Mersenne: Re: Mersenne Digest V1 #699

2000-02-29 Thread STL137

<< From a rather haphazard reading of my account info, it seems to me that my
 500Mmhz PIII is cranking out LL tests about twice as fast as my 300mhz PII.
 Is that expected?
 If so, what in a PIII gives it such an advantage over a PII? >>

This could be due to cache size, memory speed, etc.

Stephan "I can't believe it's not partially hydrogenated soybean oil!" Lavavej
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Mersenne: How the MPQS and NFS work

2000-02-29 Thread Pierre Abbat

The MPQS, the NFS, and several other factoring algorithms accumulate a list of
relations of the form x^2=a*b*c*d*e (mod n), where a-e are members of a set of
small primes and units called the factorbase. Then these relations are fed into
a matrix algebra step, which results in an equation of the form x^2=y^2(mod n),
x<>y, x+y<>n. Then x+y is divisible by one factor of n, and x-y by the other.

Here is an example: Factor 3977. The program below calculates numbers whose
squares mod 3977 are congruent to products of -1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, and
outputs the results in binary. The first few lines of the output are:

 1  0
   87 111001
   88  1
   89 100101
  168 111000
  209 100111
  309 100100
  373 100111
  414 111000
  446 100110

Ignoring the trivial relation of 414 and 168, (87*168)^2 and (373*446)^2 have
the same parity. So:

202=202, so this tells us nothing.

Try another: 375, 390, and 88.
This tells us something: 3731 and 2425. 41|3731, 97|2425, and the number is

( The method common to the number field sieve, the mpqs, and similar factoring methods 

3977 constant comp ( a composite number to be factored )

create factorbase comp 1- , 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 , 13 ,
7 constant factors

: fprod ( n - n )
  1 factors 0 do
over 1 i lshift and if
  factorbase i cells + @ * comp mod
  loop nip ;

: factor ( n - n | -1 )
( Returns >=0 if n is a product of some subset of factorbase. )
  -1 swap 1 factors lshift 0 do
i fprod over = if
  nip i swap leave
  loop drop ;

: .squares
  comp 1 do
i dup * comp mod factor 1+ ?dup if
  cr i 5 .r 1- base @ swap 2 base ! factors .r base !
  loop ;
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Mersenne: RE: information please

2000-02-29 Thread Eric Hahn

Perhaps somebody with a little more knowledge about these
matters can help this person...

Frank Dull ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
>i am new to this type of stuff and need some help.  can you please
>point me to some explicit information on the web dealing with the
>different factoring methods?  i hear about trial factoring and ecm
>and p1 and nfs and mpqs and others but am unable to find any
>good information about them.  how do you figure the information
>required for them like bounds and curves and polynomials and such?
>i need it as simple as possible since i can not understand half
>of what i have seen.

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