In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

480 US nuclear warheads in Europe : War Mongering

A documentary aired on Italian TV channel, RAI 
24, has claimed that the U.S. military is keeping 
480 nuclear warheads across Europe, 90 in Italy.


Researcher Says Israel Responsible for at least 
97.8 Percent of Serious Human Rights Abuses in Conflict

Dr. Anthony Löwstedt, an independent Swedish 
researcher released his extensive research 
analysis titled :"Apartheid – Ancient, Past, and 
Present: Systematic and Gross Human Rights 
Violations in Graeco-Roman Egypt, South Africa, 
and Israel/Palestine." (PDF File)

In his focus on the Middle Eastern conflict since 
the formation of the state of Israel in 1948, he 
said that the vast majority of grave violations 
of human rights falls under the responsibility of the Jewish state.

Researcher says Israel Responsible for at least 
97.8 Percent of Serious Human Rights Abuses in Conflict.


The Iraqi resistance only exists to end the occupation

The escalating attacks are not usually aimed at 
civilians, but are a direct response to the brutal actions of US-led troops.

During the first three years of occupation women 
were mostly confined to their homes, protected by 
male relatives. But now that the savagery of 
their circumstances has propelled many of them to 
the head of their households, they are risking 
their lives outdoors. Since men are the main 
target of US-led troops, militias and death 
squads, black-cloaked women are seen queuing at 
prisons, government offices or morgues, in search 
of disappeared, or detained, male relatives. It 
is women who bury the dead. Baghdad has become a 
city of bereaved women. But contrary to what we 
are told by the occupation and its puppet regime, 
this is not the only city that is subject to the 
brutality that forces thousands of Iraqis to flee their country every month.

There is only one solution to this disaster, and 
that is for the US and Britain to accept that the 
Iraqi resistance is fighting to end the 
occupation. And to acknowlege that it consists of 
ordinary Iraqis, not only al-Qaida, not just 
Sunnis or Shias, not those terrorists - as Tony 
Blair called them - inspired by neighbouring 
countries such as Iran. To recognise that Iraqis 
are proud, peace-loving people, and that they 
hate occuption, not each other. And to understand 
that the main targets of the resistance are not 
Iraqi civilians. According to Brookings, the 
independent US research institute, 75% of 
recorded attacks are directed at occupation 
forces, and a further 17% at Iraqi government 
forces. The average number of attacks has more 
than doubled in the past year to about 185 a day. 
That is 1,300 a week, and more than 5,500 a month.,,2054881,00.html


Could a Google Search Have Helped Prevent the War in Iraq?

The 'Smoking Gun' letter, citing a deal to sell 
uranium to Saddam Hussein, was obvious forgery, say a new book.

The July 2000 letter, which was obtained from 
Italian intelligence services, appeared to be an 
official correspondence from the Niger government 
to the president of Iraq, confirming a deal to 
sell 500 tons of pure uranium to Iraq annually.

But if the CIA had done a simple Internet search 
on some of the terms used in the letter, the 
agency would have quickly learned that it was a forgery.


Divide and Rule - America's Plan for Baghdad

Faced with an ever-more ruthless insurgency in 
Baghdad - despite President George Bush's "surge" 
in troops - US forces in the city are now 
planning a massive and highly controversial 
counter-insurgency operation that will seal off 
vast areas of the city, enclosing whole 
neighbourhoods with barricades and allowing only 
Iraqis with newly issued ID cards to enter.


Iraqis Finally Unite-Against the U.S.

You have to hand it to Sen. Joe Lieberman, 
I-Conn., for having the chutzpah to cite the 
fiercely anti-American rally that dominated the 
anniversary of Iraq's fourth year of U.S. 
occupation as evidence that the troop "surge" is 
working. As opposed to Lieberman, who continues 
to act as Bush's overeager lap dog, his masters 
in the White House knew better than to celebrate at this depressing moment.


Barazani bribed former Iraqi justice minister : 
America Lackey and Iraqis Traitor

Turkish newspaper Hurriyet says they have 
evidence that Kurdish warlord Barazani bribed 
former Iraq’s  Justice minister Hasham Al-Shibli to deport Arabs out of Kirkuk.

Hurriyet says that they have copies of bank 
checks of thousands of dollars paid by Barazani to the minister Al-Shibli.


Iraq situation 'ever worsening'

The situation for civilians in Iraq is "ever 
worsening", the International Committee of the Red Cross says.


Film for torturing and killing old Palestinian by the Safawee Shiite militias

You can't describe the ugly crime that was done 
by the betrayal hands that hate Islam and the 
Palestine existence, this gang is Bader corps. It 
abducted old Palestinian man that his age is more 
than 70 years old, from his job place and 
tortured him in an ugly way that you didn’t 
witness any one like this way even wild animals 
don’t do this things that is not from Islam or any low in the world.


Urgent… tens killed and wounded from civilians by 
occupation and government bullets in al-Fathel

Medical sources revealed to our correspondent in 
al-Fathel area that the first statistics of 
civilian losses that was made by the armed 
combats that is still accruing until now in the 
area reached 27 killed and tens wounded


Military spending soars to keep troops in the service

The struggle to entice Army soldiers and Marines 
to stay in the military, after four years of war 
in Iraq, has ballooned into a $1 billion 
campaign, with bonuses soaring nearly sixfold since 2003


Medical crews airlifted 850 wounded in March

Air Force planes and medical crews airlifted more 
than 850 wounded and injured servicemen out of 
war zones during March, according to the Air 
Force. In February, the Air Force flew out 767 patients.


Standing on the bodies: McCain Assails Democrats On Iraq War

Republican presidential contender John McCain on 
Wednesday called the four-year conflict in Iraq 
"necessary and just" and accused anti-war 
Democrats, including their leading White House candidates, of recklessness.


The Inevitable Collapse : Democrats for War

The precipitous decline of antiwar sentiment 
within the Democratic Party has been on grand 
display over the past few months. The majority of 
leading Democrats say they oppose the war in 
Iraq, but still refuse to cut funding. And when 
Bush vetoes the pork-swollen appropriations bill, 
which he's promised to do, the Democrats have 
pledged to compromise, rewrite the bill, and 
grant President Bush exactly what he wants: more 
cash and no timetable for troop withdraw from Iraq.


US Forced to Import Bullets from Israel as Troops 
Use 250,000 for Every Rebel Killed

US forces have fired so many bullets in Iraq and 
Afghanistan - an estimated 250,000 for every 
insurgent killed - that American 
ammunition-makers cannot keep up with demand. As 
a result the US is having to import supplies from Israel.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 10 April 2007

    * American armored vehicle reported destroyed 
when Resistance ambushes US patrol in 
al-Fallujah, sparking half-hour fire fight Tuesday morning.
    * US troops set up temporary checkpoint, 
arrest 15 southeast of al-Fallujah.
    * Resistance sharpshooter kills puppet 
soldier in al-Fallujah Tuesday morning.
    * Unidentified victim of torture, murder found in al-Fallujah.
    * US command admits four troops killed on Tuesday, Baghdad.
    * At least 10 reported killed in fierce 
battle as neighborhood defenders fight Americans, 
puppet troops following execution of two local 
youths in al-Fadl neighborhood of Baghdad.  US 
admits 16 American troops wounded.
    * Mysterious car bomb in Baghdad University 
parking lot kills five midday Tuesday.
    * Mortar shell lands near Palestinian middle 
school killing one, injuring 10, including students.
    * Woman Resistance fighter detonates 
explosive belt amidst puppet police recruits in 
al-Miqdadiyah, Tuesday morning, killing 17.
    * US carries out raids, arrests in village near ad-Dulu‘iyah.
    * US troops kill student at fuel station in Tikrit.
    * Mysterious bomb kills two civilians north of al-Khalis Tuesday morning.
    * Bomb in al-Haswah kills two. Torture, 
murder victim found in al-Iskandariyah area.
    * Resistance fighters battle US troops near 
al-Mahmudiyah Sunday, US announcement says.
    * Four rockets blast into US “Camp Echo” in ad-Diwaniyah.


26 dead in Afghanistan airstrike, explosions

US-led coalition and Afghan troops called in 
warplanes after Taliban rebels attacked them with 
mortars and rockets in the troubled Sangin 
district of southern Helmand province, the coalition said.


Murder of 8 Afghan Civilians leads to firing of Spec ops commander

The firings occurred April 3, one month after 
members of the company allegedly killed eight 
civilians after a Marine convoy was ambushed by a 
car bomb in Afghanistan's Nangarhar province.


Probe finds that Marines accused of killing 
Afghan civilians used excessive force

The initial investigation of the March 4 
incident, in which up to a dozen Afghan civilians 
are reported to have died, concluded that the 
Marines' response was "out of proportion to the 
threat that was immediately there," a senior defense official said Wednesday.


The Third Temple's Holy Of Holies: Israel's Nuclear Weapons

The Counterproliferation Papers Series was 
established by the USAF Counterproliferation 
Center to provide information and analysis to 
U.S. national security policy-makers and USAF 
officers to assist them in countering the threat 
posed by adversaries equipped with weapons of 
mass destruction.  Copies of papers in this 
series are available from the USAF 
Counterproliferation Center, 325 Chennault 
Circle, Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6427.  The fax 
number is (334) 953-7538; phone (334) 953-7538.


Dr Mengele's new lab : Zionist War Crime

In a country famous for conducting illegal 
medical experiments on its own citizens, it is 
perhaps not surprising to find that Palestinian 
political prisoners are being used as subjects 
for illegal medical experiments.  There is no 
direct proof of this – nor would there be, unless 
an Israeli doctor confesses, as the experiments 
are done without the knowledge or consent of the 
prisoners – but the allegation is based on the 
combination of a marked decrease in the health of 
the prisoners coupled with an admission that 
there was an annual increase of 15 percent in the 
number of permits given to the Israeli ministry 
of health to conduct experiments on Palestinian 
prisoners.  This is just one of a long monthly 
list of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity.


10% of Palestinian children have lasting malnutrition effects

About 10 percent of Palestinian children suffer 
permanent effects from malnutrition, according to 
a survey published Wednesday, a result of 
widespread poverty in the West Bank and Gaza.


Israelis Torturing Palestinian Children

About a year and a half ago, he tells IPS, he and 
his friend were walking down the street when 
Israeli military jeeps surrounded them, shouted 
at them in Hebrew to stop, and forced them inside a jeep.

"I was taken to a detention centre and 
interrogated," Mohammed says. "The interrogation 
would begin at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and 
would finish after eleven pm. I was beaten all 
the time, especially if the soldiers did not get the answers they wanted.


Closed 1967 Senate protocols reveal bids to pressure Israel

Senator William J. Fulbright is quoted as saying, 
"The trouble is they [the Jews] think they have 
control of the Senate and they can do as they please."


Palestinian family must wait in jail for case hearing

While their case remains uncertain, 56-year-old 
Radi Hazahza and his four adult children Mirvat, 
24; Hisham, 23; Suzi, 19; and Ahmad, 18 wait in a 
West Texas detention center where they say they've been mistreated.


U.S. citizen says FBI ordered his torture

Jack Idema is the last of three U.S. citizens 
imprisoned in Afghanistan for running a private 
prison. Idema said they were hunting terrorists 
as part of a mission sanctioned by U.S. 
counterterrorism officials - a claim that U.S. officials have denied.


White House Considers War Overseer

The Washington Post reported that the White House 
has approached at least three retired four-star 
generals in recent weeks, but they have declined 
to be considered for the position,,-6549473,00.html


Dictatorship : Florida Legislature Forces University To Idolize Jeb Bush

Upset by this lack of Jeb Bush adoration, the 
conservative-controlled House Schools & Learning 
Council voted yesterday to force the university 
to rename its education school the “Jeb Bush College of Education.”

Over the faculty’s opposition, the school will 
now have “to erect ‘suitable markers‘ noting the 
college’s new name and include the revised name 
in all university documents, including catalogues 
and brochures.” The lawmakers acknowledge they 
“came up with the idea as an answer” to the 
faculty’s denial of Bush’s honorary degree.


Alberto Gonzales is a Symptom

He refuses to resign. His explanation is that he 
has worked too hard to surrender. After all, he 
gave up a Texas Supreme Court Judgeship for the 
opportunity to engage in this morass.


Libby supporters in Republican Jewish Coalition attack Pelosi

This is truly shameful. The Republican Jewish 
Coalition, a GOP front group, is doing a swiftboating of Nancy Pelosi


Hillary's pathetic ploy

Sen. Hillary Clinton's decision to co-sponsor a 
bill to make it a crime to burn the American flag 
amounts to political pandering of the worst kind.


-muslim voice-

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