[mdaemon-l] Error Response: 501 5.7.0 Domain must resolve

2018-06-22 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 2018-06-23 11:04, Syafril Hermansyah (syaf...@dutaint.co.id) wrote:
> Sebaiknya minta ke smarthost antispamcloud.com untuk mengubah metode
> authentication untuk client allow relay menggunakan smtp submission dan
> di non aktifkan smtpcallback/callout khusus untuk domain dima.co.id.
> Lalu di server mail.dima.co.id diubah setting smarthostnya menjadi sbb:
> http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id/mdaemon/18.0/index.html?domain-manager_smart-host.htm
> Smart host: smtp.antispamcloud.com:587
> [x] Use SMTP authentication
> User name: tanyakan-ke-pengelola-antispamcloud.com
> Password: tanyakan-ke-pengelola-antispamcloud.com
> Pilihan lain, smtpcallout pakai email address tidak pakai  NULL reverse
> path agar bisa dilakukan whitelist di smtpauthentication credential MDaemon.
> Mirip dengan caranya MTA Postfix atau MDaemon Security Gateway.

Sementara belum diubah oleh antispamcloud.com bisa gunakan smarthost
milik ISP (mybati.com).

Smart host: smtp.mybati.com

atau tanyakan ke ISP apa nama host untuk smarthost yang bisa digunakan
oleh server mail.dima.co.id

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 18.0.2-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Org yg bijaksana adalah yang mengetahui sejauh mana dia bisa pergi
terlalu jauh
-- Jean Cocteau, born 1891

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0.2, SG 5.5.0

[mdaemon-l] Error Response: 501 5.7.0 Domain must resolve

2018-06-22 Terurut Topik Syafril Hermansyah
On 2018-06-22 23:33, Heryanto (herya...@dima.co.id) wrote:
> Pak syafril mau tanya mengapa pada file
> ftp://ftp.dutaint.com/altn-mdaemon/miscl/ReverseXcpt.dat IP mail server
> kami hanya 3 oktet ? 116.254.100 #mail.dima.co.id

Oh iya, line itu tidak lengkap.
Sudah diperbaiki.

> Karena ada error log kemarin tgl 22 Juni 2018
> terkait 550-Response: 501 5.7.0 Domain must resolve, apakah ini ada
> kaitannya ?


> Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:53.024: [159022] <-- 550-Callback setup failed while 
> verifying 
> Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:53.024: [159022] <-- 550-Called: 
> Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:53.024: [159022] <-- 550-Sent: MAIL FROM:<> 
> Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:53.024: [159022] <-- 550-Response: 501 5.7.0 Domain must 
> resolve
> Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:53.024: [159022] <-- 550-The initial connection, or a 
> HELO or MAIL FROM:<> command was
> Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:53.024: [159022] <-- 550-rejected. Refusing MAIL FROM:<> 
> does not help fight spam, disregards
> Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:53.024: [159022] <-- 550-RFC requirements, and stops you 
> from receiving standard bounce
> Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:53.025: [159022] <-- 550-messages. This host does not 
> accept mail from domains whose servers
> Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:53.025: [159022] <-- 550-refuse bounces.
> Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:53.025: [159022] <-- 550 Invalid sender 

Tolakkan ini dilakukan oleh smarthost smtp.antispamcloud.com yang gagal
melakukan smtpcallout ke server mail.dima.co.id.
Persis kejadian yl.


Sebaiknya minta ke smarthost antispamcloud.com untuk mengubah metode
authentication untuk client allow relay menggunakan smtp submission dan
di non aktifkan smtpcallback/callout khusus untuk domain dima.co.id.

Lalu di server mail.dima.co.id diubah setting smarthostnya menjadi sbb:


Smart host: smtp.antispamcloud.com:587

[x] Use SMTP authentication

User name: tanyakan-ke-pengelola-antispamcloud.com
Password: tanyakan-ke-pengelola-antispamcloud.com

Pilihan lain, smtpcallout pakai email address tidak pakai  NULL reverse
path agar bisa dilakukan whitelist di smtpauthentication credential MDaemon.
Mirip dengan caranya MTA Postfix atau MDaemon Security Gateway.

Syafril Hermansyah
MDaemon-L Moderators, MDaemon 18.0.2-64
Harap tidak cc: atau kirim ke private mail untuk masalah MDaemon.

Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.
--- Socrates

Milis ini untuk Diskusi antar pengguna MDaemon Mail Server di Indonesia

Netiket: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MailingListEtiquette
Arsip: http://mdaemon-l.dutaint.com
Dokumentasi : http://mdaemon.dutaint.co.id
Berlangganan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-subscr...@dutaint.com
Henti Langgan: Kirim mail ke mdaemon-l-unsubscr...@dutaint.com
Versi terakhir MD 18.0.2, SG 5.5.0

[mdaemon-l] Error Response: 501 5.7.0 Domain must resolve

2018-06-22 Terurut Topik Heryanto
Dear Pak Syafril,


Pak syafril mau tanya mengapa pada file
ftp://ftp.dutaint.com/altn-mdaemon/miscl/ReverseXcpt.dat IP mail server kami
hanya 3 oktet ? 116.254.100 #mail.dima.co.id 
Karena ada error log kemarin tgl 22 Juni 2018 terkait 550-Response: 501
5.7.0 Domain must resolve, apakah ini ada kaitannya ? 



Berikut error log lengkapnya: 


Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:34.724: [159022] Session 159022; child 0005 Thu
2018-06-21 14:34:34.724: [159022] Parsing message
 Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:34.726:
[159022] * From: smg.admpo...@dima.co.id 
Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:34.726: [159022] * To: juliana_budiya...@yahoo.com
  Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:34.726: [159022]
* Subject: FW: Bukti transfer dan perincian klaim subdist PT Budimas Thu
2018-06-21 14:34:34.726: [159022] * Size (bytes): 111506 Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:34.726: [159022] * Message-ID:
<004d01d40931$78d7e7d0$6a87b770$@dima.co.id  > Thu
2018-06-21 14:34:34.730: [159022] Attempting to send message to smart host
Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:34.730: [159022] Attempting SMTP connection to
smtp.antispamcloud.com   Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:34.730: [159022] Resolving A record for smtp.antispamcloud.com
  (DNS Server: Thu
2018-06-21 14:34:34.733: [159022] * D=smtp.antispamcloud.com
  TTL=(28) A=[] Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:34.733: [159022] * D=smtp.antispamcloud.com
  TTL=(28) A=[] Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:34.733: [159022] * D=smtp.antispamcloud.com
  TTL=(28) A=[] Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:34.733: [159022] * D=smtp.antispamcloud.com
  TTL=(28) A=[] Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:34.733: [159022] * D=smtp.antispamcloud.com
  TTL=(28) A=[] Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:34.733: [159022] * D=smtp.antispamcloud.com
  TTL=(28) A=[] Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:34.733: [159022] * D=smtp.antispamcloud.com
  TTL=(28) A=[] Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:34.733: [159022] * D=smtp.antispamcloud.com
  TTL=(28) A=[] Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:34.733: [159022] * D=smtp.antispamcloud.com
  TTL=(28) A=[] Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:34.733: [159022] * D=smtp.antispamcloud.com
  TTL=(28) A=[] Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:34.733: [159022] * D=smtp.antispamcloud.com
  TTL=(28) A=[] Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:34.733: [159022] * D=smtp.antispamcloud.com
  TTL=(28) A=[] Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:34.733: [159022] Randomly picked from list of possible
hosts Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:34.733: [159022] Attempting SMTP connection to   Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:34.733:
[159022] Waiting for socket connection... Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:34.904:
[159022] * Connection established
  Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:34.904: [159022] Waiting
for protocol to start... Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:35.079: [159022] <-- 220
mx66.antispamcloud.com   ESMTP Exim 135189
Thu, 21 Jun 2018 09:30:13 +0200 Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:35.080: [159022] -->
EHLO mail.dima.co.id   Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:35.250:
[159022] <-- 250-mx66.antispamcloud.com 
Hello edm.ed-dima.com   [] Thu
2018-06-21 14:34:35.250: [159022] <-- 250-SIZE Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:35.250:
[159022] <-- 250-8BITMIME Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:35.250: [159022] <-- 250-DSN
Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:35.250: [159022] <-- 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN Thu
2018-06-21 14:34:35.250: [159022] <-- 250-STARTTLS Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:35.250: [159022] <-- 250 HELP Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:35.250: [159022]
--> STARTTLS Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:35.427: [159022] <-- 220 TLS go ahead Thu
2018-06-21 14:34:36.679: [159022] SSL negotiation successful (TLS 1.2, 2048
bit key exchange, 128 bit AES encryption) Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:36.680:
[159022] SSL certificate is valid (matches smtp.antispamcloud.com
  and is signed by recognized CA) Thu
2018-06-21 14:34:36.680: [159022] --> EHLO mail.dima.co.id
  Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:36.911: [159022] <--
250-mx66.antispamcloud.com   Hello
edm.ed-dima.com   [] Thu 2018-06-21
14:34:36.911: [159022] <-- 250-SIZE Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:36.911: [159022]
<-- 250-8BITMIME Thu 2018-06-21 14:34:36.911: [159022] <-- 250-DSN Thu
2018-06-21 14:34:36.911: [159022] <-- 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN Thu 2018-06-21