In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===


In late September, I finally received a response to the question I had been 
asking the Bush administration for more than two years: Why was my work 
visa revoked in late July 2004, just days before I was to take up a 
position as a professor of Islamic studies and the Henry Luce chair of 
religion, conflict, and peace building at the University of Notre Dame? 
Initially neither I nor the university was told why; officials only made a 
vague reference to a provision of the U.S. Patriot Act that allows the 
government to exclude foreign citizens who have "endorsed or espoused 
terrorism." Though the U.S. Department of Homeland Security eventually 
cleared me of all charges of links with terrorist groups, today it points 
to another reason to keep me out of the country: donations I made totaling 
approximately $900 to a Swiss Palestinian-support group that is now on the 
American blacklist. A letter I received from the American Embassy in 
Switzerland, where I hold citizenship, asserts that I "should reasonably 
have known" that the group had ties with Hamas.


Marxism and Islamophobia

Bawer's views are highly critical of radical, fundamentalist Islam, but 
there seems to be some blurring of the distinction between Islam as a 
religion in general and those who are fundamentalists. There is also a 
spill over involving immigrants to Europe from Islamic countries. Bawer 
rejects the characterization of "racism" because he says he is actually 
criticizing religious views. This is a red herring as he also attacks 
people who are ethnically distinct from Europeans (many in the Muslim 
community), advocates mass deportations, and appears sympathetic to 
neo-Nazi fringe political parties.

Here is what he says about his critics: "One of the most disgraceful 
developments of our time is that many Western authors and intellectuals who 
pride themselves on being liberals have effectively aligned themselves with 
an outrageously illiberal movement that rejects equal rights for women, 
that believes that gays and Jews should be executed, that supports the 
coldblooded murder of one's own children in the name of honor, etc., etc."


9/11 : The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark

With a supposedly unknown number of planes flying across the nation and 
crashing into buildings ...

With the President's presence at Booker Elementary announced in the media 
three days in advance...

With an airport just 4 miles away...

How did the Secret Service KNOW Bush was not a target on 9-11?

An explosion of disbelief - fresh doubts over 9/11

A new film alleges the U.S. staged the 9/11 disaster to justify the Iraq war

The official story of what happened on 9/11 never fails to shock. Four 
American airliners are hijacked by Osama Bin Laden's terrorists in an 
attack on the heart of the Western world on September 11, 2001.

Nearly 3,000 ordinary, decent Americans die in the attacks, provoking the 
U.S. President George W. Bush to mount a global war on terror, which leads 
to the invasion of Iraq, with Britain in tow.

Or that's how the official story goes.

Yet today, more than five years on, this accepted version of what happened 
on 9/11 is being challenged by a 90-minute internet movie made for £1,500 
on a cheap laptop by three young American men. The film is so popular that 
up to 100 million viewers have watched what is being dubbed the first 
internet blockbuster.


Arabs Fear the U.S. and Israel, Not Iran

Less than one in four Arabs believe Iran should be pressured to halt its 
nuclear programme, while 61 percent, including majorities in all six 
countries, said Tehran had the right to pursue it even if, as most believe, 
the programme is designed to develop nuclear weapons.


Iraq's Death Toll is Far Worse Than Our Leaders Admit

The US and Britain have triggered an episode more deadly than the Rwandan 


 From Protest to Resistance - March 17 - 4th Anniversary of the Invasion

It's time to move from protest to resistance and force Congress to vote no 
to war funding.

     * Immediate, complete, and unconditional withdrawal from Iraq -- Out Now!
     * End colonial occupation & imperialist aggression from Africa to 
Asia, from Iraq to Palestine, to Afghanistan, to Haiti, to the Philippines, 
to Puerto Rico
     * No new wars against Iran, Syria, North Korea
     * Hands off Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Lebanon
     * Solidarity with immigrant workers and Katrina survivors
     * Stop the war at home - Stop racist police terror - Stop ICE raids
     * Military recruiters out of our schools and communities
     * No draft - Education, not war


Web of Deceit : Saddam Hussein - The Trial You'll Never See

Made for European television this film was never broadcast in North 
America. This is a must watch Video - A Barry Lando and Michel Despratx 
documentary .

The horrifying truth is the extent to which we in the west have been 


Surge Toward the Truth.

"The American people are waiting for us to provide real leadership to show 
the way out of Iraq. My 12-point plan responds to that demand. This plan, - 
creates a peace process which will enable our troops to come home and 
stabilize Iraq.


This is War - Video 7 Minutes

- Warning - This video should only be viewed by mature audience, "Do it in 
the name of God"


For America's Sake - 5 Minute Video

The conservative movement stands intellectually and morally bankrupt while 
Democrats talk about a "new direction" without convincing us they know the 
difference between a weather vane and a compass. The right story will set 
our course for a generation to come.


Before The Invasion, There Was Feith

The most glaring distortion was Feith's indefensible reliance on a shaky, 
discredited report from a Czech intelligence agent that said 9/11 hijacker 
Mohammed Atta had a meeting with a top Iraqi diplomat in Prague five months 
before Sept. 11, 2001.


Helicopter in Iraq hit by sophisticated weapon

U.S.: It was the first time the U.S. military had acknowledged that 
insurgents could be using sophisticated weapons to attack U.S. helicopters. 
Previously they have said that helicopters had been hit by only machine 


In northern Iraq, another war looms

While the world focuses on Baghdad's security, a series of bombings here 
may be the long-feared start of a second deadly war in Iraq ­ this one 
between Kurds and Arabs, both with claims on a territory atop one of the 
world's largest oil reserves.


A Trillion Dollar Military Budget?

The president has sent Congress a proposed federal budget for fiscal year 
2008 that would spend $967 billion on current military activities and past 
wars. That figure represents 44% of the federal funds budget and is $100 
billion higher than the amount of money allocated for this year.


Al-Zawahri says Bush "Alcoholic Who Gambled on Iraq'

"Bush suffers from an addictive personality, and was an alcoholic. I don't 
know his present condition ... but the one who examines his personality 
finds that he is addicted to two other faults ­ lying and gambling,” 
al-Zawahri said in the audiotape.


Russian Bear Growls At U.S. Hypocrisy

The Arab world has welcomed President Putin's Middle East visit to Saudi 
Arabia, Qatar and Jordan .Arab experts feel that the primary aim is to 
"send a message" to the US that Moscow has a key role to play in this vital 
region and that it is high time for Washington to give up its policies of 
domination and destruction.


Abusing The Profession

Why hasn't there been more of an outcry from professional psychologists 
about the practice of torture in the 'war on terror'


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 13 February 2007.

    * US abandons base in al-Khalidiyah after just two days following 
incessant Resistance bombardment.
    * Two US troops reported wounded in Tuesday morning Resistance ambush 
in al-Khalidiyah.
    * Resistance car bomber targets puppet “National Guard” checkpoint.
    * Resistance bomb leaves two US troops dead north of al-Fallujah on 
    * Resistance pounds US base in al-Fallujah with heavy mortars midday 
    * Resistance attacks puppet army camp in northern al-Fallujah.
    * Puppet “al-Anbar Salvation Council” police raid cement factory, 
arrest employees west of ar-Ramadi.
    * Nine US troops reported killed in Resistance attacks in Baghdad Tuesday.
    * In shadow of Bush – al-Malik “security plan” another mysterious car 
bomb explodes in Baghdad Tuesday.
    * Resistance marksman brings down two puppet “Shock Troops” in Baghdad 
Tuesday morning.
    * Resistance bomb targets pro-Iranian Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen outside 
morgue in Baghdad.
    * Resistance sharpshooter kills puppet policeman in Samarra’.
    * Puppet policeman killed in Samarra’.
    * Resistance bomb wounds American soldiers in ad-Dulu‘iyah.
    * Resistance bombards US base in al-Mada’in Tuesday afternoon.
    * Resistance blasts US base in al-Huwayjah with mortars midday Tuesday.
    * Iraqi Resistance forces continued their battles with British forces 
north of al-Basrah blasting the British bases in the middle of the city 
with rockets from time to time



Despite the denials by Israel's main airline company, El Al, the fact 
remains that they allegedly refused to fly the body of a recently deceased 
Muslim woman on one of their flights to Israel.

Why is it assumed that Muslims have no feelings? Why is it assumed that 
Muslims are bad parents? Why is it assumed that Muslims are terrorists? And 
now the newest question, why is it assumed that Muslims do not mourn 
deceased loved ones?


Apartheid Israel: Israeli Arab couple petitions High Court after residency 

An Israeli Arab couple petitioned the High Court of Justice this week, 
asking it to issue a temporary injunction that would allow them to live in 
the predominately Jewish town of Rakefet.


Jerusalem’s apartheid tramway

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, even in the holy city. This 
project has raised many urban and, more important, political objections.


American money to the Palestinians? Not so fast

"Early last week, I placed a hold on the $86 million," says New York 
Democrat Nita Lowey, a member of the powerful House Appropriations 
Committee . - This means, basically, that the money cannot be transferred 
to Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.


Somalis flee mayhem of occupied Mogadishu

"I am running away from the continuous mortar and rocket attacks," Mohamed 
said on Wednesday as her son played on an old mattress. "I have survived 
several attacks. I cannot continue staying here.


Uganda "peacekeepers" sent to "pacify" occupied Somali capital

The 1,500 Ugandan peacekeepers pledged to the African Union force for 
Somalia will be deployed solely in the country's lawless capital Mogadishu, 
the peacekeeping mission said on Wednesday.


Australia: 'Gutless' Howard gags debate

Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd has accused John Howard of lacking courage as 
the Labor leader called for a debate on Iraq foreign policy.


US gets military base in Western Australia

AUSTRALIA'S close defence alliance with the United States is to be further 
entrenched with the building of a new US military communications base at 
Geraldton in Western Australia.


US ambassador defends Hicks process

US ambassador Robert McCallum has described Guantanamo Bay detainees as 
ruthless fanatics who would kill Australians without "blinking an eye


EU endorses damning report on CIA

The European parliament has approved a damning report on secret CIA 
flights, condemning member states which colluded in the operations.


Posted Feb 14, 2007 09:17 AM PST

This web page is being waved around to "prove" that Iran does make 81mm 
mortar rounds like the one the US Government is trying to use to justify an 
invasion of Iran.

Take a good look at the soldiers and weapons at the very top of the page. 
They look Iranian to you? And why does an Iranian company put together a 
web page where their own country is obscured from view on that world map?

Check the spelling on the tabs. "Miscellancous"? "Caliber" uses the 
American spelling, rather than "Calibre." And Tehran is spelled "Tahran" on 
the contact page. This web page was assembled in a rush.

Take a look at the page source in your browser. The images and directories 
on the server are all in ENGLISH.

-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Kirim email ke