gmail.com TTL=(6) MX=[
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.428: *  P=030 S=001 D=gmail.com TTL=(6) MX=[
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.428: *  P=040 S=003 D=gmail.com TTL=(6) MX=[
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.428: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.428: Resolving A record for
gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.443: *  D=gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com TTL=(1)
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.443: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:29.443: Waiting for socket connection...
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:50.365: *  Socket error 10060 - The connection timed
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:50.365: * added to connection failure
cache for 5 minutes
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:50.365: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:50.365: Resolving A record for
alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:50.396: *  D=alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com TTL=(4)
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:50.396: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2018-10-04 20:33:50.396: Waiting for socket connection...
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:11.584: *  Socket error 10060 - The connection timed
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:11.584: * added to connection failure
cache for 5 minutes
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:11.584: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:11.584: Resolving A record for
alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:11.600: *  D=alt2.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com TTL=(4)
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:11.600: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:11.600: Waiting for socket connection...
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:32.709: *  Socket error 10060 - The connection timed
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:32.709: * added to connection failure
cache for 5 minutes
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:32.709: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:32.709: Resolving A record for
alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:33.928: *  D=alt3.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com TTL=(1)
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:33.928: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:33.928: Waiting for socket connection...
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:55.037: *  Socket error 10060 - The connection timed
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:55.037: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:55.037: Resolving A record for
alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:55.037: *  D=alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com TTL=(0)
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:55.037: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:55.037: * in connection failure cache
for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:55.037: *  This message is 20 minutes old; it has 40
minutes left in this queue
Thu 2018-10-04 20:34:55.037: SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 0/0)

Terima kasih.


Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0.2, SG 5.5.0

[mdaemon-l] tidak bisa kirim email - Socket error 10060 The connection timed out

2018-07-03 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 03/07/18 16:31, Syafril Hermansyah (syaf...@dutaint.co.id) wrote:
> On 03/07/18 16:15, Eko Rahmadi (erahm...@baris.co.id) wrote:
>> Mohon pencerahannya. kami tidak bisa kirim email, kami lihat errornya
>> "Socket error 10060 - The connection timed out.". kami bisa mengirim
>> email ke domain lain.
>>   * apakah koneksi yang lambat dari server kami ke
>> mail.energiinfranusantara.com ?
> Server penerima koneksi internetnya sedang down.

Lebih tepat dikatakan link Indonesia Internet eXChange ISP nya down.
Sejak awal minggu ini memang koneksi IIX down untuk beberapa ISP
Indonesia, sehingga koneksi ke jaringan ISP itu lewat koneksi
internasional yang lambat.

Di Indonesia ada 2 macam IIX yang umum dipakai: iix.net.id dan openIXP;
dan yang sedang masalah saat ini adalah iix.net.id.
ISP receiver domain pakai iix.net.id.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 18.0.2-64 bit
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

The life so short, the craft so long to learn.
--- Hippocrates

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0.2, SG 5.5.0

[mdaemon-l] tidak bisa kirim email - Socket error 10060 The connection timed out

2018-07-03 Terurut Topik Eko Rahmadi

On 7/3/2018 4:31 PM, Syafril Hermansyah wrote:

On 03/07/18 16:15, Eko Rahmadi (erahm...@baris.co.id) wrote:

Mohon pencerahannya. kami tidak bisa kirim email, kami lihat errornya
"Socket error 10060 - The connection timed out.". kami bisa mengirim
email ke domain lain.

   * apakah koneksi yang lambat dari server kami ke
 mail.energiinfranusantara.com ?

Server penerima koneksi internetnya sedang down.

terima kasih pa syafril atas pencerahannya.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0.2, SG 5.5.0

[mdaemon-l] tidak bisa kirim email - Socket error 10060 The connection timed out

2018-07-03 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 03/07/18 16:15, Eko Rahmadi (erahm...@baris.co.id) wrote:
> Mohon pencerahannya. kami tidak bisa kirim email, kami lihat errornya
> "Socket error 10060 - The connection timed out.". kami bisa mengirim
> email ke domain lain.
>   * apakah koneksi yang lambat dari server kami ke
> mail.energiinfranusantara.com ?

Server penerima koneksi internetnya sedang down.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 18.0.2-64 bit
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Study the past if you would define the future.
---  Confucius

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0.2, SG 5.5.0

[mdaemon-l] tidak bisa kirim email - Socket error 10060 The connection timed out

2018-07-03 Terurut Topik Eko Rahmadi

Yth Pa Syafril,

Mohon pencerahannya. kami tidak bisa kirim email, kami lihat errornya 
"Socket error 10060 - The connection timed out.". kami bisa mengirim 
email ke domain lain.

 * apakah koneksi yang lambat dari server kami ke
   mail.energiinfranusantara.com ?

Berikut lognya.

Terima kasih.


Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:37.055: Parsing message 

Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:37.058: *  From: feli...@bahar.co.id
Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:37.058: *  To: 

Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:37.058: *  Subject: Re: Rezeki - Draft
Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:37.058: *  Size (bytes): 363495
Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:37.058: *  Message-ID: 

Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:37.073: Resolving MX record for 
energiinfranusantara.com (DNS Server:
Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:37.098: *  P=030 S=000 D=energiinfranusantara.com 
TTL=(240) MX=[mail.energiinfranusantara.com]
Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:37.098: Attempting SMTP connection to 
Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:37.098: Resolving A record for 
mail.energiinfranusantara.com (DNS Server:
Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:37.111: *  D=mail.energiinfranusantara.com TTL=(5) 

Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:37.111: Attempting SMTP connection to
Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:37.111: Waiting for socket connection...
Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:58.104: *  Socket error 10060 - The connection 
timed out.
Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:58.115: *  This message is 59 minutes old; it has 1 
minutes left in this queue

Tue 2018-07-03 16:00:58.115: SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 0/0)

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0.2, SG 5.5.0

[mdaemon-l] tidak bisa kirim email ,terblokir oleh server microsoft

2018-05-04 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 04/05/18 14:16, Eko Rahmadi (erahm...@baris.co.id) wrote:
> Bersama ini mohon bantuannya, kami tidak bisa mengirim email ke
> hotmail.com, mungkin terblokir oleh servernya microsoft
> (AM5EUR03FT024.eop-EUR03.prod.protection.outlook.com).berikut lognya.

Ya diblock karena terlalu banyak kirim mail ke hotmail.com domain family
(hotmail.com, outlook.com, live.com)
Semua free public mail menerapkan maximum receiving message/day atau per
hour per sender IP.

> Jika memang kami terblokir oleh microsoft, bagaimana caranya untuk
> Unblokir server microsoft ?

Request unblock melalui webform berikut


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 18.0-64 bit
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by readin’. The few
who learn by observation.
The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
--- Will Rogers

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0 (all-in-one), SG 5.0.1

[mdaemon-l] tidak bisa kirim email ,terblokir oleh server microsoft

2018-05-04 Terurut Topik Eko Rahmadi

Yth Pa Syafril,

Bersama ini mohon bantuannya, kami tidak bisa mengirim email ke 
hotmail.com, mungkin terblokir oleh servernya microsoft 
(AM5EUR03FT024.eop-EUR03.prod.protection.outlook.com).berikut lognya.

Jika memang kami terblokir oleh microsoft, bagaimana caranya untuk 
Unblokir server microsoft ?

Terima kasih.


Session 080231; child 0001
  Parsing message 
  *  From:an...@bahar.co.id 

  *  To:doriens...@hotmail.com 

  *  Subject: Re: Fwd: test kirim
  *  Size (bytes): 9718
  *  Message-ID: >

  Resolving MX record for hotmail.com (DNS Server:
  *  P=002 S=000 D=hotmail.com TTL=(17) 

  Attempting SMTP connection to hotmail-com.olc.protection.outlook.com
  Resolving A record for hotmail-com.olc.protection.outlook.com (DNS 

  *  D=hotmail-com.olc.protection.outlook.com TTL=(0) A=[]
  *  D=hotmail-com.olc.protection.outlook.com TTL=(0) A=[]
  Randomly picked from list of possible hosts
  Attempting SMTP connection to
  Waiting for socket connection...
  *  Connection established -->
  Waiting for protocol to start...
  <-- 220 AM5EUR03FT024.mail.protection.outlook.com Microsoft ESMTP 
MAIL Service ready at Fri, 4 May 2018 03:20:45 +

  --> EHLO webmail.bahar.co.id
  <-- 250-AM5EUR03FT024.mail.protection.outlook.com Hello []
  <-- 250-SIZE 49283072
  <-- 250-PIPELINING
  <-- 250-DSN
  <-- 250-8BITMIME
  <-- 250-BINARYMIME
  <-- 250-CHUNKING
  <-- 250 SMTPUTF8
  --> MAIL From:> 
  <-- 550 5.7.1 Unfortunately, messages from [] weren't 
sent. Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their 
network is on our block list (S3140). You can also refer your provider 

  --> QUIT

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0 (all-in-one), SG 5.0.1

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa kirim email setelah upgrade Mdaemon ke versi 18

2018-04-22 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 23/04/18 10:27, Ivan (bluesky1...@gmail.com) wrote:
>> Kalau di email client di set smtp port 587 nya dengan TLS
> SMTP Port saya sudah 587 tapi pakai STARTTLS bukan SSL/TLS apakah tetap
> bisa dipakai ? dan POP3 port 110 STARTTLS apakah harus diganti jadi port
> 995 ssl/tls ?

SSL port berbeda dengan TLS port.
Lihat disini


SSL pakai port khusus, yang berbeda dengan port mail standard sementara
TLS pakai port yang sama.
POP3/SSL pakai tcp port 995, IMAP/SSL pakai tcp port 993
POP3 TLS tetap pakai port 110, IMAP TLS tetap pakai port 143 dst.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 18.0-64 bit
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Education is the power to think clearly, the power to act well in the
world's work, and the power to appreciate life.
--- Brigham Young

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0 (all-in-one), SG 5.0.1

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa kirim email setelah upgrade Mdaemon ke versi 18

2018-04-22 Terurut Topik Ivan

On 23/04/18 09:55, Syafril Hermansyah wrote:

Kalau di email client di set smtp port 587 nya dengan TLS
SMTP Port saya sudah 587 tapi pakai STARTTLS bukan SSL/TLS apakah tetap 
bisa dipakai ? dan POP3 port 110 STARTTLS apakah harus diganti jadi port 
995 ssl/tls ?

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0 (all-in-one), SG 5.0.1

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa kirim email setelah upgrade Mdaemon ke versi 18

2018-04-22 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 23/04/18 09:52, Iyak Aja (iyak...@gmail.com) wrote:
> https://www.dido.ca/mozilla-thunderbird-setup/
> Masih ada error nya pak. Saya sudah ikuti petunjuk ya bapak kasih.
> Terlampir error. 

Settting yang terpilih itu pakai SMTP SSL (tcp port 465), harusnya
dipilih SMTP port 587 dengan TLS (lihat dibagian Enabling SMTP TLS dari
tautan itu).

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 18.0-64 bit
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what
makes life meaningful.
--- Joshua J. Marine

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0 (all-in-one), SG 5.0.1

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa kirim email setelah upgrade Mdaemon ke versi 18

2018-04-22 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 23/04/18 09:34, Ivan (bluesky1...@gmail.com) wrote:
>> https://www.dido.ca/mozilla-thunderbird-setup/
> Pak ini maksudnya di MD 18 ini wajib pakai security setting ? sudah
> tidak bisa pakai None lagi di TB ? 


> dan pakainya SSL/TLS atau STARTTLS ?
> ditempat saya semuanya setting pakai STARTTLS.

Kalau di email client di set smtp port 587 nya dengan TLS

> Dan jika dari SmartPhone securitynya pakai None apakah masih bisa terima
> dan kirim email ?

Tidak, kecuali di MDaemon di non aktifkan keharusan pakai STARTTLS.


[ ] SMTP server requires STARTTLS on MSA port

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 18.0-64 bit
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what
makes life meaningful.
--- Joshua J. Marine

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0 (all-in-one), SG 5.0.1

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa kirim email setelah upgrade Mdaemon ke versi 18

2018-04-22 Terurut Topik Iyak Aja
> Di MDaemon teraktifkan SMTP submission (MSA) port wajib pakai SMTP/TLS.
> Dengan demikian di email client juga perlu diaktifkan SMTP/TLS.
> https://www.dido.ca/mozilla-thunderbird-setup/
Masih ada error nya pak. Saya sudah ikuti petunjuk ya bapak kasih.
Terlampir error.

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa kirim email setelah upgrade Mdaemon ke versi 18

2018-04-22 Terurut Topik Ivan

On 23/04/18 09:23, Syafril Hermansyah wrote:

Di MDaemon teraktifkan SMTP submission (MSA) port wajib pakai SMTP/TLS.
Dengan demikian di email client juga perlu diaktifkan SMTP/TLS.

Pak ini maksudnya di MD 18 ini wajib pakai security setting ? sudah 
tidak bisa pakai None lagi di TB ? dan pakainya SSL/TLS atau STARTTLS ? 
ditempat saya semuanya setting pakai STARTTLS.

Dan jika dari SmartPhone securitynya pakai None apakah masih bisa terima 
dan kirim email ?

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0 (all-in-one), SG 5.0.1

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa kirim email setelah upgrade Mdaemon ke versi 18

2018-04-22 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 23/04/18 09:16, Iyak Aja (iyak...@gmail.com) wrote:
> Kemarin tgl 20 saya update Mdaemon v.18 dari versi saya yg lama 17.5,
> dan sukses di upgarde.
> Tetapi sejak saya update, kami tdk bisa kirim email baik di local maupun
> ke luar domain.
> Terlampir error dari email thunderbird.

Di MDaemon teraktifkan SMTP submission (MSA) port wajib pakai SMTP/TLS.
Dengan demikian di email client juga perlu diaktifkan SMTP/TLS.


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 18.0-64 bit
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

I am who I am today because of the mistakes I made yesterday.
--- The Prolific Penman

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0 (all-in-one), SG 5.0.1

[mdaemon-l] Tidak bisa kirim email setelah upgrade Mdaemon ke versi 18

2018-04-22 Terurut Topik Iyak Aja
Selamat pagi Pak Syafril.
Kemarin tgl 20 saya update Mdaemon v.18 dari versi saya yg lama 17.5, dan
sukses di upgarde.
Tetapi sejak saya update, kami tdk bisa kirim email baik di local maupun ke
luar domain.
Terlampir error dari email thunderbird.
Mohon bantuannya

[MDaemon-L] tidak bisa kirim email ke outlook.com/office365

2018-03-12 Terurut Topik Andreas Donny
Dear Pak Syafril

> Coba lagi hari ini kirim ke office365, jika masih gagal (dengan error yang 
> sama) laporkan ke Microsoft melalui webform berikut
> https://sender.office.com/

Sudah bisa pak, setelah melakukan delist IP di link di atas, terimakasih 
bantuannya pak..



Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke 
mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com Versi terakhir MD 17.5.2, SP 5.5, OC 5.0.1, 
SG 5.0.1

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 17.5.2, SP 5.5, OC 5.0.1, SG 5.0.1

[MDaemon-L] tidak bisa kirim email ke outlook.com/office365

2018-03-12 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 12/03/18 15:53, Andreas Donny wrote:

Mohon tidak menggunakan top posting rely style di milis ini.
Selalu gunakan bottom posting atau interleave style seperti contoh
berikut ini


Top posting merepotkan pembacaan karena perlu waktu scroll up/down untuk
mengerti konteks pembicaraan.


The fundamental source of poor email style is the practice of quoting the entire
message you’re replying to. If that’s what you do, then it doesn’t matter
whether you put your response at the top or bottom. In fact, if you’re going to
quote the entire message, top-posting probably is better. But both are poor 

Writing an email is like writing an article. Only quote the relevant
parts, interspersing your new remarks between the quoted passages. Don’t
quote anything at all from the original message if you don’t have to.

Does it take more time to edit the portions of quoted text included in your
reply? Yes. So does spell-checking and proofreading. It also takes time to
shower and brush your teeth each day.

> Sampai sekarang kita belum bisa kirim email ke account office365. Fyi; untuk
> PTR sudah lama di ponting ke mail.sonoranetwork.co.id

Kemarin pagi local DNS server saya masih resolve ke sonoranetwork.co.id, baru
menjelang sore resolve ke mail.sonoranetwork.co.id.

> Tapi sampai sekarang setiap kali kita mengirim email ke account yang
> menggunakan office365 selalu tidak terkirim dengan log seperti tadi.

Coba lagi hari ini kirim ke office365, jika masih gagal (dengan error yang sama)
laporkan ke Microsoft melalui webform berikut


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 18.0-64 Beta C, SP 5.5.1-64 Beta A, OC
5.5.0 Beta A
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardour and
attended to with diligence.
--- Abigail Adams

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 17.5.2, SP 5.5, OC 5.0.1, SG 5.0.1

[MDaemon-L] tidak bisa kirim email ke outlook.com/office365

2018-03-12 Terurut Topik Andreas Donny
Dear Pak Syafril..

Sampai sekarang kita belum bisa kirim email ke account office365.
Fyi; untuk PTR sudah lama di ponting ke mail.sonoranetwork.co.id
Tapi sampai sekarang setiap kali kita mengirim email ke account yang 
menggunakan office365 selalu tidak terkirim dengan log seperti tadi..


Best Regards,


-Original Message-
From: Syafril Hermansyah [mailto:syaf...@dutaint.co.id] 
Sent: 12 Maret 2018 13:02
To: MDaemon-L@dutaint.com
Subject: [MDaemon-L] tidak bisa kirim email ke outlook.com/office365

On 12/03/18 12:25, Andreas Donny wrote:
> Mohon bantuannya, knapa dari mdaemon saya selalu gagal kirim email ke 
> account yang menggunakan office365. Di log nya di bilang mailbox 
> unavailable, padahal account tersebut aktif, bisa kirim email dan 
> terima email dari gmail maupun hosting yang lain.
> Mohon pencerahannya pak.. berikut salah satu contoh log yang gagal 
> kirim ke account office365.

>   --> EHLO mail.  --> EHLO mail.sonoranetwork.co.id

  <-- 250-Requested mail action okay, completed

  <-- 250-SIZE 1000

  <-- 250-8BITMIME

  <-- 250 OK

  --> MAIL From: SIZE=3721

  <-- 250 Requested mail action okay, completed

  --> RCPT To:

  <-- 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailablelli
>   <-- 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable

Receiver tidak mau terima dari server mail.sonoranetwork.co.id karena DNS PTR
(pointer) recordnya tidak valid.

$ host domain name pointer sonoranetwork.co.id.

host sonoranetwork.co.id adalah alamat host untuk web server (alias dari
www.sonoranetwork.co.id) kalau mail server nama genericnya adalah 
Beberapa receiver memang tegas dengan aturan internet mail yang standard.

Minta bantuan ISP (link.net.id) untuk mengubah PTR record IP 
menjadi mail.sonoranetwork.co.id.

Kelihatannya sih sudah diperbaiki sekarang.

$ host dns1.link.net.id
Using domain server:
Name: dns1.link.net.id
Aliases: domain name pointer mail.sonoranetwork.co.id.

silakan dicoba lagi 1 -2 jam lagi setelah perubahan DNS menjalar merata ke 

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 18.0-64 Beta C, SP 5.5.1-64 Beta A, OC
5.5.0 Beta A
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps 
learning stays young. The greatest thing you can do is keep your mind young.
--- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke 
mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com Versi terakhir MD 17.5.2, SP 5.5, OC 5.0.1, 
SG 5.0.1

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 17.5.2, SP 5.5, OC 5.0.1, SG 5.0.1

[MDaemon-L] tidak bisa kirim email ke outlook.com/office365

2018-03-11 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 12/03/18 12:25, Andreas Donny wrote:
> Mohon bantuannya, knapa dari mdaemon saya selalu gagal kirim email ke account
> yang menggunakan office365. Di log nya di bilang mailbox unavailable, padahal
> account tersebut aktif, bisa kirim email dan terima email dari gmail maupun
> hosting yang lain.
> Mohon pencerahannya pak.. berikut salah satu contoh log yang gagal kirim ke
> account office365.

>   --> EHLO mail.  --> EHLO mail.sonoranetwork.co.id

  <-- 250-Requested mail action okay, completed

  <-- 250-SIZE 1000

  <-- 250-8BITMIME

  <-- 250 OK

  --> MAIL From: SIZE=3721

  <-- 250 Requested mail action okay, completed

  --> RCPT To:

  <-- 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailablelli
>   <-- 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable

Receiver tidak mau terima dari server mail.sonoranetwork.co.id karena DNS PTR
(pointer) recordnya tidak valid.

$ host domain name pointer sonoranetwork.co.id.

host sonoranetwork.co.id adalah alamat host untuk web server (alias dari
www.sonoranetwork.co.id) kalau mail server nama genericnya adalah
Beberapa receiver memang tegas dengan aturan internet mail yang standard.

Minta bantuan ISP (link.net.id) untuk mengubah PTR record IP
menjadi mail.sonoranetwork.co.id.

Kelihatannya sih sudah diperbaiki sekarang.

$ host dns1.link.net.id
Using domain server:
Name: dns1.link.net.id
Aliases: domain name pointer mail.sonoranetwork.co.id.

silakan dicoba lagi 1 -2 jam lagi setelah perubahan DNS menjalar merata ke 

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 18.0-64 Beta C, SP 5.5.1-64 Beta A, OC
5.5.0 Beta A
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps
learning stays young. The greatest thing you can do is keep your mind young.
--- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 17.5.2, SP 5.5, OC 5.0.1, SG 5.0.1

[MDaemon-L] tidak bisa kirim email ke outlook.com/office365

2018-03-11 Terurut Topik Andreas Donny
Dear Pak Syafril,


Mohon bantuannya, knapa dari mdaemon saya selalu gagal kirim email ke
account yang menggunakan office365. Di log nya di bilang mailbox
unavailable, padahal account tersebut aktif, bisa kirim email dan terima
email dari gmail maupun hosting yang lain.

Mohon pencerahannya pak.. berikut salah satu contoh log yang gagal kirim ke
account office365.





  Parsing message 

  *  From: an...@sonoranetwork.co.id

  *  To: an...@magentic.id

  *  Subject: test email

  *  Size (bytes): 3721

  *  Message-ID: <003d01d3b9bb$2fffc2f0$8fff48d0$@co.id>

  Resolving MX record for magentic.id (DNS Server:

  *  P=000 S=000 D=magentic.id TTL=(60)

  Attempting SMTP connection to magentic-id.mail.protection.outlook.com

  Resolving A record for magentic-id.mail.protection.outlook.com (DNS

  *  D=magentic-id.mail.protection.outlook.com TTL=(0) A=[]

  *  D=magentic-id.mail.protection.outlook.com TTL=(0) A=[]

  Randomly picked from list of possible hosts

  Attempting SMTP connection to

  Waiting for socket connection...

  *  Connection established -->

  Waiting for protocol to start...

  <-- 220 SG2APC01FT058.mail.protection.outlook.com ESMTP Service ready

  --> EHLO mail.sonoranetwork.co.id

  <-- 250-Requested mail action okay, completed

  <-- 250-SIZE 1000

  <-- 250-8BITMIME

  <-- 250 OK

  --> MAIL From: SIZE=3721

  <-- 250 Requested mail action okay, completed

  --> RCPT To:

  <-- 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable

  --> QUIT




Best Regards,





Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 17.5.2, SP 5.5, OC 5.0.1, SG 5.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim Email ke yahoo

2018-02-06 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 07/02/18 12:44, yusuf randy wrote:
> solusinya apa ya pak biar email ke yahoo lancar terkirim semua tanpa delay.

Gunakan smarthost.
Tanyakan ke ISP apakah apa server yang bisa/boleh digunakan sebagai smarthost
server mail.mersifarma.com.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 17.5.2-64, SP 5.5-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.
--- Socrates

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 17.5.2, SP 5.5, OC 5.0.1, SG 5.0

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim Email ke yahoo

2018-02-06 Terurut Topik yusuf randy
2018-02-05 17:33 GMT+07:00 Syafril Hermansyah :

> On 05/02/18 16:16, yusuf randy wrote:
> > Pak, mohon bantuannya untuk log dibawah ini masalahnya apa?
> > Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.556: 02: <-- 421 4.7.0 [TSS04] Messages from
> temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see
> https://help.yahoo.com/kb/postmaster/SLN3434.html
> Terlalu banyak mail ke domain yahoo.com family.
> Yahoo (dan juga public mail lain) menerapkan jumlah message/hour atau per
> day
> per sender IP untuk mengurangi jumlah spam ke yahoo.com family.
> https://help.yahoo.com/kb/postmaster/review-practice-
> recommendations-sln3435.html
> https://help.yahoo.com/kb/postmaster/complaint-feedback-
> loop-program-sln3438.html
> Aktifkan DKIM dan adjust session connection untuk meningkatkan yahoo rate
> limit.
> https://www.mail-archive.com/mdaemon-l@dutaint.com/msg39107.html
> http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id/mdaemon/17.5/index.html?
> default-domain-and-servers_sessions.htm
> Maximum SMTP outbound messages spooled per session = 20
> Limit simultaneous connections by IP to 10
> Maximum simultaneous connections to any single IP = 10

Siang Pak Syafril,


Maximum SMTP outbound messages spooled per session = 20
Limit simultaneous connections by IP to 10
Maximum simultaneous connections to any single IP = 10

ini sudah saya lakukan,, terkadang email ke yahoo bisa terkirim,  tapi
terkadang tidak bisa dengan log yang sama seperti email pertama saya.
solusinya apa ya pak biar email ke yahoo lancar terkirim semua tanpa delay.

Terima kasih,


Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 17.5.2, SP 5.5, OC 5.0.1, SG 5.0

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim Email ke yahoo

2018-02-05 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 05/02/18 16:16, yusuf randy wrote:
> Pak, mohon bantuannya untuk log dibawah ini masalahnya apa?

> Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.556: 02: <-- 421 4.7.0 [TSS04] Messages from 
> temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see 
> https://help.yahoo.com/kb/postmaster/SLN3434.html

Terlalu banyak mail ke domain yahoo.com family.
Yahoo (dan juga public mail lain) menerapkan jumlah message/hour atau per day
per sender IP untuk mengurangi jumlah spam ke yahoo.com family.



Aktifkan DKIM dan adjust session connection untuk meningkatkan yahoo rate limit.



Maximum SMTP outbound messages spooled per session = 20
Limit simultaneous connections by IP to 10
Maximum simultaneous connections to any single IP = 10

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 17.5.2-64, SP 5.5-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is
not to stop questioning.
--- Albert Einstein

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 17.5.2, SP 5.5, OC 5.0.1, SG 5.0

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim Email ke yahoo

2018-02-05 Terurut Topik yusuf randy
Selamat Sore Pak Syafril,

Pak, mohon bantuannya untuk log dibawah ini masalahnya apa?

Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:35.977: 05: Session 017389; child 0007
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:35.977: 01: Parsing message

Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:35.998: 01: *  From: yuliana@mersifarma.com
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:35.998: 01: *  To: mersi_an...@yahoo.com
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:35.998: 01: *  Subject: Persetujuan TOP 90 Hari RS PKU
Muhammadiyah Delanggu
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:35.998: 01: *  Size (bytes): 530916
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:35.998: 01: *  Message-ID:
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.161: 05: Resolving MX record for yahoo.com (DNS
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.225: 05: *  P=001 S=000 D=yahoo.com TTL=(6) MX=[
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.225: 05: *  P=001 S=001 D=yahoo.com TTL=(6) MX=[
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.225: 05: *  P=001 S=002 D=yahoo.com TTL=(6) MX=[
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.225: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.226: 05: Resolving A record for
mta5.am0.yahoodns.net (DNS Server:
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.254: 05: *  D=mta5.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.254: 05: *  D=mta5.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.254: 05: *  D=mta5.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.255: 05: *  D=mta5.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.255: 05: *  D=mta5.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.255: 05: *  D=mta5.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.255: 05: *  D=mta5.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.255: 05: *  D=mta5.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.255: 05: Randomly picked from list of
possible hosts
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.255: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.255: 05: Waiting for socket connection...
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.527: 05: *  Connection established
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.527: 05: Waiting for protocol to start...
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.805: 02: <-- 220 mta4099.mail.ne1.yahoo.com ESMTP
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:36.807: 03: --> EHLO mail.mersifarma.com
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.289: 02: <-- 250-mta4099.mail.ne1.yahoo.com
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.289: 02: <-- 250-PIPELINING
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.289: 02: <-- 250-SIZE 41943040
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.289: 02: <-- 250-8BITMIME
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.289: 02: <-- 250 STARTTLS
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.290: 03: --> MAIL From: SIZE=530916
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.556: 02: <-- 421 4.7.0 [TSS04] Messages from temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.558: 03: --> QUIT
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.562: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.563: 05: Resolving A record for
mta6.am0.yahoodns.net (DNS Server:
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.568: 05: *  D=mta6.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.568: 05: *  D=mta6.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.568: 05: *  D=mta6.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.568: 05: *  D=mta6.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.568: 05: *  D=mta6.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.568: 05: *  D=mta6.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.568: 05: *  D=mta6.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.568: 05: *  D=mta6.am0.yahoodns.net TTL=(0)
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.568: 05: Randomly picked from list of
possible hosts
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.568: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.568: 05: Waiting for socket connection...
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.849: 05: *  Connection established
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:37.849: 05: Waiting for protocol to start...
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:38.129: 02: <-- 220 mta4410.mail.gq1.yahoo.com ESMTP
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:38.131: 03: --> EHLO mail.mersifarma.com
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:38.411: 02: <-- 250-mta4410.mail.gq1.yahoo.com
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:38.411: 02: <-- 250-PIPELINING
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:38.411: 02: <-- 250-SIZE 41943040
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:38.411: 02: <-- 250-8BITMIME
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:38.411: 02: <-- 250 STARTTLS
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:38.412: 03: --> MAIL From: SIZE=530916
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:38.694: 02: <-- 421 4.7.0 [TSS04] Messages from temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:38.696: 03: --> QUIT
Mon 2018-02-05 15:11:38.696: 05: Attempting SMT

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-06-06 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 06/06/17 16:33, Anto-IT wrote:
> Client kami ada yang tidak bisa kirim email ke 
>  pbk.installm...@corp.bri.co.id, bisa bantu analisa pak

Ini kasus lama ya.
Apakah dari dulu belum pernah berhasil kirim ke domain corp.bri.co.id?

> Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] *  Connection established 
> ( ->
> Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] Waiting for protocol to start...
> Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] Socket connection closed by the other 
> side (how rude!)
> Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 04: [064479] *  Winsock Error 10053 

Winsock error 10053  artinya koneksi tidak bisa dilakukan karena time out.

Konsultasikan dengan ISP serta ganti IP yang digunakan MDaemon dengan
Real Public IP ( atau Real Private IP (
hindari pakai fake IP (IP palsu) (milik 754th Electronic
Systems Group).

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, running MDaemon 17.0.2-64, SP 5.1-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Semua hal atau semua kesulitan dan semua pemborosan sebetulnya bisa kita
atasi, kalau mau. Jadi permasalahannya adalah bukan bisa atau tidak
bisa, tapi mau atau tidak mau.
--- Dahlan Iskan

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 17.0.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.5.0, SG 4.5.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-06-06 Terurut Topik Anto-IT
Dear Pak Syafril,


Client kami ada yang tidak bisa kirim email ke
pbk.installm...@corp.bri.co.id, bisa bantu analisa pak

Lognya sebagai berikut :


Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:43: 01: [064479] Parsing message

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:43: 01: [064479] *  From:

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:43: 01: [064479] *  To: pbk.installm...@corp.bri.co.id

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:43: 01: [064479] *  Subject: FW: Permohonan Cicilan 0%
BRI per 05 Juni 2017

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:43: 01: [064479] *  Size (bytes): 297433

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:43: 01: [064479] *  Message-ID:

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:43: 01: [064479] *  Route slip host: corp.bri.co.id

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:43: 01: [064479] *  Route slip port: 25

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:43: 05: [064479] Attempting SMTP connection to

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:43: 05: [064479] Resolving MX records for
[corp.bri.co.id] (DNS Server:

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] *  P=010 S=000 D=corp.bri.co.id
TTL=(50) MX=[antispam2.bri.co.id]

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] *  P=050 S=001 D=corp.bri.co.id
TTL=(50) MX=[antispam.bri.co.id]

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] Attempting SMTP connection to

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] Resolving A record for
[antispam2.bri.co.id] (DNS Server:

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] *  D=antispam2.bri.co.id TTL=(50)

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] Attempting SMTP connection to

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] Waiting for socket connection...

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] *  Connection established
( ->

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] Waiting for protocol to start...

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] Socket connection closed by the other
side (how rude!)

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 04: [064479] *  Winsock Error 10053 

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 04: [064479] Connection closed

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] Attempting SMTP connection to

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] Resolving A record for
[antispam.bri.co.id] (DNS Server:

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] *  D=antispam.bri.co.id TTL=(50)

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] Attempting SMTP connection to

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] Waiting for socket connection...

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] *  Connection established
( ->

Tue 2017-06-06 15:18:44: 05: [064479] Waiting for protocol to start...

Tue 2017-06-06 15:19:44: 05: [064479] Socket connection closed by the other
side (how rude!)

Tue 2017-06-06 15:19:44: 04: [064479] *  Winsock Error 10053 

Tue 2017-06-06 15:19:44: 04: [064479] Connection closed

Tue 2017-06-06 15:19:44: 01: [064479] This message is 0 days old; it has 2
days left to get delivered

Tue 2017-06-06 15:19:44: 04: [064479] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out:



Terimakasih sebelumnya atas perhatian dan bantuannya.







This e-mail message (including any attachments) is confidential and for use by 
the addressee only. If the message is received by anyone other than the 
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delete the message from your computer. Any unauthorised use or dissemination of 
this message (including any attachments) in whole or in part is strictly 
prohibited.  Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure and are susceptible to 
change. PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama does not accept responsibility for 
changes made to this message after it was sent. Whilst all reasonable care has 
been taken to avoid the transmission of viruses, it is the responsibility of 
the recipient to ensure that the onward transmission, opening or use of this 
message and any attachments will not adversely affect its systems or data. No 
responsibility is accepted by PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama in this regard and 
the recipient should carry out such virus and other checks as it consid
 ers appropriate. PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama does not also accept 
responsibility for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information 
contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt or damage to 
your system and does not guarantee that the integrity of this communication has 
been maintained. Visit our website at www.advanceproduct.com

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 17.0.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.5.0, SG 4.5.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-22 Terurut Topik Hendra Soewondo
Maaf baru bisa kasih informasinya pak.

> Maksudnya yang baru diupgrade versi Mdaemonnya atau header translation?
Yg saya maksud upgrade di sini adalah versi mdaemonnya.

Untuk header translationnya saya delete yg lama lalu saya buat yg baru...
Dan sepertinya itu berhasil.

> Kalau pakai fake domain memang banyak masalah.
> Cara fake forwarding hanya digunakan diversi MDaemon kuno (2.x versi
> awal) karena saat itu belum ada fasilitas account address restriction dan
advance forwarding.
> Sejak MDaemon 2.8.5 keatas sudah tidak perlu lagi pakai fake domain dan
mulai MDaemon 3.0 tidak lagi direkomendasi menggunakan fake domain.

> Header translation tidak dimaksudkan untuk pemakaian fake domain tetapi
untuk keperluan ganti domain dari registered domain lama ke registered
domain baru.

Mungkin nanti coba saya ajukan ke management kami di sini. Sepertinya sudah
enak dizona aman sekarang pak hehehe.

Yg smpai saat ini saya tidak mengerti.. yg ngeblok port 25 kami entah dari
pihak hosting atau isp.
Dan sekarang pun sudah bisa untuk telnet port 25 mengunakan isp primary
Di Tanya ke 2 pihak pun seperti hanya memberi saran jika port 25 tidak bisa
pakai port 587..

Mungkin itu yg bisa saya sampaikan. Terima kasih atas bantuannya pak.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 20/01/17 11:23, Hendra Soewondo wrote:
>> Apakah ada beda versi MDaemon antara tanggal 2017-01-09 dengan Fri
> 2017-01-20?
>> Pengaktifan header translation dilakukan sejak kapan?
> Saya baru update sih kemarin pak.
> Dan kejadian gak bisa forwarding translationnya pun baru kemarin pak. karena
> tidak bisa saya update.

Maksudnya yang baru diupgrade versi Mdaemonnya atau header translation?

>> Coba periksa di akun hen...@sinalum.lcl, isian mail forwardnya ke
> hen...@sinalum.lcl atau ke hen...@sinalum.com?

> Kalau case ini bener.. akun hen...@sinalum.lcl isi nya hen...@sinalum.com.

Kalau dari log yang dikirimkan forwarding itu menggunakan IMAP filter
bukan account mail forwading, cirinya adalah masih pakai port 25.
Coba periksa ulang ke routing log dan contentfilter log untuk memastikan
sumber forwarding itu.

> Sebelumnya sih tidak masalah pak.
> Contoh log nya

Kalau pakai account mail forwarding tidak masalah, tetapi kalau pakai
IMAP/Webmail filter forwarding akan bermasalah karena bypass system setting.

Contoh log itu untuk forward secara manual.
Bisa dicocokkan ke smtp-in log dan routing log tanggal penggiriman mail

> Saya sudah hampir putus asa ni..

Kalau pakai fake domain memang banyak masalah.
Cara fake forwarding hanya digunakan diversi MDaemon kuno (2.x versi
awal) karena saat itu belum ada fasilitas account address restriction
dan advance forwarding.
Sejak MDaemon 2.8.5 keatas sudah tidak perlu lagi pakai fake domain dan
mulai MDaemon 3.0 tidak lagi direkomendasi menggunakan fake domain.

Header translation tidak dimaksudkan untuk pemakaian fake domain tetapi
untuk keperluan ganti domain dari registered domain lama ke registered
domain baru.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 17.0-64 Beta A, SP 5.1.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Kejujuran mrpkan dasar dari semua sukses, tanpa kejujuran ini
kepercayaan dan kemampuan utk melakukan apapun akan terhenti
-- Mary Kay Ash

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Hendra Soewondo
> Apakah ada beda versi MDaemon antara tanggal 2017-01-09 dengan Fri
> Pengaktifan header translation dilakukan sejak kapan?

Saya baru update sih kemarin pak.
Dan kejadian gak bisa forwarding translationnya pun baru kemarin pak. karena
tidak bisa saya update.

> Coba periksa di akun hen...@sinalum.lcl, isian mail forwardnya ke
hen...@sinalum.lcl atau ke hen...@sinalum.com?
Kalau case ini bener.. akun hen...@sinalum.lcl isi nya hen...@sinalum.com.
Hnya ada case misalkan mail group. acc_...@sinalum.lcl forwarding ke
us...@sinalum.lcl , us...@sinalum.lcl yg tidak bisa pak.
Atau jg kl ada acc_...@sinalum.lcl kirim ke u...@hppm.co.id dengan cc ke
acc_...@sinalum.lcl tidak bisa pak.

Sebelumnya sih tidak masalah pak.
Contoh log nya

  [821279] Session 821279; child 0001
  [821279] Parsing message 
  [821279] *  From: finance_...@sinalum.lcl
  [821279] *  To: skusumaw...@hppm.co.id
  [821279] *  Subject: Template & Invoice Masspro Delivery Tgl 19 January
  [821279] *  Size (bytes): 1526044
  [821279] *  Message-ID:

  [821279] *  Route slip host: hppm.co.id
  [821279] *  Route slip port: 25
  [821279] Resolving MX record for hppm.co.id (DNS Server:
  [821279] *  DNS: 10 second wait for DNS response exceeded (DNS Server:
  [821279] Resolving MX record for hppm.co.id (DNS Server:
  [821279] *  P=010 S=000 D=hppm.co.id TTL=(60)
  [821279] *  P=020 S=001 D=hppm.co.id TTL=(60) MX=[mx3.ntt.net.id]
  [821279] Attempting SMTP connection to antispam-gateway.ntt.net.id
  [821279] Resolving A record for antispam-gateway.ntt.net.id (DNS Server:
  [821279] *  D=antispam-gateway.ntt.net.id TTL=(60) A=[]
  [821279] Attempting SMTP connection to
  [821279] Waiting for socket connection...
  [821279] *  Connection established -->
  [821279] Waiting for protocol to start...
  [821279] <-- 220 antispam-gateway.ntt.net.id ESMTP
  [821279] --> EHLO mail.sinalum.lcl
  [821279] <-- 250-antispam-gateway.ntt.net.id
  [821279] <-- 250-PIPELINING
  [821279] <-- 250-SIZE 26214400
  [821279] <-- 250-ETRN
  [821279] <-- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
  [821279] <-- 250-8BITMIME
  [821279] <-- 250 DSN
  [821279] --> MAIL From: SIZE=1526044
  [821279] <-- 250 2.1.0 Ok
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 450 4.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 450 4.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 450 4.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 450 4.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 450 4.1.8 <79] <-- 450 4.1.8 :
Sender address rejected: Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 450 4.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 450 4.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 450 4.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 450 4.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 450 4.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 450 4.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 450 4.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> QUIT
  [821279] Attempting SMTP connection to mx3.ntt.net.id
  [821279] Resolving A record for mx3.ntt.net.id (DNS Server:
  [821279] *  D=mx3.ntt.net.id TTL=(60) A=[]
  [821279] Attempting SMTP connection to
  [821279] Waiting for socket connection...
  [821279] *  Connection established -->
  [821279] Waiting for protocol to start...
  [821279] <-- 220 mx3.ntt.net.id ESMTP
  [821279] --> EHLO mail.sinalum.lcl
  [821279] <-- 250-mx3.ntt.net.id
  [821279] <-- 250-PIPELINING
  [821279] <-- 250-SIZE 1024
  [821279] <-- 250-ETRN
  [821279] <-- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
  [821279] <-- 250-8BITMIME
  [821279] <-- 250 DSN
  [821279] --> MAIL From: SIZE=1526044
  [821279] <-- 250 2.1.0 Ok
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 550 5.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 550 5.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 550 5.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 550 5.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 550 5.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 550 5.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 550 5.1.8 : Sender address rejected:
Domain not fected: Domain not found
  [821279] --> RCPT To:
  [821279] <-- 

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 20/01/17 09:38, Syafril Hermansyah wrote:
> On 20/01/17 09:12, Hendra Soewondo wrote:

> Lalu edit file \\mdaemon\app\forward.dat, ganti semua forwardnya dari
> @sinalum.lcl menjadi @sinalum.com.

Maaf ada yang terlewat.

Edit dulu salah satu akun agar bisa dijadikan template


misalkan untuk user hendra.soewo...@sinalum.com

[x] Enable mail forwarding

Forwarding addresses: hendra.soewo...@sinalum.com

Advanced Forwarding Settings

Forward the message to this domain: mail.sinalum.com

Use this TCP port: 587

setelah itu periksa isian di \\mdaemon\app\forward.dat dan jadikan akun
forwarding hendra.soewo...@sinalum.com sebagai rujukkan.
Kira-2x akan seperti ini isinya


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 17.0-64 Beta A, SP 5.1.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the
lesson afterwards.
--- Vernon Saunders Law

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 20/01/17 09:12, Hendra Soewondo wrote:
> Disitu pas di forwardingnya berubah menjadi .com pak.
> Tp pada log pertama dy gak berubah. Tetap menjadi .lcl

Apakah ada beda versi MDaemon antara tanggal 2017-01-09 dengan Fri
Pengaktifan header translation dilakukan sejak kapan?

Coba periksa di akun hen...@sinalum.lcl, isian mail forwardnya ke
hen...@sinalum.lcl atau ke hen...@sinalum.com?

> Apa tidak bisa diakalin lagi pak..
> Karena bad queue nya banyak..

Ada, diganti (rename) saja mail domain sinalum.lcl menjadi sinalum.com
saat semua mail dan web service stop.


proses ini mestinya berkisar 5 -10 menit saja (tergantung jumlah user
dan kapasitas h/w server).

isian host juga diganti


SMTP host name: mail.sinalum.com

header translation biarkan tetap aktif, agar perubahan account profile
di email client bisa dilakukan belakangan sementara system sudah
berjalan normal.

Lalu edit file \\mdaemon\app\forward.dat, ganti semua forwardnya dari
@sinalum.lcl menjadi @sinalum.com.

Aktifkan kembali semua mail dan web service.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 17.0-64 Beta A, SP 5.1.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

You cannot unify everyone’s thoughts, but you can unify everyone through
a common goal.
-- Jack Ma

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 2017-01-19 21:00, hendra.soewo...@sinalum.com wrote:
>> Existing header text: sinalum.lcl
>> New header text: sinalum.com
> Udah pake header translationnya pak..

Oops translationnya salah.
Yang benar

Existing header text: @sinalum.lcl
New header text: @sinalum.com

> Exceptionsnya itu diisi tidak ya pak? 


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 17.0-64 Beta A, SP 5.1.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Anda tidak membuat suatu produk untuk diri Anda sendiri. Anda perlu
mengetahui apa yang diinginkan orang lain dan membuat produk tersebut
untuk mereka.
-- Walt Disney

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik hendra . soewondo

Pakai fake domain sih.
Sebaiknya pakai registered domain (sinalum.com) saja agar tidak timbul
masalah aneh-2x :-)

Untuk sementara (sebelum ganti ke registered domain) bisa aktifkan
header translation.


Existing header text: sinalum.lcl
New header text: sinalum.com

Udah pake header translationnya pak..
Sudah sy create ulang malahan..
Exceptionsnya itu diisi tidak ya pak?

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 19/01/17 18:34, Hendra Soewondo wrote:
> Cm sekarang kl forwarding dr luar ke dalam ke email fake saya yg tidak bisa
> pak.
> Log nya seperti ini sih pak.
> Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.046: [809058] *  Forwarded from:
> purchasing2_...@sinalum.lcl
> Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.046: [809058] *  From: q...@maruhachi.co.id
> Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.046: [809058] *  To: yohanes.kurnia...@sinalum.lcl

Pakai fake domain sih.
Sebaiknya pakai registered domain (sinalum.com) saja agar tidak timbul
masalah aneh-2x :-)

> Sarannya donk pak. karena sebelumnya tidak masalah menggunakan fake  

Untuk sementara (sebelum ganti ke registered domain) bisa aktifkan
header translation.


Existing header text: sinalum.lcl
New header text: sinalum.com

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 17.0-64 Beta A, SP 5.1.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Mimpi adalah harapan yang dibuat oleh hati Anda
-- Jimny Cricket

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Hendra Soewondo
> Coba lihat transaksinya forwardnya dari akun han...@sinalum.com itu.
> Kalau forwardnya dari web/IMAP filtering memang selalu pakai port 25,
tetapi kalau pakai mail forwarding akan mengikuti setting system.

Masalah forwarding ke sesama domain sinalum.com sih udah bisa pak.

Cm sekarang kl forwarding dr luar ke dalam ke email fake saya yg tidak bisa
Log nya seperti ini sih pak.

Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.046: [809058] Session 809058; child 0007
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.046: [809058] Parsing message

Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.046: [809058] *  Forwarded from:
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.046: [809058] *  From: q...@maruhachi.co.id
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.046: [809058] *  To: yohanes.kurnia...@sinalum.lcl
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.046: [809058] *  Subject: FW: PAINT TEST REPORT
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.046: [809058] *  Size (bytes): 1680945
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.046: [809058] *  Message-ID:
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.046: [809058] *  Route slip host: mail.sinalum.com
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.046: [809058] *  Route slip port: 587
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.046: [809058] Resolving MX record for
mail.sinalum.com (DNS Server:
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.218: [809058] *  P=010 S=000 D=sinalum.com TTL=(586)
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.218: [809058] Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.234: [809058] Resolving A record for
mx-hosting.biz.net.id (DNS Server:
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.296: [809058] *  D=mx-hosting.biz.net.id TTL=(210)
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.296: [809058] *  D=mx-hosting.biz.net.id TTL=(210)
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.296: [809058] *  D=mx-hosting.biz.net.id TTL=(210)
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.296: [809058] *  D=mx-hosting.biz.net.id TTL=(210)
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.296: [809058] Randomly picked from
list of possible hosts
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.296: [809058] Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:38.296: [809058] Waiting for socket connection...
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.468: [809058] *  Socket error 10061 - The other host
is either down or has refused to connect with you at that IP and/or on that
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.468: [809058] Attempting to send message to smart
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.468: [809058] Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.484: [809058] Resolving A record for
mail.sinalum.com (DNS Server:
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.546: [809058] *  D=sinalum.com TTL=(370)
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.546: [809058] Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.546: [809058] Waiting for socket connection...
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.578: [809058] *  Connection established -->
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.578: [809058] Waiting for protocol to start...
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.625: [809058] <-- 220 web3-win.biz.net.id ESMTP
MailEnable Service, Version: 1.986-- ready at 01/19/17 18:31:13
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.625: [809058] --> EHLO mail.sinalum.lcl
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.687: [809058] <-- 250-web3-win.biz.net.id
[], this server offers 4 extensions
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.687: [809058] <-- 250-AUTH LOGIN
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.687: [809058] <-- 250-SIZE 15728640
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.687: [809058] <-- 250-HELP
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.687: [809058] <-- 250 AUTH=LOGIN
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.687: [809058] --> AUTH LOGIN
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.734: [809058] <-- 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.734: [809058] --> **
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.796: [809058] <-- 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.796: [809058] --> **
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.843: [809058] <-- 235 Authenticated
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.843: [809058] --> MAIL From:
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.875: [809058] <-- 551 Sender address is not valid
for your login. Check your email program settings.
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.875: [809058] --> QUIT
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.875: [809058] This is a forwarded (redirected)
message, it will be moved to the bad message queue.
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.953: [809058] <-- 221 Service closing transmission
Thu 2017-01-19 18:31:39.953: [809058] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out:

Sarannya donk pak. karena sebelumnya tidak masalah menggunakan fake :) 
Terima kasih

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 19/01/17 16:59, Hendra Soewondo wrote:
>> Yakin forwardnya dari menu mail forwarding bukan pakai IMAP filtering?
> Yakin dari mail forwardingnya pak.

Coba lihat transaksinya forwardnya dari akun han...@sinalum.com itu.

Kalau forwardnya dari web/IMAP filtering memang selalu pakai port 25,
tetapi kalau pakai mail forwarding akan mengikuti setting system.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 17.0-64 Beta A, SP 5.1.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

We are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it.
--- Rick Warren

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Hendra Soewondo
> Yakin forwardnya dari menu mail forwarding bukan pakai IMAP filtering?

Yakin dari mail forwardingnya pak.



> Pakai Mdaemon versi berapa sih?

Versi mdaemonya adalah v16.0.1


> Windowsnya versi apa?

Saat ini masih pake windows server 2003 R2 SP 2


Td saya punya pikiran mau update mdaemonnya jg pak. tp sy pikir nanti jam
5-6 an pada waktu tidak terlalu rame.


[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 19/01/17 16:28, Hendra Soewondo wrote:
> Ini juga sudah saya coba pak.

Yakin forwardnya dari menu mail forwarding bukan pakai IMAP filtering?

> Tetap sama hasilnya masih suka lari ke 25.. padahal saya sudah restart
> mdaemon jg.

Pakai Mdaemon versi berapa sih?
Windowsnya versi apa?

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 17.0-64 Beta A, SP 5.1.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Mengeritik jauh lebih mudah daripada berbuat yang benar
-- Benyamin Disraeli

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Hendra Soewondo
> Oh kalau begitu benar yang memblock adalah mail hoster.
> Dari kantor saya tidak masalah sih.

> $ telnet mail.sinalum.com 25
> Trying
> Connected to sinalum.com.

Iya saya juga bingung pak dari mail hoster atau firewall atau ISP.
Karena saya coba pake ping.eu port 25 itu open..

> Hmm aneh.
> Coba port 587 nya di set di account mail forwarding
> http://www.mail-archive.com/mdaemon-l@dutaint.com/msg40993.html

Ini juga sudah saya coba pak.
Tetap sama hasilnya masih suka lari ke 25.. padahal saya sudah restart
mdaemon jg.

Saat ini saya coba email ke mail hoster dan ISP jg pak.
Cm blm ada tanggapannya..

Mungkin ada informasi lebih lanjut pak. terima kasih.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 19/01/17 16:01, Hendra Soewondo wrote:
>> Yang memblok adalah ISP Anda (telkom.net.id) karena pakai koneksi speedy
> astinet.
> Kalau saya telnet di ke smtp.cbn.net.id 25 sih bisa pak. tidak hanya ke
> smtp.telkom.net 25

Oh kalau begitu benar yang memblock adalah mail hoster.
Dari kantor saya tidak masalah sih.

$ telnet mail.sinalum.com 25
Connected to sinalum.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 web3-win.biz.net.id ESMTP MailEnable Service, Version: 1.986-- ready
at 01/19/17 16:04:36

>> Di setting delivery juga di set smarthostnya ke port 587
> Sudah pak.
> Tp kl saya retry queue nya dijalankan masih pake route slip 25

Hmm aneh.
Coba port 587 nya di set di account mail forwarding


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 17.0-64 Beta A, SP 5.1.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Learning is not child's play; we cannot learn without pain
--- Aristotle

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Hendra Soewondo
> Yang memblok adalah ISP Anda (telkom.net.id) karena pakai koneksi speedy
Kalau saya telnet di ke smtp.cbn.net.id 25 sih bisa pak. tidak hanya ke
smtp.telkom.net 25

> Di setting delivery juga di set smarthostnya ke port 587
> [x] Send all outbound email to a smart host
> Default smart host: mail.sinalum.com:587

Sudah pak.
Tp kl saya retry queue nya dijalankan masih pake route slip 25

Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.312: [805277] Session 805277; child 0007
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.312: [805277] Parsing message

Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.312: [805277] *  Forwarded from: sa...@sinalum.com
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.312: [805277] *  From: purchasing2_...@sinalum.com
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.312: [805277] *  To: isw...@sinalum.com
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.312: [805277] *  Subject: Informasi List Stock CKD
Part dan Lokal Part Bulan Desember 2016 (Sinar Alum)
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.312: [805277] *  Size (bytes): 44252
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.312: [805277] *  Message-ID:
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.312: [805277] *  Route slip host:
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.312: [805277] *  Route slip port: 25
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.312: [805277] Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.312: [805277] * in connection
failure cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.359: [805277] Attempting to send message to smart
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.359: [805277] Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:31.375: [805277] Resolving A record for
mail.sinalum.com (DNS Server:
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:40.421: [805277] *  DNS: 10 second wait for DNS
response exceeded (DNS Server:
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:40.421: [805277] Attempting to send message to smart
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:40.421: [805277] Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:40.437: [805277] Resolving A record for
mail.sinalum.com (DNS Server:
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:40.546: [805277] *  D=sinalum.com TTL=(640)
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:40.546: [805277] Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:40.546: [805277] * in connection
failure cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:40.546: [805277] *  This message is 0 days old; it has
2 days left to get delivered
Thu 2017-01-19 15:57:40.546: [805277] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out:

Mohon masukkannya pak. terima kasih.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 19/01/17 15:41, Syafril Hermansyah wrote:
>> Ini hasilnya tetap route slipnya ke 25 ya pak.
> Di setting delivery juga di set smarthostnya ke port 587
> http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id/mdaemon/16.5/index.html?default-domain-and-servers_delivery.htm
> [x] Send all outbound email to a smart host
> Default smart host: mail.sinalum.com:587

Pilihan lain, di mail forwarding di set portnya ke 587


Forward the message to this domain: mail.sinalum.com
Use this TCP port : 587

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 17.0-64 Beta A, SP 5.1.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play
better than anyone else.
--- Albert Einstein

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 19/01/17 15:33, Hendra Soewondo wrote:
>> Apa memang outbound tcp port sengaja diblock di firewall?
> Tidak pak.
> Kl saya test ke smtp.telkom.net:25 bisa
> Cm kl ke domain yg kami punya tidak bisa. Sepertinya emang diblok dari
> pemilik hostingnya.

Yang memblok adalah ISP Anda (telkom.net.id) karena pakai koneksi speedy

> Ini hasilnya tetap route slipnya ke 25 ya pak.

Di setting delivery juga di set smarthostnya ke port 587


[x] Send all outbound email to a smart host

Default smart host: mail.sinalum.com:587

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 17.0-64 Beta A, SP 5.1.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Study the past if you would define the future.
---  Confucius

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Hendra Soewondo
> Apa memang outbound tcp port sengaja diblock di firewall?

Tidak pak.


Kl saya test ke smtp.telkom.net:25 bisa

Cm kl ke domain yg kami punya tidak bisa. Sepertinya emang diblok dari
pemilik hostingnya.


> Di setting smarthost di domain manager sinalum.com gunakan port 587.



> [x] Configure smart host for this dom

> Smart host : mail.sinalum.com:587



Ini hasilnya tetap route slipnya ke 25 ya pak.

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:21.750: [804077] Session 804077; child 0027

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:21.750: [804077] Parsing message

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:21.750: [804077] *  Forwarded from:

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:21.750: [804077] *  From: acc_...@sinalum.com

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:21.750: [804077] *  To: an...@sinalum.com

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:21.750: [804077] *  Subject: RE: Surat Permohonan

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:21.750: [804077] *  Size (bytes): 606951

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:21.750: [804077] *  Message-ID:

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:21.750: [804077] *  Route slip host:

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:21.750: [804077] *  Route slip port: 25

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:21.750: [804077] Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:21.750: [804077] * in connection
failure cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:22.125: [804077] Attempting to send message to smart

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:22.125: [804077] Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:22.140: [804077] Resolving A record for
mail.sinalum.com (DNS Server:

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:22.171: [804077] *  D=sinalum.com TTL=(621)

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:22.171: [804077] Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:22.171: [804077] * in connection
failure cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:22.218: [804077] *  This message is 18 minutes old; it
has 42 minutes left in this queue

Thu 2017-01-19 15:28:22.218: [804077] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out:


Mohon masukkannya lagi pak. terima kasih.

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 19/01/17 15:03, Hendra Soewondo wrote:
>> Dari MDaemon server bisa melakukan telnet ke port 25
>> c:\ telnet 25
>> yang kalau koneksinya normal akan seperti ini hasilnya
>> $ telnet 25
>> Trying
>> Connected to
>> Escape character is '^]'.
>> 220 mx4-hosting.biz.net.id ESMTP Postfix

> Tidak bisa pak.

Apa memang outbound tcp port sengaja diblock di firewall?

> Kalau tidak forwarding tidak masalah.
> Kalau saya ubah route slip port ke 587 sih bisa pak. 
> Cm bagaimana ya pak biar diubah ke 587 semua?

Di setting smarthost di domain manager sinalum.com gunakan port 587.


[x] Configure smart host for this dom

Smart host : mail.sinalum.com:587

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 17.0-64 Beta A, SP 5.1.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Mengagumi seseorg berarti berkeinginan menjadi = yg dikagumi itu,
irihati kpd seseorg berarti berkehendak utk menyingkirkannya
-- Pierre Reverdy, born 1889

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-19 Terurut Topik Hendra Soewondo
> Periksa firewall, pastikan outbound tcp port 25 tidak terblock.

> Dari MDaemon server bisa melakukan telnet ke port 25

> c:\ telnet 25

> yang kalau koneksinya normal akan seperti ini hasilnya

> $ telnet 25
> Trying
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 220 mx4-hosting.biz.net.id ESMTP Postfix

Tidak bisa pak.

Kalau saya perhatikan cm forwarding doank pak yg bermasalah.

Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.546: [802857] Session 802857; child 0001
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.546: [802857] Parsing message

Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.546: [802857] *  Forwarded from: r...@sinalum.com
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.546: [802857] *  From: r...@sinalum.com
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.546: [802857] *  To: hen...@sinalum.com
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.546: [802857] *  Subject: Progress Schedule CAP
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.546: [802857] *  Size (bytes): 1895660
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.546: [802857] *  Message-ID:
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.546: [802857] *  Route slip host:
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.546: [802857] *  Route slip port: 25
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.546: [802857] Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.546: [802857] * in connection
failure cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.843: [802857] Attempting to send message to smart
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.843: [802857] Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.859: [802857] Resolving A record for
mail.sinalum.com (DNS Server:
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.906: [802857] *  D=sinalum.com TTL=(601)
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.906: [802857] Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.906: [802857] * in connection
failure cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.921: [802857] *  This message is 0 days old; it has
2 days left to get delivered
Thu 2017-01-19 15:00:21.921: [802857] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out:

Kalau tidak forwarding tidak masalah.
Kalau saya ubah route slip port ke 587 sih bisa pak. 
Cm bagaimana ya pak biar diubah ke 587 semua?
Atau ada masukan lainnya?

terima kasih.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-18 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 19/01/17 14:11, Hendra Soewondo wrote:
> Saat ini mail server mdaemon kami tidak bisa kirim email sama sekali.
> Ini salah satu lognya..

> Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.109: [800364] Attempting SMTP connection to 
> Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.109: [800364] * in connection failure 
> cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)

Periksa firewall, pastikan outbound tcp port 25 tidak terblock.

Dari MDaemon server bisa melakukan telnet ke port 25

c:\ telnet 25

yang kalau koneksinya normal akan seperti ini hasilnya

$ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mx4-hosting.biz.net.id ESMTP Postfix

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 17.0-64 Beta A, SP 5.1.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Anda tidak pernah akan menemukan diri Anda sampai Anda menghadapi kebenaran
-- Pearl Bailey

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-18 Terurut Topik Hendra Soewondo
Dear Pak Syafril,,


Saat ini mail server mdaemon kami tidak bisa kirim email sama sekali.

Ini salah satu lognya..


Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:16.703: [800364] Session 800364; child 0010

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:16.703: [800364] Parsing message

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:16.718: [800364] *  From: purchasing1_...@sinalum.com

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:16.718: [800364] *  To: ye...@sinalum.com

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:16.718: [800364] *  Subject: NPP 0105

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:16.718: [800364] *  Size (bytes): 8007

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:16.718: [800364] *  Message-ID:

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:16.796: [800364] Resolving MX record for sinalum.com
(DNS Server:

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:16.968: [800364] *  P=010 S=000 D=sinalum.com TTL=(639)

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:16.968: [800364] Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:16.984: [800364] Resolving A record for
mx-hosting.biz.net.id (DNS Server:

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.109: [800364] *  D=mx-hosting.biz.net.id TTL=(639)

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.109: [800364] *  D=mx-hosting.biz.net.id TTL=(639)

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.109: [800364] *  D=mx-hosting.biz.net.id TTL=(639)

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.109: [800364] *  D=mx-hosting.biz.net.id TTL=(639)

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.109: [800364] Randomly picked from
list of possible hosts

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.109: [800364] Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.109: [800364] * in connection failure
cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.156: [800364] Attempting to send message to smart

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.156: [800364] Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.171: [800364] Resolving A record for
mail.sinalum.com (DNS Server:

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.296: [800364] *  D=sinalum.com TTL=(639)

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.296: [800364] Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.296: [800364] * in connection
failure cache for up to 5 minutes due to previous connection failure(s)

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.359: [800364] *  This message is 0 days old; it has
2 days left to get delivered

Thu 2017-01-19 14:08:17.359: [800364] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out:


Mohon informasinya pak. terima kasih.



Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-12 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 13/01/17 14:50, Anto wrote:
> maaf mau tanya lagi client kami berikut mengapa tidak bisa kirim email
> ke rhomalhadiy...@hsbc.co.id  ?

> 2017-01-13 12:48:59: [428265] Transfer Complete

> Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:59: [428265] <-- 550 Denied by policy

Server penerima menolak terima message yang berlampiran dengan file
extension tertentu.
Konversi saja lampirannya ke PDF lalu kirim ulang.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 16.5.2-64, SP 5.1.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardour
and attended to with diligence.
--- Abigail Adams

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.1.0, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2017-01-12 Terurut Topik Anto
Dear Pak Syafril,


Selamat sore pak, maaf mau tanya lagi client kami berikut mengapa tidak bisa
kirim email ke rhomalhadiy...@hsbc.co.id ?


Notificationnya sbb: 



-Original Message-

From: MDaemon at mail.advanceproduct.com

Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 12:49 PM

To: prvs=11866b8f16=y...@advanceproduct.com

Subject: Permanent Delivery Failure



MDaemon Delivery Status Notification - http://www.altn.com/dsn/



The attached message had PERMANENT fatal delivery errors.


After one or more unsuccessful delivery attempts the attached message has
been removed from the MDaemon mail queue on this server.  The number and
frequency of delivery attempts are determined by local configuration.






Failed address: rhomalhadiy...@hsbc.co.id


--- Session Transcript ---

 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:10: [428265] Session 428265; child 0002  Fri

2017-01-13 12:48:10: [428265] Parsing message

 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:10: [428265] *  From: y...@advanceproduct.com  Fri

2017-01-13 12:48:10: [428265] *  To: rhomalhadiy...@hsbc.co.id  Fri

2017-01-13 12:48:10: [428265] *  Subject: MOM 12 Januari 2017  Fri

2017-01-13 12:48:10: [428265] *  Size (bytes): 2076992  Fri 2017-01-13

12:48:10: [428265] *  Message-ID:


 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:10: [428265] Attempting SMTP connection to
[hsbc.co.id]  Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:10: [428265] Resolving MX records for
[hsbc.co.id] (DNS Server:

 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:11: [428265] *  P=010 S=000 D=hsbc.co.id TTL=(15)
MX=[smtp2.hsbc.com.hk]  Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:11: [428265] *  P=010 S=001
D=hsbc.co.id TTL=(15) MX=[smtp1.hsbc.com.hk]  Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:11:

[428265] Attempting SMTP connection to [smtp2.hsbc.com.hk:25]  Fri

2017-01-13 12:48:11: [428265] Resolving A record for [smtp2.hsbc.com.hk]
(DNS Server:

 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:11: [428265] *  D=smtp2.hsbc.com.hk TTL=(15)
A=[]  Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:11: [428265] Attempting SMTP
connection to []  Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:11: [428265] Waiting
for socket connection...

 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:11: [428265] *  Connection established

( ->  Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:11: [428265]
Waiting for protocol to start...

 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:12: [428265] <-- 220 HKIMB05SRV01.hsbc.com.hk
EG5500/SMTP Ready.

 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:12: [428265] --> EHLO mail.advanceproduct.com  Fri

2017-01-13 12:48:12: [428265] <-- 250-Requested mail action okay, completed.

 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:12: [428265] <-- 250 STARTTLS  Fri 2017-01-13

12:48:12: [428265] --> STARTTLS  Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:12: [428265] <-- 220
Start TLS negotiation.

 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:12: [428265] SSL negotiation successful (TLS 1.0, 2048
bit key exchange, 128 bit AES encryption)  Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:12: [428265]

--> EHLO mail.advanceproduct.com  Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:12: [428265] <-- 

--> 250

Requested mail action okay, completed.

 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:12: [428265] --> MAIL

 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:12: [428265] <-- 250 Requested mail action okay,

 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:12: [428265] --> RCPT To:
Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:12: [428265] <-- 250 Requested mail action okay,

 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:12: [428265] --> DATA  Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:12:

[428265] <-- 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself.

 Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:12: [428265] Sending
 to []  Fri

2017-01-13 12:48:59: [428265] Transfer Complete  Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:59:

[428265] <-- 550 Denied by policy  Fri 2017-01-13 12:48:59: [428265] -->

--- End Transcript ---



Thanks Regards,




This e-mail message (including any attachments) is confidential and for use by 
the addressee only. If the message is received by anyone other than the 
addressee, please return the message to the sender by replying to it and then 
delete the message from your computer. Any unauthorised use or dissemination of 
this message (including any attachments) in whole or in part is strictly 
prohibited.  Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure and are susceptible to 
change. PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama does not accept responsibility for 
changes made to this message after it was sent. Whilst all reasonable care has 
been taken to avoid the transmission of viruses, it is the responsibility of 
the recipient to ensure that the onward transmission, opening or use of this 
message and any attachments will not adversely affect its systems or data. No 
responsibility is accepted by PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama in this regard and 
the recipient should carry 

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke account gmail

2017-01-04 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 05/01/17 13:19, Iyak Aja wrote:
> Periksa dari webmail gmail, mungkin masuk ke spam folder.
> Saya pastikan di spam folder tidak ada email tersebut.

Yakin periksanya di webmail akun judika.yo...@gmail.com bukan di akun
Kalau benar sudah periksa ke webmail akun judika.yo...@gmail.com dan
tidak ada, maka tanyakan ke supp...@gmail.com.

Coba diulangi testnya dengan kirim mailnya ke iyak...@gmail.com yang
memang milik sendiri sehingga tidak perlu bantuan orang lain untuk

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 16.5.2-64, SP 5.1.0-64 Beta C
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Masalah pertama bagi kita semua, laki-2x dan perempuan, bukanlah
belajar, tetapi tidak belajar
-- Gloria Steinem

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.0.1, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke account gmail

2017-01-04 Terurut Topik Iyak Aja
> Periksa dari webmail gmail, mungkin masuk ke spam folder.
> Saya pastikan di spam folder tidak ada email tersebut.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.0.1, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke account gmail

2017-01-04 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 05/01/17 13:06, Iyak Aja wrote:
> Sudah terkirim kok.
> Tapi saya belum terima email test tersebut sampai skr

Periksa dari webmail gmail, mungkin masuk ke spam folder.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 16.5.2-64, SP 5.1.0-64 Beta C
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

I'm unpredictable, I never know where I'm going until I get there, I'm
so random, I'm always growing, learning, changing, I'm never the same
person twice. But one thing you can be sure of about me; is I will
always do exactly what I want to do.
--- C. JoyBell C.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.0.1, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke account gmail

2017-01-04 Terurut Topik Iyak Aja
> Akun  itu punya Anda?

Benar pak, ini account saya.

> Sudah terkirim kok.

Tapi saya belum terima email test tersebut sampai skr

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.0.1, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke account gmail

2017-01-04 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 05/01/17 12:01, Iyak Aja wrote:
> Saya ada coba test email ke account gmail saya. Di log nya sudah sukses
> tapi sampai skr saya belum juga terima email tersebut.
> Saya tampilkan SMTP-out nya

> Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.872: 03: --> MAIL 
> From: SIZE=1918
> Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.902: 02: <-- 250 2.1.0 Sender OK
> Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.902: 03: --> RCPT To:

Akun  itu punya Anda?

Sudah terkirim kok.

Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.020: [353942] Session 353942; child 0012
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.020: [353942] Parsing message

Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.021: [353942] * From:
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.021: [353942] * To: judika.yo...@gmail.com
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.021: [353942] * Subject: Test Email dari marketing
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.021: [353942] * Size (bytes): 2548
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.021: [353942] * Message-ID:
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.026: [353942] Resolving MX record for gmail.com
(DNS Server:
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.027: [353942] * P=005 S=003 D=gmail.com TTL=(35)
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.027: [353942] * P=010 S=002 D=gmail.com TTL=(35)
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.027: [353942] * P=020 S=000 D=gmail.com TTL=(35)
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.027: [353942] * P=030 S=004 D=gmail.com TTL=(35)
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.027: [353942] * P=040 S=001 D=gmail.com TTL=(35)
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.027: [353942] Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.027: [353942] Resolving A record for
gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com (DNS Server:
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.028: [353942] * D=gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com
TTL=(2) A=[]
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.028: [353942] Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.028: [353942] Waiting for socket connection...
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.046: [353942] * Connection established -->
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.047: [353942] Waiting for protocol to start...
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.257: [353942] <-- 220 mx.google.com ESMTP
g29si45298230plj.102 - gsmtp
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.577: [353942] --> EHLO dip33.dutaint.com
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.788: [353942] <-- 250-mx.google.com at your
service, []
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.789: [353942] <-- 250-SIZE 157286400
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.789: [353942] <-- 250-8BITMIME
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.789: [353942] <-- 250-STARTTLS
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.789: [353942] <-- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.789: [353942] <-- 250-PIPELINING
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.789: [353942] <-- 250-CHUNKING
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.789: [353942] <-- 250 SMTPUTF8
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:22.789: [353942] --> STARTTLS
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:23.220: [353942] <-- 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:23.237: [353942] SSL negotiation successful (TLS
1.2, 256 bit key exchange, 128 bit AES encryption)
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:23.237: [353942] SSL certificate is valid (matches
gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com and is signed by recognized CA)
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:23.238: [353942] --> EHLO dip33.dutaint.com
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:23.872: [353942] <-- 250-mx.google.com at your
service, []
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:23.872: [353942] <-- 250-SIZE 157286400
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:23.872: [353942] <-- 250-8BITMIME
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:23.872: [353942] <-- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:23.872: [353942] <-- 250-PIPELINING
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:23.872: [353942] <-- 250-CHUNKING
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:23.872: [353942] <-- 250 SMTPUTF8
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:23.872: [353942] --> MAIL
From: SIZE=2548
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:24.081: [353942] <-- 250 2.1.0 OK
g29si45298230plj.102 - gsmtp
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:24.081: [353942] --> RCPT To:
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:24.402: [353942] <-- 250 2.1.5 OK
g29si45298230plj.102 - gsmtp
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:24.402: [353942] --> DATA
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:24.612: [353942] <-- 354 Go ahead
g29si45298230plj.102 - gsmtp
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:24.612: [353942] Sending
 to []
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:24.612: [353942] Transfer Complete
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:25.665: [353942] <-- 250 2.0.0 OK 1483590806
g29si45298230plj.102 - gsmtp
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:25.665: [353942] --> QUIT
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:25.874: [353942] <-- 221 2.0.0 closing connection
g29si45298230plj.102 - gsmtp
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:25.874: [353942] SMTP session successful (Bytes
in/out: 655/3008)

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 16.5.2-64, SP 5.1.0-64 Beta B
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Most people spend their entire lives in a fantasy Island called ‘Someday
--- Denis Waitley

Milis ini untuk Diskusi 

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke account gmail

2017-01-04 Terurut Topik Iyak Aja
Siang pak Syafril,

Saya ada coba test email ke account gmail saya. Di log nya sudah sukses
tapi sampai skr saya belum juga terima email tersebut.
Saya tampilkan SMTP-out nya

Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.571: 01: Parsing message

Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.572: 01: *  From: market...@megatrukindoutama.com
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.572: 01: *  To: hendra.sir...@megatrukindoutama.com
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.572: 01: *  Subject: Test Email dari marketing
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.572: 01: *  Size (bytes): 1918
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.572: 01: *  Message-ID: <
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.573: 01: *  Route slip host: dip33.dutaint.com:587
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.573: 01: *  Route slip port: 587
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.576: 05: Resolving MX record for dip33.dutaint.com
(DNS Server:
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.634: 04: *  DNS server reports no valid records for
the requested type found
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.634: 05: Resolving MX record for dip33.dutaint.com
(DNS Server:
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.664: 04: *  DNS server reports no valid records for
the requested type found
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.664: 05: Resolving MX record for dip33.dutaint.com
(DNS Server:
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.690: 04: *  DNS server reports no valid records for
the requested type found
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.690: 05: Attempting to send message to smart host
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.690: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.691: 05: Resolving A record for dip33.dutaint.com
(DNS Server:
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.727: 05: *  D=dip33.dutaint.com TTL=(4320)
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.728: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.729: 05: Waiting for socket connection...
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.730: 05: *  Connection established
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.730: 05: Waiting for protocol to start...
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.784: 02: <-- 220 dip33.dutaint.com ESMTP MSA
MDaemon 16.5.2; Thu, 05 Jan 2017 11:33:18 +0700
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.787: 03: --> EHLO mail.megatrukindoutama.com
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.816: 02: <-- 250-dip33.dutaint.com Hello
mail.megatrukindoutama.com [], pleased to meet you
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.816: 02: <-- 250-AUTH LOGIN CRAM-MD5 PLAIN
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.816: 02: <-- 250-8BITMIME
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.816: 02: <-- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.816: 02: <-- 250-STARTTLS
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.816: 02: <-- 250 SIZE 3584
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.817: 03: --> AUTH CRAM-MD5
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.843: 02: <-- 334
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.843: 03: --> **
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.872: 02: <-- 235 2.7.0 Authentication successful
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.872: 03: --> MAIL From:<
market...@megatrukindoutama.com> SIZE=1918
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.902: 02: <-- 250 2.1.0 Sender OK
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.902: 03: --> RCPT To:
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.931: 02: <-- 250 2.1.5 Recipient OK
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.931: 03: --> DATA
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.957: 02: <-- 354 Enter mail, end with .
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.957: 05: Sending
 to []
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:17.958: 05: Transfer Complete
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:18.104: 02: <-- 250 2.6.0 Ok, message saved
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:18.106: 03: --> QUIT
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:18.331: 02: <-- 221 2.0.0 See ya in cyberspace
Thu 2017-01-05 11:33:18.331: 05: SMTP session successful (Bytes in/out:

Mohon bantuan nya pak


Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.0.1, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2016-12-07 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 08/12/16 14:36, Iyak Aja wrote:
> Saya ada kirim email ke gmail dan yahoo, tapi sampai skr belum terima.
> Saya lampirkan log smtp out nya

> Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.387: 01: *  Route slip host: smtp.telkom.net:587

> Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:26.387: 02: <-- 250 2.0.0 uB87RRj8027472-uB87RRj9027472 
> Message accepted for delivery

Mail sukses terkirim ke smarthost smtp.telkom.net.

> Kenap belum terima ya pak?

Tanyakan ke pengelola smarthost smtp.telkom.net (telkom.net.id)

> Pak saya mau tanya lagi: Apakah smtp.telkom.net sudah tdk bisa di gunakan 
> lagi?

Kalau dari log yang diberikan smarthost itu masih aktif.
Sekalian saja ditanyakan ke pengelolanya.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 16.5.2-64, SP 5.1.0-64 Beta A
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Pengetahuan tidak dicapai secara kebetulan, tapi harus dicari dengan
semangat yang tinggi dan diselesaikan dengan tekun
-- Abigail Adams, 1790

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.0.1, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2016-12-07 Terurut Topik Iyak Aja
Siang Pak Syafril,

Saya ada kirim email ke gmail dan yahoo, tapi sampai skr belum terima.
Saya lampirkan log smtp out nya

START Event Log / MDaemon PRO v16.0.4, SMTP (out) log information
Event Time/Date Event Description
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.385: 05: Session 166781; child 0001
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.385: 01: Parsing message

Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.386: 01: *  From:
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.386: 01: *  To: iyaksir2...@yahoo.com
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.386: 01: *  Subject: Test Email
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.386: 01: *  Size (bytes): 2101
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.386: 01: *  Message-ID: <
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.387: 01: *  Route slip host: smtp.telkom.net:587
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.387: 01: *  Route slip port: 587
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.390: 05: Resolving MX record for smtp.telkom.net
(DNS Server:
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.422: 04: *  DNS server reports no valid records for
the requested type found
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.422: 05: Resolving MX record for smtp.telkom.net
(DNS Server:
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.447: 04: *  DNS server reports no valid records for
the requested type found
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.447: 05: Resolving MX record for smtp.telkom.net
(DNS Server:
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.472: 04: *  DNS server reports no valid records for
the requested type found
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.473: 05: Attempting to send message to smart host
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.473: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.474: 05: Resolving A record for smtp.telkom.net
(DNS Server:
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.500: 05: *  D=smtp.telkom.net TTL=(0)
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.500: 05: Attempting SMTP connection to
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.502: 05: Waiting for socket connection...
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.503: 05: *  Connection established
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:22.503: 05: Waiting for protocol to start...
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.306: 02: <-- 220 fm1.smtp.telkom.net ESMTP Smtpd;
Thu, 8 Dec 2016 14:27:27 +0700
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.309: 03: --> EHLO mail.megatrukindoutama.com
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.336: 02: <-- 250-fm1.smtp.telkom.net Hello
[], pleased to meet you
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.336: 02: <-- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.336: 02: <-- 250-PIPELINING
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.336: 02: <-- 250-8BITMIME
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.336: 02: <-- 250-SIZE 20971520
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.336: 02: <-- 250-DSN
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.336: 02: <-- 250-STARTTLS
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.337: 02: <-- 250-DELIVERBY
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.337: 02: <-- 250 HELP
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.337: 03: --> MAIL From:<
hendra.sir...@megatrukindoutama.com> SIZE=2101
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.365: 02: <-- 250 2.1.0 <
hendra.sir...@megatrukindoutama.com>... Sender ok
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.365: 03: --> RCPT To:
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.393: 02: <-- 250 2.1.5 ...
Recipient ok
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.393: 03: --> RCPT To:
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.422: 02: <-- 250 2.1.5 ...
Recipient ok
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.422: 03: --> DATA
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.446: 02: <-- 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line
by itself
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.446: 05: Sending
 to []
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:25.447: 05: Transfer Complete
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:26.387: 02: <-- 250 2.0.0
uB87RRj8027472-uB87RRj9027472 Message accepted for delivery
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:26.390: 03: --> QUIT
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:26.414: 02: <-- 221 2.0.0 fm1.smtp.telkom.net closing
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:26.414: 05: SMTP session successful (Bytes in/out:
Thu 2016-12-08 14:27:26.414: 01: --

Kenap belum terima ya pak?
Pak saya mau tanya lagi: Apakah smtp.telkom.net sudah tdk bisa di gunakan

Terimakasih pak

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.5.2, SP 5.0.1, OC 4.0.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] tidak bisa kirim email dari luar

2016-08-24 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 25/08/16 13:35, Agus Firmansyah wrote:
> Berarti ini ada kemungkinan diblock oleh ISP jaringan WIFI tempat user saya
> melakukan koneksi internet ?


Semua ISP maupun korporasi memang direkomendasi untuk memblock outbound
tcp port 25 (smtp port) dan membuka tcp port 587 (MSA port).
Kalau port 110 (pop3), 143 (IMAP) sih tidak direkomendasi diblock karena
seperti halnya port 587 (MSA) untuk komunikasi antara email client
dengan email server milik sendiri.


ISP atau Korporasi yang tidak melakukan rekomendasi itu akan masuk dalam
DNS-BL spamhaus.org, cepat atau lambat.


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 16.5-64 Beta B, SP 5.0.1-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Rasa takut adalah naluri, rasa berani adalah kemenangan: kemauan
membungkam rasa takut dan menyembunyikannya dibawah rasa berani
-- Comtese Diane, 1829-1899

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.0.4, SP 5.0.1, OC 3.6.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] tidak bisa kirim email dari luar

2016-08-24 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 25/08/16 13:13, Agus Firmansyah wrote:
> Berikut tambahan untuk log POP3nya :
> Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:27: --> +OK 304 112409990

> Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:27: <-- UIDL 1

> Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:27: Sending UIDL response (not logged)
> Thu 2016-08-25 12:39:34: Connection timed out

POP3 dengan leave copy message on server itu membebani koneksi (dan juga
Beban di server bahkan lebih tinggi dibanding pakai IMAP, makin tinggi
mail traffic di user serta makin lama leave copynya makin berat beban
kerjanya baik di sisi client maupun server.

IMAP sudah jauh lebih maju protokolnya, misalkan mendukung Push IMAP,
dibanding POP3 yang tidak lagi dikembangkan sejak tahun 1996 yl.

Non aktifkan realtime scanning antivirus di PC client akan membantu
mengurangi beban koneksi yang lambat di sisi user/client.



Kalau MDaemon sudah diupgrade ke versi 14.0 keatas direkomendasikan
semua user pakai IMAP.


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 16.5-64 Beta B, SP 5.0.1-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Adalah sebuah nasihat yg baik yg pernah saya dengar diberikan kpd
seorang anak muda : Kerjakan selalu apa yg Anda takut melakukannya"
--Ralp Waldo Emmerson, 1803-1882.

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.0.4, SP 5.0.1, OC 3.6.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] tidak bisa kirim email dari luar

2016-08-24 Terurut Topik Agus Firmansyah
Dear Pak Syafril,

> On 25/08/16 12:36, Agus Firmansyah wrote:
> > Ada user saya dari luarkantortidak bisa kirim email,
> >
> > Muncul pesan berikut untuk SMTP in-nya :
> >
> > Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: Accepting SMTP connection from
> > [] to []
> Setting di email clientnya salah, mestinya outgoing server port = 587
> (MSA port) bukan tcp port 25 (SMTP port).
> Kalau pakai port 25 maka di filter oleh transparent proxynya ISP atau
> bahkan umumnya di block.

Berarti ini ada kemungkinan diblock oleh ISP jaringan WIFI tempat user saya
melakukan koneksi internet ?

Terima kasih.

Agus Firmansyah

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.0.4, SP 5.0.1, OC 3.6.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] tidak bisa kirim email dari luar

2016-08-24 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 25/08/16 12:36, Agus Firmansyah wrote:
> Ada user saya dari luarkantortidak bisa kirim email,
> Muncul pesan berikut untuk SMTP in-nya :
> Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: Accepting SMTP connection from
> [] to []

Setting di email clientnya salah, mestinya outgoing server port = 587
(MSA port) bukan tcp port 25 (SMTP port).

Kalau pakai port 25 maka di filter oleh transparent proxynya ISP atau
bahkan umumnya di block.

Ajarkan kedia untuk mengubah setting email clientnya seperti contoh berikut


Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 16.5-64 Beta B, SP 5.0.1-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

You cannot unify everyone’s thoughts, but you can unify everyone through
a common goal.
-- Jack Ma

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.0.4, SP 5.0.1, OC 3.6.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] tidak bisa kirim email dari luar

2016-08-24 Terurut Topik Agus Firmansyah

Dear Pak Syafril,

Ada user saya dari luar kantor tidak bisa kirim email,

Muncul pesan berikut untuk SMTP in-nya :

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: Session 61; child 5; thread 0

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: Accepting SMTP connection from
[] to []

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: --> 220 mail.ptist.co.id ESMTP MDaemon 11.0.1; Thu,
25 Aug 2016 12:29:45 +0700

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: <-- 


Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: --> 500 What? I don't understand that.

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: <-- À ÀÀ(À'ÀÀÀ

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: --> 500 What? I don't understand that.

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: <-- ÀÀ

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: --> 500 What? I don't understand that.

Thu 2016-08-25 12:30:52: <-- 

Thu 2016-08-25 12:30:52: Too many errors encountered

Thu 2016-08-25 12:30:52: SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 156/184)


Berikut tambahan untuk log POP3nya :

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:26: Session 58; child 1

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:26: Accepting POP3 connection from
[] to []

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:26: --> +OK mail.ptist.co.id POP3 MDaemon 11.0.1 ready

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:26: <-- APOP kawas...@ptist.co.id

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:26: --> +OK kawas...@ptist.co.id's mailbox has 304
total messages (112409990 octets)

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:27: <-- STAT

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:27: --> +OK 304 112409990

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:27: <-- UIDL 1

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:27: --> +OK 1

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:27: <-- UIDL 304

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:27: --> +OK 304

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:27: <-- UIDL

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:27: --> +OK

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:27: Sending UIDL response (not logged)

Thu 2016-08-25 12:39:34: Connection timed out

Thu 2016-08-25 12:39:34: POP3 session terminated, (Bytes in/out: 90/15159)

Kenapa ya ?

Terima kasih

Agus Firmansyah


PT. Indonesia Smelting Technology

Jl. Rembang Industri II/2A PIER Rembang - Pasuruan

Phone: 0343 740370 Fax 0343 740371


Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.0.4, SP 5.0.1, OC 3.6.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] tidak bisa kirim email dari luar

2016-08-24 Terurut Topik Agus Firmansyah
Dear Pak Syafril,

Ada user saya dari luar kantor tidak bisa kirim email,

Muncul pesan berikut untuk SMTP in-nya :

Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: Session 61; child 5; thread 0
Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: Accepting SMTP connection from
[] to []
Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: --> 220 mail.ptist.co.id ESMTP MDaemon 11.0.1; Thu,
25 Aug 2016 12:29:45 +0700
Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: <-- 
Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: --> 500 What? I don't understand that.
Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: <-- À ÀÀ(À'ÀÀÀ
Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: --> 500 What? I don't understand that.
Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: <-- ÀÀ
Thu 2016-08-25 12:29:45: --> 500 What? I don't understand that.
Thu 2016-08-25 12:30:52: <-- 
Thu 2016-08-25 12:30:52: Too many errors encountered
Thu 2016-08-25 12:30:52: SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 156/184)

Kenapa ya ?

Terima kasih

Agus Firmansyah
PT. Indonesia Smelting Technology
Jl. Rembang Industri II/2A PIER Rembang - Pasuruan
Phone: 0343 740370 Fax 0343 740371
Mobile : 087856717888

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.0.4, SP 5.0.1, OC 3.6.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim Email

2016-08-10 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 10/08/16 14:54, aswa...@swadayagraha.com -- Aswanto wrote:
> Mohon bantuannya terkait problem dibawah ini :
> Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] *  Connection established
> ( ->
> Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] Waiting for protocol to start...
> Wed 2016-08-10 14:01:45: [5700:1] Socket connection closed by the other
> side (how rude!)

Ada berapa firewall yang aktif didepan MDaemon?
Pakai windows apa untuk install MDaemon?
Versi MDaemon yang dipakai versi berapa?

Kelihatannya bermasalah terus dengan windows dan firewallnya.
Di install ulang saja Windowsnya, kalau bisa pakai WIn7 keatas, atau
lebih baik lagi win8.1/windows2012 keatas.

Untuk sementara di set saja untuk deliverynya always relay through


[x] Send all outbound email to a smart host

Default smart host:  smtp.padi.net.id

catatan: sebaiknya ngomong/ijin dulu ke ISP padinet untuk membolehkan
relay dari MDaemon (

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 16.5-64 Beta A, SP 5.0.1-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Hanya dia yang mempunyai keberanian yang sesungguhnya, yangg mampu
menanggung beban dari pengalaman yang seburuk-buruknya yang bisa dialami
manusia dengan sikap bijaksana
-- william Shakepeare, 1564-1616

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.0.4, SP 5.0.1, OC 3.6.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim Email

2016-08-10 Terurut Topik Aswanto
To Bapak Syafril

Dengan hormat,

Mohon bantuannya terkait problem dibawah ini :

Wed 2016-08-10 13:58:12: --
Wed 2016-08-10 14:03:55: [5700:1] Session 5700; child 1
Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] Parsing message 

Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] *  From: aswa...@swadayagraha.com
Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] *  To: purchas...@meco.co.id
Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] *  Subject: Bantuan Reply
Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] *  Size (bytes): 1602
Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] *  Message-ID: 

Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] Attempting SMTP connection to [meco.co.id]
Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] Resolving MX records for [meco.co.id] (DNS 
Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] *  P=005 S=000 D=meco.co.id TTL=(15) 
MX=[avas.dwp.co.id] {}
Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] *  P=020 S=001 D=meco.co.id TTL=(15) 
Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] Waiting for socket connection...
Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] *  Connection established 
( ->
Wed 2016-08-10 14:00:42: [5700:1] Waiting for protocol to start...
Wed 2016-08-10 14:01:45: [5700:1] Socket connection closed by the other side 
(how rude!)
Wed 2016-08-10 14:01:45: [5700:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Wed 2016-08-10 14:01:45: [5700:1] Resolving A record for 
[mxin.dnetsurabaya.id] (DNS Server:
Wed 2016-08-10 14:01:48: [5700:1] *  D=mxin.dnetsurabaya.id TTL=(5) 
Wed 2016-08-10 14:01:48: [5700:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Wed 2016-08-10 14:01:48: [5700:1] Waiting for socket connection...
Wed 2016-08-10 14:01:48: [5700:1] *  Connection established 
( ->
Wed 2016-08-10 14:01:48: [5700:1] Waiting for protocol to start...
Wed 2016-08-10 14:02:52: [5700:1] Socket connection closed by the other side 
(how rude!)
Wed 2016-08-10 14:02:52: [5700:1] Attempting to send message to smart host
Wed 2016-08-10 14:02:52: [5700:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Wed 2016-08-10 14:02:52: [5700:1] Resolving A record for 
[smtp.iconpln.net.id] (DNS Server:
Wed 2016-08-10 14:02:52: [5700:1] *  D=smtp.iconpln.net.id TTL=(710) 
Wed 2016-08-10 14:02:52: [5700:1] Attempting SMTP connection to 
Wed 2016-08-10 14:02:52: [5700:1] Waiting for socket connection...
Wed 2016-08-10 14:02:52: [5700:1] *  Connection established 
( ->
Wed 2016-08-10 14:02:52: [5700:1] Waiting for protocol to start...
Wed 2016-08-10 14:03:55: [5700:1] Socket connection closed by the other side 
(how rude!)
Wed 2016-08-10 14:03:55: [5700:1] This message is 29 minutes old; it has 31 
minutes left in this queue
Wed 2016-08-10 14:03:55: [5700:1] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out: 
Wed 2016-08-10 14:03:55: --

Terima kasih,

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.0.4, SP 5.0.1, OC 3.6.1, SG 4.0.1

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2016-05-30 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 30/05/16 16:00, Anto wrote:
> Client kami ada yang tidak bisa kirim email ke
> riko.marojahan.hutaba...@citi.com, bisa bantu analisa pak

> Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:30: 02: [180667] <-- 451 4.1.8 Domain of sender address 
> does not resolve

Server penerima tidak bisa resolve sender domain.
Hubungi recipient melalui akun lain, misalkan gmail/hotmail/yahoo, untuk
menghubungi pengelola mail servernya agar melakukan pengecheckan
terhadap DNS resolver yang digunakan server-2x nya.
Sekalian saja minta domain advanceproduct.com di whitelist.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 16.0.3-64 Beta A, SP 5.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Masa depan bukan mrpkan terusan masa silam. Masa depan akan mrpkan
rangkaian peristiwa yg diskontinyu. Kita hrs lupakan cara menghdpi masa
silam utk menangani masa depan
-- Charles Handy

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.0.2, SP 5.0, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.5.2, SG 3.0.3

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2016-05-30 Terurut Topik Anto
Dear Pak Syafril,


Client kami ada yang tidak bisa kirim email ke
riko.marojahan.hutaba...@citi.com, bisa bantu analisa pak

Lognya sebagai berikut :


Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:47: 05: [180667] Session 180667; child 0002

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:47: 01: [180667] Parsing message

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:47: 01: [180667] *  From:

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:47: 01: [180667] *  To:

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:47: 01: [180667] *  Subject: Permohonan EDC Citibank -
Advance Matraman

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:47: 01: [180667] *  Size (bytes): 272332

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:47: 01: [180667] *  Message-ID:

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:47: 05: [180667] Attempting SMTP connection to

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:47: 05: [180667] Resolving MX records for [citi.com]
(DNS Server:

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:47: 05: [180667] *  P=005 S=000 D=citi.com TTL=(28)

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:47: 05: [180667] *  P=005 S=001 D=citi.com TTL=(28)

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:47: 05: [180667] Attempting SMTP connection to

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:47: 05: [180667] Resolving A record for
[mx-a.mail.citi.com] (DNS Server:

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:48: 05: [180667] *  D=mx-a.mail.citi.com TTL=(0)

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:48: 05: [180667] Attempting SMTP connection to

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:48: 05: [180667] Waiting for socket connection...

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:48: 05: [180667] *  Connection established
( ->

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:48: 05: [180667] Waiting for protocol to start...

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:58: 02: [180667] <-- 220 mx-a.mail.citi.com ESMTP

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:58: 03: [180667] --> EHLO mail.advanceproduct.com

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:58: 02: [180667] <-- 250-mx-a.mail.citi.com Hello
mail.advanceproduct.com [] (may be forged), pleased to meet

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:58: 02: [180667] <-- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:58: 02: [180667] <-- 250-PIPELINING

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:58: 02: [180667] <-- 250-8BITMIME

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:58: 02: [180667] <-- 250 STARTTLS

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:58: 03: [180667] --> STARTTLS

Mon 2016-05-30 11:20:58: 02: [180667] <-- 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:00: 05: [180667] SSL negotiation successful (TLS 1.0,
2048 bit key exchange, 128 bit AES encryption)

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:00: 03: [180667] --> EHLO mail.advanceproduct.com

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:00: 02: [180667] <-- 250-mx-a.mail.citi.com Hello
mail.advanceproduct.com [] (may be forged), pleased to meet

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:00: 02: [180667] <-- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:00: 02: [180667] <-- 250-PIPELINING

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:00: 02: [180667] <-- 250 8BITMIME

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:00: 03: [180667] --> MAIL

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:30: 02: [180667] <-- 451 4.1.8 Domain of sender address
does not resolve

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:30: 03: [180667] --> QUIT

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:30: 05: [180667] Attempting SMTP connection to

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:30: 05: [180667] Resolving A record for
[mx-b.mail.citi.com] (DNS Server:

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:31: 05: [180667] *  D=mx-b.mail.citi.com TTL=(3)

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:31: 05: [180667] Attempting SMTP connection to

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:31: 05: [180667] Waiting for socket connection...

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:31: 05: [180667] *  Connection established
( ->

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:31: 05: [180667] Waiting for protocol to start...

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:41: 02: [180667] <-- 220 mx-b.mail.citi.com ESMTP

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:41: 03: [180667] --> EHLO mail.advanceproduct.com

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:42: 02: [180667] <-- 250-mx-b.mail.citi.com Hello
mail.advanceproduct.com [] (may be forged), pleased to meet

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:42: 02: [180667] <-- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:42: 02: [180667] <-- 250-PIPELINING

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:42: 02: [180667] <-- 250-8BITMIME

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:42: 02: [180667] <-- 250 STARTTLS

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:42: 03: [180667] --> STARTTLS

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:42: 02: [180667] <-- 220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:43: 05: [180667] SSL negotiation successful (TLS 1.0,
2048 bit key exchange, 128 bit AES encryption)

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:43: 03: [180667] --> EHLO mail.advanceproduct.com

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:43: 02: [180667] <-- 250-mx-b.mail.citi.com Hello
mail.advanceproduct.com [] (may be forged), pleased to meet

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:43: 02: [180667] <-- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:43: 02: [180667] <-- 250-PIPELINING

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:43: 02: [180667] <-- 250 8BITMIME

Mon 2016-05-30 11:21:43: 03: [180667] --> MAIL

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2016-05-19 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 20/05/16 09:18, Anto wrote:
> Client kami ada yang tidak bisa kirim email ke sa...@s-shaper.com
> , bisa bantu analisa pak
> Lognya sebagai berikut :

> Thu 2016-05-19 17:09:09: 02: [089469] <-- 554 DT:SPM mx8, 
> UtOowAA3qIenkD1XX64BAA--.5S2 1463652543 
> http://mail.163.com/help/help_spam_16.htm?ip=

Mail ditolak oleh antispam content filtering karena punya spamscore tinggi.



554 DT:SPM 发送的邮件内容包含了未被许可的信息,或被系统识别为垃圾邮件。

yang kalau diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia

554 DT: isi pesan yang dikirim SPM berisi informasi yang tidak
berlisensi atau diakui oleh sistem sebagai spam. Periksa untuk melihat
apakah ada pengguna untuk mengirim virus atau spam.

Hubungi penerima () menggunakan email berformat
plain text, minta agar domain advanceproduct.com dimasukkan kedalam
whitelist spam filter servernya (mail hosternya).

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 16.0.2-64, SP 5.0-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
--- Thomas A. Edison

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 16.0.2, SP 5.0, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.5.2, SG 3.0.3

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email

2016-05-19 Terurut Topik Anto
Dear Pak Syafril,


Client kami ada yang tidak bisa kirim email ke sa...@s-shaper.com, bisa
bantu analisa pak

Lognya sebagai berikut :


Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:42: 05: [089469] Session 089469; child 0001

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:42: 01: [089469] Parsing message

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:42: 01: [089469] *  From: lynn...@advanceproduct.com

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:42: 01: [089469] *  To: sa...@s-shaper.com

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:42: 01: [089469] *  Subject: Quotation for Functional

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:42: 01: [089469] *  Size (bytes): 1596867

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:42: 01: [089469] *  Message-ID:

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:42: 05: [089469] Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:42: 05: [089469] Resolving MX records for
[s-shaper.com] (DNS Server:

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 05: [089469] *  P=005 S=001 D=s-shaper.com
TTL=(120) MX=[qiye163mx01.mxmail.netease.com]

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 05: [089469] *  P=010 S=000 D=s-shaper.com
TTL=(120) MX=[qiye163mx02.mxmail.netease.com]

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 05: [089469] Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 05: [089469] Resolving A record for
[qiye163mx01.mxmail.netease.com] (DNS Server:

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 05: [089469] *  D=qiye163mx01.mxmail.netease.com
TTL=(9) A=[]

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 05: [089469] *  D=qiye163mx01.mxmail.netease.com
TTL=(9) A=[]

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 05: [089469] Randomly picked from list
of A records

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 05: [089469] Attempting SMTP connection to

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 05: [089469] Waiting for socket connection...

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 05: [089469] *  Connection established
( ->

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 05: [089469] Waiting for protocol to start...

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 02: [089469] <-- 220 bjqiyemx2.proxy.163.com ESMTP

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 03: [089469] --> EHLO mail.advanceproduct.com

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 02: [089469] <-- 250-bjqiyemx2.proxy.163.com

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 02: [089469] <-- 250-PIPELINING

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 02: [089469] <-- 250-8BITMIME

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 02: [089469] <-- 250-AUTH=LOGIN PLAIN

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 02: [089469] <-- 250 STARTTLS

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 03: [089469] --> STARTTLS

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 02: [089469] <-- 220 2.0.0 Start TLS

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 05: [089469] SSL negotiation successful (TLS 1.0,
2048 bit key exchange, 128 bit AES encryption)

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 03: [089469] --> EHLO mail.advanceproduct.com

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 02: [089469] <-- 250-bjqiyemx2.proxy.163.com

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 02: [089469] <-- 250-PIPELINING

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 02: [089469] <-- 250-8BITMIME

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 02: [089469] <-- 250 AUTH=LOGIN PLAIN

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 03: [089469] --> MAIL

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 02: [089469] <-- 250 2.0.0 OK

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:44: 03: [089469] --> RCPT To:

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:47: 02: [089469] <-- 250 Mail OK

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:47: 03: [089469] --> DATA

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:47: 02: [089469] <-- 354 End data with

Thu 2016-05-19 17:08:47: 05: [089469] Sending
 to []

Thu 2016-05-19 17:09:00: 05: [089469] Transfer Complete

Thu 2016-05-19 17:09:09: 02: [089469] <-- 554 DT:SPM mx8,
UtOowAA3qIenkD1XX64BAA--.5S2 1463652543

Thu 2016-05-19 17:09:09: 03: [089469] --> QUIT

Thu 2016-05-19 17:09:09: 02: [089469] <-- 221 Bye

Thu 2016-05-19 17:09:09: 04: [089469] SMTP session terminated (Bytes in/out:


Terimakasih atas bantuannya.






This e-mail message (including any attachments) is confidential and for use by 
the addressee only. If the message is received by anyone other than the 
addressee, please return the message to the sender by replying to it and then 
delete the message from your computer. Any unauthorised use or dissemination of 
this message (including any attachments) in whole or in part is strictly 
prohibited.  Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure and are susceptible to 
change. PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama does not accept responsibility for 
changes made to this message after it was sent. Whilst all reasonable care has 
been taken to avoid the transmission of viruses, it is the responsibility of 
the recipient to ensure that the onward transmission, opening or use of this 
message and any attachments will not adversely affect its systems or data. No 
responsibility is accepted by PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama in this regard and 
the recipient should carry out such virus and other checks as it consid
 ers appropriate. PT. Semangat Sejahtera Bersama does not also accept 
responsibility for the improper or incomplete transmission of the 

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke domain tertentu

2016-03-30 Terurut Topik Dian Septiana

On March 31, 2016 10:43 AM, Syafril Hermansyah wrote:

> Receiver pakai antispam firewall, mungkin sedang sibuk saja sementara.
> Umumnya firewall memang seperti itu, karena jika ada message yang di restrict 
> di response menggunakan protocol tcp/ip bukan protocol email yang membuat 
> sender tidak ngerti dan retry to send --> kanal atau firewall sibuk.

Terima kasih atas bantuannya Pak Syafril.

Dian S

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 15.5.3, SP 4.5.1, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.5.2, SG 3.0.3

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke domain tertentu

2016-03-30 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah

On March 31, 2016 11:31:17 AM GMT+08:00, Dian Septiana 

>Beberapa waktu yang lalu pernah ada problem seperti ini Pak, kemudian
>lancar sendiri. Sekarang terulang lagi, saat ini email ke
>semenindonesia.com banyak yang masuk ke Retry Queue, namun tidak semua

Receiver pakai antispam firewall, mungkin sedang sibuk saja sementara.
Umumnya firewall memang seperti itu, karena jika ada message yang di restrict 
di response menggunakan protocol tcp/ip bukan protocol email yang membuat 
sender tidak ngerti dan retry to send --> kanal atau firewall sibuk.

>Untuk hasil ping dan telnet port 25 ke server tujuan (
>normal Pak.

Kalau masih ada message di retry queue yang ditujukan ke domain itu di force 
retry now saja.

Syafril Hermansyah

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse any typo and my 

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 15.5.3, SP 4.5.1, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.5.2, SG 3.0.3

[MDaemon-L] Tidak bisa kirim email ke domain tertentu

2016-03-30 Terurut Topik Dian Septiana

On March 30, 2016 5:24 PM, Syafril Hermansyah wrote:

> Apakah selalu terjadi masalah ini atau baru terjadi hari ini saja?
> Coba di test dari MDaemon server untuk ping dan telnet port 25 ke 
> server tujuan (

Mohon maaf Pak Syafril, email sebelumnya tadi ikut terkirim 

Beberapa waktu yang lalu pernah ada problem seperti ini Pak, kemudian lancar 
sendiri. Sekarang terulang lagi, saat ini email ke semenindonesia.com banyak 
yang masuk ke Retry Queue, namun tidak semua user.
Untuk hasil ping dan telnet port 25 ke server tujuan ( normal 

Demikian terima kasih.

Dian S 

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server.

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-unsubscribe [at] dutaint.com
Berlangganan: kirim mail ke MDaemon-L-subscribe [at] dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 15.5.3, SP 4.5.1, BES 2.0.2, OC 3.5.2, SG 3.0.3

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