         In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

                          === News Update ===

                         Baghdad : News Flash!

                              Layla Anwar

January 11, 2006

Three very reliable eyewitnesses confirmed to me the following :

- Al Adhamiya District , a predominantly Sunni neighborhood, has been
shelled heavily.
The home of one of the persons has been partly blown away. She and her
husband saw several corpses , at least three according to her, lying in
different streets in Adhamiya.
She and her husband were not "quite sure" if it was the Iraqi Army, the
US occupation forces or the Mahdi Death Squads. Her husband added:" It
is probably the three of them."

- Karrada District, a mixed neighborhood. Sunni/Shi'a and Christians.
The third person stated that they have been without electricity for the
5th day in a row.
The shelling and mortar bombs have been continuous. Since most Iraqi
homes use gas or kerosene for heating , they have been "freezing". It is
impossible to go out and purchase any.
Supplies are short and it is too dangerous to leave the house.

End of the News Flash . Happy Dreams !



                       News Flash ! continued....

                              Layla Anwar

January 12, 2006

More of the same . Different Soooneeeee (sunni) neighborhoods, same
>From very, very reliable eyewitnesses :

- Al Amariya : Remember this name ? Remember the shelter where over 300
women and children were seeking refuge from the B52's bombs during
"Desert Storm"?
For those of you with short memories , it is also referred to as Gulf I.
A very smart missile carbonized to death and during their sleep, all
those who sought shelter in Al Amariya.
For well over a week, Amariya has been encircled by American occupation
forces, the puppet iraqi army and of course who else but the Badr/Sadr
Iranian backed milita-death squads.

Um A. wakes up ever morning and sees two dead corpses lying at her front
door. This has been going on for quite some time but not on a daily
basis like this past week.
Her small grandchildren who live not too far away can no longer visit.
They tripped over a couple of cadavers a few days ago and have been
screaming hysterically with fear ever since.
One of her kids is married to a Shi'a. The spouse has been receiving
death threats from the Iranian backed brigades. Was forced to move to
another neighborhood, a shi'a one. The spouse is still pursued daily
with death threats. The crime ? Married to a sunni. So is the spouse's
mother as well all of the aunts and cousins. Go figure now ...
Umm A's other grown ups: One of her sons escaped to a neighboring
country. His name was too sunni !
Her other kid is also married to a shi'a. Cannot visit her. Changed
names more than once to remain in the predominantly shi'a neighborhood
where he/she lives , to no avail. Packed their bags and left the
Her other child has diabetes. Wanted to make an appointment with her/his
doctor. Too late- he has been murdered. He was a sunni. Now they have to
make arrangements to drive 2 hours to visit another doctor who is
willing to receive them.
Check this out, they need to get an authorization from the occupation
forces first (remember they are in their own country!!!) in order to
leave al Amaryia. Then they are met half way by other members of the
family since no one dares to undertake that drive all the way for two
hours. They relegate this poor patient from one car to another. She/he
needs to change three drivers and cars before getting to the doctor.
Hopefully this latter is still alive today, or so we wish.

Oh and I forgot to mention . Today around 33 men (could not get exact
figure) were murdered in Al-Amaryia. The reason?
They fit the right age group : 17 - 35. By whom ? American occupation
forces,Iraqi Army, and of course none other than the militias. But hey,
that is only a detail right ?

Wait it gets more surreal...

- Al Baladiat : Another neighborhood populated by Palestinians.
M's family i.e his parents, siblings, nieces,nephews, uncles, aunts and
cousins have all escaped. Reason ? Have a wild guess. They are
Palestinians.Yep, the Iranian backed Death sqads of al Sadr and Co were
at them.
The irony - part of his family sought political asylum in India and got
it (thank you India!) because no other Arab country was willing to
accept them. As for the other part, he is not quite sure where they are.

End of News Flash. Have a wonderful, wonderful evening !

P.S : Another detail. Um A. only found out about Saddam's assasination 8
hours later through a phone call. No electricity that day. Deliberate
black out. Not that it really matters or so you think.

P.S.S: No Art work tonight , draw your own. 



-muslim voice-

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