Sbisson has uploaded a new change for review.

Change subject: [WIP] phpunit API tests for get notifications

[WIP] phpunit API tests for get notifications

Change-Id: Ie3a79b4158b20736d8932582d9698f93213b07d0
M tests/phpunit/api/ApiEchoNotificationsTest.php
1 file changed, 123 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh:// 

diff --git a/tests/phpunit/api/ApiEchoNotificationsTest.php 
index 3ce3726..7114c73 100644
--- a/tests/phpunit/api/ApiEchoNotificationsTest.php
+++ b/tests/phpunit/api/ApiEchoNotificationsTest.php
@@ -7,62 +7,138 @@
 class ApiEchoNotificationsTest extends ApiTestCase {
-       public function testWithSectionGrouping() {
-               // Grouping by section
-               $data = $this->doApiRequest( array(
-                       'action' => 'query',
-                       'meta' => 'notifications',
-                       'notsections' => 'alert|message',
-                       'notgroupbysection' => 1,
-                       'notlimit' => 10,
-                       'notprop' => 'list|count' ) );
+       protected $notifications = [];
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'query', $data[0] );
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'notifications', $data[0]['query'] );
+       public function setUp() {
+               parent::setUp();
-               $result = $data[0]['query']['notifications'];
+               $this->tablesUsed = [ 'echo_event', 'echo_notification' ];
-               // General count
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'count', $result );
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'rawcount', $result );
+               self::$users['NotifUser'] = $notifUser = new TestUser( 
'NotifUser' );
+               RequestContext::getMain()->setTitle( Title::newFromText( 
'Whatever' ) );
-               // Alert
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'alert', $result );
-               $alert = $result['alert'];
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'list', $alert );
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'continue', $alert );
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'rawcount', $alert );
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'count', $alert );
+               global $wgEchoNotifications;
+               $wgEchoNotifications['unit-test'] = [
+                       'section' => 'alert',
+                       'user-locators' => [
+                               function () use ( $notifUser ) { return [ 
$notifUser->getUser() ]; }
+                       ]
+               ];
-               // Message
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'message', $result );
-               $message = $result['message'];
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'list', $message );
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'continue', $message );
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'rawcount', $message );
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'count', $message );
+               $this->doLogin( 'NotifUser' );
+               $this->notifications['read1'] = EchoEvent::create( [
+                       'type' => 'unit-test',
+                       'agent' => self::$users['sysop']->getUser(),
+               ] );
+               $this->notifications['read2'] = EchoEvent::create( [
+                       'type' => 'unit-test',
+                       'agent' => self::$users['sysop']->getUser(),
+               ] );
+               $this->doApiRequestWithToken( [
+                       'action' => 'echomarkread',
+                       'all' => true,
+               ], [ 'wsToken' => 'token' ] );
+               $this->notifications['unread1'] = EchoEvent::create( [
+                       'type' => 'unit-test',
+                       'agent' => self::$users['sysop']->getUser(),
+               ] );
-       public function testWithoutSectionGrouping() {
-               $data = $this->doApiRequest( array(
+       public function testUnreadCount() {
+               // unread alert count should be 1
+               $response = $this->getNotifications( [
+                       'notsections' => 'alert',
+                       'notprop' => 'count',
+               ] );
+               $this->assertEquals( 1, $response['count'] );
+               $this->assertEquals( 1, $response['rawcount'] );
+               // unread message count should be 0
+               $response = $this->getNotifications( [
+                       'notsections' => 'message',
+                       'notprop' => 'count',
+               ] );
+               $this->assertEquals( 0, $response['count'] );
+               $this->assertEquals( 0, $response['rawcount'] );
+               // unread count for both with section grouping
+               $response = $this->getNotifications( [
+                       'notsections' => 'alert|message',
+                       'notgroupbysection' => 1,
+                       'notprop' => 'count',
+               ] );
+               $this->assertEquals( 1, $response['count'] );
+               $this->assertEquals( 1, $response['rawcount'] );
+               $this->assertEquals( 1, $response['alert']['count'] );
+               $this->assertEquals( 1, $response['alert']['rawcount'] );
+               $this->assertEquals( 0, $response['message']['count'] );
+               $this->assertEquals( 0, $response['message']['rawcount'] );
+       }
+       public function testFilter() {
+               // get only unread
+               $response = $this->getNotifications( [
+                       'notsections' => 'alert|message',
+                       'notfilter' => '!read',
+               ] );
+               $this->assertCount( 1, $response['list'] );
+               $this->assertEquals( $this->notifications['unread1']->getId(), 
reset( $response['list'] )['id'] );
+               // get only read
+               $response = $this->getNotifications( [
+                       'notsections' => 'alert|message',
+                       'notfilter' => 'read',
+               ] );
+               $this->assertCount( 2, $response['list'] );
+               $expectedNotificationIds = [
+                       $this->notifications['read1']->getId(),
+                       $this->notifications['read2']->getId(),
+               ];
+               $actualNotificationIds = array_map( function ( $notif ) {
+                       return $notif['id'];
+               }, $response['list'] );
+               $this->assertArrayEquals( $expectedNotificationIds, 
$actualNotificationIds );
+               // get both read and unread
+               $response = $this->getNotifications( [
+                       'notsections' => 'alert|message',
+                       'notfilter' => '!read|read',
+               ] );
+               $this->assertCount( 3, $response['list'] );
+       }
+       public function testLimitAndContinue() {
+               // first "page"
+               $response = $this->getNotifications( [
+                       'notunreadfirst' => 1,
+                       'notlimit' => 1,
+               ] );
+               $this->assertCount( 1, $response['list'] );
+               // most recent notification is 'unread1'
+               $this->assertEquals( $this->notifications['unread1']->getId(), 
$response['list'][0]['id'] );
+               $continue = $response['continue'];
+               // second "page"
+               $response = $this->getNotifications( [
+                       'notunreadfirst' => 1,
+                       'notlimit' => 1,
+                       'notcontinue' => $continue,
+               ] );
+               $this->assertCount( 1, $response['list'] );
+               // second most recent notification is 'read2'
+               $this->assertEquals( $this->notifications['read2']->getId(), 
$response['list'][0]['id'] );
+       }
+       protected function getNotifications( $params = [] ) {
+               $data = $this->doApiRequest( [
                        'action' => 'query',
                        'meta' => 'notifications',
-                       'notsections' => 'alert|message',
-                       'notlimit' => 10,
-                       'notprop' => 'list|count' ) );
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'query', $data[0] );
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'notifications', $data[0]['query'] );
-               $result = $data[0]['query']['notifications'];
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'count', $result );
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'rawcount', $result );
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'list', $result );
-               $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'continue', $result );
-               $this->assertTrue( !isset( $result['alert'] ) );
-               $this->assertTrue( !isset( $result['message'] ) );
+               ] + $params );
+               return $data[0]['query']['notifications'];

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Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ie3a79b4158b20736d8932582d9698f93213b07d0
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/extensions/Echo
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Sbisson <>

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