
         In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

                          === News Update ===

Probable hate motivated vandalism extremely concerns Quebec's Muslim and
                          Arab organizations 

From: Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF),
Regroupment Des Ageriens -Quebec (RAQ), Parole Arabe.

The negative propaganda Muslims and Arabs have been the target of,
particularly since September 2001, cannot and should not be taken
lightly.  We are worried about the safety of our children and ourselves
and call on all levels of government and law enforcement agencies in
Canada to take appropriate actions to insure the safety of the Muslim
and Arab communities. 

Montreal Muslim News Network -


        9/11 : Terror Suspect was terrorized in a U.S. Navy brig

The accused was held in extreme isolation for 1,307 days. Held in a
nine-by-seven-foot cell. The only window blacked out. He was the lone
prisoner on the two-tier cellblock. He was given food through a slot in
the door. He slept on a steel mattress. No reading material. No
calendar. No clock. Nothing to connect him to the outside world.


        9/11 : Pentagon Attacks Lawyers of Guantanamo Detainees

Guantanamo prisoners are entitled to protections under the Constitution,
yet the government is trying to deny them due process.



“U.S. War Crimes in Iraq and Mechanisms for Accountability” - published
on October 11, 2006 by ten organizations concurrently, has now been
translated into Arabic. The report is now fully accessible by Iraqis and
other Arabic speakers in the Middle East. 

"We are making 'U.S. War Crimes in Iraq and Mechanisms for
Accountability' available in Arabic because we want to increase its
accessibilty to the people of Iraq so that they may have knowledge of
the scope and illegality of certain U.S. conduct there," said Nick
Mottern, Director of   "We hope that this will
assist the Iraqi people in preventing further war crimes and in getting
reparations for what has been done."


                      THE STORM : USA Criminal War

Victims of the Feb. 14, 1991 U.S. terrorist attack on Amiryah civilian

January 17th marks the 16th anniversary of the first U.S. attack on
Iraq, dubbed Desert Storm by the U.S. administration. The destruction
and devastation were portrayed in the U.S. similar to that of a
Hollywood movie. The reality was far different.

Because so much has happened to Iraq since 1991 (the embargo, the March
2003 invasion, the current chaos, etc.), many people may not recall the
particulars behind the January 17, 1991 attack and the ensuing horror.

When the first bomb fell on Iraq at 2:00am on January 17, 1991, the
United States began the military implementation of years of deceit and
dirty tricks to attain a permanent foothold in the Middle East. George
Bush I enlisted, coerced and paid 27 other nations to help massacre
Iraq, depriving these newly-won allies of any ethical high ground.


   Military judge: objector can't raise questions about war legality

We should officially drop out of the Geneva conventions, and just tell
the rest of the world that from now on, American soldiers must just
"follow orders", no matter how morally reprehensible those orders might


 Iraq Holocaust :  0.9 Million Violent + Non-violent Iraq Excess Deaths

The following recent UN report of huge violent deaths in Occupied Iraq
was published on 16 January 2007 in MWC News  (see MWC News): "UN
reports that 34,452 civilians have been killed in violence in Iraq over
the past year and about 36,885 people have been wounded. Gianni
Magazzeni, head of the UN human rights office in Iraq, accused the
government in a press conference on Tuesday of failing to provide
security and blamed some of the violence on militias colluding with or
working inside the police and army. The figures are much higher than any
statistics issued by Iraqi government officials. The government itself
branded the UN's last two-monthly report in November as grossly
exaggerated and banned Iraqi officials from releasing data … the UN
figures were compiled from information obtained through the Iraqi health
ministry, the Baghdad mortuary, operations centres at hospitals across
the country and other agencies."


   Middle East : Is The U.S. Planning A Horrific Global Nuclear War?

At no point since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on
August 6th, 1945, has humanity been closer to the unthinkable, a nuclear
holocaust which could potentially spread, in terms of radioactive
fallout, over a large part of the Middle East.


                      The Big Battle of Baghdad #2

The events reported on "Haifa Street" just because the neighborhood was
a total embarrassment for the "Green Zone" government and the occupation
forces,  actually if you stand in the street you can see the entrance of
the "Green Zone", but what is not reported is the same events are going
on since then in every Sunni neighborhood in Baghdad.


              Iraq: UN death figures paint a grim picture

"Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and his cabinet have to move quickly and
invest all they have to stop the bloodshed in Iraq, otherwise everything
will collapse around them," Dr Hafidh Jamil Mubarak, a professor of
political science at Basra University, said on Wednesday.


                   More dubious statistics from Iraq

The U.N. is claiming today that "34,452 civilians were killed - an
average of 94 per day - and 36,685 were wounded last year [in Iraq]."
Aside from the absolute numbers, which I've discussed many times, the
relative numbers of killed and wounded are, to put it mildly, simply not
credible. Here are the total (not just last year) U.S. statistics: 3020
dead, and 22,834 wounded - a 7.5:1 ratio. Granted that the U.S. soldiers
receive far better medical care than Iraqis, so fewer of them die from
serious injuries, but even given that, the claimed 1:1 ratio of deaths
to injuries among Iraqis is just out-and-out impossible. The difference
must certainly be that the alleged number of Iraqi wounded are only
those who were treated in hospitals, as opposed to being treated by a
doctor, at home, or not at all (whereas the U.S. statistics undoubtedly
reflect all soldiers who are wounded).


            Iraq Sunni militant group urges war on Shi'ites

"Organise yourself in groups of four, each of which should cleanse their
area from every spy, agent, traitor who stalks the mujahideen and all
employees of the interior and defence ministries. Most of those are
hateful rejectionists."


                     How US is deferring war costs

As war spending on Iraq and Afghanistan nears the levels for Vietnam and
Korea, concern is rising over the 'borrow now, pay later' approach.


    Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 16 January 2007.

      * Resistance ambushes US Marine detachment in al-Hadithah Tuesday
        night sparking violent battle in the darkness. 
      * Resistance bomb rips through Humvee in Abu Ghurayb midday
      * Resistance fighters battle US troops in western al-Fallujah late
        Monday night. 
      * US forces arrest 40 in campaign of raids, searches, and arrests
        west of al-Fallujah. 
      * Resistance blasts US base east of al-Fallujah with Katyusha
        rockets Monday night. 
      * Resistance mortars blast checkpoint near al-Fallujah Monday
      * Resistance ambushes puppet police car on its way to Saddam
        International Airport. 
      * Mysterious bombs target students, civilians in bloody day in
      * Resistance bomb kills two puppet policemen Tuesday morning. 
      * Resistance car bomber kills three puppet “Iraqi National Guards”
        Monday afternoon. 
      * Pro-Iranian Shi'i sectarian Jaysh al-Mahdi militia, in
        cooperation with puppet regime forces, continue brutal murders
        of Palestinians in US-occupied Iraq. 
      * US helicopters kill five villagers during late-night attack near
      * Puppet “Iraqi National Guards” open fire on traffic jam to clear
        street in al-Ishaqi, killing civilian. 
      * US admits four American troops killed in Resistance bombing near
        al-Mawsil Monday. 
      * Resistance fighters kill officer in puppet police in Samarra'
      * US, Iraqi puppet army troops arrest 50 youths and men in
        roundups in Balad Ruz Monday. 
      * Puppet troops arrest 92 in house-to-house raids near al-
        Mahmudiyah Monday night.


                     Three soldiers killed in blast

A ROADSIDE bomb killed three Afghani soldiers in an eastern part of the
country that President Hamid Karzai visited, an army officer said.,23599,21077517-38197,00.html


                Gates may OK troop boost for Afghanistan

Defense Secretary Robert Gates suggested on Wednesday that he is likely
to urge President Bush to send more troops to Afghanistan to fight the
resurgent Taliban.


     Blair signals UK will send more troops to occupied Afghanistan

During a private meeting in No 10 on Sunday, Robert Gates, the US
Defence Secretary, asked the Prime Minister for additional British
forces to keep up the military momentum against the insurgents.


                   U.S. Commanders Ask for $6 billion

Military officials in occupied Afghanistan are proposing a surge of
their own. Instead of troops, U.S. commanders here, hoping to counter a
sharp rise in attacks by Taliban forces, are seeking as much as $6
billion to build roads and speed development of the Afghan army and
police forces.


        Isreal Racist : The High Court of Justice is in no hurry

Starting on January 19, 2007, Israelis and foreigners will be prohibited
from taking Palestinians as passengers in their cars throughout the West


      Zionist : Condi's Middle East Junket; a new dose of cynicism

The administration has no interest in resolving the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict. It's a cynical attempt to manipulate Arab public opinion. The
administration helped to enforce the Israeli boycott of food, water and
medical supplies to Gaza, and they have stopped other donor-states from
providing humanitarian relief.


                  Pressure mounts on Olmert to resign

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Amir Peretz came under
renewed pressure to resign Wednesday after the Israeli army's chief of
staff stepped down in the wake of the flawed Lebanon war.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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