That whole taxing based on mile readings is a waste of time, they do that in NZ for Diesel powered cars and funnily enough a lot of Diesel drivers have a wee little switch hidden away.
That is why the proposal is for a basic GPS which records miles travelled.
However I cannot ever see that becoming law, as it discriminates against those who live in a remote area. Also consider that a tax system based on fuel is already in place, so if you drive a big vehicle a lot of miles you pay a greater amount of tax than someone who drives a small car for shorter distances. And I suppose that the pollies who are cooking up this BS will be exempt or get a rebate or some such thing.

who has a GPS that records km's driven

On 19/04/12 11:42, Brian Toscano wrote:
I'd rather have a mileage reading.  I think people who want to avoid
government tracking their vehicle movements should have the option.

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