In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

November 11, 2006

9/11 : In honor of our veterans, we call for truth

Anniversaries cause us to instinctively pause and reflect, just as our leg 
jolts forward after a well-positioned tap on the knee. In honor of our 
veterans ­ to whom we owe a debt we can never repay ­ the least we can do 
on this Veteran's Day is look back at the decisions made that sent our 
troops into battle, and the roles we played in those decisions. Perhaps 
upon reflection, our reaction may change.

The fifth anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001 served as the reflex hammer touch 
to the knee of American conscience. As the country attended memorials and 
revisited painful memories of 9/11, the reflection also opened our 
collective mind once again to the many unanswered questions, legitimate 
concerns and conflicting evidence in the official description of those events.

For us at the Daily Tidings the event served to open discussion among us 
about this complex subject, about the conspiracy theories that abound in 
Internet chats, blogs and so-called investigative reports and most 
importantly, the questions regarding the media's role in this ongoing issue.

A month later we have found very little we all agreed on. We especially 
disagree on the role of the media. Since the Tidings doesn't cover New York 
City, Washington, D.C. or the federal government, the ambiguity is shaded 
with absolution.

Nevertheless we are each members of the fourth estate, an essential 
conglomeration of individuals who adhere to professional guidelines, and 
who care passionately about this demanding and often thankless opus. With 
that membership ­ we can all agree on some level ­ comes a responsibility 
to giving the public the accurate information it needs to make informed 
decisions. Thus, somewhere in all the banter, we stumbled on one thing we 
at the Tidings' truly can agree on.

Apparently, we are not alone. Based on the results of this hallmark 2006 
election, the American people are finally asking for change. They don't 
like our involvement in Iraq. They voted out many members of the party that 
put us there. Perhaps they are also ready to question the events and 
decisions that put us there as well. Perhaps they are ready to ask what 
really happened on Sept. 11.

We think so. And we call on our colleagues to join us in asking questions.

Every single American daily newspaper must demand of our congressional 
leaders and those in the executive branch that an independent council be 
formed to completely and thoroughly investigate the deaths of nearly 3,000 
American citizens in the attack of 9/11 ­ an attack that took place on 
American soil.

Forget the conspiracy theories for a minute and set aside the political 
gamesmanship. We are a country that spent five years and $100 million 
investigating President Clinton. We probed the depths of the Iran-Contra 
scandal ­ a debacle that would have never come fully into the public eye 
had a special investigator not been appointed.

This administration has spent far more energy and time seeking the leak of 
Valerie Plame's identity and Barry Bonds' use of steroids than it has in 
fully explaining how three skyscrapers crumbled in an instant and nearly 
3,000 people were killed. While an independent investigation may never 
fully answer every question, it will help to heal the wounds of this nation 
and widespread distrust of our leaders this attack has caused.

This historic tragedy ranks among the worst days in American history. We 
owe it to every American ­ but especially those who do battle on our behalf 
at the behest of our leaders ­ to spare no expense and allow no party 
loyalty to dissuade us. The government works for us. If it failed us, 
either in malfeasance or incompetence, then we must know that. If our 
current actions around the world are shaped by misinformation, we must know 
that too. Finally, if what we now believe to be true is only further 
proven, we would do well to hear the evidence that confirms it. If the 
government's version of the events of that day are absolutely true, then 
scrutiny will amplify that truth and lay to rest the skepticism that 
remains to this day.

If, however, the questions that remain serve to shed light on new 
information, that too serves the public. And it is the responsibility of 
this trusted media industry to dig, probe, investigate and uncover the 
truth behind government events and decisions that impact the public. On 
this Veterans Day, we can do no less on behalf of the brave men and women 
who have been sent to the Middle East based upon rationale that stems 
directly from the events of 9/11. While we pay homage to all veterans of 
the Armed Forces today, we are reminded of our duty to watch closely those 
leaders in the White House and Congress who make the decisions to send our 
troops to war.

We invite every single American daily newspaper to join us in our demand 
for an independent council to completely and thoroughly investigate the 
deaths of nearly 3,000 American citizens in the attacks of 9/11.

America will be better informed, and this is our job.

Let us start with ...

The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark


Thermite and the WTC Collapses

Shaped Charges and the World Trade Center Collapses

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you 
about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." -- US 
official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring 
and its connections to 9-11.



-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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