#meego-meeting: CE Steering Group meeting 4/10/2011

Meeting started by Stskeeps at 11:01:14 UTC (full minutes and logs at

Meeting summary

As announced, the new steering group is Jukka Eklund (jukkaeklund),
Marko Saukko (Sage), Carsten Munk (Stskeeps), Tom Swindell (alterego)
and Vesa-Matti Hartikainen (veskuh) (Stskeeps, 11:02:30)
The fall release has been published, getting great reception from
community and we even have a IA32 image that people are playing with
on Intel devices and tablets. (Stskeeps, 11:03:29)

Name (Stskeeps, 11:04:17)
ACTION: stskeeps start naming discussion/competition to meego-handset@
(Stskeeps, 11:09:36)

Content (Stskeeps, 11:10:01)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl7Djukoysc (w00t, 11:18:30)
as some of you have noted, we launched the Mer project
(www.merproject.org ),
(Stskeeps, 11:21:46)

Releasing (Stskeeps, 11:29:15)
infrastructure (Stskeeps, 11:35:42)
ACTION: alterego bugzilla setup, iekku admins/lays it out (Stskeeps, 11:39:41)

Challenges (Stskeeps, 11:43:06)
additional challenge, SDK and sysroots (Stskeeps, 11:45:56)

AOB (Stskeeps, 11:48:17)
Steering group terms limited to 3 months (Stskeeps, 11:54:15)
Offer from meego.com community IT for hosting of VMs (Stskeeps, 11:59:54)
Next meeting 11 October 2011 same time (Stskeeps, 12:02:16)

Meeting ended at 12:02:22 UTC (full logs).

Action items

stskeeps start naming discussion/competition to meego-handset@
alterego bugzilla setup, iekku admins/lays it out

Action items, by person

alterego bugzilla setup, iekku admins/lays it out
alterego bugzilla setup, iekku admins/lays it out

People present (lines said)

Stskeeps (121)
alterego (59)
w00t (27)
xruxa (26)
veskuh (23)
iekku (21)
lbt_hel (17)
dm8tbr (11)
Sage (8)
rantom (4)
X-Fade (3)
matrixx (3)
slaine (2)
MeeGoMeetBot (2)
msugano (2)
jarnoteivas (1)
SpeedEvil (1)

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