In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The U.S. Has A History Of Using Torture For The Past 50 years

Mr. McCoy is J.R.W. Smail Professor of History at the University of 
Wisconsin-Madison and the author of A Question of Torture: CIA 
Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror (New York: 
Metropolitan Books, 2006).

In April 2004, Americans were stunned when CBS broadcast those 
now-notorious photographs from Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, showing hooded 
Iraqis stripped naked while U.S. soldiers stood by smiling.  As this 
scandal grabbed headlines around the globe, Defense Secretary Donald 
Rumsfeld insisted that the abuses were "perpetrated by a small number of 
U.S. military," whom New York Times" columnist William Safire soon branded 
"creeps"--a line that few in the press had reason to challenge.


American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America

Video - . Hedges describes what he considers to be the movement's 
ideological ancestors - the Italian and German fascist movements of the 
early 20th century - and also argues that contemporary "American Fascism" 
manifests itself in militant, sexist, and homophobic behaviors and policies.


Dictatorship : Obsessed by personalities, they've forgotten what democracy 
is for

The US media is gripped by election fever - but discusses the candidates' 
highs and lows rather than the real social issues,,2005943,00.html


9/11 : The view from Guantanamo Bay

GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA - In what looks like a strangely choreographed dance, 
they pace. Guards in camouflage and tan military boots walk non-stop back 
and forth along two floors of cells. Their eyes are trained on the row of 
small windows through which they watch detainees also on the move. A few 
are sitting, one is rocking back and forth, but most of them pace, almost 
keeping step with the guards. This is Camp 6, the holding centre for nearly 
half of the 395 detainees still housed at the U.S. naval base on the 
southeast corner of Cuba.

Canadian Omar Khadr now lives in this modern building modelled after a 
Michigan prison. Officials boast that the guards are better protected here 
than in other camps and that detainees enjoy more privacy and new 
amenities, including air conditioning. But lawyers for the detainees say 
the isolation "there's little or no contact with others at this facility" 
is driving the men mad.


9/11 : The view from Guantanamo Bay

GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA - In what looks like a strangely choreographed dance, 
they pace. Guards in camouflage and tan military boots walk non-stop back 
and forth along two floors of cells. Their eyes are trained on the row of 
small windows through which they watch detainees also on the move. A few 
are sitting, one is rocking back and forth, but most of them pace, almost 
keeping step with the guards. This is Camp 6, the holding centre for nearly 
half of the 395 detainees still housed at the U.S. naval base on the 
southeast corner of Cuba.


Bush admin. to ask for $700,000,000,000 for Military

The Bush administration will seek congressional approval of more than $700 
billion in military spending this year, including $245 billion to fund the 
ongoing wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan, top officials told the 
press Friday. The gargantuan funding request will be formally unveiled and 
sent to Congress Monday.


Failed States: The US and Israel

Iran, a nation with a 5,000 year history, is certainly not a failed state. 
The main failed states in the Middle East are those that are US puppets. 
They represent American hegemony, not the interests of their people.


Why They Hate Us: Some Examples

YouTube gives some examples of why Iraqis may have a less than positive 
view of US occupiers. I am not only amazed at what some of these videos 
show, but also the fact that the soldiers who shot the videos were 
apparently proud of their behavior.

Driving in Baghdad :
I first saw this one on MSNBC. Col. Jack Jacobs explained that this is the 
way US forces in Iraq are now trained to drive in Baghdad.

US Soldiers Taunt Kids With Water :
US soldiers conduct "kid races" where they use precious clean drinking 
water in the same way they use the fake rabbit at the greyhound races.

US Soldiers Punish Looters of Firewood :
Speaks for itself.

It would be hard to argue that any of the victims in these videos were 
deserving of this behavior.



Ambassador Dr. Saeed Hasan Almusawi, Former Iraqi Permanent Representative 
to UN

The aim of this paper is to render homage to Iraqi people, whose resistance 
and sacrifices accelerated the decline of the Uni-polar World Order. The 
Peace Movements around the world are urged to express solidarity with Iraqi 
resistance. the victory of Iraqi resistance is a victory for the 
International community in its struggle to defeat war mongers and create a 
New World Order based on respect of International Law and the right of 
peoples to live in peace.


Armed groups take control of Baaquba while the government focuses on the 
Bush-Baghdad scheme

Diyala province is north and a little east of Baghdad, bordering Iran, and 
in recent months there have been reports of battles for control between 
Sunni and Shiite militias. Al-Hayat reports today on recent events in 
Diyala that indicate the security situation there has deteriorated, partly 
as a result of the government's concentration on the new Baghdad security plan.

The vice-president of the Diyala provincial council, Hassan Bajlan, 
announced last week the fall of Baaquba into the hands of "armed persons 
and terrorist groups and Baathist remnants."


Video shows fighters downing US chopper

VIDEO - An al Qaeda-backed group ­ the Islamic State in Iraq ­ on Sunday 
issued a video which it said showed its fighters downing a US helicopter 
northwest of Baghdad.


Top secret army cell recruiting Iraqi insurgent double agents

Deep inside the heart of the "Green Zone", the heavily fortified 
administrative compound in Baghdad, lies one of the most carefully guarded 
secrets of the war in Iraq. It is a cell from a small and anonymous British 
Army unit that goes by the deliberately meaningless name of the Joint 
Support Group (JSG), and it has proved to be one of the Coalition's most 
effective and deadly weapons in the fight against terror.


UK Telegraph Reveals Brit Terrorist Ops in Iraq

It is interesting the, "Lord" Conrad Black’s online version 
of a neocon newspaper, would publish a story admitting that the Joint 
Support Group, described as "a cell from a small and anonymous British Army 
unit," manages "covert human intelligence sources or agents," including 
double agents, that is to say the Brits are engaged in terrorist 
operations, as long suspected.

"During the [Irish] Troubles, the JSG operated under the cover name of the 
Force Research Unit (FRU), which between the early 1980s and the late 1990s 
managed to penetrate the very heart of the IRA. By targeting and then 
'turning’ members of the paramilitary organization with a variety of 
'inducements’" ranging from blackmail to bribes, the FRU operators 
developed agents at virtually every command level within the IRA," explains 
Sean Rayment.


Occupation forces and death militias executed eight children in “AL-Samra” 

Iraqirabita released a video shows women and children among the arrested in 
Najaf [watch: here], the video confirms an the earlier report broadcast by 
"Democracy Now" interviewing an Iraqi doctor from Najaf saying that women 
and children among the dead and injured contrary to what the "Green Zone" 
government and the American said.

The crime of Najaf caused the so called "Iraqi Parliament" to delay their 
session today after Parliament spokesman "Al-Mashhadani" read a letter from 
tribal leaders in south Iraq saying that Najaf events will cause dangerous 
consequences in the future, Mashhadani refused to say who sent this letter 
for security reasons.


Iraqis blame U.S. in suicide bombing

"I saw with my own eyes young children flying from the windows of the 
apartments on top of the shops when the explosion arrived," said Haydar 
Abdul Jabbar, 28, a car mechanic who was standing near a barber shop when 
the bomb exploded.


The Battle for Kirkuk, Middle East Explosion and Why Uruknet is Censored

In the privatization juggernaut, looms the ever growing conflict over 
Kirkuk's privatization. Iraq's new oil law is STILL being contested by the 
various parties concerned. (He who claims possession to the ground will 
reap the profits). Thus, regarding Kirkuk between Kurdistan's regional 
government, Iraq's puppet central goverment and Turkey


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 4 February 2007.

    * US troops storm house near al-Fallujah, execute four men for no 
apparent reason.
    * Resistance men battle US troops in al-Fallujah Saturday-Sunday night.
    * US troops reported dead in day of active Resistance attacks in Baghdad.
    * Resistance bomb kills four western security men working for US 
military near American “Camp Kalsu” north of al-Hillah.
    * Resistance hits joint US-Iraqi puppet base with heavy mortars Sunday 
morning, Hit.
    * Resistance fida’i fighter kills nine puppet “al-Anbar Salvation 
Council” police in attack in Hit on Saturday.
    * Resistance fighters foil attempt by Jaysh al-Mahdi to storm Sunni 
mosque in Baghdad.
    * Resistance mortar shell slams into house of puppet army general.
    * Car bomb targets sectarian fighters in Baghdad Sunday afternoon.


Ethnic Cleansing in Jerusalem, Israeli Style

Israeli authorities are carrying out a process in East Jerusalem that can 
accurately be described as ethnic cleansing. It is plainly geared to uproot 
Palestinians from an area that historically has been known as Arab East 
Jerusalem and convert it into an integral, permanent part of the capital of 
the Jewish state.

The scandalous process is recognized and deplored by the major news media 
in Britain and elsewhere and even by some newspapers in Israel, but it is 
predictably ignored in the United States.


Police: Six Defense Ministry officials confess to taking bribes

Six Defense Ministry officials have admitted they took gifts from 
contractors but denied they were given in return for ensuring those 
contractors won tenders held by the ministry, the Police International 
Crime Unit said Monday.

A joint police and Defense Ministry investigation has revealed that three 
managers and three inspectors of the ministry's administration, maintenance 
and property management division accepted benefits in the form of gifts, in 
restaurants meals and renovation work at their homes.


AP Poll: Bush worse than Satan


Timing of Hicks charges 'an act of bastardry'

The Australian lawyer for David Hicks has accused the US military of an act 
of bastardry for waiting until the departure of his legal team to announce 
new charges.


The CIA Leak: Boring In on the Veep

The new testimony could make things more awkward for Cheney, due to be 
called as a defense witness soon


'Half of voters' want Tony Blair to quit immediately

Tony Blair was under fresh pressure to quit Downing Street today after a 
poll found more than half of voters want him to step down immediately.


-muslim voice-

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