[media-dakwah] Seri 760. Idun Nahar

2007-01-06 Terurut Topik H. M. Nur Abdurrahman


[Kolom Tetap Harian Fajar]
760. Idun Nahar

Idun Nahar ('Iyd An-Nahr), artinya Hari Raya menyembelih hewan qurban, sehingga 
disebut pula Idul Qurban ('Iyd Al-Qurbaan), dilaksanakan pada  sepenggal 
matahari naik (al-adhhay), maka disebut pula idul Adha ('Iyd Al-Adhhay). Ada 
perbedaan antara qurban dgn kurban dgn korban. 
Korban, hanya terkhusus atas manusia yang ditimpa musibah, bahasa Inggrisnya, 
victim. Mati atau tidak mati, cedera atau tidak cedera, namun mereka yang 
rumahnya hancur di Palestina, Afghanistan dan Iraq kena rudal para imperialis 
yang bengis, yaitu Israel, Amerika dan Inggris, juga disebut korban. 
Kurban, yaitu pacara khurafat ritual accera' (mengucurkan darah), seperti 
contohnya kepala kerbau, atau bahkan dalam agama primitif bisa berupa manusia 
juga, untuk dipersembahkan kepada hantu-hantu penguasa di tempat upacara 
khurafat itu, ataupun untuk persembahan kepada dewa-dewa. Persembahan itu 
dimaksudkan agar daging dan darahnya disantap dan diminum oleh para hantu dan 
dewa penguasa itu. Alhasil kata kurban berarti suguhan (offering) dan sesajen 
yang sakral (sacrifice), dan itu dapat saja terdiri dari manusia, binatang dan 
Qurban adalah bahasa Al-Quran yang dibentuk oleh akar kata 3 huruf: Qaf-Ra-Ba 
[QRB], dengan wazan (pola) Fa-'Ain-Lam-Alif-Nun [F'ALAN], fu'laan, menjadi 
[QRBAN] qurbaan, artinya  dekat. Jika ditasrifkan menjadi taqarrub berarti 
mendekatkan diri. Seperti telah disebutkan di atas qurban ini telah diserap ke 
dalam bahasa Indonesia dalam  bentuk korban dan kurban. Akan tetapi kata-kata 
korban dan kurban dalam cita-rasa bahasa Indonesia sudah menyimpang dari makna 
dekat seperti dijelaskan di atas. Namun dalam pada itu apabila [QRB] dalam 
bentuk qarib, yang diserap ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dalam ungkapan sahabat 
karib, serta bentuk tafdhil (superlatif) yaitu aqrab dalam ungkapan pergaulan 
yang akrab, masih  terasa maknanya yang asli. Kedua kata karib dan akrab 
tersebut masih kental cita-rasa makna bahasa asalnya, dekat.
Dalam hal permulaan puasa dan Idulfitri ada perintah spb: 
-- 'An Abiy Hurayrata yaquwlu qaala nNabiyyu Sh M shuwmuw liru'yatihi wafthuruw 
liru'yatihi fain ghubbiya 'alaykum fakmiluw 'iddata sya'baana tsalaatsiyn, 
-- Dari Abu Hurayrah (ia) berkata: Nabi SAW (telah) bersabda puasalah kamu 
apabila melihatnya (al Hilal) dan berbukalah apabila kamu melihatnya dan jika 
bulan tertutup atasmu maka sempurnakanlah bilangan Sya'ban tiga puluh (HR 
-- FMN SyHD MNKM ALsYHR FLYSMH (s. aLBQRt, 2:185), dibaca:
-- Faman syahida minkumusy syahra falyasumhu, artnya:
-- maka siapa menyaksikan syahr (month) wajiblah ia puasa.
Jadi dalam konteks puasa dan Idul Fithri ada perintah umum kepada semua ummat 
Islam untuk melihat bulan sabit (HR Bukhari) atau menghitung syahr (ayat 
2:185), sehingga saat mulai puasa (shuwmuw) dan Idul Fithri (wafthuruw) 
tergantung dari mathla', di tempat mana pada permukaan bumi ini kita berpijak, 
maka tidak perlu kita di Indonesia ini ataupun di mana saja harus sama dengan 
Makkah dalam hal waktu pelaksanaan mulai puasa ataupun Idul Fithri.
Dalam hal Idun Nahar tidak ada perintah melihat dan menghitung bulan kepada 
seluruh ummat Islam. Idun Nahar adalah bagian dari ibadah haji, disebut pula 
Lebaran Haji, sehingga penterapan metode qiyas (analogi) melihat dan menghitung 
hilal hanya terkhusus bagi ummat Islam di tempat pelaksanaan ibadah haji saja, 
yang sentralnya ialah wuquf di 'Arafah. Kantor Berita Arab Saudi SPA 
menyebutkan, Majelis Pengadilan tertinggi Syariah Arab Saudi telah menetapkan 
hari wuquf di Arafah jatuh pada hari Jumat, 29 Desember 2006, sehingga Idun 
Nahar 30 Desember 2006. Jadi di Indonesia dan di mana saja di permukaan bumi 
ini puasa sunnat 'Arafah ialah pada hari Jum'at.
Namun, di Indonesia kebanyakan menterapkan metode qiyas melihat hilal dan 
menghitung syahr juga dalam hal penetapan Idun Nahar. Hasilnya ialah di 
Indonesia 1 Dzulhijjah jatuh pada malam/hari Jum'at, sehingga Idun Nahar, 10 
Dzulhijjah jatuh pada hari Ahad, 31 Desember 2006. Terjadi ganjalan di dalam 
qalbu --saya pakai q, bukan k, karena kalbu(n) berarti anjing-- kalau 
sehari sebelum shalat Idun Nahar melakukan puasa sunnat 'Arafah, yaitu hari 
Sabtu ! Sehingga dapat dimaklumi bahwa pemerintah tidak melarang masyarakat 
yang hendak shalat Idul Adha pada 30 Desember 2006, itu menurut Dirjen 
Bimbingan Masyarakat (Bimas) Islam, Nas(a)ruddin Umar. Yang melakukan Lebaran 
Haji pada hari Sabtu di antaranya: DDII, HTI dan Hidayatullah. Karena isi rumah 
saya puasa 'Arafah pada hari Jum'at, maka kami Lebaran Haji hari Sabtu di rumah 
bersama keluarga, berhubung jalan di depan rumah menganak sungai setinggi paha 
orang dewasa. 
Kolom ini bertemakan, wahyu dahulu, kemudian baru akal, iman dahulu kemudian 
baru ilmu. Jadi tekstual dahulu baru takwil dan kontekstual.
Menyembelih. Untuk menghemat tempat 

[media-dakwah] TEST

2007-01-06 Terurut Topik H. M. Nur Abdurrahman

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[media-dakwah] US Terrorize The World - 17 Dhul-Hijjah 1427 H (7.1.07)

2007-01-06 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer
* US occupation troops raided the ar-Rahman Mosque in western Baghdad’s 
al-Khadra’ district after Friday congregational prayer services there.
* Pro-Iranian militia blast residential areas of southern Baghdad 
Thursday night.
* Resistance bomb destroys Humvee, leaving four American Marines 
reported dead in al-Mahmudiyah late Friday.
* Two puppet police die when booby-trapped house explodes over them in 
Tall ‘Afar Thursday.
* Resistance fighters assault puppet army checkpoint north of 
ad-Dulu‘iyah Friday morning.
* Resistance car bomber blasts puppet army checkpoint in al-Khalis.
* US, puppet forces raid homes arrest residents and local Imam in 
al-Iskandariyah Thursday.
* Resistance fighters attack home of puppet Oil Facility Protection 
Force southwest of Kirkuk Friday morning.
* Resistance bomb blasts puppet police in Kirkuk early Friday.
* Resistance fighters kill puppet police colonel in al-Mawsil Thursday 



...I never thought I would be so happy to come back home. I am still 
disoriented and traumatized, and though I had taken pain killers, and 
coffee after coffee, I just can't bring myself to sleep. Early this morning 
while walking in Ramallah, I took a road that brought awful memories into 
my head. Last year, I witnessed one of the Israeli forces' raids in 
Ramallah. Though it was from a distance, it was a chilling experience to be 
totally surrounded by bullets and blood. I have just come back from 
Ramallah where together with my sister I was locked inside a building at Al 
Manara, Ramallah's city center, for four hours. While we were shopping this 
afternoon, people started running, stores began closing up, and the 
Palestinian policemen fled from Al Manara. Everyone was pointing somewhere 
upwards and there were two Israeli helicopters flying in Ramallah's skies...


4 killed as Hamas says U.S. is funding a 'revolt' against our government

We demand that Abbas reject this U.S. policy, which is tearing the 
Palestinian people apart,


Abbas demands that rival Hamas join security forces

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas has demanded that a force led by the 
ruling Hamas movement be integrated into existing security structures as 
factional tensions simmered in Gaza following two days of deadly clashes.


Nancy Pelosis : You Don't Speak for All Americans on Palestine

Since Mrs. Pelosi is so concerned about America 's tarnished image abroad, 
she should stop pandering to the powerful pro-Israeli lobby. Maybe then we 
can have a genuine and just peace between Israelis and Palestinians.


America's new puppet

By its ill-judged invasion of Somalia, Ethiopia has become an accomplice in 
Bush's war on terror


Anti-Ethiopian protests rock Somali capital

Ethiopian occupation troops and Somali protesters exchanged fire in 
Mogadishu on Saturday killing three people, witnesses said, as hundreds of 
Somalis demonstrated against the foreign forces and a government 
disarmament drive.


Somalia: A State Restored?

A makeshift state, the Transitional Federal Government, which had been 
created years ago by other states but was almost invisible within Somalia, 
was installed in Mogadishu. The Somali state was restored ­ or so it seems.


9/11 : Inside Gitmo North

EXCLUSIVE: After being held without charge for five years, terrorism 
suspect Mahmoud Jaballah speaks out from the special, high-security 
facility built just for him and two others near Kingston

BATH, Ont.­In neat handwriting that fills three pages are Mahmoud 
Jaballah's complaints about daily life inside this $3.2 million portable 
surrounded by barbed wire that was built for him and two other Toronto 
terrorism suspects.

Jaballah and two other detainees held here stand accused by Canada's spy 
service of belonging to organizations with connections to Al Qaeda ­ claims 
they deny. They have been held for more than five years. None have been 
charged criminally but remain detained here in legal limbo.


9/11 : FBI probes death threat against Muslim leader

The FBI said Friday that it is investigating a death threat sent to the 
leader of a local Muslim group after U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer rescinded a 
certificate her office had awarded to him.


Crimes Against Humanity From Ford to Saddam

If we do not limit our analysis of Ford to his role

[media-dakwah] The execution debate on Al-Jazeera: You are an Iranian dog

2007-01-06 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The execution debate on Al-Jazeera: You are an Iranian dog

to Iraq


January 6, 2006

This is a video from a debate broadcast on Al-Jazeera about Saddam 
execution in 2-1-2007, Mashaan Al-Jaburi reveals the real identity of this 
person who claim that he representing Iraq.


Mashaan Al-Jaburi (right side): Chairman of the reconciliation and 
liberation bloc in Iraqi Parliament, owner of Al-Zawraa TV satellite 
channel [read Cairo Ignores U.S. Request to Pull Plug on Jihadi TV in 
Iraq and http://www.roadstoiraq.com/2007/01/04/this-is-al-zawraa/This 
is Al-Zawra’a]

Sadeq al-Musawi (left side): [pseudo name]  Chief of Iraqi Media and 
International Relations

Faisal Al-Kasim: Al-Jazeera anchor, of The Opposite Direction show.

watch the show: You are an Iranian dog


Faisal Al-Kasim: Welcome again Dear viewers We are on air in the Program of 
the opposite direction, start with you Mr. Mousawi, I would like to 
apologize to thousands of people who plunged the electronic mail the 
messages to pay tribute to Saddam Hussein.

Some people describe the image as Jesus Christ, a female writer from 
Tunisia Hanan Al-Munsif says that he is the martyr just like historical 
Al-Hussein, who shed his blood by the same the hands and the same the 
Can you deny that this man entered history through its broadest gate this 
assassination also is called in the first day of Eid Al-Adha feast What do 
you say about these allegation?

Mashaan al-Jaburi: [interrupting]: Please….

Faisal Al-Kasim: Just a minute, the voting. Do you support the execution of 
Saddam Hussein? 88.6% no, 11.4% Yes, what do you say to them?

Mashaan al-Jabouri: But if I may…..

Faisal Al-Kasim: Just a minute.

Mashaan al-Jabouri: I want to invite the viewers to read a verse from the 
Quran on the soul of the martyr President Saddam Hussein.

Sadeq al-Musawi: In the name of God, the Merciful, we are not here to read 
a verse from the Quran.

Mashaan al-Jabouri: (In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

Sadeq al-Musawi: Here we condemn the man.

Mashaan al-Jabouri: (Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the 
worlds, Most Gracious, Most Merciful…..).

Sadeq al-Musawi: condemn the man who killed thousands and millions of 
Iraqis I am not here to read Quran verses, he killed his nephew in Ramadan, 
the man did not know only violence and killings, I am here to talk to those 
who have sent you messages I am here to clarified the picture to the Arab 
people and the Islamic nation, they should understand who is Saddam 
Hussein, we want to say that Iraqi people today impelled me millions of 
messages from millions of mothers and fathers who were sitting and waiting 
for their sons that they would return from prisons and fronts of 
battlefield fabricated by Saddam Hussein.

Faisal Al-Kasim: OK.

Sadiq Al-Mosawi: Allow me …. Saddam Hussein is not the leader and not an 
Arab leader Saddam Hussein’s climb to power surreptitiously in the dark 
night killed his contemporaries to access the governance, Saddam Hussein 
went to the dustbin of history Saddam Hussein does not described as leader 
of the Arabs.

Who wants to describe Saddam Hussein as Arab leader hurts the feelings of 
the Iraqis people as a whole Sunni, Shiite and Turkmen and Christians all 
scarred Saddam Hussein today this man dead - as a shoplifter or likes.

Faisal Al-Kasim: OK.

Quarrel and angry dispute starts between the two guests, Sadeq al-Musawi 
leaves the place angry after Mashaan Al-Jaburi calls him an Iranian dog.

Faisal Al-Kasim: sit, sit, please sit

Mashaan al-Jabouri: Well, first, if you please, Mr. Faisal allowed me to 
explain to the audience…. you were unable to bring one national Shiite 
guest accepts to show himself in this position.

Clarify for the Iraqis….. these papers issued by the Interior Ministry, 
this person [Sadeq al-Musawi] who his name is Tarek request of Iraqi 
nationality in 2004, You know that he entered Qatar as Tariq and not on as 
Sadeq Al Mousawi, his father and mother living in Iran when recalling his 
friends, he recalls Ibrahim al-Jaafari and says that the has no family in Iraq.

This person is not of an Iraqi citizen, he is part of the Safavid, Iranian 
project, when I say Shiites I do not mean the sons of Iraq from the Shiites 



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[media-dakwah] The Puppet Is Upset : Saddam Execution

2007-01-06 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Puppet Is Upset : Saddam Execution



January 6, 2007

Lyncher-in-Chief Is Upset About Worldwide Revulsion At The Barbarity of His 
Shiite Thugs: The sock puppet threatened to cut diplomatic relations with 
any country criticizing the lynching...


Iraq PM hits out at hanging critics

- January 6, 2006

Nuri al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister, has said his country may review 
relations with countries which have criticised the manner of the execution 
of Saddam Hussein, saying the hanging was an internal matter.

Al-Maliki said: We consider the execution of the dictator an internal 
affair that concerns only the Iraqi people.

Saturday's comments were the prime minister's first reaction to the ousted 
president's hanging in Baghdad on December 30.

He said: The Iraqi government could be obliged to review its relations 
with any state that fails to respect the wish of the Iraqi people.

Al-Maliki, speaking at a ceremony on the 86th anniversary of the Iraqi 
army, reacted angrily to those who criticised the execution.

He said: We find that this conduct is inciting sedition and flagrant 
interference in the internal affairs of Iraq and abuses feelings of the 
families of the victims.

Mubarak criticism

A number of international leaders have criticised the manner of Saddam's 
hanging saying it appeared as a sectarian lynching rather than a 
court-directed punishment.

The criticism came after a guard, believed to be a Shia, taunted the Sunni 
former president in his final moments.

The strongest comments came from Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, who 
said that the execution had turned Saddam into a martyr.

New security plan

In a separate development, al-Maliki said that Iraqi forces would launch a 
new effort, with US help, to wrest control of Baghdad's neighbourhoods from 
armed groups.

Al-Maliki said: The Baghdad security plan is now ready and we will depend 
on our armed forces to implement it with multinational forces behind them. 
Field leaders will ask for help from these forces if needed.

Iraqi forces will begin a neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood assault on 
fighters in the capital this weekend, as a first step in the new White 
House strategy to contain violence in the capital.

The first details of the plan emerged on Friday, a day after George Bush, 
the US president, and al-Maliki spoke for nearly two hours by video conference.

Bush is expected to outline more of the strategy in the coming days.


On Saturday, Iraqi police clashed with armed men in the area near Haifa 
Street, a traditional Sunni area in central Baghdad, when they went to 
investigate a report that 27 bodies had been found.

A source at Baghdad police headquarters said local police called in 
reinforcements, but when they arrived, they came under fire.

Meanwhile, police said two car bombs killed four civilians in separate 
attacks in the Iraqi capital on Saturday.

A parked car exploded near a fuel station in the southern neighbourhood of 
Dora at midday, killing three people and wounding four others.

Another car bomb targeted the convoy of a high-ranking Iraqi police officer 
in the central Baghdad neighbourhood of Karradah, killing a pedestrian and 
wounding six.

Ali al-Yassiri, head of emergency police in the Iraqi capital, survived the 
attack on his convoy, while three of his bodyguards were hurt.



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[media-dakwah] Future of Iraq: The spoils of war

2007-01-06 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Future of Iraq: The spoils of war

How the West will make a killing on Iraqi oil riches

By Danny Fortson, Andrew Murray-Watson and Tim Webb

Published: 07 January 2007

Iraq's massive oil reserves, the third-largest in the world, are about to 
be thrown open for large-scale exploitation by Western oil companies under 
a controversial law which is expected to come before the Iraqi parliament 
within days.

The US government has been involved in drawing up the law, a draft of which 
has been seen by The Independent on Sunday. It would give big oil companies 
such as BP, Shell and Exxon 30-year contracts to extract Iraqi crude and 
allow the first large-scale operation of foreign oil interests in the 
country since the industry was nationalised in 1972.

The huge potential prizes for Western firms will give ammunition to critics 
who say the Iraq war was fought for oil. They point to statements such as 
one from Vice-President Dick Cheney, who said in 1999, while he was still 
chief executive of the oil services company Halliburton, that the world 
would need an additional 50 million barrels of oil a day by 2010. So where 
is the oil going to come from?... The Middle East, with two-thirds of the 
world's oil and the lowest cost, is still where the prize ultimately lies, 
he said.

Oil industry executives and analysts say the law, which would permit 
Western companies to pocket up to three-quarters of profits in the early 
years, is the only way to get Iraq's oil industry back on its feet after 
years of sanctions, war and loss of expertise. But it will operate through 
production-sharing agreements (or PSAs) which are highly unusual in the 
Middle East, where the oil industry in Saudi Arabia and Iran, the world's 
two largest producers, is state controlled.

Opponents say Iraq, where oil accounts for 95 per cent of the economy, is 
being forced to surrender an unacceptable degree of sovereignty.

Proposing the parliamentary motion for war in 2003, Tony Blair denied the 
false claim that we want to seize Iraq's oil revenues. He said the 
money should be put into a trust fund, run by the UN, for the Iraqis, but 
the idea came to nothing. The same year Colin Powell, then Secretary of 
State, said: It cost a great deal of money to prosecute this war. But the 
oil of the Iraqi people belongs to the Iraqi people; it is their wealth, it 
will be used for their benefit. So we did not do it for oil.

Supporters say the provision allowing oil companies to take up to 75 per 
cent of the profits will last until they have recouped initial drilling 
costs. After that, they would collect about 20 per cent of all profits, 
according to industry sources in Iraq. But that is twice the industry 
average for such deals.

Greg Muttitt, a researcher for Platform, a human rights and environmental 
group which monitors the oil industry, said Iraq was being asked to pay an 
enormous price over the next 30 years for its present instability. They 
would lose out massively, he said, because they don't have the capacity 
at the moment to strike a good deal.

Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister, Barham Salih, who chairs the country's oil 
committee, is expected to unveil the legislation as early as today. It is 
a redrawing of the whole Iraqi oil industry [to] a modern standard, said 
Khaled Salih, spokesman for the Kurdish Regional Government, a party to the 
negotiations. The Iraqi government hopes to have the law on the books by March.

Several major oil companies are said to have sent teams into the country in 
recent months to lobby for deals ahead of the law, though the big names are 
considered unlikely to invest until the violence in Iraq abates.

James Paul, executive director at the Global Policy Forum, the 
international government watchdog, said: It is not an exaggeration to say 
that the overwhelming majority of the population would be opposed to this. 
To do it anyway, with minimal discussion within the [Iraqi] parliament is 
really just pouring more oil on the fire.

Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman and a former chief 
economist at Shell, said it was crucial that any deal would guarantee funds 
for rebuilding Iraq. It is absolutely vital that the revenue from the oil 
industry goes into Iraqi development and is seen to do so, he said. 
Although it does make sense to collaborate with foreign investors, it is 
very important the terms are seen to be fair.



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[media-dakwah] The Mossad in the CIA

2007-01-06 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Mossad in the CIA

January 3, 2007
by Nicole Bagley

It might be of public interest to know that a significant number of Israeli 
Mossad agents are now working in the United States as employees of the 
Central Intelligence Agency. These agents, some of whom are listed below, 
are initially paid by the Israeli Embassy in Washington but Israel then 
bills the U.S. Government for the salaries and is reimbursed in full on a 
monthly basis.

Here is a partial listing of identified Mossad agents (as of 1 January, 
2007)  along with their dates of birth and salaries. They do not have 
American Social Security numbers and do not pay American taxes.

* Gadi 
Regev 12/17/1975 
$63,000  per annum
* Betzalel 
Yanay9/4/1978 $75,000 

* Eyal 
Artzel5/27/1977 $ 
* Sharon 
Rotem   8/12/1977 $ 
* David 
Susi  1/9/1975 
* Dana 
Sasson 8/10/1980 
* Morin 
Biton  7/14/1980 $ 
* Gilad 
Lifschitz  9/17/1978 
* Maya 
Maimon12/26/1978  $65,000 

* Marco 
Fernandez 4/13/1977  $54,000 
* Keren 
Touyz 8/20/1978 $75,000 
* Nofar 
* Michal 
* Ophir 
Baer  11/11/1956 
* Dilka 
Borenstein  3/15/1979  $ 
* Michael 
Calmanovic  9/6/75  $102,000 

Most of these U.S.-subsidized spies live in Potomac, McLean, Georgetown and 
Arlington. I have their addresses and these will be published in a 
follow-up article.

These are Israeli citizens but many of the middle level CIA officials are 
American-born Jews and not included in this list but we do know who they 
are. All of them, without exception, work for Israel and Israeli interests, 
not American interests and more than a few are known to be friendly with a 
number of the so-called Neocons, a significant number of whom are also 
Israeli citizens.



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[media-dakwah] America's new puppet

2007-01-06 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

America's new puppet

By its ill-judged invasion of Somalia, Ethiopia has become an accomplice in 
Bush's war on terror

Cameron Duodu
Friday January 5, 2007
http://www.guardian.co.ukThe Guardian

If the 20th century taught us anything, it was that powerful armies can be 
brought to their knees by small groups of fighters who are not afraid to 
die. Small Vietnam humiliated mighty America, and the stone-age 
mujahideen of Afghanistan sent the Soviet army packing. With all this so 
apparent, why has the Ethiopian prime minister, Meles Zenawi, sent his army 
into Somalia?

The transitional government had been fighting a civil war against the Union 
of Islamic Courts (UIC). Meles may think the former has the people's 
backing, but that poses the question: if it's so popular, why does it need 
the Ethiopian army to fight for it?

Ethiopia fought a war against the Somali government in the late 1970s and 
early 80s, but there has been peace on the border for over a decade. So 
Ethiopia cannot point to internal safety concerns in allowing itself to be 
drawn into invading its neighbour.

The crisis has now escalated sharply with the deployment of US naval forces 
to prevent UIC fighters from fleeing, the US claiming that some have ties 
to terrorist organisations, including al-Qaida.

The Ethiopian invasion will certainly be resisted by Somali patriots. It 
will initially be classified as successful because it will establish a 
semblance of law and order. But the routed UIC, although weakened by 
internal squabbles, will seek safe havens nearby, regroup and woo back its 

The UIC knows that when faced with a conventional army backed by an 
airforce, the best option is to disappear into the undergrowth or behind 
the desert dunes. The Somalis have been disappearing like that for 
centuries, always coming back to harass those who claim to have defeated them.

The danger this time is that the resistance will draw in other countries. 
Eritrea, which fought its own costly war with Ethiopia, does not need an 
invitation to help its enemy's enemy. The UIC is also said to be receiving 
financial assistance from rich leaders of sympathetic Islamic sects, drawn 
from such countries as Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the Gulf sheikhdoms. And the 
most explosive fuel will be the involvement of the US on the side of 
Ethiopia. General John Abizaid, commander for the US central command, is 
reported to have visited Ethiopia last month, after which Ethiopia moved 
from providing the Somali government with military advice to open armed 

The US objective is to safeguard access to the Red Sea for its oil tankers, 
and to prevent al-Qaida cells being nurtured in Somalia or in Ethiopia, 
which has a sizeable Muslim minority. Now, by allowing the US to persuade 
it to invade, Ethiopia has signalled to the Islamic world that it is 
willing to join the US in its war on terror.

Can Ethiopia afford to be universally regarded as a US puppet? In the 
African Union (AU) - which has its headquarters in the Ethiopian capital, 
Addis Ababa - US policy is already causing enormous confusion. For months 
the AU has been trying, unsuccessfully, to persuade the UN security council 
to bolster the AU force in Darfur, Sudan. Yet within days of Ethiopia's 
invasion, the security council, under US instigation, was able to pass a 
resolution asking for an AU force to be sent to Somalia. Clearly, the US 
wants to legitimise the invasion by placing it under the umbrella of the 
very AU that it has humiliated for months.

As one of the poorest countries on earth, Ethiopia needs to have the 
solidarity of the wretched of the earth. In allowing itself to be 
associated with George Bush's foreign policy, it is placing itself on the 
wrong side of the struggle between the weak and the strong.

· Cameron Duodu is a Ghanaian novelist and journalist 



-muslim voice-

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