In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Gideon Levy: Israel doesn't want peace

The moment of truth has arrived, and it has to be 
said: Israel does not want peace. The arsenal of 
excuses has run out, and the chorus of Israeli 
rejection already rings hollow.  Until recently, 
it was still possible to accept the Israeli 
refrain that "there is no partner" for peace and 
that "the time isn't right" to deal with our 
enemies. Today, the new reality before our eyes 
leaves no room for doubt and the tired refrain 
that "Israel supports peace" has been left shattered.

Who would have believed it? A high-ranking U.S. 
official says Israel wants peace talks to resume 
and instantly her president "severely" denies the 
veracity of her words. Is Israel even hearing 
these voices? Are we digesting the significance 
of these voices for peace? Seven million 
apathetic Israeli citizens prove that we are not.

It's not only Olmert who is dragging his feet. A 
leading figure in the Labor party said last week 
that "it will take five to 10 years to recover 
from the trauma." Peace is now no more than a 
threatening wound, with no one still talking 
about the massive social benefits it would bring 
in development, security, freedom of movement in 
the region and by establishing a more just society.


Pro-Israel groups target American Muslims

LOS ANGELES -- American Muslims and Muslim groups 
have long been a target of harassment and 
vilification from right-wing pro-Israel groups, a 
recent front-page article in the New York Times 
has exposed. Such forces, according to government 
sources, have used guilt by association to spread 
suspicion about Islam and Muslims, and in turn, 
kept Muslims out of mainstream American discourse 
and stripped them of their influence in the political and social arenas.


War Criminal : Army file details brutal deaths of un-tried Afghan detainees

An interrogator told Dilawar that he could see a 
doctor after they finished with him. When he was 
finally sent back to his cell, though, the guards 
were instructed only to chain the prisoner back to the ceiling.

Several hours passed before an emergency room 
doctor finally saw Dilawar. By then he was dead, his body beginning to stiffen.

This is the image America will have to live with for the next half-century.


"Preventive Warriors"

Video :
The film features many of the leading thinkers 
and intellectuals of our time including Noam 
Chomsky, Chalmers Johnson, Tariq Ali and more. 
The film examines a bold new foreign policy paper 
introduced by the White House in September 2002 
entitled: "The National Security Strategy of the United States."


Video: Israeli Mossad training in northern Iraq to the "Peshmerga,"


American Tortured by US in Iraq Speaks Out

At a luncheon at the National Press Club, Vance 
received the Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling, 
an award named in memory of Army helicopter 
gunner Ron Ridenhour who struggled to bring the 
horrific mass murders at My Lai to the attention 
of Congress and the Pentagon during the Vietnam War.


Suspect 'chained like a dog' in Iraq for three months

A SYDNEY spray painter, Ahmed Jamal, was treated 
like a dog and handcuffed continuously for three 
months while imprisoned in Iraq as an alleged 
insurgent, his brother said yesterday


The Iraqi Soldiers Brutally Beat Civilians- video

Many evidences and video records of soldiers from 
Iraqi Army who are involved in abuses, tortures, 
detentions, arrests, raids and killings of tens 
of thousands innocent people together with 
sectarian militias were presented to the world 
community. In this video, brutal attacks of Iraqi 
Soldiers to the Sunni civilians can be watched. … 
Those Iraqi Soldiers are brutally beating civilians…


U.S. Attack Kill Iraqi Woman and Children

A local hospital source and a resident said six 
people, including two children and a woman, were 
killed in the missile strike on a home in the 
centre of the city, 110 miles south of Baghdad.


Scholar deaths "at hands of militias" spur Sunni anger in Iraq

Baghdad - The Association of Muslim Scholars in 
Iraq, a top Sunni authority in the divided 
country, Sunday accused 'sectarian militias which 
infiltrated government forces' of being 
responsible for the death of two Sunni scholars.


Iraq Papers Mon:"US Army Used Neutron Bombs"

Former General Speaks, Recounts the Battle for 
Baghdad. For the fourth anniversary of the fall 
of Baghdad, Aljazeera published an interview with 
the former leader of the Iraqi Republican Guard, 
Saif al-Deen al-Rawi, who was charged with 
organizing the defenses of the capital during the 2003 invasion.

Al-Rawi claimed that US forces used neutron 
nuclear bombs against the Iraqi Army during the 
battle for Baghdad’s airport. Al-Rawi said that 
his units were decimated by neutron bombs which, 
he added, neutralize soldiers without damaging 
buildings and equipment. Al-Rawi also claimed 
that large 9-ton bombs and phosphoric weapons 
that can cover large areas were used during the battle.


CIA tortured me in Iraq, claims freed Iranian diplomat

Allegations spark fresh speculation of secret deal


Ex-army officer: troops are dying in Iraq for a 'doomed project'

A former captain in the Scots Guards who has 
served in Afghanistan and Iraq describes both 
operations as a political and military shambles 
in a book to be published next week.


  Sunday: 11 GIs, 73 Iraqis Killed; 95 Iraqis Wounded

At least 73 Iraqis were killed or found dead 
today and 95 were wounded in violent attacks. Two 
significant bombings occurred, one in Baghdad and 
the other in Mahmudiya. Also, the U.S. military 
reported on the deaths of 11 more servicemembers in separate incidents.


10 Americans die in bloody Iraq weekend

BAGHDAD - The powerful Shiite cleric Muqtada 
al-Sadr ordered his militiamen on Sunday to 
redouble their battle to oust American forces and 
argued that Iraq's army and police should join 
him in defeating "your archenemy." The U.S. 
military announced the weekend deaths of 10 
American soldiers, including six killed on Sunday.;_ylt=AlLa8VNkjuk91.Psv4R7.yms0NUE


  Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 7 April 2007

    * Resistance bomb destroys US vehicle, 
reportedly killing four American troops in al-Kubaysah Friday night.
    * Three US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in al-Fallujah.
    * US continues military operations against 
Baghdad’s Sunni al-A‘zamiyah district for third straight day.
    * Bodies of 12 more victims of sectarian torture, murder found in Baghdad.
    * Resistance car bomber blasts puppet army 
checkpoint in “Madinat as-Sadr” in Baghdad Saturday afternoon.
    * US Marine reported killed in Saturday 
morning Resistance bomb attack in western Baghdad.
    * US soldier killed in Baghdad bomb attack 
Friday, American command admits.
    * US helicopter gun ships attack village near 
al-Khalis Saturday afternoon, killing five people.
    * US forces round up, arrest bearded men aged 
17 to 60 in Tall ‘Afar Friday, Saturday.
    * Eight puppet “Shock Troops” killed in 
double bombing attack in Samarra’ Saturday morning.
    *  Ash-Shuruqat, US troops round up dozens of villagers at dawn Saturday.
    * Oil pipeline from Kirkuk to Bayji blown up Friday morning.


We want the Taliban back, say ordinary Afghans

Faiz Mohammed Karigar, a father of two, fled 
Kandahar when the Taliban held power in 
Afghanistan because he was against their 
restrictions on education. Now he wants the 
fundamentalists back.  At least we felt safe 
under the extremists, say Kandahar residents too afraid to go out after dark.


What the government won't tell you: we are losing Afghan hearts

Our success or failure in Helmand depends not on 
warlords, or the governor of the province, or 
even special forces soldiers, but on the ordinary 
Afghans. And while we are spectacularly winning 
the war at the tactical level against the 
Taliban, we are rapidly losing the fight for those ordinary hearts and minds.

"When the Taliban were here, I escaped to the 
border with Iran, but I was never worried about 
my family," he said. "Every single minute of the 
last three years I have been very worried. Maybe 
tonight the Americans will come to my house, 
molest my wife and children and arrest me."


7 NATO occupation force soldiers killed in 
roadside bombings in southern Afghanistan

Roadside bombs in southern Afghanistan on Sunday 
left seven NATO occupation force soldiers dead, 
the alliance said, as its forces continued an 
anti-Taliban offensive in the world's most fertile opium-producing region.


Prime Minister Stephen Harper confirms six 
Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan killed



Afghan translator for kidnapped Italian journalist beheaded

Taliban spokesman: Ajmal Naqshbandi, a freelance 
journalist and translator, was kidnapped along 
with Daniele Mastrogiacomo of the Italian 
newspaper La Repubblica, and a driver in southern Helmand province March 5.



It is important that we pause to remember the 
dead of Deir Yassin, the young, the old, the 
children, the unborn. It is important that we 
remember the barbarism that was carried out 
against essentially defenceless people who were, 
and had been, living in peace with their Jewish neighbours in Kfar Shaul.

That Jews depopulated Deir Yassin by massacre is 
significant not only because of its inhumanity, 
but it also marked the beginning of a campaign 
whereby Jews wiped over 500 Palestinian towns and 
villages off the map, killed thousands of 
Palestinian people, and forced close to 800,000 to flee.


Holocaust Memory and Jewish Identity

When I recently asked some friends which chapter 
of Jewish history should be mandatory knowledge 
for all Jews, some chose the exodus from Egypt, 
others the establishment of modern Israel and 
some the emergence of prophetic Judaism.

I found it odd that no one selected the Holocaust.

Yet the Holocaust is precisely what American Jews 
have chosen. After all, Holocaust education 
permeates Jewish school curriculums, Holocaust 
museums have emerged throughout America, and Yom 
HaShoah commemorations, like the ones we will 
have this month, are ever-present. In turn, Jews, 
for whom Jewish philosophy remains untouchable, 
turn to the destruction of European Jewry as their dominant historical memory.


Shalom, Shin Bet

Recently, The chief of the Shin Bet declared that 
the "Israeli Arabs", a fifth of Israel's 
population, constitute a danger to the state.


URGENT NEWS - to UN & General Secretary Ban Ki - 
Moon : Israelis in New Missile Attacks over Gaza Strip

The escalation in Israeli violence came after 
that the Israeli "defense" minister - Amir Peretz 
authorized "limited strikes" inside the Gaza 
Strip - The new Israeli missile attacks on Gaza 
Strip are attempts to prevent the Palestinian 
resistance from the preparations of attaching 
explosive devises and to bring weapons in tunnels 
from outside in to the Gaza Strip. - Weapons to 
be used by the Palestinian resistance in 
defending the borders from foreign hostile 
trespassers - the Israelis - waging new wars on the Gaza Strip.


Torture account sidesteps gag on Hicks

A British document speaks for the terrorist and 
reveals what the US hoped to hide, reports.

He was neither interrogated nor physically 
restrained nor abused, to his surprise, given the 
Northern Alliance's reputation for extreme 
cruelty and even killing of prisoners. Then he 
was handed over to the Americans.

"When the US interrogators showed up, my 
treatment changed," Hicks later recounted.

"My hands were restrained behind my back and I 
was forced to kneel during interrogations. US 
personnel would force me into painful physical 
positions. The US interrogators would question me 
and after my responses I would be slapped in the 
back of the head and told I was lying."


US allowed Ethiopia to buy arms secretly from N. Korea

Three months after the United States successfully 
pressed the United Nations to impose strict 
sanctions on North Korea because of the country's 
nuclear test, Bush administration officials 
allowed Ethiopia to complete a secret arms 
purchase from North Korea, in what appears to be 
a violation of the restrictions, according to senior US officials.


Cuba slams US' double standard on terrorism

Cuba yesterday slammed what it said was the US' 
double standard on terrorism after a US federal 
judge ordered the release of an anti-Castro 
activist convicted in the deadly downing of a Cuban jet.


Death threat's close news website

"I have concluded that it's not safe for me any 
more to continue editing in this 
atmosphere of intimidation, which abridges 
freedom of speech and freedom of the press."


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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