In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Dutch party tries to block Muslims from Cabinet

A far-right Dutch political party objected Thursday to the appointment of 
two Muslims to the Cabinet because they have dual nationalities.

MMN Note: Western "democracies" harp on about the importance of Muslims 
becoming integrated and even assimilated into society, but then every 
effort is made - like the example below - to ensure that this does not take 
place. The loyalty of Muslims are continually brought into question and are 
being portrayed a some fifth column.  And then people ask why Muslims are 
so angry? Don't stick a knife in a person's back and then ask them how they 
are feeling afterwards.


This scapegoating is rolling back the gains of anti-racism

Anti-terror stunts and a barrage of propaganda are demonising Muslims and 
making Islamophobia the acceptable face of racism,,2013207,00.html


Information Warfare, Psy-ops and the Power of Myth

Just as 9-11 has been used to justify the enhanced powers of the “unitary” 
president, the evisceration of civil liberties, and a permanent state of 
war; so too, the bombing of the Golden Mosque, has been used to create a 
fictional narrative of deeply ingrained sectarian animosity that has no 
historical precedent. Both events need to be exposed by thorough and 
independent investigations.


Breakdown At The Iraq Lie Factory

President Bush must have been thinking, a heck of a lot easier five years 
ago. Back in 2002, the president had a smoothly running lie factory humming 
along in the Pentagon, producing reams of fake intelligence about Iraq, led 
by Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Doug Feith and his Office of 
Special Plans.


Who is Muqtada al-Sadr?

As Iraq dissolves into civil war, few men wield more power on its 
bloodstained streets than Muqtada al-Sadr. In just four years, his potent 
blend of Shia nationalism, enforced by the 70,000-strong Mehdi Army, has 
made him a hero to millions - and put him top of America's hit list. But 
does the future rest in his hands?


Auditors: Billions more may be wasted in Iraq

The U.S. government is at risk of squandering significantly more money in 
an Iraq war and reconstruction effort that has already wasted or otherwise 
overcharged taxpayers billions of dollars, federal investigators said today.


Iraq invasion plan 'delusional'

The commanders predicted that after the fighting was over there would be a 
two- to three-month "stabilisation" phase, followed by an 18- to 24-month 
"recovery" stage.


Governor: Don't send Iraqi refugees to Ohio

Gov. Ted Strickland on Wednesday had a message for President Bush: any plan 
to relocate thousands of refugees uprooted by the Iraq war to the United 
States shouldn't include Ohio


US occupation forces kidnapped a six years old girl

- Haq Agency [more images] reported that US military bombed two houses in 
Ramadi injuring three people and one child in a revenge operation from 
civilians, after Iraqi resistance killed six occupation soldiers.

- Islamemo reported that US occupation forces kidnapped a six years old 
girl in the first grade from her school when she was leaving the school to 
her house in Habaniya city – 20 kilometer west Fallujha.

Eyewitnesses said that Mariam Abduallah was put in a hamvee, when four men 
tried to save her, occupation forces opened fire killing all the four men.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 14 February 2007.

    * US troops on patrol calmly shoot two Iraqi civilians Wednesday morning.
    * American forces blow up family home near al-Hadithah Wednesday morning.
    * Resistance bomb kills four puppet policemen in Hit Wednesday morning.
    * Chief of puppet police for al-Anbar Province killed in Resistance car 
bomb attack on al-Warrar puppet police station in ar-Ramadi Wednesday 
    * Al-Anbar Salvation Council puppet police rampage through streets of 
al-Fallujah Tuesday, in “show of force.”
    * In bid to rein in Iranian influence in Iraq, US forces raid notorious 
Buratha Shi‘i mosque in Baghdad before dawn Wednesday.  American forces 
release 12 Sunni torture victims from the sectarian shrine, find bodies of 
six others who were tortured to death under direction of Iranian cleric 
Jalal as-Saghir, member of US-installed “Iraqi Parliament.”
    * Resistance fighters blast US Abrams tank in ad-Dulu‘iyah Wednesday 
evening.  American troops open fire on passers by, killing two peasants, 
wounding four.
    * Four US troops reported killed in Resistance car bombing in al-Mawsil 
midday Wednesday.


Brutal Israeli ethnic cleansing of Bedouin near Jew-only colony

Israel Razes Bedouin Huts in West Bank

HATHALEEN, West Bank (AP) -- The Israeli army on Wednesday demolished seven 
huts and tents belonging to Bedouin Arabs who live near Jewish settlements 
in the southern West Bank, residents and the army said.


Zionist 'Systematic' Judaisation of Holy Land Continues

In his introduction to Before Their Diaspora, Walid Khalidi describes 
Israel's application to "the newly occupied territories [1967] the very 
policy of systematic colonization, pursued by the Zionists in Palestine 
from the 1880s until 1948, that created the Palestine problem in the first 
place." He notes "Between June and September 1967, it expelled across the 
Jordan River some 250,000 inmates of the refugee camps located on the West 
Bank and Gaza Strip."


U.S. to shun all members of Palestinian unity govt

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The United States will boycott all Palestinian unity 
government ministers, including non-Hamas members, unless international 
demands on policy toward Israel are met, a Palestinian official and 
diplomats said on Thursday.

see also:


Apartheid Israel: Arab law student denied entry to Sharon Mall

Four law students at the Netanya College were refused entry at the city's 
Sharon Mall on Tuesday because the security guards identified them as being 


Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied 
Palestinian Territory

22 Palestinian civilians, including 5 children, and an Israeli solidarity 
activist, were wounded by IOF gunfire.

    * IOF conducted 40 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West 
    * IOF arrested 75 Palestinian civilians, including 10 children.
    * IOF have continued to construct the Annexation Wall in the West Bank.
    * IOF confiscated 44 donums[1] of land in Brouqin and Kufor al-Dik 
villages near Nablus.
    * IOF ordered 11 families in Ethan al-Zahiriya villages near Hebron to 
leave their property.
    * IOF conducted diggings in occupied Jerusalem.
    * IOF have continued to impose a total siege on the OPT.
    * IOF positioned at various checkpoints in the West Bank arrested 4 
Palestinian civilians, including 3 children.
    * The Gaza Strip has suffered from shortages in fuels and basic goods.

The full report is available online at:


Report blasts Afghan war as a failure

Canada and its allies in Afghanistan are waging a losing war against the 
Taliban that's killed thousands of innocent civilians, harmed the 
reputation of coalition forces and fuelled support for the insurgency in 
the past year, says a new report on the conflict by the Senlis Council.


Bush orders more U.S. troops to occupied Afghanistan

President George W. Bush said on Thursday 3,200 more U.S. troops being 
deployed to Afghanistan will help NATO occupation forces launch a spring 
offensive against the Taliban.


Don't Do It, Mr. President

The moral of the story, Mr. Speaker, is this: if you don’t have a nuke, 
we’ll threaten to attack you. If you do have a nuke, we’ll leave you alone. 
In fact, we’ll probably subsidize you. What makes us think Iran does not 
understand this?


Switzerland Approves Probe of CIA Flight

Switzerland on Wednesday followed Italy and Germany in raising the threat 
of criminal prosecution of CIA operatives involved in anti-terrorism 
operations in Europe.,,-6416237,00.html


CIA sounded-out Italy about 'renditions' in 2001

The CIA spoke with Italy's spy chief about kidnapping terrorism suspects in 
Italy and flying them abroad days after the Sept. 11 attacks, according to 
testimony being used to prosecute U.S. and Italian agents.


EU nations censured over CIA 'torture' flights

THE European Parliament has approved a report admonishing 15 European 
countries and Turkey for helping the CIA transport terrorism suspects held 
in secret or for failing to co-operate in the Parliament's investigation of 
the practice.


US military tells Jack Bauer: Cut out the torture scenes ... or else!

The US military has appealed to the producers of 24 to tone down the 
torture scenes because of the impact they are having both on troops in the 
field and America's reputation abroad. Forget about Abu Ghraib, forget 
about Guantanamo Bay, forget even that the White House has authorised 
interrogation techniques that some classify as torture, that damned Jack 
Bauer is giving us a bad name.


U.S. prison population projected to soar by 200,000 in five years

Get-tough policies that lock up offenders for longer sentences are 
propelling a projected increase of nearly 200,000 in the U.S. prison 
population in the next five years, according to a private study released 


In case you missed it: Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons; Video report

Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, 
Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that were 
committed in Iraq?


Mourning A Secret Australia

John Pilger describes another 'day of mourning' for the first inhabitants 
of his homeland, Australia, which for many whites remains a secret country 
behind the neo-conservative bluster of John Howard's government.


How Corporations Continue to Rape The Worlds Poor

Vulture funds - as defined by the International Monetary Fund and Gordon 
Brown amongst others - are companies which buy up the debt of poor nations 
cheaply when it is about to be written off and then sue for the full value 
of the debt plus interest - which might be ten times what they paid for it.


UNICEF Report: UK and US children most disadvantaged in Western world

A new UNICEF report on children's well-being in rich countries found that 
the UK and the US are the worst places to grow up while northern European 
countries are the most children-friendly.

Despite being among the richest, Britain and the USA occupied the last two 
places in the list, with the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark taking the top 
three slots.

The findings suggest that national wealth does not correspond directly to 
quality of childhood: the Czech Republic, for example, outranked richer 
countries like the USA, Japan or Germany.,1518,466443,00.html


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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