
         In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

                          === News Update ===

                         The Folly of Total War

                 Kurt Nimmo, Another Day in the Empire

January 13, 2006

Is Dubya's objective to see how many wars he can start at one time?
Let's see, there's Iraq Attack II, of course, the family affair, and
then there's North Korea, that bit of fifty year old unresolved
business, and now there's Pakistan where the US bombed a religious
school the other day. If you really want to groom hatred, simply bomb
religious schools, hospitals, water purification plants, electrical
grids, etc. Then there's Bahrain where the people rioted against the
presence of US troops the other day. In Kuwait, policemen are taking
potshots at soldiers. According to the Russian newspaper Moskovsky
Komsomolets, over a hundred US soldiers are missing in Afghanistan.

Reality check for the neocon chicken hawks -- the US is not set up to
wage multiple wars in multiple "theaters" across the world. Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, of all people, should know this -- yet he
tells the world no problem, the US can wage multiple wars and win them
hands down. "The message of the holiday season is peace on Earth,"
Rumsfeld told the troops over Christmas. "Yet, despite our best hopes,
history shows that this season of peace has often been a time of war."
Donald Rumsfeld, as the Grinch who stole Christmas, ordered the carpet
bombing of Who-ville. "No one quite knows the reason. It could be his
head wasn't screwed on just right. It could be, perhaps, that his shoes
were too tight. But I think that the most likely reason of all may have
been that his heart was two sizes too small."

"I don't like the word crisis," said Secretary of State Colin Powell the
other day, "it suggests we're about to move forces or there's a war
about to break out, and that's not the case at all." Powell is often at
odds with the neocons who have exclusive permission to yell strident
directives in the ear of his half-wit boss. In the months before Dubya
was installed in the White House these dogmatic neocons made their
intentions known. The "core mission" of the US military is to "fight and
decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars... the process
of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic
and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor." As the neocon Richard
Perle -- known in Washington by the affectionate moniker the "Prince of
Darkness" -- told the journalist John Pilger, the US must wage a "total
war" against "a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there.
All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we will
do Iraq... this is entirely the wrong way to go about it. If we just let
our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely and we
don't try to piece together clever diplomacy, but just wage a total
war... our children will sing great songs about us years from now. "

So, Mr. Powell, climb onboard -- or your children will not be allowed to
"sing great songs" about mass murder and endless wars of conquest. Of
course, your children may choose not to live in the world after the
neocons are finished with it -- a world ravaged by "mini-nukes" and
poisoned by countless tons of depleted uranium, a world where the "grand
imperatives of imperial geostrategy," as Zbigniew Brzezinski so candidly
put it, "are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among
the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the
barbarians from coming together." The New Feudalism envisioned by the
Bush neocons may require multiple wars fought with designer nukes
(specifically engineered for regional conflict), as the Rumsfeld-Grinch
Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) spells out. Nuclear war's not strictly for
deterrence anymore, but a "force intended primarily for war-fighting,"
as Robert K. Musil, Executive Director and CEO of Physicians for Social
Responsibility explains. "Future warfare scenarios may require low-yield
nuclear options," says the Heritage Foundation matter-of-factly. Get
used to it.

Now imagine the above mentioned "multiple, simultaneous major theater
wars" fought against "a variety of enemies" using "low-yield nuclear
options." Hold that wretched thought in mind and then consider what
David W. Allan, esteemed atomic clock physicist, has to say about such
madness. "Detonating many nuclear explosions at once, such as in a
nuclear war scenario, would be like focusing a giant blow torch toward
the center of the earth," writes Allen. Not only would this exacerbate
the green-house effect, it would also contribute to polar ice cap
melting and the rise of ocean levels and the inundation of the
continents with water. If you live in England, you might want to think
about moving. Even without a noxious concert of nukes going off
simultaneously, according to researchers, 85% of Alaskan glaciers have
lost vast portions of their mass in the last 40 years and some are now
thinning at double the rates of the 1950s, which may explain the 9% sea
level rise over the last century. No doubt the neocons see this as pure
poppycock -- that as if they even bother to notice such inappreciable
facts. After all, we're talking about the "axis of evil" here and
preventing "barbarians from coming together." Richard Perle is looking
forward to his kids singing "great songs," so what's a little more water
-- or massive misery in "lesser" nations -- when "geostrategic
imperatives" are at stake?

Junior's not fooling around. The US military, now fully cognizant of its
mission, will use "every resource, every weapon, every means to assure
full victory" over intransigent "vassals," many of whom have their own
ideas about the natural resources and the destiny of the people who live
in their countries. Let them chew on the prospect of the newest addition
to the Pentagon's armory -- the B-61, called the Mk-11 or the "burrowing
bomb." This marvel of death technology is designed to smoke 'em out in
appreciable fashion, especially if they hide in underground bunkers or
the caves of Tora Bora. "Built ram tough with a heavy metal casing for
smashing through earth and concrete, " writes George Smith of the
Village Voice, "the B-61 explodes with the force of an estimated 340,000
tons of TNT. It is lots of bang for the buck, literally two apocalypse
bombs in one -- a boosted plutonium firecracker called the primary, and
a heavy hydrogen secondary for that good old-fashioned H-bomb fireball.
The B-61 also features a detonation option called the Dial-a-Yield for
those times when 340 kilotons is just a little too much." Lovely. "One
B-61 will bring on a calamity of biblical proportions between Tigris and
Euphrates. The sky will turn the color of sackcloth, the Arab world will
supernova, our European allies will try our leaders in absentia as war
criminals in the Hague -- but, hey, anyone who contemplates using the
thing plans on America's hair getting a little mussed." Considering
Bush's authorization for such excessive weaponry -- and the stated
willingness to use them -- it would seem there will be more than a few
bad hair days for America in the days ahead.

But how does the empire "assure full victory" when increasing numbers of
"vassals" are moved to resistance and violence? How does the US "mini-
nuke" a Muslim fundamentalist with a Kalashnikov and not kill the
innocent shopkeeper walking past minding his own business? Bush and his
neocons do not seem concerned with such insignificant details. "Neca eos
omnes. Deus suos agnoset," proclaimed the papal killers of the Cathars
("Kill them all. God will know His own."), an expression, slightly
modified, which found popular use during the Vietnam war and in
paramilitary operations and neocolonial brush wars ever since. Surely,
the relatives of 500,000 plus children to die of entirely preventable
diseases over the span a decade of US-imposed sanctions against Iraq
must understand this cruel maxim. "Bush can just say 'I don't like that
leader's face so he must be removed'. If he removes Saddam he will do
the same in the whole region," a Kuwaiti lawyer told Michael Georgy of
Reuters a few days ago. "The Americans are just trying to impose their
influence on Muslims. We hate the Americans," declared another.

Rumsfeld may brag "a capability in the United States to provide for
homeland defense, to undertake a major regional conflict and win
decisively -- including occupying a country and changing the regime if
necessary -- and simultaneously swiftly defeat another aggressor in
another theater," but this will hardly stem the tide of growing hatred
in countries where US "pre-eminence" is to be exacted for the likes of
transnational corporations and the international banking cartel. No
doubt the US military will be able to take out Saddam's Republican Guard
-- and maybe in short order while at the same time taking out North
Korea's nukes -- but the hatred for the US will remain and painstakingly
eat away at the edges of the empire like a slow acid.

The geniuses in the Pentagon and in the diabolical labs over at Lockheed
Martin have yet to invent a bomb able to eradicate the hatred of
millions of people who yearn to determine their own destinies. 

Kurt Nimmo is a photographer and multimedia developer in Las Cruces, New
Mexico. Visit his excellent online gallery. He can be reached at:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit his website, Another Day in the Empire



-muslim voice-

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