[Meep-discuss] nonlinear complex fit

2007-07-03 Thread matt


I have the following data for a lossy material (nylon), and I'd like to 
find the parameters for meep's lorentzian model which fit the data:

frequency (hz)  real(eps) imag(eps)
60  3.7 -.0666
1e3 3.5 -.0651
1e6 3.14-.068452
1e8 3.0 -.06
3e9 2.84-.033228
2.5e10  2.73-.028665

There was an indication in a previous post that this is simple:

 G.J. Parker
  original patch posted by Steven, this does reduce memory requirements when
  using Lorentzians. i have no problems using five Lorentzians w/ this patch.
  one can write a stupid excel spread sheet to fit N lorentzians to a table of
  (experimental) complex epsilons...

Best Regards,

meep-discuss mailing list

Re: [Meep-discuss] batching with meep-mpi

2007-07-03 Thread Pascual Muñoz Muñoz
Dear Uday,

Could you give us more information on the environment you are
simulating? I assume it is a cluster but then it is not clear to me to
which password you refer.

With best regards,


Uday Khankhoje escribió:
 Hi all,

  I've been using meep-mpi to simulate and was wondering if anyone knew a 
 way to circumvent providing the host password everytime the simulation 
 was initiated. I tried redirecting the password from a file, but it 
 doesn't seem to work. This is the command I'm executing:

 $mpirun -np 2 /usr/bin/meep-mpi in.ctl  out.dat


 meep-discuss mailing list

Dr. Pascual Muñoz Muñoz - Telecommunication Engineer
Optical Communications Group - iTEAM Research Institute
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.gco.upv.es - www.upv.es
Proud to be Valencian, http://www.valencian.org/

meep-discuss mailing list

[Meep-discuss] Field should decay but blows up.

2007-07-03 Thread Tjeerd Pinkert
Hello all,

I'm simulating PhC resonators by launching pulses into the system. Like
in the bend waveguide example I put a field measurement at the output to
make sure that the fields at the output are decayed enough. I put the
decay value to 1e-3.

The fields generally tend to decay first, but after a while they start
to ramp up to infinity. This cannot be a valid outcome, the pml's should
absorb all energy in the end (or am I wrong here?), so there must be a
maximum of the field values.

Has anyone seen this kind of behavior before? What can be the solution?

I have already started trying several things including removing all
holes from the PML, using a normal gaussian pulse point source without
the envelope, increasing the resolution (which seems to worsen the
problem). I'm currently experimenting with the PML strength.

My question, is it just the PML that is set wrong? Or do I do unhandy
things with the launched pulse like ramp it on too fast? Or can this
weird behavior of the simulator be explained otherwise?

I attach one typical simulation (sorry for the dirty programming in the
PhC functions) and some (un)nice field plots.

the simulation can be run with:
./runsimulation.sh resonator005 fcen=0.285 df=0.08 nfreq=1000

to obtain a reflection transmissionplot (octave ../retrplot.oct in
output dir)

and with:
./runsimulation.sh resonator005

to obtain the (un)nice plots below, these were obtained by running:
h5topng -t 0:143 -m -1 -M 1 -Zc dkbluered -a yarg -A
measure-eps-00.00.h5 measure-hz.h5

in the output dir (I scaled them) (note: look first how much datasets
are there after killing the simulation because it wont stop automatically).

I hope these things can also help you to improve meep, its a nice simulator.

Yours, Tjeerd Pinkert

P.S. better versions of the field plots (and a few more) can be found
at: http://www.scintilla.utwente.nl/~tjeerdp/study/fieldplots/

; PhC funtions for MEEP.

;;mylattice: (vector3 basis1) (vector3 basis2) (vector3 basis3) (vector3 
basis-size) (vector3 size) -
;; (#(x y z) #(x y z) #(x y z))
;;take latice parameters and return a list of lattice coordinates in cartesian 
(define (mylattice basis1 basis2 basis3 basis-size size)
  (let  ; set locale variabelen
  (thelattice (crystal basis1 basis2 basis3 basis-size (vector3- size 
(vector3 1 1 1
; transpose everything half-a-lattice down
(shiftlattice thelattice (vector3* (latticesize basis1 basis2 basis3 
basis-size size) (/ -2)))

;;mysqlattice: (vector3 basis1) (vector3 basis2) (vector3 basis3) (vector3 
basis-size) (vector3 size)
;; mylattice
;;takes lattice parameters but makes the lattice square with regard to vector 
(define (mysqlattice basis1 basis2 basis3 basis-size size)
  (let*  ; set locale variabelen
  ; maak het crystal
  (thelattice (crystal basis1 basis2 basis3 basis-size (vector3- size 
(vector3 1 1 1
  ; maak het vierkant
  (thelattice (makelatticesquare thelattice basis1 basis2 basis3 basis-size 
  ; shift half rooster naar beneden
  (thelattice (shiftlattice thelattice (vector3* (latticesize basis1 basis2 
basis3 basis-size size) (/ -2

;;shiftlattice: (mylattice lattice) (vector3 shiftvector)
;; returns: mylattice
;;shifts lattice by shiftvector
(define (shiftlattice lattice shiftvector)
  (if (not (null? lattice))
  (vector3+ (car lattice) shiftvector)
(shiftlattice (cdr lattice) shiftvector)

;;latticesize: (vector3 basis1) (vector3 basis2) (vector3 basis3) (vector3 
basis-size) (vector3 size)
;; returns: (vector3 x-size y-size z-size)
;;calculate the size of a general lattice with input parameters
(define (latticesize basis1 basis2 basis3 basis-size size)
  (* (vector3-x basis1) (vector3-x basis-size) (- (vector3-x size) 1))
  (* (vector3-x basis2) (vector3-x basis-size) (- (vector3-x size) 1))
  (* (vector3-x basis3) (vector3-x basis-size) (- (vector3-x size) 1))
  (* (vector3-y basis1) (vector3-y basis-size) (- (vector3-y size) 1))
  (* (vector3-y basis2) (vector3-y basis-size) (- (vector3-y size) 1))
  (* (vector3-y basis3) (vector3-y basis-size) (- (vector3-y size) 1))
  (* (vector3-z basis1) (vector3-z basis-size) (- (vector3-z size) 1))
  (* (vector3-z basis2) (vector3-z basis-size) (- (vector3-z size) 1))
  (* (vector3-z basis3) (vector3-z basis-size) (- (vector3-z size) 1))

;;mirror-x: (mylattice lattice)
;; returns: (mylattice lattice)
;;mirrors a list of points in the x-axis
(define (mirror-x lattice)
  (if (not (null? lattice))
(list (vector3 (- (vector3-x (car lattice))) (vector3-y (car lattice)) 
(vector3-z (car lattice
(mirror-x (cdr lattice))

Re: [Meep-discuss] batching with meep-mpi

2007-07-03 Thread Uday Khankhoje

Dear Pascual,

I'm running the simulation on a single computer which has a dual core 
processor. Since I'm launching two instances of the program, it asks me 
the computer's password. /etc/mpich/machines.LINUX has a single line 
which says localhost. Does that help?


On 03-Jul-07 3:02 AM, Pascual Muñoz Muñoz wrote;

Dear Uday,

Could you give us more information on the environment you are
simulating? I assume it is a cluster but then it is not clear to me to
which password you refer.

With best regards,


Uday Khankhoje escribió:

Hi all,

 I've been using meep-mpi to simulate and was wondering if anyone 
knew a way to circumvent providing the host password everytime the 
simulation was initiated. I tried redirecting the password from a 
file, but it doesn't seem to work. This is the command I'm executing:

$mpirun -np 2 /usr/bin/meep-mpi in.ctl  out.dat


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