In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

U.N. Officials Question Iraq's "USA Puppet Govt" Rough Justice

<>Haider Rizvi

UNITED NATIONS, Jan 15 (IPS) - The U.S.-backed government in Baghdad is 
facing harsh criticism from the international community for ignoring calls 
to adopt a policy of restraint with regard to carrying out death sentences 
against the members of Iraq's former ruling party.

Reacting to the hanging of Saddam Hussein's two close aides Monday, senior 
U.N. officials and human rights organisations warned that the government 
must end its policy of executions, which they see as serious violation of 
international human rights standards.

"Those responsible for serious human rights violations must be brought to 
justice," said Louise Arbour, the top U.N. official for human rights. "But 
to be credible and durable, the fight against impunity must be based on 
respect for international human rights standards."

"The imposition of the death penalty after a trial and appeal proceedings 
that do not respect the principles of due process amounts to a violation of 
the right to life," she said in a statement.

Hussein's half-brother Awad Hamed Al-Bandar and former intelligence chief 
Barzan Ibrahim Al-Tikriti were hanged early Monday morning despite calls 
from Arbour and others to commute their sentences.

Both Al-Bandar and Al-Tikriti were condemned to death for the killings of 
148 Shias in 1982. Reports from Baghdad said Barzan's hanging left behind a 
headless body, bloodied at the neck.

Arbour, who opposes the death penalty "under all circumstances", said that 
in Al-Tikriti and Al-Bandar's case, "not only is the penalty irredeemable, 
it may also make it more difficult to have a complete judicial accounting 
of other, equally horrendous, crimes committed in Iraq."

Like Arbour, Ban Ki-moon, the new U.N. chief, seemed equally displeased 
with the Iraqi authorities' decision.

"He fully regrets that despite pleas by the high commissioner, they were 
executed," Ban's spokesperson Michele Montas told reporters. Clarifying his 
views on Hussein's execution, Ban said last week he believed that life "is 
precious" and that it must be "protected and respected".

Noting that international law affirms these values, the U.N. 
secretary-general said he recognised the "growing trend in international 
law and national practice towards phasing out the death penalty."

While Ban and other U.N. officials chose to confine their criticism of the 
executions to Iraqi authorities, rights activists said the U.S. government 
must be held equally accountable.

"If the international community is to restore confidence in the rule of law 
in Iraq, it must prosecute the individuals for the international crime of 
aggression against the Iraqi people," said Dr. Curtis Doebbler, an 
international human rights lawyer.

In Doebbler's view, only by calling for such prosecutions can the 
international community restore trust in the rule of law. "Failure to do 
so," he cautioned, "will send a clear message to vulnerable people 
everywhere who have been subjected to U.S. aggression that they cannot 
depend on the rule of law to stop the U.S. and its collaborators from 
violating their most basic human rights."

Speaking to reporters in Egypt, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice 
defended the executions by saying that it was an "Iraqi process". However, 
she expressed her displeasure with the way the executions were actually 
carried out. "We were disappointed there was not greater dignity given to 
the accused under these circumstances," she said.

Deploring the executions in strong words, the London-based human rights 
watchdog group Amnesty International said such actions were nothing but "a 
further slide into the errors of the past."

The group said the Iraqi court failed to meet international standards for a 
fair trial and raised serious questions about its impartiality and ability 
to assert independence from political intervention.

During the trial of Hussein and his aides, many believe that authorities 
forced the first presiding judge to step down and blocked the other's 
appointment while failing to ensure protection for witnesses as well as 
defence lawyers, three of whom were assassinated during the course of the 

Amnesty also noted that Hussein was denied access to legal counsel for the 
first year after his arrest, and said the appeals process was conducted in 
"haste and failed to rectify any of flaws of the first trial."

In addition to Monday's executions, rights groups expressed concern about 
the possibility of a death sentence for Taha Yassin Ramadhan, the former 
vice president. Though already sentenced to life imprisonment, he is likely 
to face another trial.

Reports from Baghdad said the hangings took place in the same building in 
the city where Hussein was executed on Dec. 30 and that the bodies of 
Al-Bandar and Al-Tikriti were flown to their ancestral town of Tikrit for 

According to Amnesty International, the use of death penalty has been on 
the rise in Iraq since its reintroduction inn August 2004. Last year, at 
least 65 people were executed, many of them after u



-muslim voice-

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