In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

No militants killed in Pakistan madrassa attack, commission says

By Turkish Press

11/14/06 "<>Turkish Press" -- 
Islamabad - A legal panel in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province has 
ruled out any militant link to a religious school that was bombed last 
month, leaving 82 people dead, media reports said Tuesday.
The Peshawar High Court Bar Association's commission investigating the 
airstrike in the Bajaur area said in a report that no foreign elements were 
enrolled in the madrassa located in the remote tribal region bordering 
Afghanistan, according to the Daily Times newspaper.

All those killed in the October 30 airstrike were students, aged 9 to 18, 
it said, contrary to government claims that the school was a training 
centre for Islamic militants and that all the casualties were adults being 
prepared to carry out terrorist attacks.

While the Pakistani government took responsibility for the bombing, the 
commission said the airstrike came from Afghan territory where US-led 
coalition troops are fighting Taliban forces.

American aircraft were "heard flying in the area" on the day of the attack, 
the report added, citing witnesses.

The commission also said no arms or ammunition was recovered from the 
bombed school that would indicate any militant training.

The incident triggered a wave of anger among Pakistan's tribal regions 
against the central government, which was accused of killing innocent 
people in its support of the US-led war on terrorism.

After the Bajaur strike, 42 Pakistan Army recruits died in a November 8 
suicide bombing at a camp in Dargai, also in North-West Frontier Province, 
located north-east of the provincial capital, Peshawar. Analysts saw the 
attack as retaliation for the Bajaur strike, but government authorities 
said it was too early to establish such a link.

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, a strong ally of the United States, 
reiterated that action against terrorists would continue and the government 
would rein in extremist forces in the country.



-muslim voice-

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