Dear meep users,

I have installed meep on a large cluster consisting of some 100 nodes of
which I can use some from Torque/MIPCH. Meep installs fine and can be
started on as many processors as I like, but after a while the process
dies sporadic with the error
p23_602:  p4_error: interrupt SIGx: 15
p24_11906: (441.871094) net_send: could not write to fd=5, errno = 32

Googleing this tells me that some process can't write to some disc
( but I have no idea of how to
remedy the problem or where to start looking? Anyone have seen this
problem and can give me a hint where to start?

Meep is compiled with hdf5 parallelised and my PBS-script looks as
# Arguments to qsub can be submitted via the script as well by starting
# the line with #PBS 
# Set your mail address
# Mail on abort
#PBS -m a
# Specify time for job
#PBS -l walltime=00:02:00
# Request 1 processor (node)
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=4
#PBS -q ada
#PBS -N bend_0406
#PBS -A Physics
# End of arguments to qsub

#Preparation work
cd ~/job/bended_pc_x_guided_new
common="N=10 mtrl=0 r=0.025 a=0.5 fcen=1.5 df=2 res=192 save_field=0
save_eps=0 comp=Ey fiber_res=0.05 air_frame1=10"

# Go!
mpiexec -verbose /c3se/users/e9ravn/opt/bin/meep-mpi dx=0.00 with_pc=0
$common main.ctl

#End of script (make sure line before this gets run)


Robert Rehammar
Applied Physics, Chalmers University of Technology
Department of Physics, Göteborg University
SE-421 96 Göteborg

Tel +46 (0)31 772 3156
Fax +46 (0)31 416 984
Cel +46 (0)738 328834

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