[media-dakwah] Hate Crime : Rage over anti-Islam rally, And CAIR-CAN - Windsor Muslims Respons

2007-01-13 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Hate Crime - Rage over anti-Islam rally

Dalson Chen - Windsor Star

Friday, January 12, 2007

Controversy filled a west Windsor church where the lecture of a purported 
former Muslim terrorist warned that Islam is a religion of war being 
brought to Canadian soil.

In a speech at Campbell Baptist Church on Thursday night, 49-year-old 
Zachariah Anani said that Islamic doctrine teaches nothing less than the 
"ambushing, seizing and slaying" of non-believers -- especially Jews and 

"Violence keeps going on," said Anani, a Lebanese-born convert to 
Christianity who came to Windsor in 1997.

'No Prisoners'

The hour-long talk, entitled The Deadly Threat of Islam, described the 
religion as worshipping a god who "fights and kills" and "strikes with 
terror," and allows no prisoners in battles against non-believers.

"That's how Islamic doctrine obliges its followers to conduct in war time," 
Anani said.

More than 120 people packed the church to hear Anani's speech.

Many came to contest his views in a question period that often grew heated 
with raised voices talking over each other.

"You're inciting hatred by the title of tonight's topic," argued Gary 
Roberts while waving a hand with emotion.

Roberts, a 50-year-old Windsor resident, said he's not a member of the 
church, but decided to come to the meeting as soon as he learned of it. "I 
just couldn't sit back and not say nothing," he said. "I had to vent."

Windsor police said two officers in plain clothes attended the lecture at 
the church's request.

Donald McKay, senior pastor at the church, said the event was organized 
simply to propagate what the church believes to be "absolute truth."

"We have no desire to be offensive. We have no desire to polarize people 
unnecessarily," McKay said.

But in asking Anani to clarify points of his speech, McKay described the 
Islamic faith as "oppressive" and "vicious."

"The Muslims are coming over here to Windsor, Canada, for the purpose of 
advancing this faith," McKay said.

A group of seven male Muslims who attended the meeting shook their heads at 
Anani's speech. At the start of the event, the men declined to stand for 
the church's hymn as a sign of protest.

Tarik Mohammed, 32, said that Anani took quotes from the Qur'an "out of 
context," and demonstrated he could do the same with the Bible's Old Testament.

"If I want to go through this, I can find a lot about killing," Mohammed 
said to Anani.

"What you did tonight, you preached hate. You did not preach 
Christianity What you did right now is causing instability in our 
community and throughout the world."

Gabriel Keresztes, who converted to Islam from Christianity three years 
ago, agreed with Mohammed.

"You cannot sweep and generalize everything and you cannot put everyone in 
a box," said the 23-year-old Windsor resident. "We stepped a step back 
tonight in history, in the community of Windsor."

McKay said he finds it interesting that advocates of Islam would argue for 
tolerance. "Islam is the most intolerant religion in the world today."

McKay said Anani killed "hundreds of people in the name of Allah" before 
converting to Christianity, and Anani has brought his perspective to such 
media outlets as CNN and Fox News.

Anani said he was responsible for deaths while engaged in the Lebanese 
civil war before a missionary showed him the Christian path in 1975.

According to Anani, his goal is "awakening people to the truth."

"We've been bombarded all the time about how good and nice is Islam," Anani 

During the question period, 46-year-old church member Bruno Franciskovic 
yelled that Muslims were responsible for the suicide attacks on the World 
Trade Center.

"This day and age, you don't hear about Christians doing things like that," 
Franciskovic shouted.

Fatimah Abdullah, a 46-year-old Windsor Muslim, responded by shouting 
"Timothy McVeigh" -- the U.S. citizen responsible for the Oklahoma City 
bombing in 1995.

Abdullah said she found Anani's views "misinformed and ignorant."

"I can't see this as hate-mongering. I see this as ignorance," she said. 
"This is an effort to push Christianity at the victimization of the truth."

The lecture was the first in a series of four this month.

Anani said he's not intimidated by the reaction to his first lecture, and 
the series will continue as planned. "It's always like that."



CAIR-CAN and Windsor Muslims Ask Police to Investigate Possible Hate Speech


(Ottawa, Canada ­ Jan 13, 2007) The Canadian Council on American-Islamic 
Relations (CAIR-CAN), Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), Windsor Islamic 
Association, Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), and Al Hijra Mosque 
and School, ar

[media-dakwah] Reading Bush : “If you are afraid to speak out, you are not in America any more” - ‘unknown’

2007-01-13 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

 In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

  === News Update ===

  Reading Bush

  “If you are afraid to speak out, you are not in America any more” -

   By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

01/13/07 "Information Clearing House" -- - The United States, once known
as the beacon of democracy, finds itself in a dilemma. It is faced with
a President that is deaf to the people. In his address to the nation on
January 10, 2007 he left little doubt that he means to rule over the
people he was ‘elected’ to serve. In tune with everything else he does,
he has devalued the meaning of the word democracy and eroded its ideals;
which explains why he is ‘dictating’ democracy to other nations. 

“But victory in Iraq will bring something new in the Arab world - a
functioning democracy that polices its territory, upholds the rule of
law, respects fundamental human liberties, and answers to its people.”

Even if one were to allow for the fact that he is no longer in touch
with his faculties, one would think that his speech writers would not
make such a slip. Wasn’t there a clear indication from the people that
in our so-called democracy the people to whom he is answerable, told him
to deescalate the American presence in Iraq? He is obliterating the rule
of the law, disrespecting fundamental human liberties and yet he is
demanding that the Arab world exercise democracy. Clearly the Arab world
fare far better not following his suit for at least hundreds of
thousands of lives would be spared.

Much like the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, Mr. Bush is misleading the
American people about what the mission in Iraq is and will continue to
be. He had this to say:

“A democratic Iraq will not be perfect. But it will be a country that
fights terrorists instead of harboring them - and it will help bring a
future of peace and security for our children and grandchildren.” 

He forgets that in a digital age, history, especially recent history, is
recorded. It was Mr. Bush’s White House that offered sanctuary to
terrorists in Iraq. Even the US Department Personnel as well as non-US
personnel were taken aback when Mr. Bush ordered MEK terrorists to be
granted ‘special persons status’ under the Geneva Conventions . Yet here
he is, at the height of hypocrisy, relying on our short memories, asking
for American soldiers to ‘sacrifice’ so that Iraqis will not harbor

“Countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and the Gulf States need to
understand that an American defeat in Iraq would create a new sanctuary
for extremists - and a strategic threat to their survival.”

Mr. Bush is calling to his friends in the region, all of whom happen to
be ruled by dictators, to cooperate in the war against Iran, the next
war he has planned for the region. The stability of Iraq has never been
his concern, nor the death of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. Did
he have these thoughts as the Mother Of All Bombs (MOAB) were sent to
Iraq as part of the arsenal? Iraqis are irrelevant. Mr. Bush now needs
the cooperation of Saudi Arabia. A country which due to its
authoritarian rule and relationship with the United States gave birth to
al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden’s hatred of the West. Is Mr. Bush’s love of
Saudi Arabia simply the oil or is it the fact that the Sunni insurgents
killing American soldiers, the al- Qaeda network that is spread over 60
countries, stemmed from Saudi Arabia and need to be controlled by Mr.
Bush’s Saudi allies? Maybe it is their hatred of and rivalry with
Iranians or simply it’s their fondness of democracy! 

After all, there is no limit to this President’s love for ‘democracy’.
While his aim is to uproot the Tehran regime with bombs, he appeals to
the Saudi regime to understand that Iraq’s stability is paramount to
their survival – the survival of their despotism. Not long ago, a $47
billion arms deal between America’s close ally the British and the
Saudis was concluded and cleverly concealed from the public. There were
two chilling stipulations to this deal: first, that the Brits would
freeze their ongoing investigation into certain royal family members;
and the second far more important stipulation was that they would expel
from England two Moslem, Saudi progressive thinkers who were pro-
democracy ; reducing the risk of contaminating the Saudis with the
ideals of democracy. Those who believe Mr. Bush has a Wilsonian agenda
may want to re-evaluate their supposition.

Clearly 20,000 soldiers will not be enough to confront Iran militarily.
There are only two scenarios. The draft will be instituted early in 2007
and soldiers will be asked to serve a mad man – or worse still, there
will be weapons of mass destruction deployed, the plans of which were
drawn up in 2003. 

In an August 1, 2005 i


2007-01-13 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

 In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

  === News Update ===



January 13, 2007

Israel constantly denies that its Arab citizens are treated any
differently than its Jewish ones. In plain, simple English... that is
nothing but a lie.

The following report that I have linked HERE is from the Electronic
Intifada, it is true... I have seen it happen at the airport, I
travelled with Palestinians and witnessed their harassment while I was
allowed through security without a problem... simply because I am a Jew.
The Palestinians I speak of are Israeli citizens, carrying Israeli

Yet, the State of Israel denies these antics makes one wonder what
else they might be lying about.



Suspected Citizens: Racial Profiling against Arab Passengers by Israeli
 Airports and Airlines

Report, Arab Association for Human Rights and Center Against Racism, 12
  January 2007

  The following is the introduction to the report "Suspected Citizens:
Racial Profiling against Arab Passengers by Israeli Airports and
   Airlines", issued in December 2006

Salah Ya'aqubi is an Arab citizen of Israel who lives in the village of
Reineh, close to Nazareth. He is a cum laude student in the Department
of Nursing in Tel Aviv University. In 2005, Tel Aviv University chose
Ya'aqubi as one of its representatives at an international conference
held in London. Three other students from the institution were also
selected to participate in the conference. The four students served as
representatives of the State of Israel at the event.

On the day of their flight, Ya'aqubi and the three Jewish students
arrived together at Ben Gurion Airport. The four were due to fly with
the Israeli air carrier Israir. During the routine security inspection,
the security staff inspected the baggage of all four students using x-
ray scanners. The Jewish students then moved on and their passports were
stamped, while Ya'aqubi was obliged to undergo a special security
inspection. The security personnel stated that they intended to
undertake a manual search of his baggage. During the course of the
manual inspection, the security personnel overturned Ya'aqubi's bag with
all his belongings in it, and then asked him to accompany them to a side
room so that they could ask him some questions. When Ya'aqubi attempted
to ascertain the reason for this special interrogation, which his Jewish
friends were not required to undergo, one security guard replied that
"these are our instructions, and they come from high up." The security
personnel asked Ya'aqubi numerous questions: where he was going, what
the purpose of his visit was, and so on. After completing the
questioning, the security personnel ordered Ya'aqubi to accompany them
to another room, where he was again asked the same questions. When he
commented that he had already answered these questions, and that his
baggage had already been examined, one of the security personnel told
him that these were their instructions, adding, "I don't care what they
asked you before." The security guards did not claim that there were any
specific suspicions against Ya'aqubi or that he presented any danger.

Eventually, after the additional security inspections were completed,
Ya'aqubi got on the airplane and flew to the conference. His feeling was
that he had been required to undergo a special security inspection
because of his national origin, i.e. because he is an Arab. At the end
of the conference, as the students headed back to Israel, the phenomenon
repeated itself. Ya'aqubi and the Jewish members of the delegation went
through the routine inspections at the inspection points of the British
authorities. Their baggage was examined and they were politely asked a
number of questions. After this inspection was completed, Ya'aqubi was
again asked to undergo an additional inspection by Israeli security
personnel. After his baggage was examined in an x-ray scanner, the
Israeli security personnel demanded to perform a manual search, claiming
that there was suspicion that his case contained "molecules of
explosives." Ya'aqubi stated that he had no doubt that his baggage
contained nothing other than his personal belongings. The security
personnel also insisted on carrying out a manual search of Ya'aqubi's
hand baggage.

After the inspections were completed, the Israeli security personnel
informed Ya'aqubi that his large bag would be held at the airport for
several days and then sent to Reineh, his home village. Ya'aqubi was
then take

[media-dakwah] Instead of “al-Qaeda,” U.S. Kills Nomads in Somalia

2007-01-13 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

 In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

  === News Update ===

  Instead of “al-Qaeda,” U.S. Kills Nomads in Somalia

 Kurt Nimmo, Another Day in the Empire

January 13, 2006

As usual, it takes a few days for the truth to emerge, not that the
corporate media here in America notices. 

Instead of killing Fazul Abdullah Moham-med, Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan and
Abu Taha al-Sudani, supposedly "al-Qaeda" operatives responsible for the
1998 US embassy bombings in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, the Pentagon
killed "herdsmen … gathered with their animals around large fires at
night to ward off mosquitoes" in Somalia, according to the Independent. 

"Oxfam yesterday confirmed at least 70 nomads in the Afmadow district
near the border with Kenya had been killed. The nomads were bombed at
night and during the day while searching for water sources. Meanwhile,
the US ambassador to Kenya has acknowledged that the onslaught on
Islamist fighters failed to kill any of the three prime targets,"
described as "backfir[ing] spectacularly" by the British newspaper. 

All of this runs counter to the assertions of U.S. ambassador, Michael
Ranneberger, who said "that no civilians had been killed or injured and
that only one attack had taken place. The UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR,
reported that an estimated 100 people were wounded in Monday’s air
strikes on the small fishing village of Ras Kamboni launched from the US
military base in Djibouti after a mobile phone intercept." It is not
explained why impoverished nomads, in search of water, would be in
possession of cell phones (or, for that matter, why there are cell phone
towers in a remote area of one of the world’s poorest countries). 

As should be expected, the operations against innocent Somalis serve but
one purpose only, that is beyond satiating the blood lust of Muslim
hating neocons—it was an excuse to get "boots on the ground for the
first time since a 1993 mission backfired and led to a humiliating
withdrawal from Somalia," a mission mythologized in violent Hollywood
fashion in the film Black Hawk Down. 

"Under international law, there is a duty to distinguish between
military and civilian targets," said Paul Smith-Lomas, Oxfam’s regional
director. "We are deeply concerned that this principle is not being
adhered to, and that innocent people in Somalia are paying the price,"
as innocent people have since the neocons captured the Oval Office and
large swaths of the Pentagon. 

It is of no concern to the Pentagon that above mentioned "terrorists"
were not killed and innocent nomads suffered instead. In fact, such
reckless behavior will serve as a "blueprint" for future operations
against Muslim enemies. 

"U.S. commandos’ military operations in Somalia and the use of the
Ethiopian army as a surrogate force to root out al Qaeda operatives
there provide a blueprint for counterterrorism missions across the
globe, Pentagon strategists say," reports the neocon propaganda
syndicate, the New York Times. "U.S. officials said the recent military
efforts in Somalia have been led by the Pentagon’s joint Special
Operations Command, which directs the military’s most secretive and
elite units, including the Army’s Delta Force." 

The Pentagon’s Special Operations Command runs P2OG, or the Proactive
and Preemptive Operations Group, a black budgeted psyop designed to
"stimulate reactions" among "terrorists," or maybe that should be
nomadic animal herding Muslims careless enough to light fires as AC-130
gunships roam the night skies. 

Unfortunately, many Somalis live in the Pentagon’s "battlespace" where
we are told "al-Qaeda" operates, thus putting "their sovereignty … at
risk," as an August 16, 2002, Power Point presentation held at the
Defense Science Board made abundantly clear. 

"Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told members of
Congress on Friday that a U.S. airstrike by an AC-130 gunship early this
week in Somalia was executed under the Pentagon’s authority to hunt down
and kill terrorism suspects around the world, a power given to it by the
White House shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks." 

Bush and crew believe the non-declaration of war against Iraq—that is to
say, a "war" not declared by Congress, as required by Article One,
Section Eight of the Constitution—gives them the right to attack
anybody, anywhere, without regard to Article 51 of the First Protocol to
the Geneva Conventions, stating that parties "shall at all times
distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and
accordingly shall direct their operations only against military

But then neocons don’t do the Geneva Conventions—or the Constitution for
that matter. 

Democrat members of Congress complained, if slightly, that the Pentagon
is "using U.S. forces outside declared combat zones," thus gi

[media-dakwah] Iraq Cry : An urgent plea from the people of Haditha

2007-01-13 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

 In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

  === News Update ===

   An urgent plea from the people of Haditha

 Mr. Zaid Mahdi

Janury 12, 2007

Peace be upon you, I am one of the residents of Haditha, a city under
siege for two months now, by the American and Iraqi forces. We have
serious shortages of food stuffs and medical supplies. Movements within
the city itself is restricted and there are many isolated communities
running out of food and fuel.

The situation is dire, I beg you, help us make our voice heard by the
good people of the world, Alert your representatives and government
officials. Help us avert a humanitarian disaster and put an end to the
harassment and humiliation we are currently suffering.

Sender Mr. Zaid Mahdi
Date 11/1/2007



-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[media-dakwah] NGOs to sue US over WMD claims - Iraq War Criminal

2007-01-13 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

 In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

  === News Update ===

 NGOs to sue US over WMD claims

 From correspondents in Niamey
January 14, 2007

SOME 30 non-governmental organisations in Niger said overnight they are
going to sue the United States for nearly two billion dollars for
"unfairly accusing" Niger of selling uranium to the late Iraqi dictator
Saddam Hussein.
"Our lawyers are about to file a lawsuit against the US calling for
damages of about 1000 billion CFA francs ($2.42 billion dollars) for the
harm suffered" by the country, Moustapha Kadi, president of the
Collective of organisations in Niger defending the right to energy

The lawsuit by the collective will be filed at either French or Belgian
courts, Kadi added.

In January 2003, US President George W. Bush accused Saddam of having
bought uranium from Niger to make weapons of mass destruction.

The Niger collective said in a statement that investigations by the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), world media and US officials,
all concluded that it was a "false accusation" against Niger.

That false information was used by Bush "to invade Iraq," said the
collective's statement, which also called for support from Niger's
President Mamadou Tandja, who back in 2003 said the US allegations were
"harming Niger's image".

Niger is the world's third-largest producer of uranium with about nine
percent of the global market, according to 2003 figures.

The country's two uranium deposits have been mined for 40 years by the
French group Areva, number one in civil nuclear energy. 



-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[media-dakwah] US Terrorize The World - 24 Dhul-Hijjah 1427 H (14.1.07)

2007-01-13 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer
ivil war. The insurgency movement in Iraq is
growing, making nation building on the part of America and its allies
ineffective. The U.S. military finds itself stretched excessively thin,
with many members serving unprecedented two and three tours of duty in
Iraq. Casualty counts, both civilian and military, are on the rise and
expensive, but delicate, military hardware is grinding to a halt under
the stress of combat in such a rugged environment. America has poured
vast sums of its fortune into Iraq, hoping to kick-start a new nation.
On the home front and throughout the world, support for the war is
waning. Moreover, in Iraq itself, the very people America purports to
have liberated from Saddam Hussein now clamor for liberation from what
they believe is an occupation by meddling Westerners.


   An urgent plea from the people of Haditha.

Peace be upon you, I am one of the residents of Haditha, a city under
siege for two months now, by the American and Iraqi forces. We have
serious shortages of food stuffs and medical supplies. Movements within
the city itself is restricted and there are many isolated communities
running out of food and fuel.

The situation is dire, I beg you, help us make our voice heard by the
good people of the world, Alert your representatives and government
officials. Help us avert a humanitarian disaster and put an end to the
harassment and humiliation we are currently suffering.


 NGOs to sue US over WMD claims

30 non-governmental organisations in Niger said overnight they are going
to sue the United States for nearly two billion dollars for "unfairly
accusing" Niger of selling uranium to the late Iraqi dictator Saddam


 Why Do War Attacks Suddenly Stop for Three Days Following Announcement
   of Every New Bush Policy on Iraq?

For the third consecutive day, the main corporate media units in the US-
EU have not published news about the US war in Iraq, no attacks on US
forces, no so-called Shi'i-Sunni sectarian violence or civil war.

Readers can check the main media units of the Zionist Empire (AP,
Reuters, CNN, Fox, BBC, etc.) to see that they are abiding by this total
absence of war coverage. 

What's going on?

In fact, it has become a pattern for observers to record and analyze.
Everytime President Bush announces a new policy or plan in Iraq, news
coverage of the war would not include any attacks for two or three days
following the announcement. Al-Jazeerah has documented that before in
red headlines, attracting readers' attention to this fact.


   U.S. warplanes bomb Baghdad as street battles rage

U.S. troops are deploying massive air and ground fire power against
heavily populated residential areas in Baghdad as a prelude to the start
of the campaign to retake the city they invaded nearly four years ago.

"The sky is burning," one witness refusing to be named said of the
aerial bombing of mainly Sunni-dominated districts of Haifa, Sheikh Omar
and Alawi.


 Why the US Is Not Leaving Iraq: The Booming Business of War Profiteers

The military-industrial-complex [would] cause military spending to be
driven not by national security needs but by a network of weapons
makers, lobbyists and elected officials. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our
homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is
simply a racket. - General Smedley D. Butler


 Puppet Govt Parrot : Al-Maliki reacts to new Bush plan

Nouri al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister, issued his first comment on
the new US plan outlined on Wednesday, calling it "identical to our
strategy and intentions".


Iraq oil city rocked by attacks

KIRKUK, Iraq (AFP) - Iraq's northern oil hub of Kirkuk has been rocked
by attacks as insurgents shot dead two contractors and blew up a Shiite
mosque under construction.

Gunmen planted explosives in the mosque in the Ni

[media-dakwah] Seri 761. Terjemahan S Al-Balad Ayat 5 dan 7

2007-01-13 Terurut Topik H. M. Nur Abdurrahman
[Kolom Tetap Harian Fajar]

761. Terjemahan S Al-Balad Ayat 5 dan 7

S. ALBLD (90)
dibaca (tanda - dipanjangkan membacanya):
5. ayahsabu allam yaqdira 'alaihi ahad
6. ayahsabu allam yarahu- ahad 

Terjemahan Departemen Agama RI
5.  Apakah manusia itu menyangka bahwa sekali-kali tiada seorangpun yang 
berkuasa atasnya?
7.  Apakah dia menyangka bahwa tiada seorangpun yang melihatnya?

Terjemahan H.Mahmud Yunus:
5. Adakah ia mengira, bahwa seseorang tak akan berkuasa terhadapnya?
7. Adakah ia mengira, bahwa seseorang tak ada yang melihatnya? 

Terjemahan Muhammad Marmaduke Pikthall
5. Thinketh he that none has power over him?
7. Thinketh he that none beholdeth him?

Terjemahan Soedewo
Denkt hij, dat niemand macht heeft over hem?
Denkt hij, dat niemand hem zit?

Mari kita terjemahkan kata demi kata:
A = apakah
YhSB  = ia memperhitungkan
AN LM = tidak ada
YQDR  = berkuasa
'ALYH = atasnya
AhD   = (ada, yaitu) SATU

AhD dalam ayat (90:5) itu bukan manusia, tetapi Allah Yang berkuasa (YQDR), 
demikian pula dalam ayat (90:7) AhD bukan manusia melainkan Allah yang melihat 
(YRH). Maksudnya kedua ayat itu, tidak ada yang luput dari kuasa dan 
penglihatan Allah. Terjemahan AhD yang menunjuk kepada manusia (seseorang, 
niemand) dalam kedua ayat itu tidak punya pemaknaan sama sekali. Seorang 
Fir'aun tentu bersikap tidak seseorang manusiapun yang bisa berkuasa atas 
dirinya. Anak bengal yang dipaksa puasa tentu akan bersikap tidak seseorang 
manusiapun yang bisa melihatnya, kalau masuk sendiri ke dalam ruang yang 
tertutup dan gelap, lalu makan minum di dalamnya. Maka terjemahan Muhammad 
Marmaduke Pikthall yang benar, yaitu none (SATUpun tiada).

Jadi terjemahan itu semestinya demikian:
5.  Apakah manusia itu menyangka bahwa sekali-kali tiada SATUpun Yang berkuasa 
7.  Apakah dia menyangka bahwa tiada SATUpun Yang melihatnya?


Sebuah kisah nyata sebagai ilustrasi. Jamil Azzaini yang Inspirator, Senior 
Trainer bercerita:  
Saya pernah diundang oleh perusahaan ternama untuk memberikan "pencerahan." 
Dalam kesempatan itu saya menyampaikan:
"Korupsi adalah perbuatan negatif, maka di dunia para pelakunya pasti akan 
mendapat balasan berupa keburukan pula. Keburukan dapat berupa musibah, 
penyakit, kehilangan harta benda, ketidakharmonisan rumah tangga, mendekam di 
penjara, tercoreng nama baiknya, kegelisahan dan hal-hal negatif lainnya," 
jelas saya.
Ketika sesi tanya jawab, salah seorang pimpinan di perusahaan itu mengkritik 
pedas pernyataan saya itu. Walau saya sudah menjelaskan dengan argumen-argumen 
ilmiah dan contoh-contoh dalam kehidupan, dia tetap tidak yakin. Sampai kami 
berpisah, kami masih pada pendapat masing-masing.
Tujuh bulan berlalu, pimpinan itu tiba-tiba menelpon saya. 
-- "Pak Jamil, saya ingin bertemu anda," ujarnya singkat.  Karena penasaran, 
undangan dari beliau saya prioritaskan. Singkat kata, pada waktu dan tempat 
yang telah disepakati kami bertemu.  Rupanya beliau tiba lebih dulu di tempat 
kami janjian. Begitu saya datang, beliau segera menyambut dengan sebuah pelukan 
erat. Cukup lama beliau memeluk saya. 
-- "Maafkan saya pak Jamil. Maafkan saya," ucapnya, sambil terisak dan terus 
memeluk saya. Karena masih bingung dengan kejadian ini saya diam saja.
Setelah kami duduk, beliau membuka percakapan. 
-- "Saya sekarang yakin dengan apa yang pak Jamil dulu katakan. Kalau kita 
berbuat energi positif maka kita akan mendapat kebaikan dan bila kita berbuat 
energi negatif maka pasti kita akan mendapat keburukan," ujarnya.
-- "Bagaimana ceritanya sekarang kok bapak jadi yakin?" tanya saya.
-- "Selama saya menjabat pimpinan di perusahaan itu, saya menerima uang yang 
bukan menjadi hak saya. Semuanya saya catat. Jumlahnya lima ratus dua puluh 
enam juta rupiah," katanya. Sembari menarik napas panjang beliau melanjutkan 
bercerita. Kali ini tentang anaknya. 
-- "Anak saya sekolah di Australia. Karena pengaruh pergaulan, dia terkena 
narkoba. Sudah saya obati dan sembuh. Ketika liburan, dia ke Amerika dan 
Kanada. Tidak disangka, di sana dia bertemu dengan teman pengguna narkobanya 
ketika di Australia. Anak saya sebenarnya menolak menggunakan lagi. Namun dia 
dipaksa dan akhirnya anak saya kambuh lagi, bahkan makin parah, pak." Selama 
bercerita, beliau tak henti mengusap pipinya yang basah dengan air mata yang 
terus meleleh seperti tak mau berhenti. 
-- "Pak Jamil tahu berapa biaya pengobatan narkoba dan penyakit anak saya?" 
Tanpa menunggu jawaban saya, lelaki separuh baya itu berkata lirih, 
-- "Biayanya lima ratus dua puluh enam juta rupiah. Sama persis dengan uang 
kotor yang saya terima, pak!" Beliau tertunduk dan menggeleng-gelengkan kepala 
disertai isak tangis yang makin keras. Dengan terbata lelaki itu berkata, 
-- "Uang korupsi itu telah merusak anak saya, pak. Saya menyesal. Saya bukan 
orang tua yang baik. Saya telah merusak anak saya, pak!"


Allah me