Re: [Meep-discuss] incorrect reflection coeff. calculation

2007-05-31 Thread Ruslan A Sepkhanov

I found the problem.  It's pretty embarassing, and it took me much

too  long to track, but what happened was that I swapped the transmitted
and  reflected flux regions. If you fix that, you can calculate scattering
properties for a range of  frequencies rather quickly and reliably (at least
for incidence angles  which are not too shallow). Thanks again for all the

support!  Meep rocks.

Kind Regards,

Dear Matt,

I think I have now the same problem. I did not quite catch form the e-mail
above what kind of solution you have found.
Could you please explain that in mode details?

meep-discuss mailing list

[Meep-discuss] incorrect reflection coeff. calculation

2007-05-31 Thread Ruslan Sepkhanov

I found the problem.  It's pretty embarassing, and it took me much

too  long to track, but what happened was that I swapped the transmitted
and  reflected flux regions. If you fix that, you can calculate scattering
properties for a range of  frequencies rather quickly and reliably (at
least for incidence angles  which are not too shallow). Thanks again for all
the support!  Meep rocks.

Kind Regards,

Dear Matt,

I think I have now the same problem. I did not quite catch form the e-mail
above what kind of solution you have found.
Could you please explain that in mode details?

meep-discuss mailing list

Re: [Meep-discuss] incorrect reflection coeff. calculation

2007-03-28 Thread Steven G. Johnson

On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, matt wrote:
My trouble with this is that it isn't compatible with the periodic plane wave 

I can create a planewave with oblique incidence and periodic boundaries, but 
only if the source is very narrowband (df is small). A large df doesn't work 
because the periodic boundaries are frequency specific.

For a gaussian source, a small df practically makes it a continuous source, 
producing the same results.

No, that's not true.  A small-df Gaussian is still a Gaussian.  It still 
goes to zero at both the beginning and end of the simulation, unlike a CW 
source.  Note that, however, you would want to use stop-when-decayed to 
wait until the fields die away, rather than running for a fixed time.
Moreover, a Gaussian is in some sense the optimal shape if you want to 
maximize localization in both frequency and time.

However, it's still better to use a short pulse, as described below.

The reason you'd want this is to be able to calculate the scattering 
properties for a particular angle of incidence.

Your reasoning is incorrect here.

Assuming you have linear materials, you should get the same results if you 
put in a narrow-band Gaussian and look at only one frequency component of 
the Fourier transform, or put in a broad-band Gaussian and look at only 
one frequency component of the Fourier transform.  The latter has the 
advantage that it requires a shorter simulation for the fields to die 

Morever, if you want the scattering properties as function of both 
frequency and angle, then the short pulses have a further advantage.  Each 
simulation with a short pulse and fixed k gives you a broad spectrum 
result, each frequency of which corresponds to a different angle.  Then 
you repeat the simulation for a range of k's, and at the end you'll have a 
2d dataset of transmission/reflection vs. both frequency and angle.


meep-discuss mailing list

Re: [Meep-discuss] incorrect reflection coeff. calculation

2007-03-28 Thread Markus Testorf

Hi Steve,

I think your response to Matt demands a follow up. Matt's problem (as 
well as ours) involves periodic boundaries. In our simulations we 
clearly see that a periodically continued line source only produces a 
plane wave (CW) without artifacts for specific combinations of 
wavelength and k vector. These coincide very well with what we would 
naively expect from periodic boundaries, i.e. sin(prop. angle) = n 
lambda/period. To us this is an indication that the periodic BC are 
implemented without correcting for phase mismatch at the boundaries in 
order to compensate for this problem, and we are unaware of any way to 
invoke such a correction.

As a consequence we do not expect the suggested approach (repeat for all 
angles: short pulse propagation - Fourier analysis) to work correctly, 
since only a discrete set of frequencies for each angle (or k) produces 
correct results. Anything we are missing here?



Steven G. Johnson wrote:

On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, matt wrote:
My trouble with this is that it isn't compatible with the periodic 
plane wave excitation:

I can create a planewave with oblique incidence and periodic 
boundaries, but only if the source is very narrowband (df is small). 
A large df doesn't work because the periodic boundaries are frequency 

For a gaussian source, a small df practically makes it a continuous 
source, producing the same results.

No, that's not true.  A small-df Gaussian is still a Gaussian.  It 
still goes to zero at both the beginning and end of the simulation, 
unlike a CW source.  Note that, however, you would want to use 
stop-when-decayed to wait until the fields die away, rather than 
running for a fixed time.
Moreover, a Gaussian is in some sense the optimal shape if you want to 
maximize localization in both frequency and time.

However, it's still better to use a short pulse, as described below.

The reason you'd want this is to be able to calculate the scattering 
properties for a particular angle of incidence.

Your reasoning is incorrect here.

Assuming you have linear materials, you should get the same results if 
you put in a narrow-band Gaussian and look at only one frequency 
component of the Fourier transform, or put in a broad-band Gaussian 
and look at only one frequency component of the Fourier transform.  
The latter has the advantage that it requires a shorter simulation for 
the fields to die away.

Morever, if you want the scattering properties as function of both 
frequency and angle, then the short pulses have a further advantage.  
Each simulation with a short pulse and fixed k gives you a broad 
spectrum result, each frequency of which corresponds to a different 
angle.  Then you repeat the simulation for a range of k's, and at the 
end you'll have a 2d dataset of transmission/reflection vs. both 
frequency and angle.


meep-discuss mailing list

meep-discuss mailing list

Re: [Meep-discuss] incorrect reflection coeff. calculation

2007-03-28 Thread Steven G. Johnson

On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
If you want to see the *field* pattern for a given angle, then you need a 
narrowband (CW) source.  But if you want the *flux* from a given angle, then 
you can put in a broadband source and only take that frequency component of 
the Fourier transform.

Let me make a caveat to the above statement.

The above assumes that if you input a field at multiple angles, then the 
scattered power is the sum of the scattered power from each angle 
individually.  This is true only if the structure you are scattering from 
has translational symmetry in the x direction (parallel to the source 
plane)---it can be periodic, but in this case your frequency must be below 
the diffraction cutoff.

This was the picture I had in my head, but it occurs to me that this may 
not be what you are simulating.

If you have a non-periodic structure in the x direction, or care about 
frequencies above the diffraction cutoff, then different input angles can 
scatter into the same output angle and there can be interference.  In this 
case, the power does not simply sum.

In that case, you really must put in a narrowband source (I think, unless 
there is some additional trick that is not occurring to me now). 
However, you should still put in a narrowband Gaussian, and wait for it to 
decay to zero, rather than putting in a CW field.  Or, if you really want 
to use a CW field, then you should use the flux-in-box function (which is 
integrated in space not time), not the flux spectrum (which is integrated 
in time and space and is problematic if your fields don't go to zero by 
the end of the simulation).


meep-discuss mailing list

Re: [Meep-discuss] incorrect reflection coeff. calculation

2007-03-28 Thread Steven G. Johnson

On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
If you have a non-periodic structure in the x direction, or care about 
frequencies above the diffraction cutoff, then different input angles can 
scatter into the same output angle and there can be interference.  In this 
case, the power does not simply sum.

No, I take that back.  My previous post was correct.  The point is that 
the different angles correspond to different frequencies, so when you take 
a single Fourier component of the scattered field you really are looking 
at just a single angle.

In that case, you really must put in a narrowband source (I think, unless 
there is some additional trick that is not occurring to me now). However, you

I take this back.  Just put in a short pulse and you are fine, as I first 

(Sorry, I've managed to confuse myself now.)


meep-discuss mailing list

Re: [Meep-discuss] incorrect reflection coeff. calculation

2007-03-28 Thread Steven G. Johnson

On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Markus Testorf wrote:
I think your response to Matt demands a follow up. Matt's problem (as well as 
ours) involves periodic boundaries. In our simulations we clearly see that a 
periodically continued line source only produces a plane wave (CW) without 
artifacts for specific combinations of wavelength and k vector. These 
coincide very well with what we would naively expect from periodic 
boundaries, i.e. sin(prop. angle) = n lambda/period. To us this is an 
indication that the periodic BC are implemented without correcting for phase 
mismatch at the boundaries in order to compensate for this problem, and we 
are unaware of any way to invoke such a correction.

Each frequency component produces a plane wave at a specific angle, with a 
different angle for each frequency component.  Therefore if you put in a 
pulse, you get a superposition of waves from each frequency  angle, and 
the field will look like a mess.  However, if you were to take a Fourier 
transform of the field in time, each Fourier component would again be a 
nice wave at one angle.

This is precisely what the flux-spectrum feature in Meep does.  It takes 
the Fourier transform of the fields in time, and then computes the flux of 
the Fourier components.  So the flux at each frequency corresponds to a 
source at a well-defined angle.


meep-discuss mailing list

[Meep-discuss] incorrect reflection coeff. calculation

2007-03-27 Thread matt


My simple meep example is coming up with an incorrect result.

I found some posts on the list regarding similar problems (incorrect 
reflection coefficient calculation), where the recommendation was to 
move the flux planes away from the source, by at least a wavelength. 
This did not solve the problem for me.

In my example, I have a 2D simulation, with periodicity in X, and PML in 
Y. The scatterer is a dielectric slab with epsilon 9.  The source is a 
plane wave source at the upper PML interface (the angle of incidence is 
30 degrees).

The field output looks great (see attached png; resized smaller for 
posting to list).

To calculate the fluxes, I simple setup flux planes in front of and 
beyond the slab, and run the computation twice; with and without the 

The coefficents are clearly wrong:
transmission: 0.647382725227634, reflection: 3.21374994463727, loss: 


The command to run that code, which also computes the coefficients is:
meep no-scatterer\?=true compute-flux\?=true test.ctl  meep 
no-scatterer\?=false output-finalfield\?=true compute-flux\?=true 
output-finalfield\?=true test.ctl | tee lastrun.out

Best Regards,

Description: test2.png
meep-discuss mailing list

Re: [Meep-discuss] incorrect reflection coeff. calculation

2007-03-27 Thread Steven G. Johnson

On Tue, 27 Mar 2007, matt wrote:

My simple meep example is coming up with an incorrect result.

I found some posts on the list regarding similar problems (incorrect 
reflection coefficient calculation), where the recommendation was to 
move the flux planes away from the source, by at least a wavelength. 
This did not solve the problem for me.

In my example, I have a 2D simulation, with periodicity in X, and PML in 
Y. The scatterer is a dielectric slab with epsilon 9.  The source is a 
plane wave source at the upper PML interface (the angle of incidence is 
30 degrees).


This code is using a continuous-src, which is not appropriate.  You need 
to use a gaussian-src for a flux-spectrum calculation.  More generally, 
you need to use some current source that goes to zero as t - infinity.

Think about how Meep computes a flux spectrum, as described in the manual 
(see e.g. the introduction section).  It computes the Fourier transform of 
the fields in the flux plane, and then computes the flux of the 
Fourier-transformed fields.   This doesn't make (much) sense for a 
continuous-src, because the fields are not integrable---their Fourier 
transform will not converge as you run for longer and longer, because the 
source doesn't stop.  So, you end up chopping off the fields at some point 
arbitrarily.  But this windowing does different things to the 
normalization and computation runs, because the spectra are different in 
the two cases.  In contrast, if you use a Gaussian source, then the fields 
are L2-integrable and everything is well-defined and convergent if you run 
for long enough to let the fields decay away.


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