In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Demolishing part of Al-Aqsa is inflammatory

The Federation of Australian Muslim Students & Youth (FAMSY) expresses its 
absolute dismay in the strongest terms against Israel's reckless excavation 
work of the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque which not only defies International Law but 
is a blatant attack on the entire Muslim world.


Israel dig plan 'threatens Al-Aqsa'

Taysir al-Tamimi, a senior Muslim scholar and judge, has said Israeli 
bulldozers are moving towards the al-Maghareba gate of the al-Aqsa mosque 
compound to demolish parts of a mound covering the walkway.


Muslims face hatred in US heartland

CINCINNATI: Tala Ali, 25, has seen the good and the bad of being a Muslim 
in heartland America. People have leaned out car windows to scream at her: 
"Terrorist go home." But strangers curious about her headscarf have also 
approached her apologetically to ask about Islam. "I love it, actually, 
when people ask me questions," said the pink-scarved Ali, who came to the 
United States with her Jordanian father and Palestinian mother when she was 

"Out here, I'm the only Muslim some people may meet," said Ali, waiting for 
friends after Friday prayers at a Cincinnati mosque. "I always keep in mind 
that I'm an ambassador of Islam." For Ali and other Muslims who live far 
from America's immigrant-rich big cities, everyday life is a test of 
tolerance and outreach to fellow Americans who view Islam with suspicion 
five years after the Sept. 11 attacks and amid bleak and bloody wars in 
Iraq and Afghanistan.


We're not oppressed, Muslim women tell Quebec town

Presentation aims to counter Herouxville's 'reasonable accommodation' debate

HEROUXVILLE, Que. - A small group of Muslim women was given mostly a warm 
reception when they dropped in yesterday to a Quebec town that passed 
divisive guidelines for immigrants.


Muslims hope to 'dispel myths' in Quebec town

A delegation of Muslim women brought pastries and dialogue to a small 
Quebec town that has adopted a controversial code of conduct apparently 
aimed at their faith.

"It appears that there's a misunderstanding -- a sort of generalization 
over many things that we believe is our duty to clear up for them," May 
Haidar of the Canadian Islamic Congress told CTV Montreal in Herouxville.



"Maher Arar has been rightly vindicated in receiving an apology and 
settlement for Canada's part in his ordeal of torture in Syria. But five 
other Arab-Muslim men currently detained without charges are not being 
accorded comparable justice," says a statement released today by Canada's 
largest Muslim organizations.

The Canadian Islamic Congress and the Quebec - based Canadian Muslim Forum 
are calling on Ottawa to act without further delay to resolve the cases of 
all five Muslim men.


Economist Slams New Hirsi Ali Book

Ayaan Hirsi Ali blames Islam for the miseries of the Muslim world. Her new 
autobiography shows that life is too complex for that

SAY what you will about Ayaan Hirsi Ali, she fascinates. The Dutch-Somali 
politician, who has lived under armed guard ever since a fatwa was issued 
against her in 2004, is a chameleon of a woman. Just 11 years after she 
arrived in the Netherlands from Africa, she rode into parliament on a wave 
of anti-immigrant sentiment, only to leave again last year, this time for 
America, after an uproar over lies she had told to obtain asylum.

Even the title of her new autobiography reflects her talent for 
reinvention. In the Netherlands, where Ms Hirsi Ali got her start 
campaigning against the oppression of Muslim women, the book has been 
published under the title "My Freedom". But in Britain and in America, 
where she now has a fellowship at the conservative American Enterprise 
Institute, it is called "Infidel". In it, she recounts how she and her 
family made the cultural odyssey from nomadic to urban life in Africa and 
how she eventually made the jump to Europe and international celebrity as 
the world's most famous critic of Islam.


Muslims contribute 31b pounds to British economy

LONDON: The British Muslim community contributes more than 31 billion 
pounds to the country's economy each year, it was revealed at a function in 
Central London on Saturday evening.


Islamophobia : The Road Map to Despotism

Editor's note: Despite spending an estimated $80 million, the government 
was unable to prove that Dr. Sami Al-Arian was a terrorist, yet he remains 
in prison and his sentence will likely be extended. Pulitzer Prize-winning 
journalist Chris Hedges warns that the abusive imprisonment of this 
nonviolent Palestinian dissenter does not bode well for the rest of us.


The World Can Halt Bush's Crimes By Dumping the Dollar

Intelligent people realize that American claims to be a moral and 
democratic force are mere pretense behind which hides a policy of military 


A Terrorist by Any Other Name

Once again, amidst the thunderous roar of treason, the voice of reason is 
being muted and the pundits at the AEI and other neo-cons are taking 
America to war. The mainstream media, by affording them a platform, are 
putting a rope around our values, our liberty and justice, but above all, 
they are snuffing out the life of our citizenry. Are we ready to submit?


Munich to US: "Don't Send Your CIA Thugs out into Europe's Streets"

In a historic first, German prosecutors have issued arrest warrants for 13 
suspected CIA agents thought to have illegally kidnapped a German citizen 
as part of the war on terror. The decision has been universally welcomed by 
German commentators.,1518,463765,00.html


The Bombing of the Golden Dome Mosque; one year later

Bush's "dirty war" in Iraq has become increasingly violent and confused. 
The neocon trust in "creative destruction" has succeeded in fragmenting 
Iraqi society, but the long-term prospects for normalization (or resource 
extraction) appear bleak. At this point, it seems irrelevant whether the 
bombing of the Golden-dome Mosque was the work of Sunni extremists or the 
US intelligence agencies. After all, propaganda may be useful for shaping 
public opinion but it cannot win wars. And that is the dilemma that Bush 
now faces.


Victory Is Not an Option

The new National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq starkly delineates the gulf 
that separates President Bush's illusions from the realities of the war.


Chimps In A Zoo Cage

The U.S. media is beneath contempt, and can never redeem itself for the 
damage it has wrought on this republic by its fawning allegience to a band 
of crooked, war-mongering fools.


Iraq, al-Qaida 'link' defended

A former top Pentagon official on Sunday defended as "good government" his 
office's prewar findings of a significant relationship between Iraq and 
al-Qaida, while a congressional Democrat suggested that his actions were 
not only inappropriate but possibly illegal.


The danger of a 'chosen' nation

Israel holds a sacred place in the words of the Old Testament. But does 
Christian doctrine give that country a free pass at the expense of peace in 
the Middle East?


Israel mulls suspending contacts with Abbas

Israel is considering suspending contacts with moderate Palestinian 
President Mahmoud Abbas if his new unity government with Hamas does not 
meet international demands, Israeli officials said yesterday.


How much American money should Israel ask for?

Some in Israel are advocating that the government request increased 
financial aid. The Bush administration is friendly and supportive; both 
parties in Congress want to show their support. This might be a good time 
to strike a deal for the next 10 years.


Opps!: Canadian troops fire on Afghan army convoy, wounding one allied soldier

Military police attempted late Monday to piece together events that led to 
the shooting of an Afghan soldier by Canadian occupation troops guarding a 
disabled patrol vehicle - an event that has put further strain on the allies.


US military expands into Africa

The American military-industrial complex that so troubled Dwight Eisenhower 
in 1961 has morphed into a boom business with truly global reach. It makes 
China's business-oriented People's Liberation Army look like a corner shop.


Somalian government troops fire into crowd, at least five killed

A march that drew thousands in support of peacekeepers ended in violence 
Sunday when an explosion went off as the army chief prepared to address the 
rally and government troops fired into the crowd in response. At least five 
people were killed.


Mogadishu residents flee city

Hundreds of people fled the occupied Somali capital Mogadishu on Monday 
after two people were killed in the latest barrage of rebel rocket attacks 
and guerrilla-style raids.


Somalia: Food shortages in the south as insecurity increases

An estimated 1.1 million people are already facing a humanitarian crisis in 
southern Somalia, which has recently been ravaged by drought, floods and 


War On Iran--It's Not About Democracy

As I write, indications are that there are US Special Forces engaged in 
operations in Iran. Rumors name the province of Khuzestan as the locale for 
these operations. They are probably being helped by various exiles who are 
either current or former members of organizations that believe the ends 
justify the means and are therefore willing to help the enemy in Washington 
to overthrow the mullahs.


Wolfowitz Emerges as Key Figure in Intel Manipulation

Paul Wolfowitz, former under secretary of defense, has been identified in 
recently released grand jury transcripts as being involved in a White House 
smear campaign against Joseph Wilson, the former US ambassador who accused 
the Bush administration of manipulating intelligence in the run-up to the 
Iraq War.


Christian Zionism: Dispensationalism And The Roots Of Sectarian Theology

Dispensationalism is one of the most influential theological systems within 
the universal church today. Largely unrecognised and subliminal, it has 
increasingly shaped the presuppositions of fundamentalist, evangelical, 
Pentecostal and charismatic thinking concerning Israel and Palestine over 
the past one hundred and fifty years.


-muslim voice-

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