[media-dakwah] US Terrorize The Whole World by War on Terror - 28 Rabiul Awal 1428 H (16.4.07)

2007-04-15 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

FBI says, “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”

June 6, 2006 – This past weekend, a thought 
provoking e-mail circulated through Internet news 
groups, and was sent to the Muckraker Report by 
Mr. Paul V. Sheridan (Winner of the 2005 Civil 
Justice Foundation Award), bringing attention to 
the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist web page for 
Usama Bin Laden.[1] (See bottom of this web page 
for Most Wanted page)  In the e-mail, the 
question is asked, “Why doesn’t Usama Bin Laden’s 
Most Wanted poster make any direct connection 
with the events of September 11, 2001?”  The FBI 
says on its Bin Laden web page that Usama Bin 
Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 
1998 bombings of the United States Embassies in 
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, 
Kenya.  According to the FBI, these attacks 
killed over 200 people.  The FBI concludes its 
reason for “wanting” Bin Laden by saying, “In 
addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other 
terrorists attacks throughout the world.”

On June 5, 2006, the Muckraker Report contacted 
the FBI Headquarters, (202) 324-3000, to learn 
why Bin Laden’s Most Wanted poster did not 
indicate that Usama was also wanted in connection 
with 9/11.  The Muckraker Report spoke with Rex 
Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the 
FBI.  When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 
on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, 
“The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama 
Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI 
has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”


A 9/11 Smoking Gun Hidden In Plain Sight

Let's face it, if the 9/11 attacks were 
legitimate, they would have been accompanied by 
legitimate statements and claims of responsibility.

You don't pull off the most spectacular 
terrorist attack in history, especially against 
largely symbolic targets, and then hide.

You don't put yourself through the expense, 
trouble, risk, etc., of carrying out the most 
daring terrorist attack in world history, only 
to let a panel of fatuous government apologists 
tell the world what your ostensible motive was; 
e.g., they hate us because of our 'freedom', or some such puerile nonsense.

Let's face it, the whole point of terrorism is 
to make a point. What good is terrorism to the 
terrorists if the terrorists don't get to 
make their point? That would be like robbing a 
bank, and then giving the money back.

Thus, like many other aspects of the official 
government conspiracy theory of 9/11, it simply doesn't make sense.


9/11 We Know : 911weknow.com

Our consciousness had been altered :

What if it wasn't an accident?

What if it wasn't beyond our control?

What if it was all planned?

It does not take much to think for yourself. 
Start with one question. Follow it as it forms a 
trail. There are dozens of videos, books and links to explore. Start here.


US Professor intimidated into closing his  Al 
Jazeera info website : Dictatorship

A local professor has again suspended updates to 
his pro-Palestinian Web site following another 
round of criticism and pressure ­ this time 
instigated by another member of the Internet community.

I have concluded it's not safe for me anymore to 
continue editing aljazeerah.info in this 
atmosphere of intimidation, which abridges 
freedom of speech and freedom of the press. I 
believed that, as an American citizen, I have 
these sacred rights as a given. I acknowledge now 
that I was wrong, he wrote. Until I'm assured 
of these constitutional freedoms and rights, I'll 
stop editing news reports and opinion editorials 
about U.S. wars and Israeli occupation of 
Palestine, hoping that the campaign against my employer stops.

 From the perspective of El-Najjar, who says he 
is a native of Gaza, Palestine, Israeli Jews took 
control of Muslim holy land in an occupation, 
and are proponents of Zionism. Similarly, the 
U.S. presence in Iraq is an occupation of Arab 
land, and those fighting against this 
Imperialism are resistance fighters, rather than terrorists.



CAIR-CAN says 'fixation' on Islamic attire in 
Quebec marginalizing Muslim women and girls.

(Ottawa, Canada - April 15, 2007) - The Canadian 
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CAN) 
said today that the decision to ban Muslim girls 
wearing Islamic head scarves from a tae kwon do 
tournament in Quebec will only serve to 
marginalize Muslim women by forcing them to 
choose between their faith and athletic activities.

In Longueuil, Quebec, today, five girls were 
barred from taking part in a tae 

[media-dakwah] US Terrorize The Whole World by War on Terror - 25 Rabiul Awal 1428 H (13.4.07)

2007-04-15 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer


In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

In case you missed it: Afghan Massacre - The Convoy of Death

In Afghanistan, filmmaker Jamie Doran has 
uncovered evidence of a massacre: Taliban 
prisoners of war suffocated in containers, shot 
in the desert under the watch of American troops.

The film has been broadcast on national 
television in countries all over the world and 
has been screened by the European parliament. 
Human rights lawyers are calling for 
investigation into whether U.S. forces are guilty 
of war crimes. But no U.S. media outlet has broadcast the film.

It tells the story of thousands of prisoners who 
surrendered to the US military’s Afghan allies 
after the siege of Kunduz. According to 
eyewitnesses, some three thousand of the 
prisoners were forced into sealed containers and 
loaded onto trucks for transport to Sheberghan 
prison. Eyewitnesses say when the prisoners began 
shouting for air, U.S.-allied Afghan soldiers 
fired directly into the truck, killing many of 
them. The rest suffered through an appalling road 
trip lasting up to four days, so thirsty they 
clawed at the skin of their fellow prisoners as 
they licked perspiration and even drank blood from open wounds.


How the FBI framed a Muslim charity : Islamophobia and Racist

YET MORE evidence of the government's persecution 
of Arabs and Muslims since September 11 has come to light.

More than five years ago, the Bush administration 
shut down the Dallas-based Holy Land Foundation 
for Relief and Development, the largest Muslim 
charity in the U.S. The Feds labeled Holy Land a 
specially designated global terrorist and 
charged seven former foundation officials, 
including six U.S. citizens, with funneling money 
to overseas charities controlled by the 
Palestinian group Hamas, which the U.S. also has 
designated a terrorist organization.

Much of the government's case against Holy Land 
was based on FBI summaries of thousands of 
hours of classified wiretapped 
conversations­including one of a 1996 conversation involving charity officials.

But in late February, lawyers for the foundation 
revealed that much of the government's official 
summary of that  conversation appears to have been fabricated.


Documents show new secretive US prison program 
isolating Muslim, Middle Eastern prisoners - 
Program in apparent violation of federal law

The US Department of Justice has implemented a 
secretive new prison program segregating 
high-security-risk Muslim and Middle Eastern 
prisoners and tightly restricting their 
communications with the outside world in apparent 
violation of federal law, according to documents obtained by RAW STORY.

Documents obtained by RAW STORY show that the CMU 
program, instituted Dec. 11, 2006 -- shortly 
after the mid-term elections in which Democrats 
won both chambers of Congress -- is being 
implemented at Terre Haute Federal Correctional Institution in Indiana.

Under the CMU program, telephone communications 
must be conducted using monitored phone lines, be 
live-monitored by staff, are subject to 
recording, and must be in English only. All 
letters must be reviewed by staff prior to 
delivery or sending. Visits must be non-contact 
only, live-monitored, and subject to recording in English.


Bush has near dictatorial power

So apparently, the American Founders risked their 
lives and fortunes in order to wage war against 
Great Britain and declare independence from the 
King -- all in order to vest near dictatorial 
power in the American President in all matters 
of foreign policy and national security. And, of 
course, for the Michael Goldfarbs of the world, 
war and national security -- and the near 
dictatorial power vested in the President in 
those areas -- now encompasses virtually every 
government action, since scary and dangerous 
Muslims are lurking everywhere, on every corner, 
and the entire world is one big battlefield in 
the War on Terrorism, including U.S. soil.


Occupation turf war sheds new light on the Nick 
Berg case - US contractors ‘tortured’ for talking to the FBI

The case of Donald Vance, an American citizen 
secretly imprisoned by the US military in Iraq 
after making accusations against an Iraqi-owned 
security company for which he worked, has 
revealing parallels with the 2004 disappearance 
of Nick Berg, a US contractor whose murder is 
officially attributed to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

Nicholas Berg execution:
A working hypothesis and a resolution for the orange jumpsuit mystery
23 May 2004
Why was Nick Berg wearing 

[media-dakwah] Aqiqah setelah berkeluarga

2007-04-15 Terurut Topik Abu Zulfan
Butuh Layanan Kambing/Domba Aqiqah? sms aja 0817274724/ 08157002839 / 

Aqiqah setelah berkeluarga


Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

Ustad ada yang mau saya pertanyakan saya dan suami mulai dari kecil
belum pernah di aqiqah oleh orang tua kami masing-masing. Bagaimana
hukumnya bagi kami, kami ingin meng aqiqah kami berdua dengan biaya
kami sendiri. Apakah hal tersebut syah menurut agama karena tidak
mungkin kami minta kepada orang tua kami. Bagaimana kami akan berqurban
jika mulai dari kecil kami belum di aqiqah olah orang tua kami ?


Umi Arifatin

Umi Arifatin


Assalamu alaikum wr.wb. 
Saudari Ummi Arifatin semoga Allah mencurahkan rida-Nya kepada kita semua. 
yang sampai balig belum diakikahi oleh orang tuanya menurut sebagian
ulama tidak perlu melakukan akikah, sementara menurut kalangan Syafii
ia tetap bisa melakukan akikah dengan biaya yang berasal dari dirinya

Adapun berkurban tidak harus dengan akikah terlebih
dahulu. Orang boleh berkurban meski belum diakikahi oleh orang tuanya.
Bahkan menurut sebagian ulama kurban tersebut bisa menjadi pengganti

Wallahu a'lam bish-shawab. 
Wassalamu alaikum wr.wb. sumber : 
Dikirim oleh Rumah Aqiqah
Rumah Aqiqah menjual Kambing untuk Kebutuhan Aqiqah putra/i Anda
layanan kami :
 Dipotong,DibersihkanDiantar Tanpa Biaya Tambahan
Layanan plus : Daging Aqiqah siap saji  penyaluran ke lokasi-lokasi 'minus'

Silahkan hubungi kami di :
  Jakarta : 021 707 444 16
 Tangerang : 021 700 700 48
 Surabaya : 031 70  01
 Solo : 0271 700 3200
 Medan : 061 778 1233

  SMS : 081 7 274724/ 0815 700 2839

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[media-dakwah] Mau Wawancara dengan Moderator Milis

2007-04-15 Terurut Topik andallas thofansa
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb.

Para moderator milis yang baik, mohon reply email saya ini. Karena saya mau 
wawancara untuk bahan tulisan saya. Beberapa minggu yang lalu saya udah 
bertanya mengenai Pentingnya peranan Internet untuk dakwah. Kini giliran saya 
mau wawancara langsung baik email atau YM dgn saudara/i moderator milis yg 
selam ini saya ikuti.

Terima Kasih atas kerjasamanya, semoga menjadi kontribusi yang baik bagi 

Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb
Mustofa Sarbini

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible new car smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


2007-04-15 Terurut Topik suhana hana
  Menarik untuk merenungi kembali ayat yg berbunyi :
  ”Wanita-wanita yang keji adalah untuk laki-laki yang keji, dan laki-laki yang 
keji adalah buat wanita-wanita yang keji (pula), dan wanita-wanita yang baik 
adalah untuk laki-laki yang baik dan laki-laki yang baik adalah untuk 
wanita-wanita yang baik (pula). Mereka (yang dituduh) itu bersih dari apa yang 
dituduhkan oleh mereka (yang menuduh itu). Bagi mereka ampunan dan rezki yang 
mulia (surga)” (An Nuur : 26)
  Dan beberapa kali ditanyakan padaku oleh beberapa orang, yaitu mengapa 
kenyataan banyak yg terjadi adalah yg “baik” menikah dengan yg “buruk”. 
  Oke..aku hanya ingin tukar pikiran saja. Hmmm..bila membaca ayat tersebut dan 
berusaha memahami berdasarkan kenyataan yg terjadi adalah karena sudah terjadi 
kesalahan pada saat niat awal pertama kali menikah yg tidak mengikuti petunjuk 
yg benar dan sebagai kata kunci yg di isyaratkan oleh Rasulullah yaitu 
nikahilah wanita karena 4 perkara yaitu karena kecantikannya, hartanya, 
keturunannya dan agamanya, namun jika ingin selamat nikahilah karena agamanya. 
Dan kata kunci lain yg diberikan oleh Rasulullah adalah sesungguhnya budak 
hitam yg legam andai ia beriman itu adalah lebih baik dari wanita musyrik yg 
menarik hatimu.
  Jadi..kesalahannya adalah pada saat “orang baik” itu menikahi orang yg “tidak 
baik”, karena “orang baik” itu tidak mengikuti petunjuk yg benar, yg merupakan 
kata kunci dari Rasulullah. Intinya adalah kembali pada yg baik dan buruk yg 
bernilai relative, sedangkan yg benar dan salah adalah absolute. Hingga pada 
saat mereka mengikuti kebaikan yg bersifat relative menurut perasaan dan 
pikirannya, maka jatuhlah ia pada kesalahan karena sebab yg bernilai relative.
  Hmm..jika “orang baik” dan “orang buruk” akan tetap bersama dan tetap 
menyatu, maka konsekuensinya adalah tergantung pada orang yg lebih dominan 
dalam mempengaruhi. Jika yg “baik” lebih dominan dan kuat dalam 
mempengaruhinya, maka yg “buruk” biasanya akan mengikuti yg “baik”. Dan 
begitupun sebaliknya, jika yg “buruk” lebih dominan dalam mempengaruhi, maka yg 
“baik” pun akan berubah menjadi “buruk”. Namun yg baik konsisten kebaikannya 
dan yg “buruk” konsisten dengan keburukannya, maka biasanya akan terpecah dan 
berpisah yg akhirnya menimbulkan perceraian. Jadi..benarlah bunyi ayat tersebut 
  Namun kadang kala yg “baik” dan yg “buruk” masih bersatu secara fisik, tapi 
sejatinya mereka terpisah secara batin, yaitu terpisah secara perasaan, 
pikiran, dan keinginan. Walau dzohirnya mereka bersatu, tapi secara batin 
mereka terpisah dan terbukti kembali keabsolutan firman Allat tersebut.
  Fitrahnya adalah apapun yg bersifat relative menurut akal dan perasaan, maka 
biasanya akan selalu menimbulkan konflik dan pertentangan2 yg merugikan kedua 
belah pihak atau lebih, karena pengaruh kerelativan yg tidak bisa bersatu yg 
hanya berdasarkan penilaian baik dan buruk yg bersifat relative tanpa di cover 
oleh petunjuk kebenaran yg absolute, maka akan timbulkan kekacanan dan masalah.
  Keutamaan suatu pernikahan adalah bersatunya dzohir dan batin, namun yg 
banyak terjadi saat ini adalah bersatunya dzohir dan terpisahnya batin, yg 
merupakan dampak dari kesalahan penilaian yg bersifat relative, tanpa mengikuti 
petunjuk kebenaran yg absolute.
  Hmm..pernikahan karena harta, fisik dan nasab seringkali merubah cinta 
menjadi kebencian, bila tidak dibarengi dengan pemahaman kebenaran yg absolute 
yaitu petunjuk islam yg benar. Namun jika petunjuk kebenaran yg absolute yg 
dijadikan niat awal dalam melangsungkan pernikahan, seringkali merubah 
keasingan dan keengganan menjadi kenyamanan dan menimbulkan rasa cinta dan 
kasih sayang , karena hubungan yg didasari dengan niat awal yg benar dan 
petunjuk kebenaran yg absolute (islam), mempunyai kontrol otomatis dalam 
menghargai dan menghormati pernikahan, karena mempunyai tujuan yg luas dan 
nilai yg jauh lebih tinggi untuk diraih dari sekedar memenuhi kodrat manusia. 
Pernikahan yg didasari oleh petunjuk kebenaran yg absolute akan menjadikan 
pernikahan itu sendiri sebagai jalan untuk mencapai ke Ridhoan Allah. namun 
pernikahan yg didasari oleh sesuatu yg bernilai relative, biasanya akan selalu 
menimbulkan konflik dan penyesalan yg berkepanjangan.
  Terbukti benarlah ayat tersebut di atas, bahwa yg baik tidak akan pernah 
bercampur dengan yg buruk, baik secara dzohir ataupun secara batin. Karena 
konsekuen dengan kebaikan, kemungkinan akan mempengaruhi keburukan untuk 
menjadi baik dan konsekuen dengan keburukanpun akan mempengaruhi yg baik untuk 
menjadi buruk. Atau konsekuen dengan kerelativannya masing2, maka akan tetap 
menimbulkan perpercahan dan konflik yg berkepanjangan. Penilaian relative dalam 
keputusan pernikahan tidak akan memberikan dampak “kebaikan”, bila tidak di 
dasari oleh petunjuk kebenaran yg bersifat absolute.
  Wallahu a’lamu bisowab
  15 April 2007

[media-dakwah] Seorang Pembelajar Sejati

2007-04-15 Terurut Topik utama_009
Teman anda Budi Utama [EMAIL PROTECTED] mengajak anda meluangkan waktu 
membaca artikel berikut ini:

Seorang Pembelajar Sejati
Oleh Ike Sari Astuti

Bertemu dengannya membuat saya seperti pelajar kesiangan. Bukan tentang 
keputusannya memeluk Islam, bukan pula jalan hidupnya, melainkan pada bagaimana 
ia begitu cepat belajar. Hanya dalam rentang waktu lima tahun, apa yang 
diketahuinya tentang Islam m

Baca selengkapnya di: http://www.eramuslim.com/atk/oim/461b7d1d.htm

PERNYATAAN: Email ini dikirim dari fasilitas 'Rekomendasikan ke Rekan' yang ada 
di situs Eramuslim (www.eramuslim.com). Fasilitas ini kami sediakan untuk 
mempermudah pengunjung berbagi informasi.